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Everything posted by willi2006

  1. A while ago I bought some solid copper wires to be installed in pipes at a hardware store. I measured the diameters with a caliper and calculated the cross-sectional areas: solid copper wire 1.5 mm²: diameter should be 1.36 mm but was only 1.1 mm, i.e. 0.95 mm² solid copper wire 2.5 mm²: diameter should be 1.75 mm but was only 1.5 mm, i.e. 1.77 mm² solid copper wire 4 mm²: diameter should be 2.21 mm but was only 1.7 mm, i.e. 2.27 mm² 7 stranded copper wire 6 mm²: diameter should be 3.12 mm but was only 2.3 mm, i.e. 4.15 mm²
  2. I would never buy anything with this name. Pajero is a not so nice spanish word https://translate.google.com/?sl=es&tl=en&text=pajero
  3. That's my knowledge too. Tax office waits for the manufacturer to pay the tax before sending the papers for registration to the manufacturer. Manufacturer waits for the dealer to pay the tax before paying to the tax office. Both can take advantage by delaying at the expense of the buyer. Having the papers you can register yourself in a couple of hours. I did it myself.
  4. That's a good idea. Are the cables and the pipes between inner and outer unit also in the wall? Any references, drawings, pictures?
  5. I had several of them. They catched mosquitos but only the few which accidentally came close enough. Later I read about professional devices which are effevtive because they have the smell and temperature of warm-blooded animals. But they cost several hundred dollars.
  6. Common price range is 10,000 to 20,000 Baht per sqm. Companies offering houses, e.g. PD House, can give you a good idea how much to pay for what.
  7. Baan&Beyond belongs Thai Watsadu at least in Khon Kaen. On the bills you get at Baan&Beyond it says Thai Watsadu in Thai.
  8. My last two online 90 day reports were rejected without reason and data incorrect, Khon Kaen. I went in person no problem. Officers gave no answer or said they don't know why online was rejected. I guess online system has problems or it's wanted you come in person.
  9. Had a similar experience looking for Kerry Express locations on Google Maps. Most of them were closed or didn't exist (anymore). A friend of mine had the same experience looking for Yamaha motorbike shops. From this I assume deleting places in Google Maps takes a long time.
  10. A Portable Power Station is an Off Grid System. When there is a power outage you have to disconnect your devices, e.g. computer or water pump from the grid and connect them to the Portable Power Station. This can be done manually or automatically by a separate switch. More comfortable is using a Hybrid On and Off Grid Inverter which switches automatically within 20 ms or less. There are very flexible inverters which can be used off grid or on grid, with or without solar panel, with or without battery, with or without a generator or all together. To cover power outages you can start with an inverter and a battery. The battery is charged from the grid. More batteries, solar panels or generator can be added later. Even more inverters can be added later. See e.g. Hybrid Solar On and Off Grid Inverter POWMR
  11. Petrol prize rises to subsidise diesel
  12. List of all Water Pipes products
  13. There are also people who run out of gas.
  14. Phrases like "common sense" "real genuine common sense" "proper decency" "laws that make sense" aren't universal. I.e everybody makes up his own. And by declaring them as universal other opinions are ignored or judged inferior. In a society only commonly agreed rules can be regarded as common. "Which politician should I vote for whom will support my 'voice'?" "The elite creates laws/rules to benefit themselves and control the rest." Other people have another opinion. To convince them of your opinion or to come to a common one can be hard work. Thus it's easier to ignore the common laws/rules and declare ones own as "common sense".
  15. Have a look here https://www.placidway.com/search-medical-centers/HoLEP+Urology/Thailand/1
  16. A friend of mine had a TURP at KKU Hospital (Srinagarind) about 2 years ago. It was 90,000 THB, examinations and operation. Fine since than. .
  17. January 2002 I paid 35,000 THB for the plan including static calculations at Khon Kaen University based on the 3D design I did using FreeCAD. The permit was 600 THB plus 3000 THB to get it in a couple of days.
  18. TiT The rules are there. But nobody cares.
  19. พระราชบัญญัติ การจัดสรรที่ดิน พ.ศ. ๒๕๔๓ https://www.krisdika.go.th/librarian/get?sysid=395094&ext=pdf Land Development Act B.E. 2558 (2015) Unofficial Translation https://www.krisdika.go.th/librarian/get?sysid=809953&ext=pdf
  20. Land_Development_Act_BE_2543_(2000).pdf Unofficial Translation http://web.krisdika.go.th/data/outsitedata/outsite21/file/Land_Development_Act_BE_2543_(2000).pdf
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