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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. Pattaya should have a Statue of Liberty style sign. I can see it now.

    Give me your drunk, your idiotic, your perveted masses yearning to screw on the cheap.

    The failed refuse of your teeming shore.

    Send these, the overweight, tempest tossers to me, I lift my skirt behind the curtained door.

    The guy the OP saw was no doubt a loser in his own society so feels at home in Pattaya.

  2. Whilst I agree that cracking down on on-line fraud etc can only be a good thing, it needs a police force that has some knowledge of computers

    The way I understand it, and please correct me if I'm wrong, people that have internet provided by the condo operators (in other words, people that DO NOT HAVE A PRIVATE LINE) share Ip addresses with other residents. So how can anybody be pinpointed?

    My only concern is can I still use Limewire with impunity!

  3. The 'new' 7 wonders of the world seems to have pricked many people's interest. On the whole I agree with the 7 choices. However, I would have thought Stonehenge was more important than Christ in Rio.

    What about the 7 white elephants of the world. The more pointless, wasteful and self indulgent the better.

    I'd like to nominate The Millenium Dome in London. 1.2 BILLION POUNDS of public money spent on a project to get Tony Blair's in lights.

    Central World has to be in the running. A huge, almost empty, monolith to over spending.

  4. 10 dollars? Did the price double? It's been a while since I did that run on a Air Asia deal. Very pleasent all round.

    Don't miss out on the bakery opposite the bus station. Great food and some of the profits go to schools (or some such charity).

    Take a break from DVD shopping and take a tour on one of three wheel tuk tuks. A couple of temples and a an impressive stupa. Nice.

  5. I like to complain too. In a quiet and condecending fashion. I like asking the manager if it's "too difficult for them".

    As for your mushroom debacle, I have had a similar thing. I don't have a sweet tooth so when I order lemon soda I ask for no sugar. Just soda and lemon juice. The amount of times I am simply not beleived and they load it up with sugar and I have to hand it back to them and tell them to knock it off my bill as it is not what I ordered.

    I was even asked by one person "how can I do?" I took her hand and said "just at the point you going to pour sugar into my drink. Stop"

  6. Whilst I have not had a taxi stop and throw me out at the airport, I have been given the chance to aloow them to scam me. I was asked for 500 last time.

    Since that incident I have always walked up to arrivals, ignored the security telling me I can't take a taxci and jumped in. Never had the run around as they are happy to have a fare on the way back to.

    Strongview's incident seems entirly belivable.

    I was asked for 500 once to go from Bayokke tower to central worlds (or whatever is was called). I said NO! My date said No! and he got nasty so we waited for him to hit traffic and hopped out. Leaving his door open of course.

    He actually managed to u-turn in traffic and tried to chase us. We ran into a 7-11 and pretended to call the police. He was mighty pissed off.

  7. Thanks EEK! I think you have answered my question. I only intend to plug it in and save files (photos, valuable songs and important videos).

    As for overheating. I don't own one yet. The threat of overheating was mentioned to me by people who have differnt models.

    The 2.5hdd you own. Is that the size of the disk? Are there different pros and cons for differnt sizes?

    Thanks for your timly response.

  8. I have been pondering the pros and cons of an exteranl hardrive, but I don't know which way to jump.

    The price and ease of hardrives in slim metal cases that I have seen in Pantip plaza make them seem to fit the bill, but I have been told they over heat.

    I don't really know what the larger boxes with fans do. I only really want it to store photos for long periods of time. I know that cds should be viewed as a tempory storage media.

    What do you suggest?

    Now go easy on me. No techno-jargon as much of it will pass me by.

    Thanks for any effort you make.

  9. Nonsense! Thais would pray to a milk carton twisted in to the image of something lucky.

    I'm surprised they don't all own horses. Afterall, horses do have luckyness nailed to each hoof.

  10. Just curious, but would people feel the urge to dive in if the victim was a man and the attacker was a far larger more powerful man?

    On the subject, what if it was a man on the ground and some burly women putting the boot in?

  11. This sounds like a stupid enough stunt to be pulled by a Thai.

    It happened to me in the UK. I was cycling along not cutting anybody up or anything else to have deserved it. I was in full kit (crash hat, gloves, karrimor jacket on a 2k bike) when some family from the lower orders pulled up along side me beeped and reved their engine while a couple of snot nosed kids yelled out of the back window. I can only presume they thought it would be a real hoot to make me fall and go under a car.

    So I chased the forkers through traffic and got them at lights. After banging and yelling and totally scaring them I left them with a nice dent and scratch in their doors from the cleats on the bottom of my shoes.

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