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Posts posted by gummy

  1. Having had homeowners insurance for my whole life and never made a claim, when I arrived in Thailand, I concluded that nothing in my home was so expensive I couldn't replace it and went with no insurance.

    Keep in mind that your insurance settlement takes into account depreciation when you make your claim unless you specify replacement value.

    What no property or third party indemnity insurance either ! :o

  2. thanks, do you have any personal experience with them. What are the yearly costs?

    thanks again



    I use them but fortunately not needed to claim so the renewal and amendment service is all that I have encountered which is good. As for yearly costs then that depends upon the sums insured, but as an example, and you must realise that this company is angling for the Farang market, it works out about 60% of the cost of the UK for an equivalent level of cover with the exception of the property portion which compared to my UK property value v insurance cost, than here in BKK it is less than 1/2 of the equivalent cost.

  3. Thanks and you really answered by question. A couple of other things and how do you find the battery life and is it possible to download other Cities/Country maps from Nokia or a third party do you know?

    Battery life is about the same as my previous Nokia - non N series - phone. Not bad.

    You can download other cities through the phone and from 3rd party vendors. All that is available for Thailand is Bangkok.

    I was playing around with the AsiaMaps and it was pretty cool as you can zoom in/out, browse the map, and I saw many interesting things. When in Chiang Rai, I tried Points of Interest on the menu and found a lot of things i Chiang Rai listed. I was quite surprised.

    As I play with it more, I will post more info.


    Thanks for the input, much appreciated

  4. Have I missed something ? as I can still only find Thailand mentioned once in this thread and even that had no relevance. Does this not belong to a Burma forum or is someone trying to surreptitiously promote Gordon Brown's book ?

  5. Any pics of her? I might sniff around F. B. if she looks OK. I wouldn't be thinking about the inheritance... Honest!

    They say if you want to see what a woman will be like in later years you should look at her Mother. Have you seen a picture of her Mother ? Best try elswhere unless you have pretentions about attending the ugly bug ball.

  6. Yes, most down to earth people have maids and pay £3000 per month on rent...

    £3000 per month is not that bad for Central London and certainly not expensive by London standards so for the Daughter of a wealthy Father I would suggest that her prudence is to be commended, after all, there are many far more expensive apartments she could afford. Looks like her learning is already paying dividends. Let us hope she is also gaining a suitable understanding of the need for honesty in business during her studies.

  7. Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

    Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

    You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

    This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

    Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

    Maybe the op hasn't been in the UK for a long time as a resident, but the UK is now a multi-cultural society, whether we agree or not. The reason the police force (the so called bastion of British life) is positively discriminating against whites is that proportionally other sectors of the community are under represented.

    We can debate all day about the pros or cons of having other nationalities in the UK or not. The fact is we do, we needed a work force in the 1950s and the rest is history.

    I can't agree with you gummy about Thailand taking a traditional stance and staying Thai. There must be give and take. At the moment I just see Thailand, as taking. The concept of keeping everything nationalistic just reminds me a bit like the Nazis.

    Another great comment mentioned before is about many Thais not realising that they are racist. This I would have to agree with. It is so ingrained into society that they don't even realise the way they behave is racist. Very much like when I was a boy in the UK and people called black dolls n***** dolls. It was racist, people just didnt know.

    Utter rubbish. The UK has an almost democratic electoral system. If those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours wish to have a greater representation in UK affairs then this should be done through the electoral system, not the back door approach by politically motivated do-gooders, none of whom who has the retention of true Britishness at heart. It is prattle like you describe that has seen the fabric of Britishness go down the pan over the last 50 years. That is a proven fact as even this current UK governement has recognised something must be done, just unfortunate that they are incompetent or unwilling to make hard decisions.

    Further, to attempt to liken racism with nationalism is a profound mockery, again only attempted by the do-gooders and politically correct people - or so they wish to appear. Biggest example of this hypocrisy is the treatment of travellers, or Gypsies in the UK, even local authorities, 99.9% of the residents and certainly many MPs don't have time for them or their welfare. Why not let this minority group be represented in the police force ? well we know why don't we -no chance of votes or honours for the supporters of them !!

    You are now even suggesting that Thais are racist through ignorance, even attempting, poorly, to equate Thailand to Nazi Germany.

  8. I am really using as little as possible. One cap for a full load, but it still makes too much foam.

    I tried many different detergents. The first I tried was liquid, as I always use liquid detergent back home. But that one did not clean very well. That's why I changed to powder.

    Can none of you give me a brand? The last name the technician gave me is Breeze. The gold one. Did not try that one yet. Breeze has also 2 green (different green) packages that I tried.....

    Thanks for the answers anyway.

    Always use "Babi Mild" fabric wash. Not strictly a washer liquid but does not leave residue of chemicals in the washed clothing, but a large capfull per wash we find better than anything. Word of warning - this like many others will produce foaming if too much is used.

  9. Nowadays, in America as I see it, you rarely know a true color of a white person until you see an outburst from him/her.

    It's very revealing how in a rather muddled tirade against alleged American racism, this rather nasty little racist squib slips out.


    if you realy want to see the colours then just ask a "white" mother how she realy feels about her son getting married to a Thai girl....

    It may not have something to do with the color but the general reputation of Thai ladies in the world. I do NOT say that they are bad but I am saying that they have bad reputation. :D

    ofcourse thailnd is racist.. just as bit as any other country but in Thialnd every one knowes it and dont hide behind "politicaly correct"

    Thailand is probably in the top 5 most racist countries, if not the top most. However, the second sentence of yours is completely wrong, they never show and accept that they are racists, in fact they say something and believe in something. :o and the reason is "It Thai cultule na" :D

    I assume your remarks specifically refer to your own small minded world rather than the real one. Clearly a person who has convinced themselves of the world's opinion of Thai ladies by their own extensive travel - solely in their dreams.

  10. Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

    Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

    You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

    This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

    Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

  11. Don't know really where to post this. I'll give it a try here. :D

    I am looking for a good brand of detergent for my washing machine (Siemens, wash and dry).

    I have been testing about a dozen until now but I always get too much foam. So, every time I do a wash, I do also a cleaning!!!!! Because......, at the first rinse, foam and water is coming out from the machine through the detergent drawer.

    When I ask about this around me, my thai friends don't know as they use another type of machines and my "farang" friends don't do their washing themselves. Technicians that came to check my machine gave me several different brands (that I used already)....I also contacted the Siemens Centre in Phukettown......Waiting for an answer. But not expecting too much from them. They want to check my machine first, even if I told them that this was done already.

    Help! :o

    N.B. Some powders did not make too much foam, but did not clean either.......

    Sorry for my poor English.

    Foaming is caused by using too much washing liquid. By the way I say liquid as all washer/dryers should be used with washing liquid rather than powder. Powder is an abrasive and will significantly shorten the longevity of a modern machine which is why almost all machine manufacturers recommend their use.

    So depending on your wash load, only use a minimum amount of liquid, generally a capfull.

    So get some liquid, try a capfull or whatever it recommends and let us know the result. It should cure your problem.

  12. Fortuners rock !

    Shouldent that be suck ?


    Yeah, Fortuners really suck..............worst selling SUV in Thailand, Thailand can't export any that are made here, they are always breaking down, mind you Toyota has a reputation for making totally unreliable motors and at 1.25 million Baht, they are grossly overpriced...............whatever was I thinking when I bought mine, I should have listened to Undercover............. :o:D

    And me also if I had known. Best also tell the South Africans and Middle Eastern countries that they are so bad.

  13. The only cricket I've seen was the highlights of South africa v England. I quite enjoyed it. England all out 154. SA 155 for only one wicket. What's going on, didn't England invent the game?

    Years back my school's cricket team beat Gordonstoun. Our team were all Scottish, who are crap at cricket. The Queen of England's youngest was playing along with other English boys.

    Was it just a one off or are England having a bad spell?

    As I see it there are 4 problems why the cricket team are pathetic with similar parrallels to the England football team. They are, although not neccessarily in the correct order,

    1. Too highly paid with the media hype, domesticall, convincing them that they are prima donnas which, on the world stage, at best, they are only mediocre
    2. Very poor management leadership skills where both on and off the field they should be expected to act as a team rather than drunken louts. Individual team skills yes but using them within the team framework. They seem to have forgotten it is a team game.
    3. Appointing Managers/Coaches who themselves are as per item 1
    4. What do you really expect when you have grown men wearing earings on the playing field !

    Overhyped yes, Mediocre No. Don't forget they did win the ashes in 2005 and the jim-jam series recently in Aus. Yes they got mullered in the real cricket series against the chain-gang but so does everybody else that tours there. They can play and as a young side should get better. :o

    Well they can not get much worse can they. A young side they may be but to behave as nothing but drunken yobs whilst on tour, supposedly representing their country, they are nothing but a national disgrace. Their honours for beating the off-form Australians in 2005 and holding onto them for the shortest time in cricketing history, should be withdrawn. They are a shambolic representation of what a cricket team should be.

  14. The only cricket I've seen was the highlights of South africa v England. I quite enjoyed it. England all out 154. SA 155 for only one wicket. What's going on, didn't England invent the game?

    Years back my school's cricket team beat Gordonstoun. Our team were all Scottish, who are crap at cricket. The Queen of England's youngest was playing along with other English boys.

    Was it just a one off or are England having a bad spell?

    As I see it there are 4 problems why the cricket team are pathetic with similar parrallels to the England football team. They are, although not neccessarily in the correct order,

    1. Too highly paid with the media hype, domesticall, convincing them that they are prima donnas which, on the world stage, at best, they are only mediocre
    2. Very poor management leadership skills where both on and off the field they should be expected to act as a team rather than drunken louts. Individual team skills yes but using them within the team framework. They seem to have forgotten it is a team game.
    3. Appointing Managers/Coaches who themselves are as per item 1
    4. What do you really expect when you have grown men wearing earings on the playing field !

  15. I don't own or never have owned an Isuzu but I think this OP statement is ridiculous. Every intelligent person knows, that in the civilised world, Volvo drivers are the worlds worst and the fact that they ever bought one is proof that they also must lack intelligence and hence let Isuzu drivers appear normal and well balanced.

  16. Ask any of my in-laws or their friends about being Thai-Chinese and you will be given a very insistant "We are Thai!" response.

    Many of these people are not exceedingly wealthy, as is often stereotyped. They often went through considerable hardship coming to Thailand, and spent many years gaining acceptance. They feel they are as Thai as anyone else and have a right to call themselves such.

    I agree and my wife's family also consider themselves Thai even though my Father-in-law was sent from China to Thailand when he was 11 to avoid the political turmoil during the late 1930's. I think most people are aware that Chinese nationality is lost once you permanantly emigrate to a foreign country so to exaggerate your nationality lineage is superfluous for most Thais. It is a pity that the same philosphy can not be accepted by children of immigrants to most Western contries. Lets face it we can all trace our lineage back to to a differant nation from where ourselves were born if we go back far enough. Ultimately we are all related to the same pair of aliens I guess beamed down as an experiment.

  17. I just purchased a Nokia N95 3 days ago from Central in Chiang Mai for 28,990 baht.

    It comes with a 1GB miniSD and nice leather case to protect the phone. You also get stero earphones with an adapter to control the audio player without touching the phone.

    It is a very nice phone. Yes, it is a little slow in some places, but hey, being a computer freak, it's okay for me.

    It does take a while to get used to as there are so many features built into the phone. The user manual is in Thai, but you can get English versions online from Nokia.

    You can download F-Secure antivirus through your phone - 30 day free trial. There are other antivirus programs for the phone at a cheaper price - you just have to search for them.

    The mapping program is okay but only supports Bangkok. One cool thing is the AsiaMaps - it will show you your location on the display. First you see a world map then is homes in on your signal and marks where you are - pretty accurate.

    The audio with the earphones is great. The visuals are great. It has voice command capability and a voice synthesizer to tell you who is calling you.

    The 5MP camera is outstanding! Better than my 4.1 MP Olympus camera. No optical zoom, though.

    Be care when converting your mp3s to m4a type files for the phone. DUring the conversion it will over-write your mp3s! Move them to a temporary directory before doing the conversion.

    Internet browing is good and I can even get email from my website, which uses an SSL connection.

    I have not tried the visual radio yet, but will over the next week as I am trying to update my website after a lengthy re-design.

    If you have any questions, ask. I am currently in Chiang Rai on holiday bu will be back in Pattaya in 2 days.


    Thanks and you really answered by question. A couple of other things and how do you find the battery life and is it possible to download other Cities/Country maps from Nokia or a third party do you know?

  18. Helps keep some kind of focus on the forum. If the moderators didn't do this then it would be a huge mess and you may as well just call it "GeneralTopicsAboutAnythingVisa" rather that ThaiVisa.

    The exception is in the more targeted sub-forums. E.g. Computers and IT, Football, etc. in which threads should be Computers and IT related or football related. If they're not then they'll inevitably get moved into their relevant sub-forum instead. But if they're not Thai related or not related to any other of the other sub-forums then they'll probably be closed.

    If the demand was there and a new forum was opened specifically for discussing famous battles then I'm sure the thread about the Scottish battle would have been left open. But there isn't, it's not Thai related, and so therefore it was closed.

    Although you have valid points, on what basis have you made the supposition that the demand is not there ? What data have you based this on? I suspect nothing other than possible intuition and perhaps before Culloden gets into the topic forum. However, more to the point and before this thread gets closed, as Im sure it will as it may attract some critisicm, one has to realise that the sponsors of this site are not a charity and hence they would, quite correctly, expect some return on costs to maintain and run this forum which I suspect are not wholly covered by the advertising revenue. Therefore do you think it would generate much revenue if non Thai related issues were allowed to run their course? Obviously there is an economic business potential for the likes of Man U , Chelsea threads etc owing to their wide interest, and hence a business logic for retaining said subject discussions, but I wonder if a thread on say Stowmarket Town would be allowed to run for the reasons I have discussed.

  19. Just over heard a guy on the phone to his friend on KSR they said they found 16 bombs!!!

    Any ideas???

    I never believed overheard conversations in the gents toilet's either !! Sure you didn't overhear and what they were really saying is that "they had just found 16 drunk pomms in KSR" ?

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