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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Some of it is down to personal experience. Some people commented below the article that Vietnam and Cambodia are much better/safer.

    In my 5 years in Thailand I've never been robbed or felt threatened. I went to Vietnam 2 years ago for a holiday and got robbed after 2 days.

    Do I dislike Vietnam and think it's unsafe? No. It's just something that unfortunately happened to me.. Can't judge a whole country due to 1 bad incident .

    I've had similar experience. Never had a problem better in Bangkok. In Saigon we were warned constantly about crime in the city, and had only been there for a day when somebody attempted drive-by phone snatching on me.

    Bangkok certainly seems safe for such a big city. Back when I lived in London, pretty much everybody I knew had been a victim of at least one crime. Street robberies, burglaries and car theft, mostly. The only person I know here who's suffered a crime had their bad snatched from a moving Tuktuk.

    Likewise has been my experience. I was robbed in London when my van was broken into, my backpack was ransacked while I was asleep in Casablanca, someone came through my window in Chitwan, Nepal in the middle of the night and stole my camera, my wife and I had some very tense moments with two Cambodian pedicab drivers in Saigon when they demanded more than the previously agreed fare. Only time in 13 years in Thailand I have had problems was when I was attacked by a psycho farang because I asked him to keep his voice down as he was continually chatting during a work meeting. Oh and some small change taken from my pick-up's ashtray while in for service.

  2. Yes, you are unlucky or don't know how to write a simple address. I have sent parcels and wedding invitations to Canada and every single item arrived. On the other hand when I ship things via tracked mail from USA and Canada to UK, a lot of it goes missing.

    Going to jump in here with you. I don't have that good of an experience. But I used to send out lots and lots of post cards to the States and Canada 85% of them arrived OK. Being as they were post cards that was accseptable. Also a few packages to Canada. No problem with them. I always go to a big post office rather than the small ones.

    On the flip side in Canada there was one specific area where nothing ever arrived here in Thailand also one area in the states that nothing ever arrived from. All others were no problem. I tend to think a lot of time the fault might lay in the local post office that handles them.

    Or theft.

    I remember some years ago back home we had a large downpour, first for the winter season. The result was a suburban street being flooded, not just with water but with 100's of letters. Turns out a local posty liked to often knock off early and he did this by dumping the afternoon mail deliveries in a storm drain, thus blocking it. He was no thief, the letters were all unopened, he was just a lazy bastard!

  3. The OP may be correct in asserting that most Muslims are not terrorists but most Terrorists are Muslims !

    Perhaps the OP would list the many 1000,s of people (many of them Muslims ) who have been slaughtered in the name of Islam by Muslims

    Can the OP detail the number of killings directly attributable to Muslims that have occurred in Africa, Australia, Afghanistan,Bali, the ME., Pakistan, India, the UK, France, the USA, Thailand etc

    I am not a Muslim hater but the terrorists and their supporters/funders must be eliminated

    "...... most Terrorists are Muslims"

    I have heard this before and I cant for the life of me see the justification in such a claim. I am sure there are more acts of terror committed by Christians than Muslim and in turn more numbers of Muslims killed than Christians. And both in the present and the past. Ok lets go back and look at the word "terrorist". I believe the common meaning of this is a person, or persons, that commit acts in order to instill terror in the target population. If so wouldn't a bombing campaign titled "shock and awe" be seen as a war cry by terrorists carrying out an act of terrorism? That is just one example and there are many more examples throughout the world today where Christians (and others) are carrying out acts of terrorism against Muslims and at the end of the day there are more Muslims slaughtered than Christian.

    Back to topic, I know, and have known a few Muslims here in Thailand. My previous landlord and wife were Muslim as were a couple of neighbours. My ex boss was Muslim and I also had four or five Muslm workmates. Oh and a taxi driver who took me home from work two or three times a week was a Muslim, one of the nicest, kindest guys I have ever met.

    Good to learn that you believe that 9/11, the London underground bombing ,the beheading of a British solder,again in London, the Paris mass murders and many more atrocities committed by Muslim Terrorists should not be avenged.

    The real truth is that the bombs dropped on these "people" were not big enough.

    "......atrocities committed by Muslim Terrorists should not be avenged."

    Mmmmm, I thought I was arguing that the statement, "all terrorists are Muslim", is in my opinion incorrect??

    But ok, if you want to change the subject, I think the atrocities committed by Muslim terrorists are revenge for atrocities committed against them. The difference is like a boy being accused of atrocities because he threw sand in the eyes of the 4 schoolyard bullies who were about to attack him with baseball bats. Apparently an impoverished country is supposed to just lie down and take it if bullied by a superpower??

    Your last sentence........its beyond belief.

  4. The OP may be correct in asserting that most Muslims are not terrorists but most Terrorists are Muslims !

    Perhaps the OP would list the many 1000,s of people (many of them Muslims ) who have been slaughtered in the name of Islam by Muslims

    Can the OP detail the number of killings directly attributable to Muslims that have occurred in Africa, Australia, Afghanistan,Bali, the ME., Pakistan, India, the UK, France, the USA, Thailand etc

    I am not a Muslim hater but the terrorists and their supporters/funders must be eliminated

    "...... most Terrorists are Muslims"

    I have heard this before and I cant for the life of me see the justification in such a claim. I am sure there are more acts of terror committed by Christians than Muslim and in turn more numbers of Muslims killed than Christians. And both in the present and the past. Ok lets go back and look at the word "terrorist". I believe the common meaning of this is a person, or persons, that commit acts in order to instill terror in the target population. If so wouldn't a bombing campaign titled "shock and awe" be seen as a war cry by terrorists carrying out an act of terrorism? That is just one example and there are many more examples throughout the world today where Christians (and others) are carrying out acts of terrorism against Muslims and at the end of the day there are more Muslims slaughtered than Christian.

    Back to topic, I know, and have known a few Muslims here in Thailand. My previous landlord and wife were Muslim as were a couple of neighbours. My ex boss was Muslim and I also had four or five Muslm workmates. Oh and a taxi driver who took me home from work two or three times a week was a Muslim, one of the nicest, kindest guys I have ever met.

  5. never had a problem sending nothing to the uk

    was in australia a few years ago staying with my sister. sent a parcel to the uk, or so i thought, 3 days later the parcel was delivered to my sisters home - australia post had delivered it to the sent address on the back... blink.png

    Same happened to my mate in Bangkok, the parcel he sent to me was back in his letter box next day. He went back to the post office and they told him he should have put the addressee on the top left of front of item, not on the back. I often send stuff from here (isaan) in those post office supplied padded bags but the addressee box is on the back?? Work that one out.....yeah I know....The land of contradictions!

  6. South east Asia is a miserable placebthey only act happy and family.

    How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work?

    Anyone who beleived thaialnd is the land of smiles is naive.

    They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck.

    In the months and years ahead of you, the coin will drop at some point.

    I don't understand Chang mai


  7. South east Asia is a miserable placebthey only act happy and family.

    How happy would you be working for near 5 to ten USD a day forfor over 12 hours work?

    Anyone who beleived thaialnd is the land of smiles is naive.

    They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck.

    "They have political problems , crime aids, prostitution , drugs , slave labour and all other nasty trick up there sleave just to make a buck"

    .Sounds like the USA and many other places, in fact I am finding it difficult to think of any country that doesnt.......oh maybe Bhutan wink.png

  8. Are you writing 'UK' on the address? Somebody once told me that UK is the code for the Ukraine. I'm not sure how true this is but that might be where your mail is going. I normally write United Kingdom in full on any mail I send.

    Thats interesting, as my Posts Office didnt know what the "United Kingdom" was and asked for UK, but ideally Great Britain as thats what they use in their system.

    If you look on the Thai Post website, in their list of countries its "Great Britain".

    Shouldnt matter, the post code is the important bit of info.

    It matters, as many post codes are used severel times worldwide. For UK it's usually GB, UA for the Ukraine (never UK). I never missed anything, neither letters nor parcels, from an to Thailand (within the last 30 years).

    Well bugger me, I just looked it up and you are correct, I always thought each country, state, district etc had a unique number. I knew sooner or later I would be wrong about something and the time has finally arrived tongue.png

  9. I have lived here for 136 years, had stuff posted to and from Bangkok, Hong Kong, US, UK, Australia, the moon etc etc but never ever had a problem...but I always insist on signed delivery.....its peanuts extra to pay. A friend who sends me stuff sometimes from Bangkok has had a couple of small parcels vanish but only when the old git forgets to ask for signed delivery.

    136 years - blimey, how was the mail delivered when you first arrived - stage coach?


    Water buffalo, didnt have wheels then. tongue.png

  10. I have lived here for 136 years, had stuff posted to and from Bangkok, Hong Kong, US, UK, Australia, the moon etc etc but never ever had a problem...but I always insist on signed delivery.....its peanuts extra to pay. A friend who sends me stuff sometimes from Bangkok has had a couple of small parcels vanish but only when the old git forgets to ask for signed delivery.

  11. Are you writing 'UK' on the address? Somebody once told me that UK is the code for the Ukraine. I'm not sure how true this is but that might be where your mail is going. I normally write United Kingdom in full on any mail I send.

    Thats interesting, as my Posts Office didnt know what the "United Kingdom" was and asked for UK, but ideally Great Britain as thats what they use in their system.

    If you look on the Thai Post website, in their list of countries its "Great Britain".

    Shouldnt matter, the post code is the important bit of info.

  12. Using smartphones is like smoking cigars. There are times and places to use those items, but it's not the dinner tables.

    I'd recommend, if that happens again, you'll light up a cigar, right there at the dinner table. When the others will wonder what you are doing, redirect the same question to them and ask what they are doing.

    Youd probably have to send them a FB message wink.png

  13. I got married at the Lak Si District office a few years ago and no witnesses were required....


    she informed us that we need to put some cash in an envelope for the two witnesses.

    This doesn't really make any sense.

    They told you don't need witness and then suggest you pay 400 THB for witnesses.

    Most people donated around 40 B.

    Regarding the nationality, it would be hard to believe Thai civil law would differentiate the credibility of witnesses on the bases of nationality. This random blog entry, suggests non Thai people acted as witness in Bang Rak:


    Yes, I should clarify. What I meant to write was that we didnt need to provide witnesses.

    40 baht eh....looks like I was ripped off....no big deal though, less than a packet of smokes back home .

    Nationality? My experience was that at that time we lived in Minburi so went to the Minburi Amphur to enquire about requirements. They were the ones that told us we need two witnesses who had known us both for at least 12 months. When I asked could I bring two farang friends I was told they must be Thai, they must bring their Thai ID cards and their blue books. When we left by taxi it was the driver who suggested Lak Si or Bang Rak because he explained there you dont need to provide your own witnesses. I just put it down to different offices different requirements, same as it is with different Immigration offices.

    I might also point out this was 'a few years ago' and before the current government, during whose term there have been a lot of changes re 'money in envelopes' and as a previous poster pointed out it is now for charity whereas in my time it was a witness fee. Hope that clarifies.

    OK so I went to Bang Rak. My wife called her friend who got married recently and brought 2 expat employees from her company who happily witnessed the signing of the papers. We therefore brought one family member from my wife's side and a farang family friend visiting Thailand. He had to bring along his original passport, along with photocopies made of the Thai visa page, entry stamp and front passport page. For the Thai family member, his original ID card and a signed copy.

    Maybe other amphoes require Thai witnesses but fortunately not Bang Rak.

    Thanks for sharing your story.

    Hey thats great tomtomtom69, glad all went well for you and the little woman.

    If I can make a suggestion from personal experience, try to get her to wear the wedding ring on any finger bar the wedding finger. Something about gold rings on Thai girls' wedding finger, they seem to instantly put on at least 10 kilos wink.png



  14. (It's not very scientific, but hopefully it will let you know that it's not too specific to still get great results.)

    I use a small glass which is perhaps about 100mls, i use 1 glass of EM, then 2 glasses of molasses, then top it up with water from my pond leaving about and inch from the top for air before tightly closing it. (I know you already know not to use tap water as the bleach will kill it but just a reminder) I use a 3 lt bottle of cola, (I even used a 2 lt bottle once with the same amount of 'em' and 'mol' in it). I leave it somewhere dark and warm and check it once or twice a day. If I can't squeeze the sides of the bottle without any movement then I 'burp' it and close the lid tight again. After about a week or when I have lots of white floaty things in there I start to use it. I normally mix it differently depending on if it's for the leaves or the roots. A little bit stronger around the roots probably about 1 part 'new' EM mixture to 50-100 water (again from the pond or stored rain water or well water), and pretty weak for the leaves, probably mix about 1 part to 150-200water to be used as a fine spray.

    I also keep a little production line of the finished EM so I never really run out, mixing up big batches isn't very practical for me even though I have 8 rai.

    I got one of those hand pump sprayers from one of those stores, you just wear it like a bag on your back and pressure it up by pumping it. If you are doing a really large space I have seen a device you put on the end of your hose that gives a good mix, but haven't seen it over here yet.

    Even if you just mix water and molasses and spray that you will get good results if you have bacteria there already. Just try to treat the good bacteria like your little pets and keep them alive and growing biggrin.png

    Hope that helps smile.png

    Also, if you eat rice, try to keep the rice water in a bottle next to your EM and after a week you should have a nice little blend of your own bacteria in there smile.png

    ...Oh another thing, I said about the tap water, but so many people forget about the sun, if you leave your bottles out in the sun you will kill everything.

    Thanks chenposeb, a very informative reply. I will give it a go.

  15. I saw where a Thai man just took his two children out to the lot and cleaned up as a way of teaching his children how to improve the environment. At least there are a few Thais that do care!

    Yes the example must come from the parents first. Teachers can also help but in my experience, from when I was teaching, its difficult if the parents are not like minded. The goverment also needs to play a major role especially considering how much they value tourism. Coming from Oz, as children we were always bombarded with TV campaigns such as "Keep Australia Beautiful", "Put it in a Bin", "Drop something Sport?" etc etc and I believe it worked. Most Australians (not all) love their country and abhor littering. But I have found talking to Thais they dont seem to see the connection....they say they love their country but will trash it. When I first came here, and it was obvious to Thais, they would always say "Thailand very beautiful, yes" and I would sometimes reply "Yes but all the rubbish?" and the reply would always be "Mai pen Rai" (never mind) which I feel is an attitude more damaging to the Thais and their country than it is constructive. The government could also help a lot more by providing more rubbish bins in public areas. In our village a market is held every week on the Tessabarn playing field and the next morning the whole area is littered with rubbish but not a bin in sight. Up to twenty council workers will be sent out each week to clean up the rubbish that hasnt by then been scattered throughout the village by the wind. Ok it provides employment I guess, but wouldnt it be better to provide bins, two guys and a truck to collect them, and send the other 18 guys out to do something constructive around the village? The monks also need to get involved, even just by setting an example. I visited a newly opened temple and giant Buddha statue the other week and noticed all the villagers admiring the new works, taking photos etc, while right behind them was a huge trench full of plastic bottles, bags and containers...a disgusting sight. The monks were using all their rubbish as a kind of landfill creating a 7 meter by 1 1/2 meter deep seam of pure plastic under the land surface beside their access road. They are all crying for money for the new temple and yet actually burying money because most of the trash was recyclable!!

  16. Doubt the average Thai has much to look forward to. Don't know many happy Thais personally. Most are struggling. Those who lean towards violence would be more easily provoked in bad times.

    The only Thais I know well, other than the beloved, are the inlaws, and they rarely smile, other than the socially required one.

    I live in a small city that rarely sees a farang and has never been a farang tourist destination, and they don't smile much, so nothing to do with the evil farang tourist.

    Even if the smiles are fake in tourist areas I'd rather that than no smiles at all.

    It is true though, that over 20 years ago The Thai smile was real- it just got lost along the way.

    It sounds to me like you found an unpleasant village. There are still alot here that have pleasant people, who are enjoying their lives and smile alot. I see it all the time. I would leave a village as somber as the one you live in, and find another. Wife's family or not. Life is too short to live in a place you are not loving. And it sounds like you will not be missing much, by being farther away from her somber family.

    Yes I agree wholeheartedy. The small village I live in is full of happy people. It actually surprises me because most work very hard and struggle to get by but seem very contented with their lot in life. If I cross paths with people I have met before, I am always met with, what seems to me, a geuine smile....sometimes shyly but always genuine looking. If they are strangers I may not immediately be met with that smile, but if I smile first they will surely smile back, almost with relief. My wife says I always have a 'serious' look on my face and she is correct. I think Thais dont know quite how to handle it, especially coming from a farang. Now I always smile at people I meet in the street and I get it returned very warmly.

    I have also heard many times that farang are considered "jai rawn" (hot hearted/headed) and I believe it comes from the fact that we dont practise the "mai pen rai" (never mind) attitude like they do. We will stand up for our rights if we feel we are not getting the service we expect, we consider we are being ripped off. I sense this makes them nervous of farang. I have had Thais refuse jobs I have offered, telling my wife that farang are too serious. Maybe we are the real problem??

  17. Crap, in all the years I have lived here the only problems I have ever had involved farang. Sure not everywhere is safe just as not everywhere in Australia is not safe. Read the papers, check the net. Thailand is not the only country with "baddies".

    A mighty big statement that most, not all Thais are racist, religious zealots. I haven't even met MOST Thais so you must certainly get around. I think it's time for you to give Thailand a break and go back the little safe haven that you call home.

    Ta Tah

    No matter if you like it or not, sadly, Thailand is not a safe place in general, if you can walk down a street in a popular tourist area with out getting robbed or killed, as in the case of the Australian lady who was stabbed in the heart for her handbag, just to mention one of hundreds of similar cases, then its not a safe place, for tourists.

    When I lived in Thailand, I witnessed a young girl and her friends get gunned down, because the girl refused to have per-arranged marriage, my neighbor was stabbed in the neck by a bar girl because he wouldn't buy her a drink.

    The only people smiling, where the perps.

    In my experience most Thais a racist, religious zealots who are only interested in your money, not all but most.

    Its not a safe place to visit and no one will ever guarantee your safety when in Thailand, the only thing that is nice in Thailand is the weather and the natural scenery

    I concur waighty, spot on!

  18. I came to Thailand the first time 26 years ago, made many 1 month to three month trips here during the following 13 years. Been he permanently for the last 13 years (10 years working in Bangkok and now 3 years in the country) and I have never had any angry moments with Thais. I have, however, had several nasty altercations instigated by psycho farang. Just stating my experience.

  19. I got married at the Lak Si District office a few years ago and no witnesses were required....


    she informed us that we need to put some cash in an envelope for the two witnesses.

    This doesn't really make any sense.

    They told you don't need witness and then suggest you pay 400 THB for witnesses.

    Most people donated around 40 B.

    Regarding the nationality, it would be hard to believe Thai civil law would differentiate the credibility of witnesses on the bases of nationality. This random blog entry, suggests non Thai people acted as witness in Bang Rak:


    Yes, I should clarify. What I meant to write was that we didnt need to provide witnesses.

    40 baht eh....looks like I was ripped off....no big deal though, less than a packet of smokes back home .

    Nationality? My experience was that at that time we lived in Minburi so went to the Minburi Amphur to enquire about requirements. They were the ones that told us we need two witnesses who had known us both for at least 12 months. When I asked could I bring two farang friends I was told they must be Thai, they must bring their Thai ID cards and their blue books. When we left by taxi it was the driver who suggested Lak Si or Bang Rak because he explained there you dont need to provide your own witnesses. I just put it down to different offices different requirements, same as it is with different Immigration offices.

    I might also point out this was 'a few years ago' and before the current government, during whose term there have been a lot of changes re 'money in envelopes' and as a previous poster pointed out it is now for charity whereas in my time it was a witness fee. Hope that clarifies.

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