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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Therein I would say lay the problem. The 5 probably insisted they all go together in one tuk tuk to save money however at destination insisted on a discount because of the uncomfortable crammed ride.
  2. 100k a month for an average sex worker in Bagkok would be a lot of money.
  3. Yes fleeing is natural but not far enough usually. He will be hiding at his mums place.
  4. No it does the opposite, the thought of big money blinds them. My SIL and her friends are trying to get into the same thing right now but wont listen. Been ripped off twice already trying to get to Sth Korea ILLEGALY even with all the news and crackdowns. Now they are supposedly working while studying "traditional Thai massage" in Pattaya or Phuket but doing everything possible to hide their location on FB because everyone is trying to talk them out of working outside of Thailand. One of their work mates took off two days ago for a massage joint in Dubai even though the SIL says their boss doesnt send girls overseas.....seems she forgot that.So they know what they are doing is very risky business. And I know 3 of them well and none nor their families is in financial stress, one has a Brit boyfriend sending money every month! Yes some get duped but mostly they know its very risky business and its mostly their own countrymen that exploit them but their greed is too great.
  5. Thats nearly a kilo each consumed! Geez and I thought Isaan girls had good apetites lol!
  6. OP, Why not stop worrying so much and just go ahead and try it. I think it could suit you (hopefully lol)
  7. No I have seen this before. Extremely hard to believe but I have come across folks who lived throughs the 60 -80's, seem to have led normal lives and yet have never tried weed nor know anybody personally who has. They did a Twilight Zone episode covering the yet to be explained phenomenom.
  8. We borrowed boats all the time when we were kids during school holidays while the oldies were at work. (but we always put them back, different back then). First thing we did was check for leaks, booze and cigarettes lol. RIP
  9. Correct, should have seen them 40 years ago when I first came here. You struggled to find a fat girl with only the odd old fat chinese lady. Once again our influences ahve brought change, this time in the form of french fries, kfc, bread etc etc.
  10. If you do not recoat soon after drying, sanding between coats will improve bonding.
  11. There are so many differences between these two articles I dont believe its possible to safely comment. One tooth chipped becomes 3 teeth missing, a cat call becomes a 'chatting up" etc etc. Better wait till tomorrow when the story changes again.
  12. So you havnt met very many Thai girls then, is that what youre trying to say?
  13. Rudy Giuliani was the mayor of New York and a US politician, he has to be guilty.
  14. I agree totally with what you are saying. However in Thailand with its hot climate I think they add water due to it drying so quickly. I had to when I painted my house. They add too much water to concrete too. The problem I have found is the average Thai guy has no idea about fractions/percentages or formula so are too heavy handed.
  15. Wow really? My house, inside and out, plus boundary walls all apinted with Dulu near 10 years ago and mostly still like new. Weathershield outside and Easy Care inside. My prefered brand back in Aussie too as never had a problem. Well actually I did have a problem but not with the paint rather the ancient systems of measurement used in the US and its lack of standardisation: Some of Dulux's paints are in litres and square meter coverage while the undercoats are in gallons (and its US gals just to really stick it up you) with square yards lol! What a nightmare to calculate your needs.
  16. Wow, Well done! Why didnt you just pop around and do it for him, might have been easier hahahah!
  17. What would a higher up franchise like that set you back and what would the returns be like?
  18. No need to check accuracy, he obviously doesnt use, so naturally, just like all the others, he is an expert on the subject. Source: "Reefer Madness", Elma Fudd, FBI, {1936).
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