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Posts posted by ThaiFelix

  1. I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

    Felix is my favorite cat of all time... I agree wait...

    Let me guess, your existence is not in danger,you are not loosing money daily because of the reds - you may not be able to pay for school-fees for your child next term because of the reds - you do not stand to loose everything you worked hard for for years - if this mob is not cleared a.s.a.p. - think or at least try to think that a hel_l of a lot of peoples existence is put in real jeopardy by those terrorists

    Hey look, I really do understand your? position but think the govt...both sides, has to be very careful in its moves....it could even get a lot worse. No offence, but I think I would rather lose a bit of material wealth than see people hurt/killed. I think its just at a crucial time where the hothead will loose out. Jai yen krup!

  2. I still reckon the govt should just sit back, have a smoke, and wait for the rains to flush em out! :)

    Absolutely, but while Thai's are good at non-activity as problem solver, westerners are taught to require action regardless of if it benefits the solution or not

    Totally agree, turn the backs to them long enough and they will come up with enough to make them ashamed of themselves even


    Actually I do understand their general plight (ie. inequality), but knowing of their association, distortion, exploitation and manipulation by a certain fella in Dubai/Monteblackfella, I put on my headphones and blinkers to their arguements. I think a lot of underserving people are being duped (and I'm not saying all are innocent). Just my H.O.

  3. I take full credit for the government taking this stance as it was ME who suggested they should cut supplies to the red camp and restrict movements in and out...I also applaud the PM and his cabinet for visiting the only website that counts THAIVISA.COM and reading my post...hahaha :)

    Do you want some-one to come by and give you a price on widening your doorways so you can still get your head thru??

    No, I agree. How the f... did they manage to get all those tyres/poles etc in there in the first place beats me....did they discover a tyre mine inside the barricades? :D

  4. While its imperative to have information from as many sources as possible to obtain a clearer picture of the truth, and I understand that some things change so quickly that some new reports come in b4 other old ones that are late, I seem to be getting more confused all the time. 'We are going to crackdown'...'no we ae not going to crackdown'. 'We are going to cut off supplies' ...'no we are not going to....' 'We are going to surrender....' 'we are not going to...'???

    I am wonering if this is some sort of new psychological propaganda to keep the populace so confused that the general public doesn't know whats really going on??? :)

  5. Fi said
    If you behave the same way you would with a Western woman (expect her to pay half the mortgage/rent, living cost etc.) you're unlikely to go wrong.

    Plus, of course, making sure she comes from a similar background, similar age, you can communicate and understand each other etc. etc.

    SB says

    My western wife didn't work (even though she had a degree), I paid for everything for 30 years, then gave her my house and most of my pension and savings (OK well maybe I didn't want to give it).

    This time I'm doing it different, married someone 20 years younger with no education .............. great legs though!

    It's always about money ....... but this time it's about VALUE FOR MONEY!

    Find this v hard to believe. Western divorces mean EACH PARTY gets 50%. Why on earth would you agree to more??

    Actually, I don't believe you did - you just prefer to tell people otherwise.

    You pay more if you have kids. I knew a lady back home who divorced her plastic surgeon husband after 10 years and one child. She had a hair salon in her front room and made heaps due to little overheads. Apart from a cash settlement of 60% I think, he also had to pay her $700 per week for both of them so they could continue to "live to the standard they were accustomed to". And that was about 20 years ago!!

  6. Fi said
    If you behave the same way you would with a Western woman (expect her to pay half the mortgage/rent, living cost etc.) you're unlikely to go wrong.

    Plus, of course, making sure she comes from a similar background, similar age, you can communicate and understand each other etc. etc.

    SB says

    My western wife didn't work (even though she had a degree), I paid for everything for 30 years, then gave her my house and most of my pension and savings (OK well maybe I didn't want to give it).

    This time I'm doing it different, married someone 20 years younger with no education .............. great legs though!

    It's always about money ....... but this time it's about VALUE FOR MONEY!

    I fully agree!! :):D:D

  7. This is of course only my personal experience and should not be interpreted to be a universal truth.

    Dark skinned ladies are usually farmers, right?

    Light skinned girls are usually not farmers, still with me?

    Farm ladies are close to the earth. I think they may rightly be called earthy.

    On three separate occasions I visited different agricultural regions of Thailand with a Thai lady native to that region. The women in question did not know the extent of my Thai vocabulary. So I was able to listen as a fly on the wall as they chatted about food and relatives and the normal things country women talk about.

    The ladies living in the rural communities had little or no exposure to foreign people. They were quite curious about the foreign male.

    They asked questions that were similar to the questions one would ask when buying a stud horse. In fact identical to questions I have heard on stud farms in Kentucky. I was slightly surprised they didn't ask about manners, or wealth or my political leanings. They never mentioned if I liked craft projects or put the lid down on the toilet (of course they don't have toilet lids so perhaps this is a superfluous point). They didn't ask if I liked cats or children. They just kept talking about those horse questions and slapping their legs and laughing loudly. Saying, "jing law.(really)" over and over again.

    I have also met light skinned women and have visited their homes in suburban areas or their shops and/or businesses. The women also gathered to talk about food and family but I never heard the horse questions mentioned.

    I have come to the conclusion that men who have a problem being evaluated like livestock would prefer to be with a light skinned Thai/Chinese woman.

    And that men who are used to being referred to as a horse like the darker skinned women.

    Yes the question I always notice is 'so what do you feed it?'

    But I enjoy it.

  8. You might want to add Queen Victoria to your list. Apparently Sir Walter Raleigh? brought it back for her and she used it for period pain.

    Which Sir Walter Raleigh are you talking about, the explorer or the poet? The explorer Raleigh was a friend of Elizabeth the 1st, at least for a while, he was the one that went a hunting around the world.

    Sir Walter Raleigh the poet did travel a few places but had no contact with Victoria the queen, only with the Queen Victoria pub.

    Yeah the explorer. I think he also brought back the potato and tobacco but not sure.

  9. i suggest your learn a little about the substance before making such a stupid post!

    I suggest you learn something about the substance:

    George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers grew hemp. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.

    For thousands of years, 90% of all ships' sails and rope were made from hemp. The word 'canvas' is Dutch for hemp; Webster's New World Dictionary.

    The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross's flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp - U.S. Government Archives.

    The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th Century.

    n 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs - Department of Agriculture.

    Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled 'The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.' It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th Century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

    The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture's 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing 'patriotic American farmers' to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort:

    '...(When) Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind. For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East. For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails. For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable...

    ...Now with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese...American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy as well as of our industries...

    ...the Navy's rapidly dwindling reserves. When that is gone, American hemp will go on duty again; hemp for mooring ships; hemp for tow lines; hemp for tackle and gear; hemp for countless naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for victory!'

    Certified proof from the Library of Congress; found by the research of Jack Herer, refuting claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film 'Hemp for Victory' did not exist.


    Los Angeles law shows U.S. is trending toward drug liberalization


    Representative Ron Paul Celebrates 'Hemp History Week' in Congressional Record Statement


    Initiative would legalize marijuana in Detroit


    There are actually three different types of cannabis. Cannabis Sativa is the weed people have traditionally used for smoking all around the world. Cannabis Indica is a variety originating in the Hindu Kush and is mainly used for making hashish. ( a 'hybrid' from crossing the two is used in hydroponic production)

    The name of the third variety escapes me but for this exercise lets call it Cannabis 'Hempus'...this is the variety that is cultivated for its fibres and turned into paper, cloth, rope etc. but however you need to smoke a 1 kilo joint of 'hempus' to get the slightest buzz.

    I have also been told that the hop (for beer) is a close relative.

    You might want to add Queen Victoria to your list. Apparently Sir Walter Raleigh? brought it back for her and she used it for period pain.

    Incidently the word 'assassin' comes from the Arabic 'hashashin' meaning 'hashish eaters' who were a group/tribe of hired killers who ate hashish before going on a job.

    I think I would probably be of no use as just keep giggling and falling off my camel 5555

  10. does
    VFS also has a courier who can pick up from your door and return. They will also go thru everything when they pick up (checklist). I did this in march for my Thai wife (I'm Ozzie) and the courier only cost 300 bht round trip (Minburi bangkok). They also have regional depots I believe. The service was faultless.

    Might also add something not in the other helpful posts. She will also have to supply reasons for wanting to return to Thailand such as close family, family land, investments etc. I have done this twice, we are not legally married but have shown proof of relationship etc and not had any problems. (I also always provide a comprehensive proffessional looking application with lots of photos, docs etc etc - its a Thai thing)

    Applicant must meet the criteria for a 676 visa.

    The main two criteria are:

    Sufficient funds for travel and that evidence that the applicant will return to Thailand.

    There is no "Thai thing" you are dealing with DIAC and everyone is treated equally

    as far as legislation and policy are concerned.

    She only applying for a visitors visa not a spouse visa.

    You can have what you think is the best application but if you do not meet the criteria it will


    does anyone no if there is a vfs courier collection service in chiang mai. instead of having to go to bangkok to hand in docs,or can it be done by post.

    Look up the VFS web site, I seem to remember they had one listed. Otherwise give them a ring, thats how I got the Bangkok one as not listed on site.

  11. No, where I come from an engagement ring has diamond/s (thanks to Mr Oppenhiemer) while, generally speaking, a wedding ring has a plain gold band. Any gold shop will do, not a lot of difference.

    However, it must be remembered that while the wedding ring is probably the cheapest outlay you will have in a wedding it can also be the most dangerous. A simple wedding band on any other finger is fine...no consequences. However the same, very simple, object placed on the second last finger of left hand can bloat a women of size 6 to size 12 in a matter of days. I have seen this happen on many occassions including with my wife. They can have the most desirable slim bodies for years no matter what, until that band goes on that particular finger..then whamoa..its the Goodyear Man!! It can also have disasterous mental affects as well, such as turning a tiny, attractive, shy and unselfish waif into an overweight grotesque demanding control-freak bitch. I have come to the conclusion there is some kind of gold-sensitive spot there that can react directly with the brain overriding all logic.

    I guess your real problem here is not where the ring is coming from but where it's going to take you?? :)

    • Like 1
  12. VFS also has a courier who can pick up from your door and return. They will also go thru everything when they pick up (checklist). I did this in march for my Thai wife (I'm Ozzie) and the courier only cost 300 bht round trip (Minburi bangkok). They also have regional depots I believe. The service was faultless.

    Might also add something not in the other helpful posts. She will also have to supply reasons for wanting to return to Thailand such as close family, family land, investments etc. I have done this twice, we are not legally married but have shown proof of relationship etc and not had any problems. (I also always provide a comprehensive proffessional looking application with lots of photos, docs etc etc - its a Thai thing)

  13. I believe I read somewhere that the Silom vendors were asking their landlords to share in the redshirt induced downturn by only charging half rent for April. Maybe the Patpong landlord/s wont come to the picture or there is just not enough business at the moment to bother unpacking. I used to sit and watch them packing and unpacking that stuff night after night and believe most of them really do work for their money.

  14. No thanks.

    I rather have a nice 9-5 office job in the west with pension, medical care and all kinds of social security. And be safe in my protected environment where nothing can go wrong. It's better to be safe then sorry. I recommend all you guys to do the same thing. Thailand is a huge liability. I recommend you guys to leave. I am speaking from experience. I lost everything.

    I'd rather live in the 'here and now' than in some 'possible' future.

    I watched my mother sit around wasting her life waiting for that 'possible' future. She lived a pretty miserable life with my father but stayed to make sure us kids were just fine. One day on a bus tour she met a really great guy who made her life happy and she saw there was much more to life. She left my dad and then I saw her sit around for years waiting for her new man to retire so they could live their dream of travelling around the country in a caravan enjoying their lives. Thats all they talked about. About 3 months before he retired she was diagnosed with cancer and was dead 6 months later.

    A 9 to 5, pension, medical care and all kinds of social security didnt help her much but rather held her back from enjoying her life.

    The sheer waste of life got to me and not long after I put an end to my own unhappy marriage by leaving my first wife (no kids) and went travelling again. Now a lot older and looking back Ive been a lot of places and done a lot of things...I've really enjoyed my adventures and had a very fullfilling and exciting life. I do have some savings etc for the future (less than the average) but I am not going to let a 'possible' future interfere with a 'definite' present.

  15. That weird Aussie dude, Conor David Purcell, should have no amnesty either.

    I think we all can agree on this.

    What he did?

    His crimes are far too heinous to be explained here. :D

    His crime was being stupid

    Interesting to note that interest dropped from 2304 views for part 1 to just 937 for part 2!! Says it all. :D

    I suppose he was also in the SAS, FBI, CIA and now works as an undercover cop with the Thai narcs.....oh and SWAT. :D


  16. When are they going to deport and ban that Aussie guy? I wouldn't want an Aussie guy giving speeches on how things should be done in my country.

    Did you mean Ian "Molly" Meldrum, The gay rock star interviewer......had a bar in BKK once. Passes himself off as an expert but in reality knows SFA.

    Oh God dont remind me....rather have Angry Anderson, least he had good tats and could sing somewhat...but Molly...and had a bar? What did his mum look after him here?

    He was interviewed in BKK for Oz TV and then again in Oz, He had a boy bar in Silom but it went broke

    Dead set! Maybe too many freebees!! No I got no problem with gay, just that he was such a f...head. Your right he thought he was an expert....yeah I see now how he thought how he could fit here. :)

  17. When are they going to deport and ban that Aussie guy? I wouldn't want an Aussie guy giving speeches on how things should be done in my country.

    Did you mean Ian "Molly" Meldrum, The gay rock star interviewer......had a bar in BKK once. Passes himself off as an expert but in reality knows SFA.

    Oh God dont remind me....rather have Angry Anderson, least he had good tats and could sing somewhat...but Molly...and had a bar? What did his mum look after him here?

  18. Just curious about how you can stay in LOS with no income to speak of? What type of visa are you using? Or are you now a Thai citizen?

    Define "No income to speak of"

    I make enough money to support me and my family and I borrow the money to get my annual visa.

    That's a tiny hurdle when you've been where I have !!!!!!!

    bunch of crock people. BORROWS $$S FOR VISA! what a way to live!

    treebee (joined today 5 posts) I think this link might be more up your alley:


  19. My wife and I have the same plants in our garden (pots) and they do really well. I actualy started the garden thing here as I have always had plants back home but soon realised that the same rules dont always apply here. So as it is her country, she knows more and therefore she has the last say and is very successful.

    I wouldnt worry about overwatering in this country as long as you have good drainage. That seems to be the main problem we have. Even though we buy potting mix the quality is not good and I think contains a lot of the local clay so it hardens. She always goes around every week or so and breaks up the soil in the pots. Buffalo manure is very good as is broken up coconut husk mixed with the soil, and we rarely use commercial fertilizer. And never full sun...its just too hot. To give you an idea we replaced our shade cloth a few weeks ago not knowing the rateing of the old. We replaced it with 50% but had to put another 50% over the top as the garden was really suffering. Going great now.

    The walls behind your plants look in very good condition, you havnt just painted have you? The fumes can have an effect too.

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