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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. I'd like to tackle this from a different angle. The OP has just asked if he forgives her will she see him as weak.

    This is very interesting. Will she now straight out ask for money? If she does, will she be angry/lose face/ have her delicate ego damaged if the answer is NO?

    I would like to be the first to congratulate the OP for finding a Thai that will own up to their lies/mistakes. Joking aside this could mean she really likes him.

  2. LONDONTHAI, you are joking, aren't you?

    English couple murdered by Thai cop when he came too flirty with the girl.

    Singers arm chopped off by Thai cop for turning down his advances.

    Four people shot dead by Thai cop in Chang Mai for insulting his rank.

    Teenager shot in the back by Thai cop as her boyfriend rode away.

    Thai police are terrible.

    Mind you, if you are Thai you have no doubt practiced self delusion all your life. Yes, Thailand is as big as America and all the problems in Thailand are the fault of nasty white folk.

  3. Here is a note from Mrs Dirk Gently (she has studied at AUA and confirms 2k won't get you anywhere).

    She writes: I studied at AUA and graduated at level 15 it coste me over 15000 B. If you really love her it won't be much to pay her for that. Make sure she goes to school ans don't ask you so many time for money.

  4. CANADIAN GIRL, what I meant was, he can save money on taxis by walking hand in hand and save money on electric by gazing into her eyes by moon light.

    Honestly, I meant it as it seems to be the primary concern of many posts.

    Have you ever done the Grouse Grind CG?

  5. Phew! I only pointed out that the politicaly correct brigade are quick to jump up and down if you mention some races, but not so quick with others.

    Let's put it to the test.

    Why do Welshmen have big wellies?

    So they can fit the sheeps back legs in!


    What do Muslim men do during foreplay?

    Tickle the goat under the chin!

  6. What strikes me is the fact she admitted to lying! Thais can stick to their lies when there are 50 witnesses and video evidence to show that their story is exactly that.

    As for the girl in question, who cares? You can proberbly afford it or you wouldn't be able to drop work for six months and come to Thailand. When you are here, staying with her will save you hotel rates and 'spending time' with her will save you from bar girls.

    One thing to remember, maybe she was testing your intentions towards her. By asking for what, in her opinion, was a huge sum of money she was checking her investment. If you think girls in the UK don't do the same, ask yourself this, how many unemployed men get girls?

    I say dont throw in the towel yet. She admitted she was in the wrong, which is a HUGE deal for a Thai. Maybe things will pan out well, but at least your eyes are open.

  7. I care very little about the things you mentioned!

    Possibly I go from one extreme to another. A news flash that 100 Iraqis died in a bombing doesn't make me look up, but my neices school reports are of grave concern to me because I pay for their education as it seems to me their parents don't care.

    BTW, what a strange topic!

  8. I have no need to settle down. I am happy to be the first to point out the failings of the lower orders. It just struck me that if I was to mention goat sex and Arabs I would earn a holiday from this forum. Yet we can say the same about the Welsh and all is fair.

    I guess that the Welsh have thicker skin and the MODS have failed racism 101.

  9. I understand that there are 62 Englishmen to every 5 Welshmen in Ubon. My grandfather is Welsh, so I can get away with that.

    One thing strikes me as odd though. If someone was to make a connection between Muslims and bombs or Africans and cyber-crime and the thread would be closed. However Welshmen and beastiality are fair game. HMMMM!

  10. I want to start by saying I have no idea if this is true or happened at all, but a Thai friend, who is in the know, is convinced it happened.

    The story goes like this. A tourist got into some kind of dispute with either an undercover cop or an off duty one. The cop ALLEGEDLY shot him. My friend also stated that at least one other person was injured. All this was supposed to have happend outside of the Molly bar on Kao San road a month or so ago.

    Now, I have heard nothing of this. I'm just curious if it happened.

    Once again, I HAVE NO IDEA IF THIS IS TRUE OR NOT. So, don't panic Mr Mannering.

  11. I'm a rather confused about the issue of price. I checked the current prices as stated on hospital websites. Maybe they have changed recently. I did hear that some of the top hospitals had put their prices up recently.

    A lot seems to depend on age. I am in my mid 30's and healthy. It just seems like a good idea to have the all clear.

  12. The problem with TijneBinje and others in the "let's just talk to them" brigade is this. The punishment may remind you of the dark ages, but what of the crimes?

    Dealing drugs is profiting by somebody elses loss/misery/death/addiction!

    There are entire housing estates in Britain that are decimated with drugs. I have seen them. Foreign criminals come to Britain to profit from them. I have seen them.

    Youngsters out of their senses in parks. I have been there.

    6 of the best with a meter long cane. I'd like to see it.

  13. Thanks for the advice. I have been on-line searching for a while too and have found most of what I want. At the moment the BNH Hospital seems to offer everything I want and extras for the misses. It is, however, on the upper range of what I am prepared to spend, which puts St. louis out of reach. Thanks anyway Bangna.

  14. Thank you both.

    In answer to my own question, I came across this from Kluaynamthai website. Most of it is in Thai but we can work it out from the English in brackets.

    Is this a good deal? Is this a full or close to full check up?

    โปรแกรมที่ 2 กลุ่มอายุ 31-40 ปี

    1. ตรวจร่างกายโดยแพทย์ (Physical Examination)

    2. ตรวจความสมบูรณ์ของเม็ดเลือด และเกร็ดเลือด (CBC)

    3. ตรวจระดับน้ำตาลในเลือดหาโรคเบาหวาน (FBS)

    4. ตรวจระดับไขมันในเลือด (Cholesterol/Triglyceride/HDL/LDL)

    5. ตรวจระดับเอนไซม์ของตับ (SGOT/SGPT/Alkaline Phosphatase)

    6. ตรวจระบบการทำงานของไต (BUN/Creatinine)

    7. ตรวจระดับกรดยูริคเอซิกซึ่งเป็นสาเหตุของโรคเกาต์ (Uric Acid)

    8. ตรวจปัสสาวะ (Urine Analysis)

    9. ตรวจอุจจาระ (Stool Exam)

    10. ตรวจเอ็กซเรย์ทรวงอกเพื่อดูสภาพปอด (Chest X-ray)

    11. ตรวจคลื่นไฟฟ้าหัวใจ (EKG)

    ราคาปกติ 2,985 บาท ลดเหลือ 2,239 บาท

    Thanks once again.

  15. True justice in an Islamic country is rare, but drug dealing in a country where it clearly states as you enter that drugs will get you a knock on the head, is asking for it. A few lashes seems fair to me!

    I would dearly like to see the ratten cane brought into Britain for such offences. Clearly a slap on the wrist and a stern word has no effect in Britain. A country that has a very serious drug problem.

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