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Everything posted by jaiyenyen

  1. I've got the Redmi note 11, just the base model. Great phone, no problems with it and the battery life is very impressive. I got it on my True contract for 2000b.
  2. I know someone who's used up all their tourist stamps (3 per year). They have a Laos passport and have been told that they won't be able to enter Thailand again. They've always used the same land crossing point in Nakhon Phanom. I have 2 questions, but I feel I already know the answers, I'll ask anyway. 1) Would it make any difference if they used a different land crossing point? 2) Would crossing by air make a difference? Any advice would be helpful.
  3. I blame Larry Grayson........."Ooh! What a gay day"
  4. Cactus, sadly gone. It was always great fun and Cactus Johns food was outstanding. Cocktail Bar next door was also a lot of fun.
  5. You can also look forward to parting with up to 260B for a lady-drink.
  6. Ok......Thanks for the quick reply Joe.
  7. Would the same apply to a Laos national living in Thailand, with a Thai daughter?
  8. She has an excellent relationship with her daughter. So that's one good thing.
  9. I think her main problem is going to be a lack of funds. This is why I thought an agent might be more........flexible. Would getting a new passport help in any way?
  10. All available as far as I'm aware.
  11. Yes, she's on very good terms with her daughter and her ex in-laws.
  12. Thanks for your post. Do you have any contact details for the agent?
  13. I have a friend who holds a Laos passport. She's lived in Thailand pretty much all her life and for the past few years she's been getting back to back tourist visa stamps in her passport (Not allowed, I know). The Thai authorities have now told her that when the current visa stamp runs out, she must return to Laos and will not be issued with any more tourist visa stamps. She has no family in Laos. She was married to a Thai man (Only at the temple. Not legally), but they separated many years ago, after having two children together. Her name is on the 15 yr old daughters birth certificate. Her daughter lives with her ex-husbands parents and aunties. She doesn't work. She's supported by friends and family. What are her options? I've suggested she go to Immigration at Chaen Wattana and talk to an agent to see if they can help. Any advice or suggestions will be very much appreciated.
  14. Lotus's's's's near my home. Disabled parking bays have been taken over by taxis. Mother and baby parking bays taken over by food vendors.
  15. As far as I'm aware, it should always be done at a hospital. I pay 600 baht for mine, which includes blood samples and a quick look up and down by the doctor. But as this is Thailand, it really depends on how they feel on the day.
  16. Give a man a fish and he will eat all day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day. Teach a man to fish and give him 3000baht, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day with a naked girly.
  17. That photo of the little shoes all lined up has to be one of the most moving photos I've ever seen. I hope they all find eternal peace.
  18. I've got a 2019 model Extender, Next model down from the 4WD. I only need 2WD as I live on the outskirts of Bangkok and have no need to go off road. For me, it's a great truck, with what I consider to be a very high spec. It's comfortable to drive (Remember, it's a truck) and has more than enough power for my needs. So far, it's been very reliable apart from 1 issue where ants ate one of the relays. It wasn't MG's fault but they still fixed it FOC. Build quality seems fine, with no issues after 3 years of use. The interior looks as good as new. I intend keeping mine, so I'm not concerned with the resale value, but given the chance, would I have another one? ......Yes definitely. Most people on the forum who voice negative opinions, have never even sat in one, so my advice is to visit a showroom and try one out.
  19. Try the IT malls. Maybe someone there, or they might know of a company that could do it for you.
  20. 1 box genuine Sidegra (4 tablets) 50mg 120 baht from the pharmacy at foodland soi 5. I don't know if they have Cialis, but definitely worth a try. As you enter the front doors of Foodland, immediately turn left.
  21. I'm re-watching Peter Kay Car Share. Outstanding comedy IMHO.
  22. Considering the state of her room, you have to wonder about her personal hygene.
  23. I hope the emergency services scrambled to the scene of the accident to help the injured.
  24. I just asked Mrs JYY and she said she pays 60 baht for 500 gms
  25. Season 5 of Mortimer and Whitehouse Gone Fishing has just started. Follow the two mates as they travel around the UK, fishing, eating, and pondering 'Life' All to a backdrop of some stunning landscapes. Available from TVChaos and Youtube
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