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Posts posted by gummy

  1. Most people in the UK can not pronounce them correctly either but that also includes Acle that most often is pronounced "Akle" and what about Bozeat in Northamptonshire ? When hearing the pronounciation they are then spelt incorrectly even in the UK. In actual fact my Thai wife got nearer to pronouncing names correctly than most Scots I know, but not sure why you would need to translate to Thai anyway unless that is you are writing a guide book to Norfolk in Thai. And by the way Stiffkey is in Lincolnshire.

  2. Why be agressive in the first place ? As his cows had caused you problems in the first place then why not do the obvious. Buy a Bull, that would put an end to it. His cows would be totally shagged and the guy himself if he got close enough. Come on don't come down to the local village level use your brain.

  3. I bought my Fortuner Jan last year and when I asked you can get the sat nav installed in both the Fortuner and Vigo. It is the same as fitted to the Camry and it cost me last year only 150,000. Well worth it although it is the US Garmin system which is not up to the same standard as those currently fitted in European cars but at least it works OK and is better than nothing.

  4. Well ,not content with cheating to win a penalty in the first game of the season against Sheff U. He,s at it again.

    I rated C. Ronaldo as the premierships no. 1 cheat ,,,but at looking at the reply of his latest farce its plain to see that the guy has no shame!

    Incidently,,it probably was a penalty as Crouch got his head kicked in.

    Yeh well with having a connection with Singapore you know all too well about cheating in football so you must be right !!!!

  5. Speaking of these travel warnings, why does my country (the US) issue these for foreign countries, but never for the US? If any place needed travel warnings it would be the US. Almost every large city in the US has 'no-go' areas that travelers might enter unaware. If the US is so concerned about its citizens safety, and presumably the safety of others, why not issue travel warnings for those visiting the US? Same would hold true for the UK, which is rapidly catching up to the US as far as 'no-go' areas. Seems hypocritical not to. Or have I just missed those warnings??

    US is not alone in not warning people not to travel to the US. No such warning was given by the UK governement after the 2005 bus/tube bombings nor from Spain after the train bombs there. When they give warnings it is only to cover their backsides so if anything did happen the politicians, being similar to an amoeba and having no spine, can then claim "we told you so, hence we are not at fault".

    For citizens of the US, UK, Bali, Spain, Turkey and elsewhere that have been at the bad end of terrorism, then 99.9% will/still go about their business as normal, to do anything else would admit you are as cowardly as the terrorists that carried out the attacks.

  6. Frankly it is hardly an important sport by world standards. Synchronised swimming is,if not more, entertaining. However with respect to the rugby world cup , then last time it was indeed broadcast live in Thailand but I am not sure on which channel as I became nauseous at the time it was showing at the reastaurant I was eating at in bangkok. However you will be pleased to hear that I recovered once that real sport of football, that's soccer to you yanks, started later.

  7. Shame such an academic either had some sort of memory blank or just never understood simplistic principals of common sense, when you are told my your Mother and Father and all during school days, well England anyway, never stick your head out of a moving vehicle, albeit a car, bus or train. That is irrespective of what country you are in.Tragic but stupid.

  8. I believe I can help ease your confusion.

    I could write the word ###### but I don't think it will work. I've seen others write assshole or aszhole to get the point across but I figured I'd write one for the dyslexic crowd.

    I still drive the same as if I was in America. I use my turn signal prior to changing lanes, I use the leftmost or rightmost lane to make my turn, and I don't tailgate. The one thing I do is give the motorbike riders plenty of room, and I stop to let them cross.

    Drivers here are no better than Americans in this regard. Americans will never let you merge into their lane even though traffic is stopped 40 feet ahead. We have holesass here and there are plenty of bagsdouche here in Thailand.

    I'm sorry, were you expressing an opinion?

    After being here for many years and also driven many miles in the States there is one similarity - neither countries drivers have any idea how to approach/use roundabouts. Not too many of them here or there but it is interesting to watch. However my only complaint really about Thai drivers and I'm sure it is not their fault really !!! but it is that handbooks for both cars and motorcycles for many makes must be very poorly checked for completeness. Both mine and my wife's cars have a clear and concise instruction on how to turn on headlights,unfortunately this apears to be in the minority judging by how many cars, buses and motor bikes drive around without any lights well after dark

  9. The quote "Thai money had only been withdrawn a few hours before the theft." 196k ? what bank is that with that higher limit ? the most I know of is 40k limit per day by a cashcard which means he must have made multiple withdrawals for whatever reason or he went into a bank for a cash withdrawal, unlikely that as a tourist he would have a Thai bank account isn't it ? . As for an insurance scam very unlikely as he was a tourist and hence must assume he would have holiday insurance. He would be lucky to get cover for more than £500 in cash let alone 196k baht plus 3k sterling. Maybe just a compulsive lier to impress his pals and "partner"

  10. I see that some Councils in the UK will now employ Anti-Smoking wardens who are empowered to photograph and fine smokers who are breaking the law. For me frankly I don't care whether the subject is smoking or anything else because it all boils down to an erosion of individual freedoms and an ever increasing nanny role of government. If the government decides to outlaw body odor will the UK one day have Smell Police inspections to see if individuals have showered and changed their underwear every day.

    Sounds like one of the "great unwashed, smoking and I have got no respect for other people" fraternity to me

  11. Thinking back to the UK many Indians came to the UK in the 50's and 60's on the back of University of Bombay degree. Very few were found out much to the annoyance of those of us who did it the "hard way".

    However with the benefit of time and mellowness that comes with age I have to ask myself who was wrong. The individuals who for whatever reason adopted this approach or the authorities and companies who usually turned a blind eye as quite often these people actually knew their subject well enough to survive.

  12. The Thai governement statement published in the Bangkok Post today clarified by saying that " it is not trying to seize control of satellite concessions back from foreign investors". It was also quoted as saying " the governement will explore the possibility of buying- back the satellite concessions".

    Clearly cost will be a major hurdle here but if they confiscated Toxin's asssets and used the proceeds to fund this buy-back it would not only enable them to achieve their wish, it would also be a face saver to Toxin, as later he could always claim he donated them to the nation !

  13. Every cloud has a silver lining and on average smokers die sooner than the sensible folk who do not smoke. Of course this also suits most governments which cream of a huge amount of tax on tobacco and saves having to pay their pensions for too long, assuming that is that they are not too much of a burdon on state health programs whilst dying from smoking induced diseases.

  14. Those that suggest war should not forget the five power defence treaty, unless these treaties have been withdraw.

    The Five Power Defence Agreement (FPDA), which groups Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and Britain, was set up in 1971 to reassure Singapore and Malaysia following the withdrawal of British forces East of the Suez. The initial underlying rationale for the arrangements was that the defence of Singapore and Malaysia remained indivisible and that they still faced common threats.

    In the early 1970's there was a concern that the pull out of the British from the region would leave a gap that could be exploited off by an unfriendly power. What was needed was a message sent that any attack on Singapore or Malaysia could be successfully repelled with the assistance of British, Australian and New Zealand Forces.

    Mate, you can forget the British. With the run down of her armed forces since the 1960's that has accelerated under Blair the armed forces are already stretched too far. The only chance with Tony that he will come rushing to your aid and shoot the shit out of your enemies is if your enemies happen to be a Muslim nation and that Uncle GW Bush sez he has to.

  15. Absolutely <deleted> barmy. They already struggle to get decent refs and with all the technology that is readily available, they never cease to amaze me!!

    Come on why be amazed, Platini is French ! After all isn't French philosophy " why make a job easy when, with a little more thought, you can make it difficult" ?

  16. wWthout a doubt , the most beautiful place in the whole wide world is a little country which has everything....good beaches, equitable climate,many picturesque hills and valleys, a long and varied history,and wonderfully friendly people...

    I speak, of course, of Wales! the only drawback is the neighbours.......England!

    You forgot your sheep thing ! anyway you only said that about England because your lot are going to get wopped by us at rugby - Again,


  17. The Thai moral majority (Or just Thais) are so confused. The face factor is so big that it really destroys any logic about many things. Plus, ancient culture exposed to western ideals and culture really mix things up in their society. A lot of confusion!

    Yes, I think you've found the underlying symptom - face. And I've argued that the cause of this symptom is that Thais don't appreciate the development of the individual. They are enmeshed mommas boys and girls, and this is exemplified in the nanny state, a state that has the audacity to send police around trying to stop teenagers from kissing on Valentines day. The parent tells the child what do do here, and the child never grows up to become an individual. Face is just the symptom of that disease of never developing a strong sense of personal idendity. Your face is how others perceive you, and so of course this is more important to you than how you perceive yourself.


    I assume that you have sorted the Balinese out, and now you are turning your attention to what is wrong with Thai society?

    Papaya and others,

    Does anybody else find it weird in the extreme that a bunch of expatriates, most of whom are attracted to live in Thailand, choose to pontificate so loudly, and so self-righteously, about what is wrong with Thai society?

    If you like the place enough to live in it, why do you want to change it? And why are you all arrogant enough to imagine that a handful of expats will have the slightest impact on Thai society anyway?

    I quite agree amazing isn't it. However apart from those you mention who live here and want to change it, it is compounded further by those who have lived here, moved away and still want to change it. Have you also noticed that those 2 groups are also experts in what the Thai's should do also?

  18. Gummy, Guesthouse,

    I have read all throught this thread and it appears that both of you eventually went off at a tangent into flimsily disguised abuse. Howver my perception of where Gummy is coming from is from your statement GH "if my wife feels comfortable, I feel confortable", which in relation to the previous posts infers your acceptance also of what others said.

    Now that may be totally wrong and you were only considering Mr & Mrs Guesthouse views but I myself did construe from your initial response the alternative thus I can appreciate why Gummy thus assumed the opinion, in relation to the subject title, that you condoned women santily clad or whatever so long as both partners thought it was OK, hence Gummy taking umbridge at you and your consequential responses - I am right chaps?

    Even though your spelling seems to be as bad as my own, your post is incredibly perceptive insofar as you hit the nail right on the head.

  19. By the way, it is not just the rest of Thailand, we live in BKK and my wife is deeply ashamed at the drop in social and culture standards displayed by many Thais these days.

    Should I take it you don't regard making un substantiated accusations as a drop in standards.

    I mean, let's get old school here shall we and offer an apology when the evidence of our accusations is lacking....

    Nah... let's just tell other people how THEY are required to behave.

    Standards are usually based upon ones moral perceptions and cultural norms during the times when one is brought up . Unfortunately these have been degraded over the years and Thailand is probably no differant from most other nations. I would anticipate that yourself and lady wife are significantly younger than myself or my wife, well most people are, myself that is. Therefore we fully appreciate what those standards and the importance of maintaining high cultural traditions are sometimes regarded as being at the upper level of moral and cultural acceptance, whereas yourself being somewhat younger would have started off at a lower level of these standards thro no fault of your own obviously. I apologise if I have infered that you have shown disrespect because clearly if you had, do to the above, you would not fully appreciate whether you had or not so it would be wrong of me to make that accusation due to your ignorance.

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