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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. I dont know for sure but imagined all US soldiers went through the same basic training, that they all had to qualify to a certain standard of 'toughness'?
  2. No need to be insulting, thats the price in my moo ban. Why dont you ask around before opening your mouth.
  3. the Marine Corps noun : the part of the U.S. military that consists of soldiers who serve at sea and also on land https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/the Marine Corps
  4. You have never met any Americans or watch movies/tv? Wow thats amazing!
  5. Sounds like the Usa only it should read ugly ladyboys and lots of guns.
  6. try 5 baht current price and Im not joking.
  7. Nah I think he was trying to chat up the Thai guy who hit him lol!
  8. In addition I would never have all my money in one account. I have several bank accounts at different banks for this reason plus for others such as visa money, day to day spending, plus bulk of savings. Not rich just have it distributed. An atm machine or card fails I am not stuck. Learnt from years of travelling to always have a contingency plan.
  9. Exactly!! thank you.
  10. Why carry cash when you can have a debit card? I wouldnt carry wads of cash because you dont need to. My comment was about people saying you cant survive without a credit card. I am saying you conveniently can.
  11. I dont know about that, there are still lots of street drains to clean before the rains but aside from that...........
  12. What? Im 72 years old and have been travelling since my mid 20's but have NEVER EVER had a credit card and have never ever had any problems from not having one. I am amazed at the comments people make about not being able to book a hotel, a flight or hire a car etc if you dont have a credit card ? Where does this nonsense come from?
  13. Well what did you expect him to bloody do, read the whole article? sheeeesh!
  14. 3 cheers to the massage girls crying out "No one left behind"! bwahahaha!
  15. Yes but this is Thailand. You'd also think someone wearing a police uniform was actually the police but .....................................
  16. Exactly, its about how things are, not how they should be. Of course you should feel safe everywhere you go but you cant so you must take steps to protect yourself by avoiding such situations.
  17. I feel the same way about the US but against the regime not their individuals.
  18. yeah but.................................................
  19. Excellent movie with a bit of history and a lot of familiar faces. Reminded me again of the depths man will go for money and that no matter where you go oil and oil money is dirty.
  20. You wouldnt say that if you ever had the chance to watch lol!
  21. I agree and am in the same position but think about it differently: We lived through an era that will never be matched nor repeated nor will anybody understand our fortune. But I reckon I have the answer: Justin Beiber!! Wow! (bet you feel better now lol!)
  22. Why are fewer Chinese tourists visiting Thailand? because more of them have been here before...??
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