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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. what did you expect really, some sort of pride in government?
  2. But its so hypocritical one of the areas of operation is OFFICIALLY known as Happyland because of all the massage parlours lol!
  3. Well, recovering sofas are no different to recovering alcoholics, they need to want to stop themselves, no one else can do it for them. Try SA (Sofas Anonymous) if really serious.
  4. The French philospher Foucault believed that putting executions, that were previously public, behind closed doors was a step backwards as it severely lessend the deterrent value. Hard to imagine what these poor little children went through, so confusing when its your own blood. RIP little ones.
  5. Yeah funny, it only takes a half a dozen or so being kidnapped for ransom during a holiday to put the fussy buggers all off.
  6. Yeah but the full story leaves no scope for bitching and whining. Better to get half the story and imagine the rest to suit your current bitch.
  7. Yep think its the same guy with the snakes at Central. Mentally ill or not you cant lock him up? He has money and there are so many who can be paid off, look at Thaksin as a prime example.
  8. Kidnapping for ransom is probably coming soon too. Lets face it they must be running out of ways to parasite farang and get away with it. Its no wonder this country was never colonised, raped, plundered and exploited........the colonisers were scared of being raped, plundered and exploited instead!
  9. Cheap cars dont look good in the driveway. Had exactly the same next door. Husband and wife move to Sri Racha to work in the factories, kids home with the grandparents. Years go by to find husband and wife split up, problem kids dispersed here and there, police knocking on doors and all for a now sad looking Isuzu pick-up with all the fruit still sitting in the driveway that I doubt has done 20,000 km.
  10. When I first courted (bar fined) my Thai wife, she enquired how could I possibly eat chicken if I had a bad back. I eventually convinced her if was all fine and ok so long as it wasnt a Tuesday and I wasnt wearing black.
  11. It should read: Thai citizens suspect state officials’ collusion with mafia-style figures....as normal.
  12. I am going to enjoy being in the line and a loud mouth from a certain country has to pay more than me to get the same seats on the same flight hahaha!
  13. No. I think its more like: Farang, we want your money. We would rather you just sent it but stayed home, but if you have to come we'll still take it and more. Now the current criminal organisation running my country, the Australian Government, has taken my pension even though I have followed all the rules, such as 35 years minimum service etc because I have stayed too long outside of Australia. Its because they want me to spend my money in Australia and consume there thus paying gst. They dont want me to spend MY money in Thailand. In addition, even though I am an Australian citizen, born and worked all my life in Australia, because I am an expat they have pigeon holed guys like me along with the chinese investors/speculators and charge us a straight up 50% tax on my investment property if I sell. If that aint enough I now have to pay the Thai govt a percentage as well every time I transfer funds here to live on. You would think the Thai government would be happy just having those foreign reserves brought into and spent in the country. Dual taxing, dual pricing, its all legal thuggery!
  14. One motor bike was stolen in Thailand....wow! Why wasnt this breaking news?
  15. Youre not still eating that pie are you. And this is not the same. Saddam and Gadaffi were taken out over oil, gold and hahahaha sorry, WMD's hahaha!
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