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Posts posted by bingobongo

  1. VegasVic,

    Good to have you back. You and only a few others here are the only ones have a grasp on reality, unlike BeenNowhereDoneNothing

    you make good points, just wanted to add to expect scared money to flow into safe havens such as gold and precious metals, however the problem with the US Dollar as a safe haven is the risks associated by a potential stream of bailouts, but as the worlds other economies continue to crumble the US Dollar will be seen as a relative safe haven of sorts, hence the $ not tanking as expected.

    The 2 last of the Mohicans, defending their Dollar and bankrupt country overflowed by debts....and in fact owned by foreigners like Arabs, Japanese, Chinese, Germans, Brits and many more........ :o

    post-13995-1221504779_thumb.jpg Bingo & Viccy :D


    come on laopo fengshui and fortune tellers are not going to help Asia avoid the pain.........

    Anxious Lehman Staff in Asia Await Reckoning


  2. Lehman's demise is due to the problems they experienced in their home market. Who amongst us specifically predicted that Lehman's would be in this financial situation a year ago?

    Who predicted Bear Stearn's collapse, or that Merrill Lynch would be taken over by BoA? Where were the predictions about AIG, the world's largest insurer, who are also struggling to stay afloat? Who foresaw that?

    The answer is no one did or could have, given the information that was available to the public at the time.

    You're wrong.

    You didn't give attention to the good sources of information, or you didn't give credit to the good sources, that's all.

    Roubini wrote it all, before.


    Mike Shedlock wrote it all, before.


    Those 2 guys are now super stars, from the blogosphere to the medias (particularily Roubini).

    The so called "real estate crisis" in the US started Q3 2005. Since then, yes since then, a few people, with strong common sense and no bullshit attitude were able to predict the future (now), the financial crisis, the consequences for the US and global economy, like 2+2=4.

    You don't believe me ? Check their blogs, check google, and go back in time.

    So don't try to put the blame of your own ignorance on something broader : you chose to stay ignorant, you chose to stay blind.

    But that's the past. The real question is what are you going to do now and tomorrow ? Continue to follow the fanatics of the boiler room, the cult of "there is no crisis, the market healthy" ? Paulson ? Bernanke ? CNBC ? And all the other "sleep well" clowns ?

    Are you going to continue to mock the "doom and gloom brigade" ?

    Or are you ready to change your opinion ?

    Follow Roubini and Mish. You'll thank them later.

    well said cclub75, i couldn't agree with you more, the ignorant choose to stay ignorant and complain when it goes bad

  3. Just ow far can the US government go on bailing out institutions and

    allocating more more funds to be available to the banks?

    We have now had Bear Stern, Freedie and Fanny, Federal money for

    what seems like an endless string of natural disasters

    in the USA, and what seems to be an assurance every week

    to the financial markets that the government will underwrite liquidity in the markets..............

    So where is all the money going to come from to do all this

    and can they really afford to keep doing this ?

    What about the monthly cost of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan................. is anyone keeping

    a budget because surely they can just keep going on indefinitely making money available ?

    First of all Fannie and Freddie were already backed by the U.S. government, as far as Bear goes that was an entirely different animal and was not just the government giving Bear free money, it was a very involved situation and in the long run the U.S. tax payer could wind up making out very nicely on that one! Lehman, AIG and any others are on their own just as they should be. Lehman had an opportunity to be bought out as did AIG, but the arrogance of top management put them in this situation. As far as the Dollar goes, it was trading at $1.44/Euro in Asia last night and today after all this doomsday news and market turmoil it is trading at $1.42/Euro, so it would seem that most of the worlds currency traders do not share your negative view of things as far as the U.S. goes :o Counterparty risks to Lehman seem to be deep in European banks and so this event today could very well be the straw that broke the camels back in many E.U. countries, it will be interesting to see how much further European (and Asian) markets fall tomorrow. Since you seem so politically astute, I am sure you know that this whole real estate bubble can be traced back to Slick Willie (yes Mr. smoke and mirrors himself the man who made the .com debacle possible) and the democratic congress in the early 1990's when they pushed through legislation that encouraged (more like forced) high risk loans to the low income demographic and forced Freddie and Fannie to back them.


    Good to have you back. You and only a few others here are the only ones have a grasp on reality, unlike BeenNowhereDoneNothing

    you make good points, just wanted to add to expect scared money to flow into safe havens such as gold and precious metals, however the problem with the US Dollar as a safe haven is the risks associated by a potential stream of bailouts, but as the worlds other economies continue to crumble the US Dollar will be seen as a relative safe haven of sorts, hence the $ not tanking as expected.

  4. strap in, for those who did not sell on the bounces, get ready to bend over.............

    all markets will be affected........the stupid deserve to be separared form their money

    U.S. Stock Futures Tumble on Concern Lehman to File Bankruptcy


    Am I correct in assuming you live in the US BB? If so your taxes will pay for Freddie and Fannie and Lehman, so who is stupid?

    i made money shorting them both, so i'm not as stupid as you want to believe, im short all the i-banks too, so go back to the beach and your non productive/non value added existence

    come on BeenThereDoneNothing, stick to the topic, you are the one who lives in a 3rd world country that is on the verge of political/economic/social collapse in a shack on the beach running from his failures in the west , if you dont think LOS will be affected by this you truly are as dim as i suspected

  5. the Lehman Borthers "genius" on this thread should stick to som tham and vacationing, not forecasting..........................LOL

    an empty shell in the downtown capital of a 3rd world bannana republic is no longer the priority.......how are those protests coming along by the way?

    Lehman plans sales, sees $3.9 billion loss

    The fourth-largest U.S. investment bank said it has reduced exposure to toxic assets, including cutting its residential mortgage exposure by nearly half, and cut its dividend.


  6. right sales are brisk all right, briskly down....see Table 6 as of June 2008, the stupid deserve to be insolvent and separated from their money

    so lets see, BOT raising rates, inflation rampant, gvt on verge of collapse, and baht about to head over the cliff....... amazing how everyone wants to be an "asset manager" but base their "genius" on how busy an office is or is not :o

    take my advice, the only real estate some of you (not all) should be managing is the real estate that your backside occupies when you are on a bar stool or in a chair eating som tham

    land sales nationwide DOWN 41.9%

    new housing (condos/apratments) in Bangkok UP 236%, Bangkok condo registriations up 128%

    even a 3rd grade (western educated and not thai educted) math student can see a problem here


  7. why all the hate when in fact you and you alone are responsible for being separated from your money? dont blame me becasue some of you have about as much vision as a blind beggar

    rates rising, civil unrest, and baht weakening.................dont catch a falling knife

    rates up, asset prices down.......

    Thailand Raises Rate for 2nd Time to Tame Inflation #


  8. "I personally see this region suffering a lot more pain before things start to get better and that includes the housing and currency markets. "

    This mindset has been the mainstay for the Thai real estate for the past decade, and it is wrong.

    glyph, i would call you a genius but i'd be lying, everwhere from Bulgaria to South Africa has experienced an increase in housing prices (so LOS isnt special becasue you want it to be), and its due to rampant inlfation and negative real interest rates, not your inherent brilliance

    stick to a savings account glyph, the global supply of easy money is over

  9. "you forgot again to jerk off today Bingo? :o "

    In the Olypics weightlifting, they have the "clean and jerk". Bingo does it the other way around.

    come on glyph, dont hate be becasue you are financially inept, rather than attack, provide some insight, speaking of olympics, what does it feel like to be ridden financially like a pommel horse by a young gymnast?

    Japan Stocks Extend Weekly Drop on Oil Surge; Tiremakers Slump

    Japan stocks fell, capping the Nikkei 225 Stock Average's biggest weekly loss in two months, on concern surging oil prices and rising credit costs will reduce earnings at manufacturers and financial companies.


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