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Posts posted by gummy

  1. When will this country catch itself on as to how totally stupid it comes across to the rest of the world with the draconian, pathetic, not to mention stupid, laws and policies it comes out with.

    I think this country should catch you - and get you out of this country.

    If anyone should be removed from anywhere it's you. This is a discussion forum where people are at liberty to, within limits, express their opinions. If you disagree with those opinions so be it but to suggest deportation for anyone you don't like is repulsive to say the least.

    What's wrong about not selling alcohols to people under 20 years old?

    What's wrong about not advertising an item that is the cause of hundreds of deaths every year?

    So we should ban advertisements for cars should we? They kill hundreds of people a year with or without the aid of alcohol

    No - no please don't come with "not advertising will not stop the people from drinking" because I will ask

    If advertising doesn't boost the sales, then why do they advertise?

    So why do people drink lao khaw? I've never seen an advertisement for that. In the same vein, if they stopped advertising ya ba people would stop taking that.

    Everybody knows that the fist step to sell a product is advertising (that's why it is so expensive, because you have no choice). So logically the first step to reduce sales is to stop advertising.

    Great idea, without the expenditure on advertising booze could be even cheaper. First bit of sense you've spoken.

    By the way, if something comes stupid across to you, that doesn't mean it comes stupid across to everybody. If you thought you were the rest of the world - that would be very stupid.

    As opposed to you who, despite all the posts decrying this move, know that you are the rest of the world. But using your logic that makes you very stupid. The second bit of sense you've spoken.

    Two things I like about your comment.

    1. I love red color (bold letters would even have looked better, but anyhow, it's nice)

    2. You are not the one who determines the limits of liberty to express expression here.

    As I said previously, this thread when being read by Thais, is becoming highly amusing.

  2. Oi! You really can't read can you? Ok, go get an adult to come to the computer and read my posts and then they'll explain to you that:

    I am not making an assesment of the runways' condition.

    I am not saying that the runway is dangerous, cracked, or otherwise.

    I am not saying that the runway is fine, and no problems exist.

    I am saying that an independent examination is needed to prove which of the above is true. Someone with nothing to lose regardless of the outcome.

    If you still don't get it I'll try to draw you some pictures but it may take some time as I am not qualified to do that either. :o

    No but when you are mature enough to understand and not believe in comic story's than I look forward to receiving your pictures, but I won't hold my breath.

  3. Okay, then I'll generalize a bit, and the first generalization is to say that I disagree completely with all this myth-of-the-happy-peasant stuff. It's not even a particularly original claim. You can find multiple strains of the same, ridiculously romantic nonsense running through most societies all the way back to the Middle Ages. And they always proved to be quite wrong. Always.

    Bingo. Though these fairy tales do help maintain the socioeconomic status quo.

    I'd challenge anyone to pick rice in Issan, or drive a taxi on Sukhumvit -- I mean really living this life, and knowing that it's your life forever, with no escape, not just a field trip -- and see how much happier they feel.

    Yes OK then but they are much happier than if anyone tried to pick rice on Sukhumvit and drive a taxi in Issan. Mind you Thaksin having so much wealth has made me happy, after all many of us of lesser means can have a good laugh at what his critics say - now that really is happiness - being in a good frame of mind.

  4. The problem here is never "new ideas" or "regulations". There is always plenty of those here. What is lacking is implementation. The Constitution is worth nothing without the actions to back the words. :o No need to get defensive about your English. Seems fine to me.

    So why shoot it down right now when it has not even taken off the ground yet? Why don't we just wait and see what happens in the next year or two before we start moaning as usual? Why don't we give it, the new constitution, and these people a chance? There will still be plenty of time and opportuinites for anyone to moan.

    What would have to be written into a constitution- not a legal code but a constitution, that would prevent corruption? There is already a legal code that forbids corruption (by definition, corruption is illegal isn't it?). What can a constitution do to ensure that people don't break the law?

    Here is one for ya. The consitution could declare that corruption by a gov official is treason and is punishable by death. I am sure that would reduce it and if carried out then there would not be repeat offenders.

    Good idea and to expand it to other nations. If only that had been in force 20+ years ago the UK could have got rid of Thatcher and her son ! Mind you the Saudi's would have protected them !

  5. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

    Yes will do wonders for tourism?

    Remember when it was 43 B to the UKP not many tourists then.

    Are we going the same way again.


    Well at that time for UK tourists to Thailand, costs were reletively higher. Also in the UK interests rates were much higher than currently so many people may have been unable to take long haul holidays owing to local financial constraints, which also affected other destinations, not only Thailand.

  6. To all of those who cite laws in other countries as rationale for similar laws in Thailand, there is one major difference. In the U.S., if you are stopped while driving erratically and test above the legal limit for alcohol you are cuffed and taken to the slammer immediately no ifs, ands or buts about it. Doesn't matter if you are man, woman, judge, priest, Big-wig politician or Bill Gates, you're going to spend some time behind bars. Then you re going to spend big bucks for a lawyer hoping that you can keep your license. If you are a repeat offender, you will see jail time as well.

    I have no objection to having laws against alcohol sales to minors, and totally support strong measures against drunk driving. But untill Thailand cuts the hyprocisy of laws without enforcement, I have little respect for these self-serving measures.

    In my state it is a minimum of one night in jail. They even passed a law that if you get convicted 3 tims you lose you car but I think it got overturned.

    The car or the law?

  7. Bingobongo,

    you are absolutely right about this....I do expect the manure to hug me back but it never works out....I'm still working on developing a sense of comradship with it and I'll let you know how it works out.


    P.S. I think materialism is all about taking some things too serioiusly...this can be said for material things and it can be said for posting here on ThaiVisa too.


    Give yourself a cow-pat on the back for devotion

  8. We are currently residing in a country without a constitution. I don't believe the Constitution being drafted now will be voted in - if offered as an election option to the populace. I also don't think there will be elections here before the 1 year anniversary of the Sept coup. None of the above makes a whole lot of difference one way or another. Corruption is ingrained in the Thai psyche.

    Just one of a swath of indications: I work as a realtor with a Thai partner. He often wants to tell clients a higher asking price (higher than the seller's) and put the gravy in his pocket. I tell him that's unethical. He can't comprehend what I'm trying to say. In his view, it's simply how the game is played.

    In the bigger picture, Thaksin's greatest legacy to Thailand is; CORRUPTION AND LIES GET YOU RICHER. In a country that worships money at least as much as anything else, Thaksin's immense wealth and power were enough to cement his exalted status. He's influenced at least one generation of young people in to believing that no amount of wealth is too much, and that it doesn't matter how its acquired.

    I agree and just think how much better at it he could become if he spent some time in Nigeria ! Thailand is way behind if you include most African countries in the corruption "League" table.

  9. Here is a quote that may be relevant to thailand,

    Wherever I went in my life, I met people wanting to gobble up something new. Gobble up a new car...Gobble up the latest toy...You know how I always interpreted that? These people were people so hungry for love that they were accepting substitutes. They were embracing material things and expecting a sort of hug back. But it never works. You can't substitute material things for love or for gentleness or for tenderness or for a sense of comradeship. ~MS

    Well that be so for those of us who have a materialistic tendency, but I get all the love I need from my Wife and family, whereas my cars, computers, camcorders, Hi-Fi, Plasma etc etc have one distinct advantage that they do not have - they ( my toys ) never disagree with me.

  10. If he is convicted of the charge of importing banned drugs, in this case steroids, what would the legal position be for him here in Thailand, assuming that is the case is heard in Oz before the end of filming ?

  11. How predictable that yet again ,like clockwork, the posters question, which was - "Anyone interested in sharing their values and priorities please post, I for one would love to read about them" has become misconstrued and turned into a"lets knock the Thais" by the few.

    Having lived here for almost 2 decades, prior to that worked and lived on 3 other continents for periods of up to 8 years at a time, and prior to that being brought up and working in the UK, I found that nowhere is no more or no less materialistic than elswhere. Granted that in South America, like parts of Asia the importance is on having for example better TV rather then a top of the range laptop but that is because their requirements, or at least perceived requirements, are influenced by local conditions, trends and traditions. Whereas in US and Europe it's more the "Boys Toys" things that currently take precedence.

    As for decrying anyone, then that it my opionion is being too judgemental ,but in answer to the question, than I am no better or no worse than most when those "I really need to have" items are purchased and later one questions the logic in the original purchase. The individuals importance for material things comes about through society conditioning . I have not had experience of living and working anyway where that has not been the case.

  12. WARNING: Definitely NOT PC

    A big earthquake with the strength of 8.1 on the Richter scale has hit Pakistan. Two million Pakistanis have died and over a million are injured. The country is totally ruined and the government doesn't know where to start with providing help to rebuild. The rest of the world is in shock.

    The United States is sending troops to help.

    Saudi Arabia is sending oil.

    Latin American countries are sending supplies.

    New Zealand is sending sheep, cattle and food crops.

    The European community (except France) is sending money.

    The Asian continents are sending labour to assist in rebuilding infrastructure.

    The British government, not to be outdone, are sending two million replacement Pakistanis!

    God Bless their generosity.

    Nice one.

  13. But let us not forget it is in most countries. The Uk lubricated the wheels with the Saudi's under Thatcher for a defence deal and just recently the extension to this i.e. the BAE "slushfund" that was undergoing months of investigation by MI5 and Senior Police officials was closed down, directly by the current governement, on the grounds it was "Not in the public" interest. Of course any state official or officials who are benefiting directly or indirectly from irregular payments would claim that wouldn't they? I am not sure if Thailand has swept a corrupted deal under the carpet as "not in the public" interest though as blatantly as the UK just have.

  14. By the way fines for overstaying increase on 15th March to 500 THB per day of overstay so maybe more people will be "encouraged" to comply with current visa legislation and should they wish to stay longer get an appropriate visa.

    Overstay is charged with 500 Baht/Day since long ago.

    Over the many years never needed to buck the sytem so never did know how much the fine is, but just happened to be in in Immigration at Suan Plu this morning and the illuminated sign was saying just that hence my statement. Guess it must have been saying that since last year then?

  15. Not strange at all. The wording of "should" means exactly that. There is no way a deliberate overstayer can be physically prevented from doing so therefore the words "may not" or "can not" would be meaningless and hence the term "should" identifies very clearly, and makes you aware of the legal position. By the way fines for overstaying increase on 15th March to 500 THB per day of overstay so maybe more people will be "encouraged" to comply with current visa legislation and should they wish to stay longer get an appropriate visa.

  16. Ok inspector, I'll type s-l-o-w-l-y so you understand me this time. :o

    There have been NO reports by independent, qualified engineers that prove the existence of, or lack of, a problem with cracking. We have press releases, statements, and reports from parties who have a vested interest in making things all look good. We have several opinions by engineers who have not actually been on the site.

    So no officer, I don't have my engineering papers on me, but I deal with them daily and can tell you that we cannot get away with simply reporting that our engineers say everything is fine. That's why they have independent inspectors without vested interests.

    So, as you say your point is proven, can you point to the report by qualified and independent engineers doing so, or does that level of scrutiny not apply to your point of view?

    So as you admit you are not qualified either to make an assessment, rather your preferences are to belive in conjecture that reflects a negative viewpoint. For me I find it absurd that a few people prefer to go down this route. Guess so many millions would never have flown from the re-built LHR SW runway had they perceived that the slight subsidance at that time was due to the T4 underground extension, which of course it turned out not to be. BAA ( whom were not privatised at that time ) took the conventional course and accepted the designers and constructors technical argument rather than going for an international opinion as you and many advocate here. Which of course it turned out not to be, but that was a few years back. I can only assume therefore that you do not go in an elevator without first veiwing the inspection and maintainace records, and the list goes on and on.

    I would suspect that by this time next year, doubts about the safety integrity of the runways will have taken its natural course and fizzled out and probably by then some other folk will have come up with another issue to enable the "bandwagon" to roll again. Who knows might be a resurrection of the other issue of trolleys on the escalators. Be safe and never drive to the airport, the perceived risks for you must be far too great.

  17. I don't believe that budgeting for a wedding will give you the day that will stay in your thoughts forever . But that's my opinion .

    How are you supposed to not budget for a wedding?

    Don't bother looking at prices and just wait til you get the bill at the end? And this is your advice?

    Its like a Rolls Royce, if you have to ask how much then you can't afford it. You should be wanting to marry through love. Her family will know that and if they understand then rest assured you have no need to worry. But back to financials which appear more inportant to you. Lets assume you would like to give a Dowry of 300,000, the envises by the way is on what you would like to give, plus say photos, party for 300-400 etc. etc then that will only cost you another 200,000 tops. Ignoring any money you get back from wedding gifts, that is only 500,000 baht. Very cheap by Western standards and the kudos gained will last a lifetime. Also and more importantly, by giving a dowry you will have peace of mind that you have helped your new wife's parents which is far more important than considering you are "buying" a wife.

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