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Posts posted by DirkGently

  1. The way I understand it, the folks from the N.E are being pragmatic. Yes they know Thaksin was as bent as a 4 pound note, but what choice do they have.

    At least TRT did 'something' for them. Where as the new gov are likely to do nothing for them.

    The poor are less fickle anywhere you go. In the UK, Labour have sold the working British man down the river in favour of easy immigrant votes. "we let you in! you vote for us, okey dokey."

    Toss the poor some crumbs and they will let you have the whole bone.

  2. This is the email address to the parasite that I am currently messing with. The usual nonsense about transfering money to me. He/she/it was passed to me by a friend and I just sent a short note saying "Praise god that we have met. Please send me all the details blah blah....." and emails have been bouncing back and forth ever since.

    [email protected]

    Please feel free to send them some messages of interest or sign them up for tons of junk and spam.

    Think of it as helping some more muppet who is being taken in by them. If we take up all her time she won't be able to scam some soft sod.

  3. The Op's joke on the Arabs was funny. I spent some time in Malaysia and saw them all over the place. Arrows, not Arabs.

    Gave a pal some hay fever tablets and told him they were 'party pills'. As we all were laughing and enjoying ourselves it didn't take him long to act the same. After taking the micky out of him for a while we gave him some real ones.

    Drugs are not cool! Don't touch them! We were young and daft.

  4. To be fair I don't agree that queue jumping is all that common in Thailand.

    It seems to happen most when the queue jumper decides that his/her request for something quick is more important than those waiting.

    The worst are those with money. I hate them. The way they swan about in crappy jewels and huge hair certain they are better than everyone else.

    I was in a sandwhich queue in an expensive mall and some hi-so hag swanned past the queue with all of her purchases. I decided to act in a way that would damage her face as much as possible whilst staying true to my manners and view of 'fair'. I stepped out of the queue and tapped her arm and politely said "there is a queue, thats why people are queueing. you must go to the back" she looked at me like filth and swanned off.

    The moral is, queue jumpers jump queues because they expect nobody to say something. So say something.

  5. I like to play head games with these parasites also. A favourite is to tell them I have sent some money and demand to know why they haven't replied.

    When they ask for your phone number, give them a police stations number. Wind these bas@ards up.

  6. SCOTT 69! Face it. You pranged your car and your p@ssed off. Did you expect the manager would open up his safety manual?

    1. What to do in case of flood.

    2. What to do in case of alien invasion.

    3. What to do if a person is found sand papering an alligators nuts.

    This is Thailand. Safety is viewed as silly. Just as long as you burnt your joss stick and prayed to some idol or other, you'll be fine.

    Where do you suggest shopping? Which place has well trained staff? Do you recall the opening of The Paragon? A girl fell from the 1st floor through a gap in therail. The security guard picked her up and carried her to a back room. I doubt he would have ever heard of a neck brace.

    In Thailand you have to cover your own behind. I take note of fire exits in hotels etc.

    I agree we are all in danger all of the time.

    I might knock a drink onto my computer as I type this and electrocute myself or stoop down to collect the post tomorrow morning, trip over the dog, stumble back and catch my arm on a table, knocking over the knife rack and then get hit by a stray arrow from the archery competition. It happens.

  7. Sounds like a loon to me. By giving you a hard time, it's unlikely you will change your mind and say "let's make it an even 800, pal."

    On the subject of genorosity of embassys, I think you are wrong. The two people you know proberbly had someone at the other end guarentee their passage cost or were able to show an ability and willingness to repay.

    If the embassy were to give every rag tag and bob tail a free flight taxpayers would rightly be up in arms.

  8. They have their comedy boobs removed and return to looking like men. Proving that it is just a sick fashion and not some kind of gender mix up.

    Thai doctors should be more responsible and not be so quick to disfigure young men with mental problems.

  9. I beg to differ, SBK. I have blown nothing up, the point being that a person I know and trust assured me something that I would have heard of happened and I wanted to ask if there was any truth in the matter. Judging by the lack of response it seems to be clearly a mistake on the part of my friend.

    So it would appear to be a false report.

    The part of the post you quoted was my response to something I disagreed with. This being a forum and all.

    And I think I made it very clear in my OP that it may not be true. I think you will agree

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