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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Dogs have very short memories. No good punishing a dog after the event as he doesnt understand what he has done wrong even if you rub his/her nose in it. You need to catch them offending. Trouble is some dogs are smarter than their owners and just learn to not get caught. I had a beautiful doberman for 9 years. Ran her 12 kms every day behind my ute (pick-up) from the time she was 4 months old. After that we would spend quality time at the beach swimming and playing ball. The dog was fulfilled and happy and thus never caused me a moments worry in 9 years....except for once.

    My daughter had a pet guinea pig. Every Saturday we would let the guinea pig out to wander freely on the back lawn while its cage was cleaned, hosed out and left to dry. One Saturday while waiting for the cage to dry I went to do the dishes keeping a close eye on the G. Pig and my dog through the kitchen window. My dog had never, ever, shown any interest in the G.Pig before so I never dreamed there would be a problem. As I set about the dishes I would look up every few minutes to check the g. pig had not scampered off...no probs. Dog lazing in the sun on the left side of the yard and GP munching the grass on the right. Every time I looked up they were in the same position. Trouble is 10 minutes later when I went back outside, while both animals seemed like they hadnt moved an inch, the GP was stretched out, unmarked but dead, looking twice its length and covered in slime?? That bloody dog, unbeknownst to me, had been watching me and one time I put my head down must have raced over, swallowed the GP whole so quickly it regurgitated it before racing back to its original position!!

    Trouble is a guilty dog cannot comfortably look you in the eye and I knew immediately what had happened. Needless to say the GP had apparently 'died of old age' and was replaced for my daughter that afternoon!

    Good luck with whatever you do. I have heard of successes with tieing the dead chicken to the dog, and a farmer friend had success with tieing a dead sheep to a dog. But you usually have to let it rot off the dogs back so it never forgets the association. The dog and chicken in the bag I have known to work too. A friend had a dog who used to raid the rubbish bin at night so put the dog in the bin with the rubbish and bashed hell out of the steel bin with a lump of wood for 1/2 an hour and the dog never offended again...wouldnt go anywhere near a bin. The secret is making the association but with some dogs nothing works. Good luck.

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  2. Hi everyone. I am looking for a reliable builder to build a small house for me in Nong Saeng in Kalasin Province. Nong Saeng is near Thakhantho and roughly equi-distant from Khon Kaen, Udon Thani and Sakhon Nakhon. Hoping there is somebody out there who has had a good experience with a builder they can recommend and provide phone number etc. or make any suggestions. The build will not start until September/Oct this year.

    Any input would be much appreciated

  3. Our soil stack vents are through the outside wall just below the eaves rather than through the roof, easy as the loo is on the outside wall. Septic has its own vent.

    Thanks Crossy. So your stack is concealed inside the wall? What size pipe and I'm imagining a 90 degree elbow at the top with an exit hole in the wall under the eaves? Any cover/mesh over the hole?

  4. I am drawing up plans for a small single story house I want built in Isaan later this year and am at the plumbing stage. For waste water the plan includes 1 bathroom (toilet, sink and floor drain for shower), one kitchen (sink) and laundry (washing machine, sink, and floor drain). The kitchen and laundry are on one side of house and the waste will go to the garden connected together (after a grease trap for the kitchen sink). The bathroom grey water (other side of house) will also go to the garden on a seperate line. The brown/black water from the toilet will go to a septic tank and then to an undecided sub terranian setup.

    I have been reading up on venting and understand the concept (I think) but have been studying those free Thai government plans and notice the plans only show a 1 inch venting pipe coming from the septic tank, nowhere else? When I look around my rented house here in the city I see no pipes above the roof like I would commonly see in my home country where there always seem to be a few plus those things that look like a short vertical 8 inch pipe with connections for multiple grey water sources and a grate at ground level obviously for venting.

    My question is where do the locals run their vent lines if none are visible on the roof? Why are there none on these plans except for the septic tank?

  5. Same thing happened to me, also while I was teaching at home. Thought the rotten spoilt brat had poked a pencil in it first but no. Now I understand.

    Funniest? story I have heard here about fans was when a mate was in Cambodia and he noticed some guys catching fish at the edge of a lake. On closer inspection he discovered they were throwing scraps in the water to attract them and then throwing an electric fan (live) into the water to electricute them. After a few moments they would unplug the fan and retrieve the fish before starting again. They must've had fencing wire in the fuse box to handle that!

  6. This is my experience with finishing work as a teacher on a work permit and extension of stay and I hope the information is beneficial to others.

    I had a work permit and extension of stay that expired end of last month. I had read on this forum that although I finished work the same day they would expire I still needed the school to cancell them with Immigration and the Dept of Labour. The school advised me that cancellation was not necessary, all I need do is leave the country within 24 hours of expiry date ie the following day. I argued the fact resulting in the lady responsible at school telling me she would ring immigration as well as one of their other schools that were more in touch with such requirements. She informed me (and I believe her as no problems before) that her enquiries to an immigration officer and the other school resulted in me being given copies of the letters addressed to Immigration and Dept of Labour advising of me ending work on same day as expiry and requesting cancellation. So I set off to cross the border at Nong Khai the day after the expiry date as advised.

    At the border I discovered the first error, I was refused exit as I should have stamps in my passport showing cancellation of extension of stay. Second error was that I was then advised I had a one day overstay as I should have left the same day as expiry (also finish work date) not within 24 hours after. The immigration officer informed me that it could be corrected at the main Immigration office in Nong Khai but as it was a Sunday the office would not be open till Monday...so another day overstay. Trusting in the schools advice I had also already pre-booked a hotel in Vientaine for that night so another 1000 baht lost as well as my bus to Vientaine which had been paid via Nok Air's Fly&Ride (300 baht).

    So I thought lets make the most of a bad scene and booked into a nice clean comfortable hotel near the main Imm. Office with spa pool, free internet in the room etc etc. My comfort was shattered at 1.00 am by swarms of bed bugs trying to drag me away!! After complaining (nicely) about my predicament I was given another room where I spent a sleepless night imagining being bitten again not to mention my fear of the hitch-hikers stowing away in my bags to show up again at home in Bangkok! The next morning I checked out without recieving any apologies at all but rather a 30 baht bill for a drink from the fridge in the first room!

    Getting the cancellation from the main Imm Office was quick and painless, I only had to show the school letter and they stamped my passport. They were not interested in the letter to the Dept of Labour and gave it straight back. At 8.30am I arrived at the Thai-Lao bridge and thought I was lucky because I at least didnt have to join the huge queue waiting for exit stamps - I could just walk straight through to the overstay office, pay the fine and be gone before most in the queue....I thought. Once I walked past and turned the corner I realised how wrong I was....there were 45 to 50 people waiting to pay overstay, some saying they had been there 1 1/2 hours and I ended up being there for nearly two hours. It appears that if you have overstay and particularly on a Monday, it is best not to arrive early as there were only a couple of people waiting after 10.30 when I was finished. The remainder of my run went smoothly and no, I didnt end up taking any hitch-hikers back home.

  7. just 15 minutes ago on Thai PBS English news, they reported that some parts of the sandbag dyke been damaged, and to be repaired.

    it is worrying and is very annoying :-(

    Can anyone report the outcome of the protest at the intersection of Nimitmai rd and Hat Thai Mit road? Andy Farang gave a nice report re the sluice gates further down the road but I am interested in knowing whether or not the protesters got their way re having the sandbags removed from the middle of Nimitmai road. Someone else mentioned that Nimitmai road is now closed but I dont know if its because of the sandbag protest or because of the floods?

    Thanks for the info ETatBKK. Yes it is, but I guess there is always two sides to the story depending on which side of the sandbags you are. And it's surprising too ...on my trip well up Nimitmai road this afternoon I was amazed at how many people were relaxing and fishing off the side of the road into the flooded paddies as though this was all normal!!

    Yes it depends on wich side you are i am flooded now and all those dikes slowing it are not a good thing from my point of view. But from the point of view of those they protect they are.

    I am inclined to think it may be better to not try to control the water, just let it flow freely where possible and maybe some would not be so badly off.

  8. just 15 minutes ago on Thai PBS English news, they reported that some parts of the sandbag dyke been damaged, and to be repaired.

    it is worrying and is very annoying :-(

    Can anyone report the outcome of the protest at the intersection of Nimitmai rd and Hat Thai Mit road? Andy Farang gave a nice report re the sluice gates further down the road but I am interested in knowing whether or not the protesters got their way re having the sandbags removed from the middle of Nimitmai road. Someone else mentioned that Nimitmai road is now closed but I dont know if its because of the sandbag protest or because of the floods?

    Thanks for the info ETatBKK. Yes it is, but I guess there is always two sides to the story depending on which side of the sandbags you are. And it's surprising too ...on my trip well up Nimitmai road this afternoon I was amazed at how many people were relaxing and fishing off the side of the road into the flooded paddies as though this was all normal!!

  9. Nimitmai Road

    Large crowd has gathered at corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit road protesting the BMA's ? placement of sandbags all along centre island of Nimitmai road down to Suwintawong junction. Water slowly rising from drains at the corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit roads. Eyewitness and security from our moobarn advise approx 1000 people gathered. My wife informs me the TV states only approx 400 people but fails to advise why they are there. Maybe fishing or a boat auction??

    I just left there.

    Locals had blockaded both Nimitmai & Hat Thai Mid with gravel and trucks. Maybe around 70 police, with a few big meat wagons. And a red shirt guy turned up late PM to negotiate with the lock keeper. Gates had been open at about 60cm, they tried to get 80cm, but finally agreed on 75cm. The gates would probably closed down again after the crowd dispersed, which it had done by 6pm (alot of mozzies in this area, so no surprise there!)

    People were complaining that the canals further down (and land also) was still 'dry', so the gates should be opened more at Hat Thai Mit to let the water flow down to Minburi, and into Saen Saep (?).

    In addition, anyone wishing to travel up Nimitmai to Lam Luk Ka, road is now flooded down to Soi 53, 1km south of where it was at yesterday, so waters are definitely coming down slowly, but surely, from Klong Hok Wa, mostly filling up between Hat Thai Rat & Nimitmai Roads, and no doubt to the east of this also.

    Mai sanook.......

    Can anyone report the outcome of the protest at the intersection of Nimitmai rd and Hat Thai Mit road? Andy Farang gave a nice report re the sluice gates further down the road but I am interested in knowing whether or not the protesters got their way re having the sandbags removed from the middle of Nimitmai road. Someone else mentioned that Nimitmai road is now closed but I dont know if its because of the sandbag protest or because of the floods?

  10. They're probably just FROC-ing off.

    Nimitmai Road

    Large crowd has gathered at corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit road protesting the BMA's ? placement of sandbags all along centre island of Nimitmai road down to Suwintawong junction. Water slowly rising from drains at the corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit roads. Eyewitness and security from our moobarn advise approx 1000 people gathered. My wife informs me the TV states only approx 400 people but fails to advise why they are there. Maybe fishing or a boat auction??

    yeah good one :cheesy: :cheesy:

  11. Nimitmai Road

    Large crowd has gathered at corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit road protesting the BMA's ? placement of sandbags all along centre island of Nimitmai road down to Suwintawong junction. Water slowly rising from drains at the corner of Nimitmai and Hat Thai Mit roads. Eyewitness and security from our moobarn advise approx 1000 people gathered. My wife informs me the TV states only approx 400 people but fails to advise why they are there. Maybe fishing or a boat auction??

  12. More confusion. :blink::huh:

    Yesterday, the Transportation Minister said they would not dig roads.

    This morning the other paper is reporting that government scrapped the idea to dig roads.


    and yet, roads are being dug.

    The article is confusing. The first line says ' Some roads (plural) being excavated.....' but then the rest of the article only mentions one in Pathum Thani. Not sure if its bad comunication or just bad English grammer??

  13. "To cover the entire stretch, we will need up to 10 million sandbags," Sukhumbhand pointed out, "We will have to focus our efforts on the most vulnerable and key spots only."

    A few us navy ship full of eager bodies to help... they could have put a big dent in that.

    Like New Orleans?

    Anyhow, nice offer but bodies float...sandbags are much better........:rolleyes:

  14. Sorry for the confusion but I said I THOUGHT he lived in soi 22 or 26 but he is ALMOST opposite Ek Burapa school and as I said yes it is that General area. I didnt say the school was at 22 or 26 HTR.

    To start again there is flooding at Ek Burapa school and in the general area. I have only been there once so I cant give you specifics. Just think Ek Burapa school area and flood....easy.

  15. Hat Tai Rat/Ek Burapa school

    Just got an email from a friend at the above location, I think he's soi 26, almost opposite the school. He tells me the school is flooded and the lower roads starting to flood. Didnt give any depths but his soi into the moobarn is not yet flooded so obviously not deep as yet. He has been told to expect the floods by 2 to 3 pm.

    take care everybody.

    That is next to a khlong, right?

    Here? http://g.co/maps/evf8y

    Yes thats right, Klong Samwa I believe. Cant remember if he is soi 22 or 26 but thats the general area.

  16. Hat Tai Rat/Ek Burapa school

    Just got an email from a friend at the above location, I think he's soi 26, almost opposite the school. He tells me the school is flooded and the lower roads starting to flood. Didnt give any depths but his soi into the moobarn is not yet flooded so obviously not deep as yet. He has been told to expect the floods by 2 to 3 pm.

    take care everybody.

  17. We plan to return soon although we realize that nothing can compare to that fish and it is "The one that got away" story that will live with us all for the rest of our lives!!!!!

    He maybe "The one that got away", but it aint over till the fat lady sings, he only won the first round!

    Mr Fish: 1

    The boys: 0

    I spent 13 years in the fishing tackle trade back in West Australia and have fished the coast from salmon in the southwest, deep sea fishing with pro wetliners for Jewies and Samson in the midwest, to Barra and threadfin in the tidal creeks of the northwest, but I have never experienced anything like yesterday's fight.

    Thanks so much Paul for introducing me to Thai freshwater fishing, and thanks to the other guys for contributing to a very memorable day.

    And Mr Fish, my compliments to you for such a good contest, but be assured it will be you, not us, who will need that stretcher next time we meet.

  18. This has absolutely nothing to do with "lying" in the Western sense but, as others have pointed out, is simply her way to avoid her losing face and you being offended because she forgot your birthday.

    Don't make a big deal out of it.


    Exactly. Your sweating it like a Western woman.

    I have no idea if my wife lies to me or not. I don't pay attention.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: as he climbs back onto his chair!:cheesy:

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