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Posts posted by gummy

  1. My husband and I both smoke and are on our way to Bangkok and Phuket in April so we are curious to know how serious this ban is in Thailand.

    If you smoke in the street, bars, beach, hotels etc, Will we be fined by the tourist police? Ouch!!

    Thanks :o


    In case you were unaware Thais are incredibly sensitive when it comes to personal hygene. Therefore as you both smoke why come here with your entire body, clothes and breath reaking like dirty ashtrays as most locals may consider that disgusting.

  2. In attempting to understand the logic of the new rules one must first appreciate the fact that they have been introduced by a government of almost unparalleled incompetence. Compound this with Nu Labour's addiction to social engineering by legislation and it is not surprising that ordinary, hardworking, law abiding citizens are being severely inconvenienced for absolutely no good reason.

    The bottom line, unfortunately for the OP and others of his ilk, is that this ludicrous government actually believes by introducing these silly tests future generations of immigrant children will be less inclined to blow people up in pursuing a cause not identifiable as being " British ". Equally, by teaching " citizenship " in the schools as part of the national curriculum they also believe that the spawn of the ever burgeoning lower end of society will not continue to collect ASBOs at the rate they currently do.

    Most normal people recognise this cackhanded attempt at social conditioning for the preposterous tosh that it is but then Labour politicians and their shiney arsed sychophantic Home Office clerks are not normal people.

    My sympathy, as ever, is with the OP.

    Although I more or less agree with you although I am doubtfull as to whether the entire government is incompetent. I mean by that that Tony Blair must have a more than a modicum of competence as it appears he has already set up a lecture trail in the States that will net him a few millions. Same as Margarat Thatcher did also by the way. Do you think it strange that the only people gullible enough to pay to listen to the 2 most devisive ex ( soon to be ) British PM's are the Americans ? It is a shame that not more effort is put into the well being and care of British Citizens and their spouses rather then seek personal wealth - but there again looking after your own is not popular anymore in the UK.

  3. What have Ugandan bus drivers and Adolph Hitler got to do with Spud's wife?

    No you missed the point. It was in the context that had these tests been introduced many years ago some of the problems resulting from immigration and its subsequent manifestation would not be occuring today. Frankly the tosh being spread by Tony and his bunch of bandits is digraceful. If a British person male or Female gets married to a non british person, assuming that they can reasonably provide documentary evidence that they married, not through convenience, (ie it was not an arranged marriage and/or they have known each other for a reasonable period of time) should get ILR and not have to go through this cr*p which has been dreamt up in the last few years. Of course Spud's wife should get ILR in my opinion but Tony and his dreamworks company has gone off at a tangent.

  4. What VISA do you have currently and where did you obtain it or is it a 30 day VOA ?

    Its a Non immigrant O visa from the UK

    Thanks for replies folks

    In that case then suggest as other poster you go to a bank elswhere where they are more conversant with alien account holders requirements, may be a pain, but at least it will get the job done as a non-im O should allow you to open an account. Don't forget though that once you have opened an account the money has to be in it for 3 months prior to your new application.

  5. I would be interested to know how they researched and measured corruption in these countries.

    And Are they talking about corruption of people high up in government...or the policeman who tires to extort 100 baht from a taxi driver?

    Does anyone have any idea how they came up with the figures and rankings.

    Not that I question thailand being labelled as one of the worst offenders....I've seen and heard enough corruption stories in the Land Of Smiles to convince me that there is some truth to the survey.

    But how would you go about ranking countries based on corruption.

    Corruption isn't something you can easily measure...like temperature , disease or poverty.

    Did they send 100 people out to bribe traffic cops in each country?

    The World Bank and Transparency International most probably sub-contract the investigation and analysis to that famous organisation, International Masturbators Inc. so that they can come up with whatever result their masters and main donators deem appropriate - opps, is that not the US again ?

  6. I would be interested to know how they researched and measured corruption in these countries.

    And Are they talking about corruption of people high up in government...or the policeman who tires to extort 100 baht from a taxi driver?

    Does anyone have any idea how they came up with the figures and rankings.

    Not that I question thailand being labelled as one of the worst offenders....I've seen and heard enough corruption stories in the Land Of Smiles to convince me that there is some truth to the survey.

    But how would you go about ranking countries based on corruption.

    Corruption isn't something you can easily measure...like temperature , disease or poverty.

    Did they send 100 people out to bribe traffic cops in each country?

  7. It is obviously a case of trying to lock the door after the horse has bolted, along with making a nice little earner for the government and private sector tutors.

    I think most people would agree that *some* level of familiarity with UK life, and *some* level of competency with the language is warranted in order to get ILR, but that level should be a lot lower what is required to pass this test.

    If only some kind of test had been introduced 30 years ago we would not now be in the paradoxical situation of having millions of settled immigrants who speak hardly any english, while preventing bona fide spouses of british nationals who's english abilities are significantly better, from settling.

    Should have been more than 50 years ago 'cos that is when it all started to go pear shaped.

    Of course you are right, but governments are not good at looking 50 years ahead - even 5 years is a stuggle for most. Back in the 50s' there was an unprecedented economic expansion, and a huge labour shortage was endangering it. No way would any government hack be worried about racial integration, and as for foreign spouses of british nationals ? ? ? Not even on the radar screen ! ! Solution = mass immigration from the former colonies to do the work that most Brits didn't want. If I'm not mistaken I think, in the 50s', almost any commonwealth citizen had the right to emigrate. It was in the late 60's when it really started to dawn on the politicians that maybe the door was open too wide.

    Perhaps you are right as I seem to recall it was not untill the 60's that British Passports were changed from "Right of Abode in the United Kingdom". However the labour shortage was only in certain areas, Basically 2. One was that after WW11 we had no bus drivers so hence, as there was an abundance in the West Indies owing to their highly developed transportation system, they quickly came to the UK to help us out. The other shortage during the 60's of course was in social workers. As during the previous 20 odd years most of the nation had either been directly or indirectly involved in opposition to A. Hitler there had been inadequate training and education so as to develop and advance the social services area. As a consequence we had to allow the immigration of many highly trained persons from other countries that did possess these skills, such as Uganda, SW Africa etc. where as we all know they have special skill sets in social welfare and community wellbeing.

    Then of course the Rt Hon Enoch Powell was derided for being a visionary.

  8. It is obviously a case of trying to lock the door after the horse has bolted, along with making a nice little earner for the government and private sector tutors.

    I think most people would agree that *some* level of familiarity with UK life, and *some* level of competency with the language is warranted in order to get ILR, but that level should be a lot lower what is required to pass this test.

    If only some kind of test had been introduced 30 years ago we would not now be in the paradoxical situation of having millions of settled immigrants who speak hardly any english, while preventing bona fide spouses of british nationals who's english abilities are significantly better, from settling.

    Should have been more than 50 years ago 'cos that is when it all started to go pear shaped.

  9. But JaiDee, have you ever seen such near-unanimity on a subject!! Even Heng and somebody's Thai wife agree! Well, Heng chimes in for the chauffer-driven set; just have Jeeves do it. Or as we used to say when we got into the car and Jimmy was driving, "Home, James...."

    Okay, trying not to have a negative view about Thailand: this is a land that instantly went from walking to riding motorcycles, and few Thais (outside of that New York place called "Bangkok") have learned to cope with parked cars. Or even parked motorcycles.

    It is a hassle to move locked bikes, especially if you have a bad shoulder like I do. One time in downtown Hua Hin during high season, there were 12,894 drunken Scandanavians - each man weighing over 100 kilos, and wider than a footpath - strolling down the street four abreast. I got on the horn and loudly shouted in English, "Sawadee and crap, welcome to Thailand!!! This is a street for motor vehicles!!!" And we farang sometimes double-park, or whatever you Brits call it.

    I like that idea of smiling, using the horn, smiling again, horn again...nam jai, don't you know?

    Peaceblondie, it was my Thai wife. Now to be absolutely serious I will not give my opinion as cynicism does not help and will only address the parking issue. My Wife, who as I said lived for many years in the UK, passed her UK driving test first time, well some people are just born lucky I guess, suggests this about Thai drivers. In the main they do appear to most Farang to be selfish with respect to parking. However it is not done deliberatly only insofar as they know no differant. Is it wrong to lambast somebody for only knowing one thing ? Thais are still quite insular and for them to visit overseas ( other than Singapore ) to those countries that have differant standards is financially prohibitive thus they only have their own benchmark. It is not until you have the opportunity to compare other standards that a fully informed decision can be made as to what is the better practice. Yes for us being brought up elswhere they do appear to be selfish, but transpose Thais to England overnight to say an NCP car park in Central London and they would probably consider that we are totally stupid. Why ? well why build a multi-million pound car park and only allow it to be 75% full because it is against our rules to park in front of a row of cars.

    With respect to them being lazy, well as a car driver I admit I am no worse or better than Thais, Indians, Americans or anybody else. If it were possible for me to park in a Supermarket doorway on a cold wet night in the UK to load my shopping I would do it. Those conditions are no worse or better than the heat to deal with I suspect.

    i'm sorry i didn't know any better is a pathetic excuse, i mean really

    It is not an excuse it is the reason and there is no need to say sorry, the English have accepted rudeness from Jocks for generations because they know no better either in the manners stakes

  10. But JaiDee, have you ever seen such near-unanimity on a subject!! Even Heng and somebody's Thai wife agree! Well, Heng chimes in for the chauffer-driven set; just have Jeeves do it. Or as we used to say when we got into the car and Jimmy was driving, "Home, James...."

    Okay, trying not to have a negative view about Thailand: this is a land that instantly went from walking to riding motorcycles, and few Thais (outside of that New York place called "Bangkok") have learned to cope with parked cars. Or even parked motorcycles.

    It is a hassle to move locked bikes, especially if you have a bad shoulder like I do. One time in downtown Hua Hin during high season, there were 12,894 drunken Scandanavians - each man weighing over 100 kilos, and wider than a footpath - strolling down the street four abreast. I got on the horn and loudly shouted in English, "Sawadee and crap, welcome to Thailand!!! This is a street for motor vehicles!!!" And we farang sometimes double-park, or whatever you Brits call it.

    I like that idea of smiling, using the horn, smiling again, horn again...nam jai, don't you know?

    Peaceblondie, it was my Thai wife. Now to be absolutely serious I will not give my opinion as cynicism does not help and will only address the parking issue. My Wife, who as I said lived for many years in the UK, passed her UK driving test first time, well some people are just born lucky I guess, suggests this about Thai drivers. In the main they do appear to most Farang to be selfish with respect to parking. However it is not done deliberatly only insofar as they know no differant. Is it wrong to lambast somebody for only knowing one thing ? Thais are still quite insular and for them to visit overseas ( other than Singapore ) to those countries that have differant standards is financially prohibitive thus they only have their own benchmark. It is not until you have the opportunity to compare other standards that a fully informed decision can be made as to what is the better practice. Yes for us being brought up elswhere they do appear to be selfish, but transpose Thais to England overnight to say an NCP car park in Central London and they would probably consider that we are totally stupid. Why ? well why build a multi-million pound car park and only allow it to be 75% full because it is against our rules to park in front of a row of cars.

    With respect to them being lazy, well as a car driver I admit I am no worse or better than Thais, Indians, Americans or anybody else. If it were possible for me to park in a Supermarket doorway on a cold wet night in the UK to load my shopping I would do it. Those conditions are no worse or better than the heat to deal with I suspect.

  11. Hire a driver. It's their job (and problem if you see it that way).

    That extra 6,000-8,000 a month might push you over that 35,000 Bath a month budget threshhold though. But hey, case in point... that small amount can actually save you the clear annoyance and unhappiness that you clearly will likely experience for the foreseeable future.


    Not if you have children though as anybody with a child and a modicum of common sense would never allow a Thai driver to be responsible for the safety of their children. Sunday afternoon treat for a Thai driver is seeing how many children you can get in the back of a pick-up and still have in the back of the pick-up after 30 minutes of suicidal driving. Then on Monday you want to trust them with your children?

    It took my wife many years of living in the UK to appreciate good safe driving and now living back here all I have heard her say for the last twenty years is - Stupid Thai drivers, don't they understand safety and responsibilty - and she is Thai !

  12. In your amusing ramble about Stalin, Mao, Castro etc you neglected Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party. I seem to recall that his scientists and engineers were at the fore front of many items especially rocketry and germanology. Did not the Americans "spirit" many of them away to "steal" the secrets for their own gains? Or does stealing people and inventions that have the ability to inflict mass murder have more kudos than an invention that has the potential to save millions of lives ? Are I forgot, Americans can justify anything so long it is solely in their own interests and make money iirespective if millions die for not sharing because they are unable to afford it.

    As I recall Dr. Von Braun and company engineered an escape from your wonderful Soviet forces so he and others could surrender to Americans. As I recall they later voluntarily became US citizens as have a number of other scientists and inventors. Scientists and inventors still voluntatily come to the US and continue to become US citizens by choice. Hardly a theft.

    At the end of WWII Germany the Nazi regime was defeated as were the forces of Imperial Japan. You seem to have conviently forgotten who were the aggressors in that war. I suppoe the deaths and expropriation of Jewish property was somehow justified. I suppose the invasion of Poland, France and the attempted invasion of Britian is somehow justified. Then there is the matter of Pearl Harbor, China and most of Southeast Asia. Of course the Thailand Burma railway was completed justified. The US could have easily followed the Russians and kept their portion. The US could have easily administed harsh punishment to Germany and Japan. Instead the US rebuilt Europe and Japan and allowed them the right of self determination. The US isn't perfect particularly the current administration. But as to your accusation of "stealing" from Germany it doesn't hold water.

    You my friend appear to be away with the Fairies and living in Mickey Mouse world. I think most people would "volunteer" to become citizens of another country if they feared for the wellbeing of there relatives. Further I fail to see where the dropping of 2 atomic bombs, murdering innocent civilians can not be called harsh punishment ! But still one could also argue the the expropriation of Palestine in order to create the Jewish State of Israel and the consequenetial difficulties in that region thus caused could also be considered a mainly American brainwave.As for America re-building Europe then you should educate yourself better rather than reading American published history books , written by Americans for Americans. So my friend, far from America being the worlds helpers they were the opposite and have now become one of the worlds worst aggressors, allowed free rein since the end of the cold war, well that is apart from the shambles in Vietnam when you thought that bombing everything and everyone was a cure for all ills. Still I guess nothing has changed from that philosophy - witness the ongoing shambles in Iraq and Afganistan - Oh those Americans, how they help everyone. Back to the topic and they help no one unless there is money in it for them. The gift to the world made by the likes of Sir Alexander Fleming and Louis Pasteur would not have happened had they been born in Mickey Mouse land.

    your hatred of americans and america is so intense, it scares me.

    It is not me but the other 5.9 billion you should worry about who don't like Americans either, except Tony Blair that is.

  13. your joking right? even the govt has finally admitted that they have a major problem...........

    I know what your'e saying but the education system in the UK ain't all that bad. Of course the Gont has admitted problems but most countries do. Thailand would never admit they have problems in education, blimey they don't even admit they have a problem in the south :o

    As for th op. Although he may have just had enough money to take care of himself, when the baby comes along he'll have 3 mouths to feed. A totally different perspective on his economics. Also, in the UK he'll have support from relatives, something he won't have in Thailand and he's scared to death of going seeing the in-laws in Laos.

    Good luck anyways Boothy

    I have a 2 months old daughter with my Thaiwife. We are moving back to Norway before she is old enough to start school. I've been working in a Thai goverment secondary school, and NO WAY my daughter is going to learn in a Thai school! The education system in western contries is far superior, no doubt about that!

    That is an interesting insight into your own situation but I am somewhat confused as to how that will help getting the posters pregnant girlfriend to the UK. Unless you are trying to articulate about the fact that as, in your opinion, the Thai education systems is so unsatisfactory, the UK governement will allow admission on the grounds so as to ensure child will be provided with an appropriate level of education. I have to admit though that I have never seen that as grounds for eligibilty for admission to the UK but I could be wrong.

  14. [Apparently up until 60 odd years ago it used to be a nice place. Civilised, devout catholics mainly with a well defined culture, native tongue and were very respectful to most people. Then the Americans arrived during WW11 and it went down the pan quicker then you could say chewing gum. Similar to Pattaya really in later years.

    That's right, blame the decline in the past 60 years on the Yanks. It had to be them, not the local politicians, like the 20-odd years of dictatorship under Marcos. FYI, the Yanks have been in the PI since they got it from Spain in the Spanish-American War, circa 1898. Some of the nicest housing on Clark Air base was built in 1906.

    It was the 300 years of Spanish occupation before that that gives the PI a more Western culture, particularly their Catholicism.

    Are well that's ok then, it's the Catholics fault !

  15. In your amusing ramble about Stalin, Mao, Castro etc you neglected Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party. I seem to recall that his scientists and engineers were at the fore front of many items especially rocketry and germanology. Did not the Americans "spirit" many of them away to "steal" the secrets for their own gains? Or does stealing people and inventions that have the ability to inflict mass murder have more kudos than an invention that has the potential to save millions of lives ? Are I forgot, Americans can justify anything so long it is solely in their own interests and make money iirespective if millions die for not sharing because they are unable to afford it.

    As I recall Dr. Von Braun and company engineered an escape from your wonderful Soviet forces so he and others could surrender to Americans. As I recall they later voluntarily became US citizens as have a number of other scientists and inventors. Scientists and inventors still voluntatily come to the US and continue to become US citizens by choice. Hardly a theft.

    At the end of WWII Germany the Nazi regime was defeated as were the forces of Imperial Japan. You seem to have conviently forgotten who were the aggressors in that war. I suppoe the deaths and expropriation of Jewish property was somehow justified. I suppose the invasion of Poland, France and the attempted invasion of Britian is somehow justified. Then there is the matter of Pearl Harbor, China and most of Southeast Asia. Of course the Thailand Burma railway was completed justified. The US could have easily followed the Russians and kept their portion. The US could have easily administed harsh punishment to Germany and Japan. Instead the US rebuilt Europe and Japan and allowed them the right of self determination. The US isn't perfect particularly the current administration. But as to your accusation of "stealing" from Germany it doesn't hold water.

    You my friend appear to be away with the Fairies and living in Mickey Mouse world. I think most people would "volunteer" to become citizens of another country if they feared for the wellbeing of there relatives. Further I fail to see where the dropping of 2 atomic bombs, murdering innocent civilians can not be called harsh punishment ! But still one could also argue the the expropriation of Palestine in order to create the Jewish State of Israel and the consequenetial difficulties in that region thus caused could also be considered a mainly American brainwave.As for America re-building Europe then you should educate yourself better rather than reading American published history books , written by Americans for Americans. So my friend, far from America being the worlds helpers they were the opposite and have now become one of the worlds worst aggressors, allowed free rein since the end of the cold war, well that is apart from the shambles in Vietnam when you thought that bombing everything and everyone was a cure for all ills. Still I guess nothing has changed from that philosophy - witness the ongoing shambles in Iraq and Afganistan - Oh those Americans, how they help everyone. Back to the topic and they help no one unless there is money in it for them. The gift to the world made by the likes of Sir Alexander Fleming and Louis Pasteur would not have happened had they been born in Mickey Mouse land.

  16. I lived in worked in Manila 2000-2002 and my experience and observations were somewhat similar to the OPs. I found the place overall pretty backwards compared to Thailand, and in many ways more expensive. Quality of goods and food products in the market was crap, the cost of staying in resorts, etc. was more expensive. Unlike some posters, I found driving in the Philippines more relaxed than in Thailand. I thought they drove much more slowly than Thais. Also, far, far, fewer motorcycles. Crime is a much bigger problem as well, and the guards are armed for a reason. I remember one bank in Makati that used to have seven guards outside at night, each armed with a shotgun. I found the people pleasant enough, and the fact that English is understood makes it convenient. The native cuisine is atrocious. with a few exceptions such as Adobe and Bacalod chicken. What they do with rice would be a crime here in Thailand. Broken, shitty rice cooked to the consistency of mashed potatos!

    Apparently up until 60 odd years ago it used to be a nice place. Civilised, devout catholics mainly with a well defined culture, native tongue and were very respectful to most people. Then the Americans arrived during WW11 and it went down the pan quicker then you could say chewing gum. Similar to Pattaya really in later years.

  17. Without business and profit from previous drugs, there would be no new drugs of this kind for anyone at any price.

    Not trendy, but it is true! Sorry

    This is a typical excuse given to justify the extremes of capitalism which puts profits before lives. It wrongly assumes that if there is no wealth incentives that people would quit looking for cures for diseases. What a load of bulls**t.

    New drugs would be developed without these greed driven multinational pharmeucitical companies. The fact that these companies have been allowed to hold the world hostage is a disgrace.

    Explain how they would be developed please - I am not talking about primary research here but the develpment and getting them through all the trial, regulatory procedures etc to get to the market?

    Many countris require the trials to have data from their own countries and will not accept data from other studies - who is going to run these trials?

    Anybody can enter the market if they want - go ahead

    The drugs industry should be nationalised (but not belonging to any one nation) and kept away from market forces. Not only would drugs end up costing less but there would also be less temptation to create new drugs which are practically worthless. The focus could return to helping people and not satisfying greed.

    somebody already tried that route, and failed miserably in the last century. do you remember communism?

    ..tell me one major innovation that castro came up with? or how about mao, or stalin?

    the fact of the matter.. greed breeds innovation.

    thailand should learn to work with the inventors instead of trying to cheat them. inventors deserve a reward for their inventions.

    inventors DON'T have to give out their inventions to ANYBODY if they don't want to. even if it means millions die.

    if I invented something, and somebody tried to steal the idea from me, I would rather destroy the secret than give it to the thief.

    evil, you say? cheating and stealing is evil too.

    In your amusing ramble about Stalin, Mao, Castro etc you neglected Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party. I seem to recall that his scientists and engineers were at the fore front of many items especially rocketry and germanology. Did not the Americans "spirit" many of them away to "steal" the secrets for their own gains? Or does stealing people and inventions that have the ability to inflict mass murder have more kudos than an invention that has the potential to save millions of lives ? Are I forgot, Americans can justify anything so long it is solely in their own interests and make money iirespective if millions die for not sharing because they are unable to afford it.

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