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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Pol. Maj. Gen. Suraphol Homcheunchom (Commander of Economic And Cyber-Crime Division), Pol. Maj. Gen. Phongdech Phrommitjit (Commander of Nakhornratchasima provincial police), Pol. Col. Chainarong Charoenchainao (Deputy Commander of Economic And Cyber-Crime Division), Pol. Col. Sathit Phromuthai (Superintendent), Pol. Lt. Col. Jakkrit Seriboot (Inspector), Pol. Lt. Col. Manas Chomchoey (Inspector of Nakhornratchasima province), Pol. Lt. Col. Thossaporn Pheanpru (Inspector) together with the officers from the Economic And Cyber-Crime

    What I want to know is the name of the genitor in that building, his name was omitted from the above list...

    I'm surprised they dont insist that these arrest photos have tags like on Facebook so you know exactly who is who especially when no-one is pointing....I mean anyone of them could be the guilty party.......well the one caught I mean wink.png

  2. "Hookahs are unpopular with Thai authorities because they are often smoked by students who are too young to buy cigarettes legally, and a number of hookah parlours in Phuket have been closed in recent years."

    The Arab restaurants in the sois behind Nana plaza are full of them (hookahs not hookers...well both but the topic on hand is hookahs) and are are openly displayed and used for all to see???

  3. Ok my experience of the subject...they are weevils. For many years I had a fishing tackle shop in Oz. In Oz we use berley when fishing for some species. Berley is a mixture of pollard (a waste product from wheat), fish oil, and water used to attract fish. Some may call it 'ground-bait' or 'chum'. Quite often the weevils would show up in the plastic bags, and be not to presentable to some customers (although the fish probably enjoyed them!) so I complained to the supplier. His explanation was that the weevil eggs were so small they were virtually undetectable and also passed through the sifting/screening process in the milling of wheat into flour. The eggs after a few weeks, particularly in warm weather, would hatch in the bags and feed on the pollard getting bigger. This of course seemed very true as I had never ever seen a sign of them when acquiring fresh stocks. The supplier basically stated there was nothing they could do about it especially with the low cost as only for bait...it was either pollard with weevils or no pollard. So from what I have heard they dont actually penetrate the plastic, they are there from the beginning but in egg form.

  4. My wife just shrugs and says 'Thailand different'...basically TIS!

    I worked with a guy who was a real believer in Buddhism and lived it too. He told us a couple of years ago he shaved his head, donned the saffron robes and became a monk for a few months in a wat up north. He claimed that when he left the abbot presented him with a big bag full of money being what he had received from the villagers during his time there. Whats this he asked, shouldn't it be for the poor people, the temple upkeep etc? No, they answered, its yours, you collected it!! He still has firm beliefs in Buddhism but has serious doubts about what goes on in the temples.

    I often tell the wife..

    "if we need money, I can just put on a saffron robe, shave my head and pass out empty envelopes to the poor people. They feel guilty if they don't stuff them with cash and return them."

    I agree that Thai Buddhism is way off the mark.

    The monks should be educating the people in the teachings of the Buddha.

    Instead, they collect money and promote social events.

    A good place to start: the education:

    It is not O.K. to kill every living thing you see!

    How does your wife respond to this?

  5. So reading this article, although not stated 100%, it appears no-one survived the attack, especially as they also sunk the towboat. There are no eyewitnesses except the bad guys. So where did all this detailed info come from? Arhom, who was in the cctv footage is still on the run, so not from him? Even if one of the other pirates spilled the beans how did they find him in the first place? Maybe the previous captain was suspected?? There is something missing here? What do you think?

    • Like 1
  6. Did my 90 day report on Monday and always with Mondays it was very busy. However I did notice the ladies where constantly retuning forms for the slightest errors such as 'room number/' and 'apartment or house?'. Never seen them so thorough before....seems like a crackdown.

    The clock for 90 days restarts when you enter the country again and you most likely get away with it...for now. However one day they may wish to scrutinize your passport and records more closley such as happened to me when I presented a new passport to have the stamps put in it. They went thru everything with a fine tooth comb, found a problem, which I still dont know what to this day, but it ended up involving everybody in the Pathum Thani office to check alongside there calenders. No fault of mine it turned out.

  7. The large school chain I worked for just used plywood with white melamine? coated on one side with a wooden frame around it. They just replaced them this year after 9 years. They would have been very cheap because everything they do is very cheap!! They refuse to pay for elastic bands for the kids hair and made the teachers pay for them to give you an idea of their expense a/cs !!blink.png

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  8. The Police were disinterested because there was no money in it for them.

    The father is 71 and looks old while the children are very young, perhaps that is what triggered the incident.

    The alleged kidnapper seems to be a do-gooder and tried to intervene to 'rescue' the children, thinking there was no way the couple were the real parents given their age. With Thailand's notorious reputation as a trafficking hub and destination for pedophiles it appears this woman was trying to act like a heroine, with disastrous consequences.

    Doubt it was a serious attempt to kidnap, just an unstable, opinionated woman intervening in a situation she had created of her own making.

    The father is 71 and looks old while the children are very young, perhaps that is what triggered the incident.

    For Crist's sake he was the grandfather passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi

    If he was indeed the grandfather why was he dressed in drag with a wig and sunglasses and why would he overcharge his own family for the taxi fare??wink.png

  9. A question re the Kor Ror 2 if I may. I am on my first 12 month extension based on marriage which expires in January 2014. If Ive read here correctly I need a copy of this Kor Ror 2 (not older than 6 months) to extend again. We were married at Laksi but will very soon be moving to Isaan which is where I will apply for the new extension. This year wont be a problem as I can pick up a new copy before we move there but my question is will I/we have to come to Laksi every year to get a fresh copy to extend my visa? Did I read somewhere you can download it from the internet? Or is this only required for the first extension? Many thanks in advance.

  10. Funny I hear sometimes about bad experiences with Immigration in Bangkok but I have been going there for 9 years for visa extensions (Non B and O)/ 90 day reports etc and never had a problem.

    Last time I thought I may have a problem because I lost my 90 day report receipt. However I apologized to the nice lady when informing her then told her I knew exactly what date it was because I retained it on my computer. She looked it up on her computer, found it and processed my new one on the spot even though there were 10 people waiting in front of me. Then with a big smile said please be more careful next time..have a good day!

    I think it all depends on peoples' attitudes how they in turn get treated.

    • Like 2
  11. Well here a great plan why not give these homeless people a job teaching English in exchange of a flight home or whatever as ASEAN 2015 is just around the corner win win situation if you ask me ...whistling.gifwai.gif

    Believe it or not, you actually need some training to teach English. Turning a semi-literate, drunken loser loose on a classroom full of children is not the answer, and it gives the rest of us a bad name.

    Not true!! There were quite a few at the school where I worked....some could barely spell their own names and said things like 'aint' and 'firty free'.....no wat i meen!

    • Like 2
  12. I use UKForex:

    It shows exchange rate in realtime online - It is guaranteed to be better rate than bank conversion rate - Process = login and see rate of conversion online - Commit to the order (buy Thai Baht) - transfer funds from your UK bank account to UKForex account - 24 hrs latter they send you converted money into your Thai account (so you you need a Thai bank account). The money arrives in your account 3/4 days - or less.

    The cost is £7 for funds £1k - £3k (£1k is min conversion) - For conversion greater than £3k fee = free.

    I use OzForex...sounds like the same deal as UKForex. Good service, 2-3 days never had a problem. Bit of a hassle setting it up as they sometimes want proof of address through verification letter posted to you, then you email them with verification number from letter. Letter was posted from India! (outsourcing and cheaper postage) and took two weeks to get here.

    Best to let funds accumulate b4 you transfer if possible, greater amount = better rate and no fees over A$5000. You would probably be better using UKForex if from UK but thought this info might be handy for any Aussies reading this.

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  13. 84 posts and no-one understands it yet?? I am disappointed. Think back to the moment when it all began....when you put that ring on the left hand ring finger. Put it on any other finger and you're fine. The explanation is that most women stay slim to attract a husband...once they have one then it is his responsibility to put food on the table....its a basic survival instinct. I see it all around me...filipinos, chinese, Indos, western women and my wife included.. All sexy slim till they slip on that ring.

    When I first came to Thailand 25 years ago it was rare to find a fat person. They filled themselves with cheap rice and a small portion of fish/meat and vegies. As there livelihood has improved they eat less rice and more fish/meat and vegies. Now obesity is an increasing problem in Thailand. During the war years you wouldnt find a Jap soldier that came higher than your shoulders...they ate lots of rice and a little fish. In the post war economic development more meat was eaten and now it is not unusual to find Japanese over 6 foot. In the same way a married womans status has become higher and thus she enjoys it by having more than she could previously eat.

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