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Posts posted by gummy

  1. Much of the material found on YouTube is insulting to someone, somewhere. The nature of the thing is such that it could hardly be otherwise. But the reputation of YouTube is well known; those with particular sensitivities would do well to avoid it altogether. And those who favour government censorship of communications media ignore, at their peril, the lessons of history.

    You cannot broadcast (I'm taking free to air) pornography on TV in any western country that I know of. You cannot incite people to riot or join an insurrection. You cannot do many things in most countries due to laws governing communications, so regardless of what you wish to believe, all societies and cultures practise censorship according to their common beliefs, and ethics. The reverence of the Monarchy happens to be part of Thailand's.

    Find me a country with no censorship.

    Agreed as per my previous post

  2. Who cares ? Thailand has the right to block any transmission albeit terrestrial, Satelite or Internet just as any other country has, and most countries block something or other anyway.

  3. Why all the fuss? Most people I am sure understand the importance of not using a mobile whilst driving and I suspect that also most of us have abused that logic in the past. Unfortunately many Thai drivers do not fully appreciate the fact that loss of concentration = driving without due care an attention. It is easy for us from the West, and those Thais with experiance of the West to criticise but I have yet to see any posts, and correct me if I am wrong, highlighting the equally dangerous problem of DVD screens being visible to the driver whilst the car is in motion. Many times have I seen people driving, should I say strangly !, and on approaching/overtaking/letting them speed on their merry way etc etc only to find that they have the DVD on - placed slap bang on the top of the dashboard. Now I don't know what is more dangerous but I suspect both habits should be viewed with equal concern. But there again this is Thailand and after 20 years it does not surprise or worry me I suppose but just something else I have to be mindfull about whilst driving myself.

    I have to admit though that it must take a lot of concentration to talk on the telephone propped under the shoulder, watch a DVD and hold a can of beer in one hand whilst driving with the other! no wonder autos are popular !

  4. OK folks ignore my last post. After 18 months finally found out my problem by chance. Apparently the phones default network setting is for medium data flow. Changing it to continuous allows just that, continuous data flow. Now no problem connecting to internet or send/receive emails

  5. Don't kid yourself. It's going to be Liverpool v Chelsea in the semi's unfortunately as it would have been a much better final than Chelsea v Man U.

    Sawadee cap Gummy , what makes you think that your going to beat Valencia !!!! , after the way you played against Watford I hope you do win so we can beat you in the semi's. Luis Garcia , over the line , remember that !!!!.

    Had a good tip from the Government for a fortune teller!! Good enough for Glen Hoddle in his day!!

  6. I am definatly begining to feel like a 3rd. class citizen in my own country! :o

    What has become obvious here is that a citizen from one of the newer member states of the EU has more right to enter the U.K. with their family than I would have as a natural born British citizen. :D

    Does marrying a non-euro foreign lass really turn one into a pariah? :D

    Since the 2nd WW immigrants have always been treated better than natural born British Citizens. Uncle Tony's support for the EU to expand so quickly thus allowing a few hundred thousand, more often illiterate entrants, is the latest pandering movement, pressured by business and banks, to ensure cheap labour for the industries into which they have invested, to the detriment of the true British population. Of course now that they have entered they (the UK government) are trying a populist move to prevent a further mass influx of scroungers and asylum seekers, but unfortunately, people like yourselves, are caught up in this "two faced" policy and hence find it very difficult to settle there with their families Why do you think that in excess of 240,000 people leave the UK permanently every year ? I left 20 years ago and there is better English spoken and a lot less illiterate and moronic foreigners here in Thailand (apart from Pattaya ) than there now is in London - are you sure you are making the right move back to the UK ?

    I am afraid that like most things in the UK, especially pensions and trying to legitimately get your wife to the UK, consistant governments have conned many many people.

  7. Now how about asking the Thais with a referendum what they would like their country called ? Apart from that and the reference to Burma/Mynamar there are are places/countries that have changed their names such as Bombay, Calcutta etc so it appears to be the latest trend ! For me I always considered Siam to sound "softer". Also people could perhaps spell it correctly unlike some other countries

  8. On this subject connecting to 12Call with my laptop proved a problem to me a long time ago so I gave up. However following this latest thread I tried again, but still with the same problems.

    Still subcribe to GPRS and connects to AIS network very quickly using my mobile phone over a bluetooth link and still indicates a connection speed of 115.2.

    However same as always I can not receive any emails and can not connect to any websites including AIS. Running Wn XP so checked under the windows firwall, advanced settings, that the services are all checked, which they are.

    Anybody have any advise as to my problem pls ? By the way my mobile is a Motorola V3i ( do not have or know of any additional dialing string for use with this ) and I never have problems with ADSL broadband or any other dial-up via modem.

  9. Hi there,

    I would like to know how to do so that my to be kids have both French & Thai nationality, being born in Thailand.

    Should I record birth at embassy & to Thai authorities?

    I indeed would like them to have 2 passports, as I know some people do.

    Any help / experience would be appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Firstly Mother or Father must be Thai. If not no Thai passport.

    my wife is Thai indeed.

    so, how to get 2 passports?

    Thank you.

    As for Thai passport that will be no problem as you have Thai birth certificates so assume you have added them to your wife's house registration book at local Amphur. If not you will need to do so. Then with that you can go, together with her ID, marriage cert. and as you are a farang, and copy of your passport to get their their Thai passports. There is actually another thread on a similar subject .

    With respect to a French passport I hope somebody of same nationality can advice as I am British so not sure of your rules and regulations but most certainly I would advise registering their births at your own embassy and then asking directly for advice as to obtaining passports.

  10. Hi there,

    I would like to know how to do so that my to be kids have both French & Thai nationality, being born in Thailand.

    Should I record birth at embassy & to Thai authorities?

    I indeed would like them to have 2 passports, as I know some people do.

    Any help / experience would be appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Firstly Mother or Father must be Thai. If not no Thai passport.

  11. The Death Sentance does not work... I have not read this thread just the OP

    Really ? How many executed drug dealers/peddlers have you heard about that have re-offended then ?Whilst they perpertrate peddling this filthy muck that are given to children purposely to get them addicted then I for one think that the death sentance is warranted. It is a pity that most of the Western build do not have or encourage similar sentencing.

  12. Silly me on all these years I have been drinking coffee and now you tell me I should have been sticking it up my ar5e ! Is that the instant ? and I suppose for health reasons it should be decaff.

  13. Why do thousands of people talk on mobile phones whilst driving in the UK, where they are Fined and have 3 penalty points added to their license, is this a cultural thing, or are they just plain dumb?

    People are people, in all countries.

    Comparing safety standards and norms in Thailand to those of Europe or USA has little similarity. Thailand has a definite "third world" mentality regarding safety issues. You can't be serious that peoples' behavior is the same in all countries. In my country, I don't see to many riding motorcycles the wrong direction on a roadway or dousing them (motorcycles) with water on high traffic, high speed roadways, during some holiday celebration time.

    No you don't see this in the UK either it but might be a good idea at say Easter weekend to put some fun back into the country. Seriously need some outlet for Football and Cricket fans to vent their frustrations - only an idea mind you

  14. Human nature is strange, you get some guy will never ever ride a motorbike without a helmet but then he <deleted>-ks unknown girls in shortime bars without a rubber.

    Then you have the guy that <deleted>-ks everywhere without a rubber but would never go outside in a thunderstorm incase he gets struck by lightning !

    And then you have the guy, who never uses a condom, but always wears his crash helmet whilst having sex with an unknown girl on his motorbike during a thunderstorm. But I don't know if that is a cultural thing or he never thought of the dangers

  15. To answer your question directly the only bank that provide loans for property purchase in Thailand is the Bangkok Bank, Singapore branch. As for interest rates you would be advised to contact the bank directly ( I believe they do have a website ). LTV is as Thai lending restrictions, max 70%. That was certainly applicable as of 6th Dec last but again check directly for latest info. Hope this helps

    Edited to say I assumed you are not Thai

  16. Do think it may be more prudent to accept that Thais have a right to determine their own destiny ? For instance your statement "We need more programmes for all types of foreigners" assumes that you have a right to determine the rights of foreigners in a land which I assume is not your country of birth or which you have citizenship, an incredibly arrogant statement.

    You may not agree with the rules of the land in which you are a guest, but those rules do allow you to leave quite freely, to go elswhere of your own free choosing, where perhaps you may be able to influence the indigenous population into accepting your philsophies.

    The Elite card was offered with certain benefits. Those benefits may or may not now be realisable or indeed perhaps initially. However there is a consensus in the TV that for some, then the Elite card works. Why go off topic in attempt to belittle those people ? Best start a seperate topic on what programmes you would like Thailand to adopt that would be more in keeping with your own personal aspirations do you not think ?

  17. Amazing how there are so many newspaper reports claiming that the "middle and top end condo market is saturated" when Raimon Land have just launched The River development. Incredibly expensive units. Opening day saw 100 get snapped up by wealthy Thai buyers...I can't help but think it's all for show. Are they really using their brains here?

    Yes I was there on opening day and not surprised as it is all about location, same everywhere in the world. The same thing happened when Docklands re-development in London started in 1983. Many people thought I was stupid to pay £ 182,000 for an apartment in St Kathrines Dock, a "run down" old warehouse area as it was then. Also advised to sell as the "crash" was perceived to be coming in 1991. Again it is all about location. Now those apartments are selling at 800k to 1.4 million but the rental at £4300 per month is quite good don't you think? Riverside I have no doubt will be a similarly good investment also owing to its almost unique location.

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