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Everything posted by ThaiFelix

  1. Yes if closer than 1.5 mts to any other living thing of course! Please use some common sense here please.
  2. Exactly! Kinda makes one feel all snug and secure knowing that if a disaster was to strike here we have the very best looking after our interests. lol! (tho I think you were a little hard on Muppets everywhere)
  3. What these knuckleheads dont seem to realise is that this goes on everywhere in the world every day however its the over reaction and pretended outrage by the knuckleheads that has brought it to everyones attention. Without their jealous outrage no one would probably have noticed lol. Thought at first maybe its a ploy by the TAT to attract more tourists but second thoughts tell me they wouldnt be that bright.
  4. Having a license does not indicate quality of driving. Being a 17 year old Thai I am sure he has had many many years of driving experience lol.
  5. There will be a re-enactment tomorrow.......the pointing will decide guilt.
  6. Of course this is plainly obvious to everybody...well nearly everybody. Otherwise China would still be playing the pure communist ideology instead of the semi capitalist ideology currently practised. This is pure propaganda from that most paranoid of countries I'm sure.
  7. But I must admit you put forward a very thoughtful and well constructed argument LMFAO!
  8. I have just been through it so dont tell me its nonsense....you think I did it for fun??
  9. Thats not true. I have just been through the process in Kalasin, either return to Bangkok or transfer the balance to new account in Kalasin. I also checked with 3 branches...same story.
  10. I think the worst was a few years ago when, just a couple of weeks before Songkran, the Govt suddenly announced no more riding in the back of pickups. Everybody was in a sudden flurry trying to make alternative arrangements to get home for Songkran. Buses, planes and trains were all full, people were in a panic. The govt woke up at the last monment and said "yeah well, err aaahh maybe people need more notice than that" and reversed the law stating they would look into it all when everything settles down after songkran. Never heard another word about the new law and thats got to be 3 to 5 years ago lol!
  11. I perfectly understand the man....I have been close to that on severaL occasions. Bangkok Bank have some crazy ideas/rules and some even crazier staff making them up. One of them is do you know if your ATM card expires or is faulty you must travel yourself in person the accounts home branch to get it replaced? Any other bank can replace no matter where you are. So imagine you have an a/c at BB in Silom and you go on holidays to Chiang Rai and lose your card, or it expires, you are up sh#t creek because you need to get back to Bangkok to do anything about it.
  12. Its the 2,4,6,8 holiday plan: 2 to a plane seat, 4 to a single room, 6 to a bar girl, and 8 per tuk-tuk.
  13. Agreed.....couldnt care less how much pepsi costs, rather buy a kilo of sugar and some paint remover.......aweful stuff!
  14. Is this the same kind of screening thats done with the health checks for a work permit or drivers license. Theyre so good at them they dont even have to see the patient. How can they keep 'ramping up' anti smuggling measures when you would think they should be running at 100% already , considering the covid pandemic as well as their current attempt at getting a downgrade in human trafficking status with the US?
  15. Its a smoke screen to make it look like the authorities are doing something when they are not arresting the main culprits from above.
  16. Will we be free to criticise the US or will the truth still not be tolerated ?????
  17. Golly jee and heavens to Murgatroid, its George, The Ghost Who Walks!!????
  18. Been waiting for my online report which has been pending since the 16th. We were on the phone with our imm office today and yesterday but was told forget it, put it in the post, the whole system is down Thailand wide. He was after my Line ID because he said he couldnt even get an email out on the Imm system.
  19. Its the arrests that havnt been made and certainly should have been made, that are of concern here. On the subject of transparency, this headline was also in the latest news: Protest in front of UN office against proposed Thai law to curb NGO activities
  20. Everbody should band together and call their local police station daily asking them to visit and check the THC in your plants because you certainly dont want to break any laws lol!
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