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Posts posted by gummy

  1. Another thought.. Getting existing film off is not going to be an issue is it ?? I would have thought that some solvent brings it off easily but jst another thing running through my head..

    I have had it removed and new film applied. It appeared to be quite simple as it is not an adhesive bond so they just pulled it off.

  2. I have an issue with my car (VW Golf) where the black interior absorbs so much heat energy that the inside of the car is literally at oven temps.. My black dashboard gets so hot you can barely hold your hand on it.. Add in my AC isnt the strongest in the world (Euro motor) and I am struggling at getting it (the AC) properly serviced it all adds up to a rather unpleasant temp.

    Currently the side windows (and 1/4 panels) on all 4 doors are tinted.. But I have no idea what kind of tint.. Looks like cheap black vinyl.. You can actually feel the heat radiating off the window into the car !! I am thinking about having the 4 doors redone and including the rear window and having it done with the most heat reflective tint that makes cost sense.. I presume the silver looking tints I see (mirror style) have a much higher heat energy reflection ??

    What kind of ball park costs is a good tint job likely to be ?? I dont mind a few 1000 lot less interested in 10's of 1000 as its not that valuable a motor..

    Will tint places have info on heat index or heat properties ?? I would imagine this is common but those language barriers can get challenging !!

    I have seen a place advertising v-cool and seem to remember reading about it.. Is this a particularly good brand ??

    Lastly.. Does a mirror tint or a high end brand make that much difference ?? I want to cool the car down but also dont want to waste money if this is only going to be a small change in overall use.

    One of the best films is "Lamina" also one of the more expensive but I guess you get what you pay for. As for heat reflection figures the places that apply it will have it for you to look at, and for Lamina the figures are all in Eglish as I believe it is an American product. As I am not sure whether or not you are in BKK but if you are tha Care Care place on P3 carpark at HomePro Rama 3 does it. As for cost well that is also a variable but for something like a Yaris is is about 5000 baht and Fortuna approx 7000 so I guess a Golf would be in the middle so not too expensive. An 80 % tint from behind the B pillar and 60% for front sides and windscreen would significantly cut down on the heat gain.

  3. Assimilating into the TV forum is more of a challenge for me. I never knew just how miserable I was here in LOS, until I signed up here... :o Being right all the time is a terrible burden.

    Don't worry eventually the burden of always being right will lift and then you realise you are really a messiah ( noun :- a leader who is believed to have the power to solve the world's problems:)

    It worked for me

  4. Can I suggest an alternative strategy to minimise the chance of burgleries? I use this strategy very successfully and have never had any burglers in our houses in BKK and Phuket.

    - remove any perimeter wall, barbed wire, glass, motion detectors, floodlights, security system, big dog, armed guard, cache of pepperspray etc.

    - don't drive a flash car

    - Don't wear any gold or expensive jewellery

    - Integrate with your local community by learning to speak, read and write Thai etc

    You might be pleasantly surprised to find that by not isolating yourself from the community in your top-security house, and giving the impression that you are not rich - then no-one will burgle you!!

    Time and time again I have seen 'fort knox' houses owned by 'farang'. Speaking to the local community about this always gives the same type of response . . . 'If they want to isolate themselves like that, then they are inviting burglers, and we are not going to help them when they get robbed!!'


    Reasonable advice and may mitigate the risk to degree. However Thais suffer similar problems with burglers, especially in BKK where they live in a Thai community. You do not have to be rich, or give that impression to be burgled. To a less fortunate member of the community anybody who lives in a single house is considered wealthy by their own standards and hence a potential target for those so inclined.

  5. Hi, we are mid-way through purchasing an apartment in a small block of 7 units. The project was originally going to be sold as a condominium and we signed contracts to this effect; then the owners realised that they were not going to be able to secure the condominium licence (presumably because they were unable to meet the required percentage of Thai owners). In view of the recent FBA developments, they have now decided to draw up new contracts selling the units as leaseholds, but with an option allowing the foreign owners to purchase the freehold should this ever become legal under Thai law at some point in the future.

    This sounds like a good solution to me, but what do others think? Obviously we will be consulting lawyers (although finding a decent lawyer is a nightmare), but I was wondering if anyone out there has any useful input.

    I would suggest you look elswhere if you wish to own your freehold in order to minimise your risks on future ownership. The Freeholder this year may sell out and you will have minimal rights as a Leaseholder to influence any future changes to plans that that new Freeholder may wish to undertake.

  6. Mogoso,

    You are factually incorrect which may be part do to your lack of UK knowledge, specifically of crime figures. The highest rate of recorded crime commited by any ethnic group is within the black migrant communities. Muslims do indicate that they have no wish to integrate and it would appear from recent times that it this ethnic group which provides the majority of actual or suspected terrorists within the UK to date, excluding that is the previous N Ireland/IRA terrorists, which as we all know have all been forgiven and have been elected to the UK parliment in some instances.


    I anticipate from your last reply that you have but limited understanding of the immigration issues or you are unable to comprehend simplistic facts or perhaps it is both together with you are also in self denial.

    Therefore can I suggest you read the following link from todays UK Telegraph :-


  7. Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

    Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

    You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

    This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

    Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

    Maybe the op hasn't been in the UK for a long time as a resident, but the UK is now a multi-cultural society, whether we agree or not. The reason the police force (the so called bastion of British life) is positively discriminating against whites is that proportionally other sectors of the community are under represented.

    We can debate all day about the pros or cons of having other nationalities in the UK or not. The fact is we do, we needed a work force in the 1950s and the rest is history.

    I can't agree with you gummy about Thailand taking a traditional stance and staying Thai. There must be give and take. At the moment I just see Thailand, as taking. The concept of keeping everything nationalistic just reminds me a bit like the Nazis.

    Another great comment mentioned before is about many Thais not realising that they are racist. This I would have to agree with. It is so ingrained into society that they don't even realise the way they behave is racist. Very much like when I was a boy in the UK and people called black dolls n***** dolls. It was racist, people just didnt know.

    Utter rubbish. The UK has an almost democratic electoral system. If those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours wish to have a greater representation in UK affairs then this should be done through the electoral system, not the back door approach by politically motivated do-gooders, none of whom who has the retention of true Britishness at heart. It is prattle like you describe that has seen the fabric of Britishness go down the pan over the last 50 years. That is a proven fact as even this current UK governement has recognised something must be done, just unfortunate that they are incompetent or unwilling to make hard decisions.

    Further, to attempt to liken racism with nationalism is a profound mockery, again only attempted by the do-gooders and politically correct people - or so they wish to appear. Biggest example of this hypocrisy is the treatment of travellers, or Gypsies in the UK, even local authorities, 99.9% of the residents and certainly many MPs don't have time for them or their welfare. Why not let this minority group be represented in the police force ? well we know why don't we -no chance of votes or honours for the supporters of them !!

    You are now even suggesting that Thais are racist through ignorance, even attempting, poorly, to equate Thailand to Nazi Germany.

    Well firstly yes I do suggest that Thais are racist through ignorance. They do have a distinct class and caste system, although they just don't see it. As equating it poorly to the nazis, I was equating that to your comment of "lets hope Thailand maintains its traditional stance and may it remain that way" We could discuss the very same ideology made by the Germans before the second world war, but that would be for another topic.

    As for your saying that "those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours. I am a white European. But whether you like it or not and it seems from your writing you don't, the UK is fast becoming a multi cultural society. An example for you is when I was at schoool some 30 years ago there was 1 ethnic person in the class. he was from Kenya. now in the same school there are over 45% from Ethnic or mixed race children. Soon it will be more. So my point is this. We are not a white nation any more. So we should live with it and move with the times.

    Using the concept of a democartic vote to get in the electoral system or as you put it "in the back door" is a mockery. That's what happened in South Arica and other countries until near civil war broke out. the Uk does a pretty good job in my opinion at being a multicultural society and having representation in all of it's important jobs is important. How many gypies want to be in the police force. From my knowledge zero.

    Anyway I think I know where you are coming from. You are the person who says that he isn't racist and he doesnt mind black people etc. As long as they don't take our jobs, girls and country. It is to late for that we are integrated, whether you like it or not.

    Very well integrated. That is why 5 children of immigrants thought it would be a good idea to murder 52 people in July 2005. How long does it take to become integrated? 1 generation 2 or until the entire indigenous population has been murdered ? Go back to sticking your head in the idealistic bucket of sand. As you say you were at school only 30 years ago which is the generation that bore the fruits of poorly thought out teachings that bred the do-gooders of today like yourself. As I said before, it won't be too long before you can enjoy your BBQ goat with a pint on Friday weekend lunchtime.

    It is racist view like the one your projecting with draconian conatations, that has escalated racial hatred in the UK. I am not idealistic just reaslistic and optomistic. As I mentioned before in the UK there are different ethnicities. Fact. So we can do a two things. Creat a divide or learn to get on and live with each other. It is too late for going back. The UK invited people from other countries over when they needed a workforce. Then in the the 1970s, when their was high unemployment, many people decided, the Enoch Powell idealogy and wanted, now British citizens to leave.

    Tell me what is wrong with all living together, with different religions and cultures? I do it quite successfully here as many others do. Whats wrong with having BBQ goat, we eat cow and pig? Whats the issue here? The idea is get on with things as long as each person does not infringe other peoples life. It is too late to go back, we can only go forward. What do you want, split the UK into seperate states and the whites can life in one place, the blacks in an other and the mixed race in another etc ? Why don't we put a wall up while we are at it?

    I always wonder why people feel so threatened by integration.

    Read the report by Civilate in yesterdays UK media. After you have done that wake up, remove your rose tinted spectacles and then, if you have got property and relatives in the UK, spend the next few months figuring out how you are going to ensure their safety and security in the longer term. It is you that should wake up and remove your head from the sand. If both main political parties are now publicaly voicing concern, only the stupid and naive would disagree. For those of us that voiced our concern back in the early 1950; unfortunately we now have to say "we told you so" primarily due to the do-gooders and naive people, which to this day still exist. When further serious problems do arise, that group of people will be the first spineless collection of individuals expecting protection.

    And to re-cap on your other point if the UK controlled their immigration in a similar manner to Thailand than they ( the UK ) would not now be facing this predicament.

  8. The British press also reported today that 1.5 million immigrants have arrived since Blair took office. Yesterday the press reported the Minister responsible for immigration as saying " we now realise that immigration is becoming a problem". A problem ? bloody understatement that is. Again as I have said on many threads , 50 years too late to realise despite all the warnings. So if any expats are considering returning, then think very carefully. Even Blair is planning to spend most of the time out of the country when he steps down. He already has one Son in the States out of harms way, well hopefully if he avoids the crazy shooters there.

  9. Thanks For All The help guys. I never installed a password system into my home desktop system as i only used it for internet access while I had my own laptop.

    I found out that he had been viewing porno because when I clicked on IE, the homepage had been shifted to a porn site plus they were numerous other sites stored in the favourites list. I have changed the homepage backed to msn home and also deleted all the porn sites from the favourites list. I could not use the eraser prog but managed with the ccleaner but not sure how thorough it was.

    I am not a "holy" or a strict moralist but the problem was that some of these sites were totally sick such as sex violence and beasility. I know that a young guy has hormonal surges but I am worried about this and that why I was wondering whether I should talk to him (though I know I ain't the right person to advise" or should I subtly mention it to his dad. He has been a very nice and helpful kid but just concerned.

    Any advice of totally getting rid of all traces would be helpful plus what i should do with this kid.


    If that was what he was into I suggest you don't let him near your pet Dog, Cat and Hamster !

  10. Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

    Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

    You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

    This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

    Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

    Maybe the op hasn't been in the UK for a long time as a resident, but the UK is now a multi-cultural society, whether we agree or not. The reason the police force (the so called bastion of British life) is positively discriminating against whites is that proportionally other sectors of the community are under represented.

    We can debate all day about the pros or cons of having other nationalities in the UK or not. The fact is we do, we needed a work force in the 1950s and the rest is history.

    I can't agree with you gummy about Thailand taking a traditional stance and staying Thai. There must be give and take. At the moment I just see Thailand, as taking. The concept of keeping everything nationalistic just reminds me a bit like the Nazis.

    Another great comment mentioned before is about many Thais not realising that they are racist. This I would have to agree with. It is so ingrained into society that they don't even realise the way they behave is racist. Very much like when I was a boy in the UK and people called black dolls n***** dolls. It was racist, people just didnt know.

    Utter rubbish. The UK has an almost democratic electoral system. If those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours wish to have a greater representation in UK affairs then this should be done through the electoral system, not the back door approach by politically motivated do-gooders, none of whom who has the retention of true Britishness at heart. It is prattle like you describe that has seen the fabric of Britishness go down the pan over the last 50 years. That is a proven fact as even this current UK governement has recognised something must be done, just unfortunate that they are incompetent or unwilling to make hard decisions.

    Further, to attempt to liken racism with nationalism is a profound mockery, again only attempted by the do-gooders and politically correct people - or so they wish to appear. Biggest example of this hypocrisy is the treatment of travellers, or Gypsies in the UK, even local authorities, 99.9% of the residents and certainly many MPs don't have time for them or their welfare. Why not let this minority group be represented in the police force ? well we know why don't we -no chance of votes or honours for the supporters of them !!

    You are now even suggesting that Thais are racist through ignorance, even attempting, poorly, to equate Thailand to Nazi Germany.

    Well firstly yes I do suggest that Thais are racist through ignorance. They do have a distinct class and caste system, although they just don't see it. As equating it poorly to the nazis, I was equating that to your comment of "lets hope Thailand maintains its traditional stance and may it remain that way" We could discuss the very same ideology made by the Germans before the second world war, but that would be for another topic.

    As for your saying that "those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours. I am a white European. But whether you like it or not and it seems from your writing you don't, the UK is fast becoming a multi cultural society. An example for you is when I was at schoool some 30 years ago there was 1 ethnic person in the class. he was from Kenya. now in the same school there are over 45% from Ethnic or mixed race children. Soon it will be more. So my point is this. We are not a white nation any more. So we should live with it and move with the times.

    Using the concept of a democartic vote to get in the electoral system or as you put it "in the back door" is a mockery. That's what happened in South Arica and other countries until near civil war broke out. the Uk does a pretty good job in my opinion at being a multicultural society and having representation in all of it's important jobs is important. How many gypies want to be in the police force. From my knowledge zero.

    Anyway I think I know where you are coming from. You are the person who says that he isn't racist and he doesnt mind black people etc. As long as they don't take our jobs, girls and country. It is to late for that we are integrated, whether you like it or not.

    Very well integrated. That is why 5 children of immigrants thought it would be a good idea to murder 52 people in July 2005. How long does it take to become integrated? 1 generation 2 or until the entire indigenous population has been murdered ? Go back to sticking your head in the idealistic bucket of sand. As you say you were at school only 30 years ago which is the generation that bore the fruits of poorly thought out teachings that bred the do-gooders of today like yourself. As I said before, it won't be too long before you can enjoy your BBQ goat with a pint on Friday weekend lunchtime.

  11. I wish UK would give the Chinawatra family the same visa grief as the Thais give us here!!!

    To reciprocate based on the analogy of the Shinawatra situation......I think you'll find that very wealthy foreigners and also foreigners working for multinational firms in Thailand have zero grief with visas/wp's etc....

    Darwin referred to it as the "natural selection", the higher up the food chain you get, the easier it is to survive :o

    That theory of course was for the natural world, not us superficial human beings.

    When you break down our petty superficialities into their fundamentals, humans are totally governed by the laws of nature.

    Unfortunately this is not correct. Animals are known to hunt and kill purely to survive. They are not known to hunt and kill for greed. They, unlike humans, understand when enough is sufficient. When they are hungary they will feed themselves again.

  12. Hello

    im 24 years old. i live in knoxville,TN USA. i love muay thai and thailand. hangin out on the beach.( a reason im going to thailand :D ) going out and having a few drinks.

    Im planing to go back to thailand, but this time for good.

    I will get my tefl cert , the 120 hr course in thailand and also look for a job teaching english.

    I will find a apt or house to live in and ect, ect

    I would like to find some one to plan and do the things together.

    Well the goal of this post is to try to find some one else that is doing the same thing and is around my age and share the same interest. By doing that i would like to plan going to thailand at same time with that person for a number of reasons.

    THIS IS NOT FOR EVERY ONE!! so dont post back telling how this would not

    work for you, saying stuff like...i think traveing by my self is fine.

    If you must post and this is not for you...could you you please post some positive advice.

    1.Traveling by yourself SUCKS!!

    2. Going to a different country for the first time with some with you is alot better than going alone. (some one to Watch Your Back) (some one to talk to) (ect)

    3.Shareing expenses will help out alot when starting out in thailand. (food) (rent) (ect)

    4.Planing and helping each other in finding tefl school to attend and help study.

    5.shareing each others contacts and helping each other in common goal.

    I would like to do this for the first month or whatever untill one of us is ready to get there own apt and part ways.

    If this sounds like somthing you would be interested in, just send me PM or email.

    what language are you planning to teach, pray tell? :o

    Well let's just hope it is not the English Language. Has the OP considered Esperanto ? It has not been taught here yet to my knowledge and so few people speak it worldwide, that any failings in language skills you may have , will go unnoticed.

  13. When I am inside my House, as far as I am concerned, IT IS ENGLAND!

    So inside your house the climate is terrible and the people are miserable ?

    and the food is <deleted> :o

    and they never wash......

    What a cheek, ! at least monthly by tradition although I was standing in the Tesco queue last night and it appears that this particular Thai man had also embraced the theory of water conservation.

  14. I wish UK would give the Chinawatra family the same visa grief as the Thais give us here!!!

    To reciprocate based on the analogy of the Shinawatra situation......I think you'll find that very wealthy foreigners and also foreigners working for multinational firms in Thailand have zero grief with visas/wp's etc....

    Darwin referred to it as the "natural selection", the higher up the food chain you get, the easier it is to survive :o

    That theory of course was for the natural world, not us superficial human beings.

  15. Oh dear, what price atrophy?

    The drive to reduce costs and to maximise profits in Britain is probably symptomatic of the global shift taking place throughout the old and new world towards the East but it comes at a price of which you are clearly oblivious. I have no idea what your experience is but it's quite evident your comprehension is at best superficial.

    The UK economy is mirroring the US but lacks its scale and cannot hope to emulate its ability to defy what may pass for economic law. Greenspan towards the end of his tenure confessed confusion as to why the market was operating as it was but his belief that monetarism was redundant as a factor in formulating policy was nevertheless maintained. Time will tell but at present we are in unchartered waters and no amount of would be dismal scientists could argue otherwise.

    The primary impetus in the UK economy since 2003 has been the availability of cheap credit tweaked by the allegedly independent BoE which has connived at fixing the market by foolishly reducing interest rates in a short term bid to stave off recession. It repeated this stupidity in 2005 with the desired effect that house prices have risen astronomically totally disconnected from its traditional relationship to income. Somewhat late in the day Eddie George has conceded he made an error and even the current incumbent acknowledges that the postponed pain will be that much deeper when the anaethesised consumer finally has to pay the piper.Inflation is already increasing and no amount of fiddling the indicators by Brown can alter the fact. Devaluation will inevitably ensue and recession bites.

    Wealth in the UK is as polarised here as it is in the US but our addiction to welfare and concomitant taxation means that the middle classes are becoming ever more squeezed and the poor are anchored further in their mire but now must compete with 2 million plus migrants for minimum wage jobs. Of course this all helps to sustain the miracle Bliar economy which evidently finds favour with yourself but most see the illusion for what it is.

    Anyway, I shouldn't get too hung up on increasing GDP being a guide to economic health. I rather think the Japanese deflation has funded the carry trade quite successfully so far but it's a poisoned chalice for the current socialists who historically could never say no to an easy ride....

    Getting bored now but may I pose a question? If we don't invest in an eclectic education who will perform all that R&D ? Oh yes, silly me, we shall just go and buy it with all that money the banks are making.

    A nation of telephone sanitizers and hairdressers and then a sullen silence descended upon the universe.....

    Rather a cynical viewpoint but of course 100% correct in your analysis - are there only a few of us as yet that understand ? Anyway you forgot to factor in the impending impact racial disquite will have on the UK economy. Although of course you must fully appreciate that this dire positon was initially instigated by the wicked witch Thatcher purposely ruining the future UK manufacturing base by ensuring her cronies were handsomely rewarded when she "sold" of the Nations assets, 73% ( and rising ) of which are now foreign owned and controlled !!

  16. I am going back to the UK tomorrow and was trying to rent a car. I noticed in some of the car hire web pages they are requiring both pages of the driving licence. I then sort of realised that the UK have issued new driving licences.

    my question is this, I haved an older type driving licence valid until 2017. Is this still useable in the Uk or must one have one of the new type licences.

    Yes your current old style licence is valid. Further more, whatever address you have for your licence is secure. DVLA entered into a commercial agreement many years ago and as such now sell addresses too many agencies such as Equafax etc. Thus once they started issuing the new style licence your address was thus sold to everyman and his dog to solicit you with all sorts of junk mail, of course with the pecuniary advantage going to the Government. Another of Gordon's "nice little earners"

    So to end my rambling, my advice would be to keep your current licence until 2017 unless you want mail to be sent to that address you have given in your application for a new one.

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