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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. If it smells like a terrorist, acts like a terrorist, looks like a terrorist, torture it as a terrorist. You can always say your sorry later. If one life was saved by doing this I am all for it. Screw the Democratic liberals.

    Apparently not even one life was saved. But at least one prisoner was tortured to death.


    "Regular beatings, slamming detainees against walls, soaking them in cold water, ice baths, extended periods of sleep deprivation – lasting for one month in one case – confining them to small spaces and even threatening them repeatedly with death while in custody, were among the methods used to try to make detainees talk. At least three detainees were told their families would be killed if they didn’t co-operate."
    ...more disturbing account in the link. The hypocrisy of the home of the brave and land of the free is astounding.

    Makes you wonder who the terrorists really are.

    "Makes you wonder who the terrorists really are." ??? The report clearly shows who the real terrorists are.......the good ol USA 'protecting' the world again (and making a few bucks on the side for a mere few).

  2. < Deleted>

    Haha, nanny state, I feel sorry for those who live in australia, it seems that after everything I've read about the country that they have almost no personal freedom there, authorities own you there.

    Or to put it another way, you've never read anything about Australia.

    This morning i left from the Marina and headed about 7 nautical miles to sea North East of Palm Beach- we spotted a Pod of Dolphins , just before sunrise .

    Headed back through Pittwater…… the water sparkled and i took this Photo at about 1030am.

    Went for a swim at Whale beach , and ate lunch and went home for an afternoon sleep with my wife.

    As usual on my day off i picked up daughter from school and we later watched a big storm roll in from the west.

    Australia is a very beautiful large country.

    Its incredible to be so free and blessed as all Australians know.

    The Government here do make you wear helmets , you do need a boat license, and maybe there isn't those freedoms.

    But it is a good country , and thats not hype

    Nice one Fred Flinstone, you have just given too much away there, next thing you know it will be contaminated by some of these TV whingers, the whinging poms were bad enough.

    • Like 1
  3. Well I am surprised about all the negativity directed here towards Prayut, I for one think the man is doing an excellent job and has a very difficult task ahead of him. A job that should have been done by a multitude of leaders before him. Most of the problems in this country are either due to the lack of action by previous leaders or that they were too active in stuffing theirs and their cronies pockets. Still what else but negativity could you expect from most on this site.

  4. They all live next door......I'm currently having 2 meter plus walls built all around....builders laughed when I said I wanted broken glass cemented on the tops of the walls.

    Actually they are not so bad, makes my wife happy they are close and they basically leave me alone apart from the need to borrow a grand or two now and again but always pay me back.

  5. I had the same problem many years ago. Good sperm count but 75% dead or deformed. Went to many specialists and had many varied treatments....no success. Years later was recommended to a specialist whose first request was for me to drop my trousers. Realised then that he was the first to actually have a look at me physically....odd I thought, is he unsure that I actually have a shooter? "You are carrying too much fluid in your scrotum". The short story is many men suffer physical strain in different ways. One is a hernia, but another, according to him 1 in ten men suffer from it, is the strain causes the blood vessels in your ball bag to get bigger and therefore more blood. More blood = more heat = sperm killed or deformed. Also more weight so more strain and so on. Had a very simple operation called a "varicoseal" not sure on that spelling but its basically related to varicose (but they dont go black and blue kind in old ladies legs haha) It entails them cutting and tying off a vein in your "mound of venus). Your balls will swell like a cricket ball, you will have three balls for a while but after a few weeks the blood in the expanded vein (like an elastic band around your thumb) will go down and you are back in action. I no sooner recovered from the op and my wife fell pregnant.

    Looking back I recall that my balls never rode up in the cold weather, they never got cold. You may also notice some discomfort down there, I ended up not wearing jocks for a while. My suggestion to you is that if they havent checked them out yet, get a doctor to physically check you out

    • Like 1
  6. Seeing people toss their trash on the ground and in the canals is heartbreaking.

    It's just what low-educated and low class folks do.... there are lots of Thais with the sense not throw trash everywhere, but unfortunately they aren't the majority...

    Trashy low class folks in Japan chuck trash everywhere too. I have seen that decline in the last 20 years, but it's still a problem.

    Lots of trashy folks in the U.S. just chuck their trash into the wind or out their cars as they drive down the road. Again, awareness of this being a bad thing has started to grow.... the world is waking up to this. It's not a Thai thing, it's an awareness thing.

    I disagree re the low class or low educated folks being the main offenders. Some of the worse offenders I have seen was when I taught at one of a chain of private bilngual schools on the outskirts of Bangkok. These students and parents are the so called hi-so. On many occasions I was astounded to witness these hi-so parents spoon feed their kids in the back of their flash new cars and then finish up by sweeping/throwing all the left over garbage, even used plastic nappies, out of the cars into the car park in full view of passing students, parents and teachers without any shame.

    However, I was surprised the other day, while parked on a busy road in Udon, to see a baker's van (Farm Fresh?) swerve to the side of the road and park next to a bin whereupon the passenger side window opened and a couple of bags of rubbish were tossed in the bin before taking off again. I think things are changing. My wife was a guilty culprit when I first met her, even though she loves nature, but now she actually speaks up before me and teaches the kids in the extended family to put things in the bin and to not burn plastic.

  7. I wanted white ceilings in my new house with the walls a light grey (Dulux Twilight). After I saw the unbelievable mess the builders were making trying to cut-in I drove 1 1/2 hours to Udon to buy more grey so they could paint it all same colour. The result was still very good but would have preferred a flat finish for the ceiling. Semi gloss showed up all the joints and imperfections in the ceiling (they weren't very good at plastering either facepalm.gif ) whereas flat does the opposite.

  8. I had the same problem in a Bangkok rental a few years ago. Bought a top loader thinking it had a pump like back home but it didnt. The outlet was incorporated in the side of a cupboard 30cm above floor and being a rental we couldn't modify it. Good hearted neighbour came up with a solution by welding up a steel stand 30cm high to stand the washing machine on. Worked just fine except the wife had to stand on one of those little plastic stools to unload it.

  9. Go and see the headmaster with the photos and tell him/her that if it ever happens again the police will be called.

    If it happens again,you got kids,i doubt it.

    You dont read so good eh?

  10. Difficult to imagine this was done in full view of the other students, but that's exactly how we were caned back in the 70s in Oz. We even had one psycho who used to get a run up - cricket style - from outside the classroom. Hurt like hell in Winter - lots of hands being rubbed feverishly the morning after a maths test and our French teacher didnt even restrict himself to caning people at the start of class - his specialty was rapping you on the knuckles with a piece of wood the mad bastard carried expressly for that purpose. Sadistic mofos, but any new teacher who didnt accept that 'discipline' was part of the curriculum was clearly seen as a lesser being. Interesting times.

    Apologies to any Monty Python fans out there, but tell that to young kids today and they wont believe you.

    Geez Mrworldwide, we must have gone to the same school, W.A.? . I was provided with exactly the same kind of "education" but back in the 60's. Christian Brothers college but their lay teachers were just as bad.

    Hey, the teacher with the run-up bowling style, was he a "Mr Walsh" by any chance? Mr Walsh had the same style, but specialised in writing a cross on your butt with chalk and then belting the cross until it wore off completely!

    Action needs to be taken over this crime. Bring the press in big time!

  11. My advice is go to the police and invite the local press along too, that should get things moving.

    Making a kid shit scared of getting it wrong again is not going to improve his maths, it will just make them withdrawn and want to skip school.

    Waiting for the teacher at the school gates is just sinking to his level.

    Very true Basil. There is that TV show in the morning, channel 3 I think, wife tells me he is an ex lawyer?, he always shows a lot of injustices like this, and he really gets the attention of the right people . Something needs to be done to try to prevent this from happening in the future to many others too.

    Good luck.

  12. I agree, I have used google map with highlighting, arrows etc.

    Letter from bank and bank book must be within 24 hours. I had to do again one time because letter dated and bank book updated on Friday arvo but applied on Monday morning. Same day is best. They have also sent me off to deposit 100 baht in the a/c to be sure.

    We also had to have a (1) witness, and letter from the village head along with copies of his ID and blue book.

    Of course this all my differ from officer to officer, office to office,

    They may also want to make a house visit and request tea or fuel money.

    Best to be prepared for anything.

    Good luck.

  13. My experience some amphurs (eg Minburi) wont do it as dont know how to handle farang, will just give you the run around. Went to Lak Si, no witnesses, no probs, boss lady just wants money in envelope, we gave 300 baht.

    Actually funny thing happened to us there. Farang in line before us and head lady there got into arguement as he tried to bribe her into providing paperwork to take wife's children from previous marriage out of country. Farang got angry, mainly with wife coz she said a bribe would suffice and it didnt turn out that way. Head lady (a real stuck up bitch) gave him all his paperwork back but in the confusion gave our application and envelope as well (she was very disorganised with paperwork scattered all over her desk.) and farang and wife stormed out still arguing. We were called up next the sh..t hit the fan as they couldnt find our documents. They couldnt deny receiving it because it has to be checked by lady on front counter first and she passes it on to boss. This counter lady is the one who informs you that a "donation" to the boss is required. Anyhow boss lady now turns the story around to save face and says that the farang grabbed all the paperwork, it wasnt her fault and basically says all farang are trouble. She is really pissed off now as all the documents have to be done again and she has lost her envelope.

    After an hour all is well and we are married and out the door. Five minutes later we get a phone call from a taxi driver who informs my wife that he has our paperwork and an envelope of money left in the back of his taxi. Thought it looked important, found wife's phone number in it and wanted us to know he had left it at front counter of Foreign Affairs Chaeng Wattana where he had just dropped the irrate farang and and his wife! We got all our documents and money back and he refused to accept a reward,

    So karma and good honest taxi drivers in Bangkok do exist!

  14. What I never understand is why you have to ask for a price. Wouldn't a clearly written sign on the produce make everybody's life so much easier. Since the invasion here of 7-11s my Thai friends will never use a old fashioned mom-pop store where they have to ask and negotiate and more often still end up paying more than at 7-11.

    Failure to price goods is an indication that price will vary between customers. I avoid all places like that.

    Agreed Keesters, If I walk into a shop and the goods dont have prices on them, I walk straight back out again and go to the next one that does.

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