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Posts posted by gummy

  1. The old saying is very true. If you give a hungary person food today they will be hungary tomorrow. But If you give them education today they will feed themselves tomorrow.

    To balance that of course one could argue tha the 30 baht health care scheme was a populist policy. However had that not been instigated do you really think the current governments 0 baht scheme would have come about ?

  2. Every time i read a negative post by our lovely retirees on this thread or any others, i just realize how afraid these old guys are of losing their visa advantages to younger guys with more money.

    this statement contains a strange logic. why would any retiree give a flying fart whether younger guys with more money might have access to longterm visas? :o

    you might as well claim that the oldtimers are afraid of cannibals or headhunters in Papua New Guinea.

    tell us one more joke please!

    Well that's Papua New Guinea off my "must see" list then if they eat old farts.Don't they like the young guys then - 'spose it must be because they have too much muscle between the ears rather than brain which is an apparent delicacy.

  3. Talking about condos, anyone any experiences at all of the 3 La Raffine developments in Bangkok? They look very very good , my kind of condo, but no-where can i find the price of the various units except by contacting them direct and then you don't know if the price is for real or not . Anyone know anything?

    Can't say for certain across the whole development but a few months ago a business aquaintance of mine contracted to buy one at 71.3 mill, admitedly on the higher floors. Add at least another 5 for furnishings and you have a huge asset just waiting to drop to earth. He thought lowest was around 20 mill but I don't know for certain. Anyway far far too much in my opinion.

    Is this in Thailand? Sounds like San Francisco. Over 2M USD :o

    I just got a quote to build a 304 sq. meter home with the highest quality throughout; granite interior/exterior, super-block, etc. etc. for 2.9M and I think the price is too high. This is Thailand; what are people thinking? Are they thinking?

    Yes certainly is a lot of money but there again in BKK Condos and houses can be exceptionally priced as any other major city. Build something like that in Central London, 500 + sq mtrs + own swimming pool etc would probably cost upwards of 6 to 7 million pounds currently. so on that basis BKK is a bargain - If you can afford it that is.

  4. Hiya All,

    I have posed this question before but want to get definite answers, I am going to Thailand with my son who holds a British Passport but does not have his Thai passport yet. I have his Thai Birth Certificate and family book. On entry to Thailand does his British passport need to have the tourist visa stamp before I leave as he is staying longer than 30 days? If it does not what would be the consequences or procedure at immigration?

    Also where is the best place to get his Thai passport quickly and what documents are needed, Bangkok I presume has somewhere and how long will it take to recieve?

    Thanks All :o

    My son went thro' this process in October last year with his son. I assume you got his Thai birth certificate from RTE London ? That being the case you will need to go there to get a travel ID for him to allow him to enter Thailand as a Thai. This will only be issued 7 days prior to date of travel. On arrival, thro' immigration you will need to fill in some other documents for him, in fact immigration will tell you to. With these ( together with his Thai birth certificate ) he will then be able to get his name in the House registration book ( if your wife /GF/Fiancee has one) and also to get his Thai passport. The Thai passport generally is turned around in 5-7 days in Bangkok and what they will need is copies of Thai birth certificate, Mothers ID ( assuming you are British), Fathers ID or if foriegner copy of passport and copy of marriage certificate and House registration book with his name entered. So the process is House registration book entry at local Amphur followed by passport application.

    Although you say he is already entered into the House Registration book - I am confused here as to how that could be assuming he was born in the UK. If he was of course born in Thailand that would explain it but interested as to how you managed to return to the UK without a Thai entry stamp in his UK passport.

    Alternatively if you wish him to enter Thailand on his UK passport he will either have to leave after 30 days because, like you, he will get a 30 day VOA, or altenatively he will need a tourist VISA, again from RTE London.

    Hi Gummy,

    my son was born in thailand and was registered on the family book and holds a Thai Birth Certificate issued in Thailand.

    sorry I should have clarified this more.


    Seems you have qualified under the first step so just take all the documents mentioned to BKK to get his passport which as I said will take 5- 7days. Not sure if that gives you a problem though depending on where you live. By the way how did you get him out of Thailand without an entry stamp ? - just interested not being nosey. By the way if you bring him in on his UK passport then exit again on his new Thai passport it may give you a problem if at a later date you bring him in again on his UK passport because it will show that he never received his exit stamp so I suppose technically he could be on overstay ! Best to ask immigration in Thailand for advice. Alternatively apply for his Thai passport via RTE London but I believe that takes up to 3 months as all info is sent to BKK where passport is issued and then returned to RTE London. Sorry don't have all the answers.

  5. Hiya All,

    I have posed this question before but want to get definite answers, I am going to Thailand with my son who holds a British Passport but does not have his Thai passport yet. I have his Thai Birth Certificate and family book. On entry to Thailand does his British passport need to have the tourist visa stamp before I leave as he is staying longer than 30 days? If it does not what would be the consequences or procedure at immigration?

    Also where is the best place to get his Thai passport quickly and what documents are needed, Bangkok I presume has somewhere and how long will it take to recieve?

    Thanks All :o

    My son went thro' this process in October last year with his son. I assume you got his Thai birth certificate from RTE London ? That being the case you will need to go there to get a travel ID for him to allow him to enter Thailand as a Thai. This will only be issued 7 days prior to date of travel. On arrival, thro' immigration you will need to fill in some other documents for him, in fact immigration will tell you to. With these ( together with his Thai birth certificate ) he will then be able to get his name in the House registration book ( if your wife /GF/Fiancee has one) and also to get his Thai passport. The Thai passport generally is turned around in 5-7 days in Bangkok and what they will need is copies of Thai birth certificate, Mothers ID ( assuming you are British), Fathers ID or if foriegner copy of passport and copy of marriage certificate and House registration book with his name entered. So the process is House registration book entry at local Amphur followed by passport application.

    Although you say he is already entered into the House Registration book - I am confused here as to how that could be assuming he was born in the UK. If he was of course born in Thailand that would explain it but interested as to how you managed to return to the UK without a Thai entry stamp in his UK passport.

    Alternatively if you wish him to enter Thailand on his UK passport he will either have to leave after 30 days because, like you, he will get a 30 day VOA, or altenatively he will need a tourist VISA, again from RTE London.

  6. Normal microwave won't do it. Change you microwave for a Combi one. That way you grill your Cheese on toast as normal and for other things you use you microwave. That is the cheaper option rather than buying an imported oven with grill.

  7. That means the "British" Pakistanies, Indians, Ugandans and West Indians will be potententially forking out a lot of money for bogus sponsorships and "sham" marriages. My question is why has it taken 50 + years for the UK government to stamp down on it ? Or may be they now realise they have to restrict these ethnic folk as they prefer Romanian and Hungarian immigrants instead and they can not allow too many to flood in and claim benefit.

  8. I wondered when they'd start shooting people...

    Yeah - we were talking about this in Bangalore last week and my highly educated Thai colleague did not know about 73,76 or 92.

    She now wants a certain book from me to read published by Yale Uni Press

    I think the hypnotist above has spent too long in she shaving miorror and beleives his own quackery

    Apart from that a good dictionary would not go amiss

  9. Talking about condos, anyone any experiences at all of the 3 La Raffine developments in Bangkok? They look very very good , my kind of condo, but no-where can i find the price of the various units except by contacting them direct and then you don't know if the price is for real or not . Anyone know anything?

    Can't say for certain across the whole development but a few months ago a business aquaintance of mine contracted to buy one at 71.3 mill, admitedly on the higher floors. Add at least another 5 for furnishings and you have a huge asset just waiting to drop to earth. He thought lowest was around 20 mill but I don't know for certain. Anyway far far too much in my opinion.

  10. The argument is that Abbot doesn't have strong moral grounds to complain about "unfairness" and "stolen" patents considering that Thailand was within its legal rights. Thailand looks a bit like Robin Hood here.

    Theft is theft irrespective of the intention. Thailand was clearly outside of their legal rights.


    Some people can't see the bear from the woods when they argue emotionally.

    I agree with you. thailand is stealing.

    but I really don't want to debate the issue with the opposition since I encourage their argument for thailand stealing the drugs. ..the sooner the big corporations know that they are being abused, the sooner they will return to the west.

    recently, we hear of intel and ibm bringing over more of their western technology. stupid idea in my opinion. but then, I guess they need to learn a lesson which will be forthcoming. ..when china uses the chip technology to improve their military infrastructure, that should raise some concern in the usa. ..only a matter of time before they see the light.

    back to the situation in thailand... these guys who advocate thailand stealing the drugs. well, when the big pharma invent another new drug, I KNOW WHAT THEY WILL SAY - they will say it is their right to steal that drug too. ..it is their moral right.

    I wouldn't blame the big pharma companies if they decided not to provide the new drugs here.

    someday, all the american companies will return to america providing jobs to americans. this is where they should be.

    You isolationist stance is quite amusing.

    Its a global world now and America can not stand alone - you do not have a monolpoly on brains and innovation - I hope u live long enough to see the rise and relative decline of the US - it will still be the largest economy in 2050 though - its a toss up who will be 2nd - China or Insia

    I suppoe there were voices in the wilderness like you from 1870-1914 when the UK lost their lead

    I believe the most current economic projections are that by 2018 China will have overtaken the USA and shortly after in 2024 India will take 2nd place. Certainly will be interesting to see how US adapt to being an "also ran". Mind you there are still folk in the UK who are still in self denial about the British Empire's demise.

  11. Guesthouse,

    Firstly don't get carried away, as your own importance is only limited by your own imagination.

    Again you seem unable to answer the most simplistic of questions which I even took the trouble to provide an example to you. The topic was, and I repeat again, was "At what age would you take your children into a bar". Clearly to answer with out secondary diatribe is beyond your narrow minded imagination so thus I shall not be responding further to this post, albeit to say that I like others will find your automatic egotistic response to this last post on the one hand amusing, but on the other pitiful, owing to your own personal prejudices.

    Does the the topic state parents with young kids ? or does it state just kids. Can you read simple English? The definition of kids is children. Like yourself I have children. Unlike yourself 2 have been brought up in Europe and 2 in Asia thus making me far more qualified than yourself to respond to this question with any degree of experience. But unlike yourself my 4 have all already attained significant academic achievement together with stable family relationships , most probably beyond what you could envisage for yourself even though they have been used to going to restaurents/bars both in Europe and Thailand, without detriment, since very very early ages. Again as the other thread on bringing up children in Thailand, to which you also had negative opinions , it explains that to provide good guidance as parents is of most importance as parents. To explain that in order to avoid any ambiguity on your part this means that parental guidance is of more consequence than physical environments attended. Understand that or is that too difficult to appreciate its meaning? It would appear that perhaps you are insecure in your ability to provide such guidance that your answer is not to expose them to bars and restaurents, or for that matter , what else in the real world? Come back in 20 years to tell us all what your children are doing please as the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Maybe allowing them to grow up in a protected and sheltered environment, without exposure to the real world is the better approach.

    As for stalking you then I respectively suggest that you seek medical council owing to your obvious mental abberations because how often previously have you imagined people are stalking you ? Again the more cynical TV members will most probably laugh at that suggestion but I am aware that delusionary episodes should be treated seriously. I also trust that you bar your children from seeing any form of TV that may portray lewd or inappropriate behaviour and of course I'm sure you would never drink any form of alcohol in front of your children whilst at home. Oh by the way, read my previous posts in other topics if you have not already done so,so that you can steer clear of the bad areas of Rome where prostitution is paramount, unless of course you have already "sounded" those areas out yourself.

    Now you just have a nice day now,


    Where did the OP state times that children should or should not be taken in/out to bars ? Clearly any responsible parent would not wish his or her child to be deprived of appropriate rest. But tell me what is the problem of taking children out , as a family, to pub/restaurent/bar for Sunday lunch as many of the Thai population do as well as in the UK ?

    Again it appears that a qualified and specific responses is negated by huge generalisations to attract a wider audience appeal.

  12. But to put it into perspective: if a very young driver can even reach the pedals to control the machine, when he's driving 42 kmh, that's 11.7 meters per second. He does not realize how incredibly fast that is. He does not know how quickly the vehicle can stop, even if he performs all the motions instantly and properly. He has not previously had the responsibility of worrying about stray dogs, children chasing things, crazy drivers doing 89 other things wrong, wet surfaces, faulty machinery....nope, too young to drive. In Thailand, 16 is too young.

    I cannot believe that parents of any nationality don't love their children and want to protect them from unnecessary danger. I can believe that some parents......just....don't........think.

    I agree 100% with what you say but in order to protect them from danger you have to realise that firstly the parents must actually perceive that there is a danger. Unfortunately there are still too many people who are parents, not just in Thailand but in many other countries, that do not fully comprehend these dangers. It is no good being judgemental and saying they do not just think, because in their upbringing they have not been exposed to or educated to considering the cause and effects of their own actions. That is not there fault it is just normal educational development. We who have been exposed to this philosophy in the West from the time we are born are lucky because for us considering danger and personal safety is second nature. But for others they still have a long way to come, so hence we should help, not "knock" them for doing what we perceive is irrational or dangerous.

  13. Gummy, now that your kids have flown the nest, can I suggest you get a hobby, take up jigsaw puzzles or something and stop concerning yourself with the way I raise my children.

    Alternatively move on to a thread that is about some aspect of family life that actually concerns you...

    So again another pathetic an irrelvant response and if you really think I care anything about the way you raise your children then your ego must be at warp factor 5 as I may or may not feel sorry for them based on your TV response history but that of course is only my opinion.

    Kids are always kids irrespective of their ages. As my wife has still not yet reached the menopause than there is still a possibilty of us having more. So again revert to the topic and answer in a straight forward manner if you can comprehend fully what that means - What age would you take your kids into a bar - would it be 16, 18, 21 or what ? Obviously if you are a Quaker then the answer is never but that is to do with religous beliefs which is commendable not the fact that the bars you frequented in Pattaya all apparently had prostitutes. To give you a further hint to enable you to answer this simplistic question then you could qualify it by stating that at no age would you take a child into a bar in Thailand but in say USA I may consider taking them at 21.

    OK follow the logic? To give you further guidance on a response an example would be that for me I would take my children or grand children (if my own children approved), at any age , into any restaurant or bar that was non smoking albeit there are country exceptions but there again I would not wish for my children or grand children to be in some of those countries I have been in until such times it is safe to do so let alone a bar or similar. You see for me safety of my children and grand children is more important than my own predudices upon the clientele frequenting those said bars. Never judge people unless you wish to be judged yourself.

  14. Not very well especially at night. My wife is Thai but we don't know this route at all as it's our first time going to the new airport.
    So my wife and I will be arriving at the new airport and we'll have a lot of luggage with us.

    Rather than travel by taxi during the nighttime and risk harm I'd like to know what the options are upon arrival at the new airport?

    Eventually I need to get to Don Muang but I think I'd rather do that during the day when I can see where I'm going.

    How well do you know BKK and environs, specifically new airport to DM route ?

    As Bendix has already said why not take a taxi. Should be quite safe and as your wife is Thai even better and certainly so much quicker than travelling during the day.

  15. Clearly the cap fits you very well. And by the way why do you have a hang-up about prostitutes?

    I don't have a hang-up about prostitutes - Keeping to the topic under discussion, I don't want my children in bars where there are prostitutes (Almost every bar in Thailand) - That I remind you is only one of the issues, the other issues is the alcohol/bar culture - Not one that my wife and I want OUR children to be around. Did you get that or do I have to repeat it?

    You typify a person who has previously got a bad deal from one in one of those so many Pattaya bars you frequented ? A pure fabrication of your own mind.

    When it comes to drivel you are head and shoulders above the rest of TV combined. The topic was "what age would you take your kids out to bars". Simple to answer for most but you had to launch into your normal puritanical crusade about prostitutes again.

    Yeh right (because you say so LOL). Listen again, I have said I don't want my children in bars and I have given the reasons why, they include both not wanting them around Prostitutes and not wanting them around the alcohol bar culture (When is that going to sink in?!) - More interesting, if you want to start a thread of your own is why you feel the need to defend prostitutes, I'm not attacking them, I'm just saying I don't want my kids near them.

    And by the way, binge drinking in the UK, not just England, is on the increase. They appear not to have this problem in France and Spain where young children were mostly welcomed with their parents.

    I travel on business to both France and Spain quite regularly, to say that binge drinking in France and Spain is anywhere near what it is in England is a Joke.

    According to the UK governement due to the higher earning power of teenagers as never before. This problem is greater amongst females. Well whether that is true or not had it been on the increase due to those teenagers having been taken to bars at an early age I am sure the "do-gooder nation", which the UK has now become, would have repealed the laws on allowing minors into public bars where food is served - don't you ? or perhaps your ego is such that you will now proclaim to be a better authority on this issue than the UK authorities.

    Right - Let me remind you. Prior to the deregulation of the alcohol industry and the relaxing of licensing laws, there was wide spread condemnation of the changes by the medical profession and all the charities who work with alcohol problem. Groups like the Quakers, the Salvation Army, AAA all warned that deregulation was going to lead to increased alcohol abuse. The governments response was that quoting from past experience was not a valid argument because society has changed.

    Well Gummy, as it turns out who was right?

    So now the goverment are arguing that the reason why people drink more is because they have more money.

    Let's put asside the findings of the Government committee on alcohol that demonstrated the drink industry where targetting children and producing products and advertising with a demonstrated bias towards children.

    But to answer your question, I don't give a toss if you or anyone else wants to take their childred to the bar, if guys need a beer so much they can't wait to get a sitter, then fine, if people center their lives around the bar then fine. It is not my business.

    But it is MY BUSINESS what my wife and I do with OUR children

    Oh and Gummy, remind me, how old are your children?

    From memory I recal they are above the age when they need to do anything. If so how does what I said impact you? ...

    Oh I think I got it!

    My my Guesthouse, showing your background now arn't we and to think you accused another poster of using "bar room language" yet to say "I don't give a T**s" is as bad, very common. The question was at what age would you take children into a bar - understand that WHAT AGE !!! it could be any age over zero if the parent is still alive !! That too difficult to answer with launching into your normal tirades ??

    So what is your answer then ? When they are 16, 18 21 , 30 or 40 or some other figure?

  16. So my wife and I will be arriving at the new airport and we'll have a lot of luggage with us.

    Rather than travel by taxi during the nighttime and risk harm I'd like to know what the options are upon arrival at the new airport?

    Eventually I need to get to Don Muang but I think I'd rather do that during the day when I can see where I'm going.

    How well do you know BKK and environs, specifically new airport to DM route ?

  17. Very predicable responses but folks, lighten up a bit. It could have been worse, much much worse, he could have let a woman drive. Then it would have been a mobile held on the ear by shoulder whilst applying make-up with hands and steering with knee and who said only children are not responsible ? Of course children should should not drive - nor should anybody under 18 and definately no women. Just see the headlines now - "Serious accident as woman crashes into own child driving in opposite directions. The woman was apparently speaking to her son on her mobile just before the collision. Neither child nor Mother would accept responsibility for driving without due care and attention. Police later arrested father for allowing his wife to drive"

  18. OK, I'm waiting for the gasps of horror, but my son is 5 & I've taken him to bars since he was 3. His father was a musician who played in a rock band in a bar & I'd take him to see his Dad play. Now, his father's dead we (very occasionally) still go to see his dad's friends play. My son is a total rock music addict. His favourite songs are "We will rock you" and "Smoke on the water". I very rarely go out anymore (as can be seen by my post times on here), but if I do, I usually take him. To me, it's a connection to his father & if others think I'm wrong, I guess that's up to them.

    Well I for one won't gasp in horror, I think you are absolutely adopting the right approach. It is done for all the best reasons and I expect your son will thank you in the future for doing just that.

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