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Posts posted by gummy

  1. There are sexual deviants everywhere. Frankly if proven and I mean proven not just alleged ! then they should be thrown in prison and the key chucked away. However that is only my opinion.

    Thailand is probably no worse or better than some other countries. It is just that some of these cases are prolifergated by the media perhaps to highlight the "bad foreigners" again?

    Sri Lanka and Cambodia also has it far share. But then a few years ago their was the huge outcry about the Belgium child porn ring that apparantly went to the upper eschelons of Belgium society and last week of course there was the huge child porn ring smashed in Austria. So one must put it in perspective and expect all those in authority to be as vigilant as is practicably possible. Perhaps VOA for all countries should be abolished and and a VISA entry scheme with a police record check would be more appropraite these days to protect our children from these international perverts irrespective of whether it is Thailand , Brazil, Cuba or indeed the EU

  2. Hi,

    Is there a chance to meet nice open minded farang men here ??Am a woman from an Arabic origin and that seems a bit frightening to most of the farang here :o .Maybe you would say I'd better look for arabic men but simply they are not my style cause I was raised in UK and am working here in Bkk.

    Is being Arabic provocate hatred or dislike among farang cause they think we are all terrorist or extremist even if am not releigouse myself??

    Please tell me your opinons honestly and bluntly


    Absolutely not and most Farang males would probably welcome you with open arms. However being Arabic it is my guess that you still, quite rightly, maintain a high moral code. Therefore may I suggest that in order for that to be respected you avoid Farangs from USA, France, Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Russia, Norway etc etc. Your best bet is to rely on the only moral Farang nationality there is - English. ( No, not Taffs, Jocks or Micks either ). Best of luck in your search

    Common gummy,why generalise so many countries,i am Dutch .And I think we have one of the most multicultural country's in the world,with equal values.Not a thinh to write down,I am sorry,cause it is an individual thing not a country thing.

    Oops sorry, just slipped my mind - what was that Dutch Muslim MP who was disqualified and now living in the States?

  3. Hi,

    Is there a chance to meet nice open minded farang men here ??Am a woman from an Arabic origin and that seems a bit frightening to most of the farang here :o .Maybe you would say I'd better look for arabic men but simply they are not my style cause I was raised in UK and am working here in Bkk.

    Is being Arabic provocate hatred or dislike among farang cause they think we are all terrorist or extremist even if am not releigouse myself??

    Please tell me your opinons honestly and bluntly


    Absolutely not and most Farang males would probably welcome you with open arms. However being Arabic it is my guess that you still, quite rightly, maintain a high moral code. Therefore may I suggest that in order for that to be respected you avoid Farangs from USA, France, Australia, New Zealand, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Russia, Norway etc etc. Your best bet is to rely on the only moral Farang nationality there is - English. ( No, not Taffs, Jocks or Micks either ). Best of luck in your search

  4. As he attempted and failed to renew his passport in 2004 I doubt he currently holds a valid visa.

    If, as alleged he has no valid passport = no visa = no work permit. Therefore how was his salary paid by an apparent government school ? Does anyone know whether he has "behaved" himself whilst in Thailand, apart that is from apparently being an illegal alien if the alleged reports are true.

  5. Hopefully as it is perceived the US Fire Marshall ( Dillon ? ) would condem the airport per-se, then the sooner the word gets around to all other US citizens the better. Given their abilty to turn any situation into a crisis and push the panic button, then perhaps they will all perceive it is far too dangerous to travel here hence relieving Thailand of another "shed" full of US experts. Mind you if it was rumoured that Bin Laden was an AOT Director, 50% of Americans would probably believe it. So brilliant are they at knowing the answers, how many kilometres of freeway were destroyed at the last major Earthquake in Los Angeles as they had not been designed to the then current ( at the time of construction) earthquake design data parameters? Should have asked their old friends Japan for advice perhaps?

  6. The mom and pop shops don't have everything you want/need in one place. They are sometimes a bit tacky and dirty too.

    These evils stores from the lands of bread-eaters are full of Thai customers. What's that saying?

    Sorry mom and pop, you can't simply paint your store the same as a 7 - 11 and expect the thundering masses to come in to shop. You gotta have the same stuff available inside. Instead of whinning, do a better job... please. :o

    Tesco in the UK are now for the second time within 8 years being investigated by the monopolys commission. The issue, apart from the fact that in some towns Tesco has a Superstore plus umpteen Tesco Express outlets, they hold vast amounts of land, in other towns, with outline planning permission to build a store. Under the Town and Country planning acts this invariably means that no further Superstore would allowed. Tesco have not actually built any stores in these instances rather just go for an extension of outline planning permmison every 5 years , however the opening of small, convenience stores has continued apace. In Poland and and some other EU countries Tesco's expansion was stopped due to the perceived effect it would have on the local shops and business etc.

    In the UK Tesco it appears that now this equates to 6% of the entire retail market and have 1/3 of the entire Supermarket market. Although stores such as 7-11 etc have been worried are they no worse or no better than Tesco in their manipulation of local markets? In the long term, with these multi-nationals driving down prices from local suppliers it may appear good for consumers, but what about when that local community , employed by those local producers can no longer afford to cut prices at the behest of these multi-nationals, and hence have to dispense with that local labour? You then have a situation when a multi-national is impacting the prosperity of a town or village far removed from their corporate headquaters and almost certainly removed from the envioronment in which the Directors of these multi nationals reside and bring up their own families.

    Therefore do you not think that for the local community to raise their concerns is only fair and reasonable? after all, these facts and figures are easily available on the internet so despite what some may think, most peopl eare not ignorant of the facts anymore.

  7. Assume you are somewhere in Thailand? Has the home register been changed?

    The Passport office should be able to change but may suggest wife obtain a new passport using the new name as that is much clearer and passports only cost about 1,000 baht.

    Yes Lopburi is correct. No problem but you should take copy of marriage certificate. If not married in Thailand you will need a translation of the certificate that is notarized

    Other question by ANO is was dual nationality legal, again L is correct although it is only in recent years that it was actually legal for a married Thai lady to maintain dual citizenship.

  8. Let's start a guessing game for what could possibly go wrong next. Some possibilities:

    1. A crash on the ground.

    2. A mid-air collision between two planes.

    3. The taxi drivers invade customs and immigration.

    4. King Power closes because they don't have enough space.

    5. Before the rainy season sets in , the roof falls in.

    6. The few chairs now available, fall apart.

    7. All the toilets back up with raw sewerage.

    8. Thaksin lands and can't get to the terminal.

    Can not agree on 2) because as we have heard from other threads apparently BKK ATC is one of the best there is. However not sure about point 8) but if that was rumoured then point 9) would have to be:- The current senior governmental Senior office holders and ther families together with old "wanabee again" ruling elite have been unable to board their aircraft at short notice owing to further failures in the baggage handling systems, Immigration officials being far too hot to expedite VIP escapes, oops immigration checks and most probably being unable to get to the airport on time due to the Expressway being blocked by the entire Thai police force welcoming the homecoming of their friend and saviour.

  9. Come on folks, so many of these posts have little or no direct referance to the subject matter. So lets get back to the point of missionaries in Thailand. Many of you apparent bible bashers are only trying to outscore each other by quoting sections from the the best selling book of fiction ever.

    So guys, come on please back to the point, and as it is currently quite cold in Thailand, would someone pls throw another missionary on the fire, at least they will have served a practical purpose !

    Another intelligent contribution. Posts of desperation when logic can't cut it. :o

    Why heavons above and thanks for that compliment as I'm sure that is what it was, it is always good to know that comments have been well received and any way what is wrong with wanting to keep warm ? You have a nice day now and by the way, what has logic got to do with peoples imagination and what was it they said, a big Pixie in the sky?

  10. Come on folks, so many of these posts have little or no direct referance to the subject matter. So lets get back to the point of missionaries in Thailand. Many of you apparent bible bashers are only trying to outscore each other by quoting sections from the the best selling book of fiction ever.

    So guys, come on please back to the point, and as it is currently quite cold in Thailand, would someone pls throw another missionary on the fire, at least they will have served a practical purpose !

  11. The statistic have nothing to do with your claim that western fathers don't love their children or make the chilren aware of it when divorce happens. Plenty of thai fathers & mothers abandon their kids in LOS too & look at the orphanages, not all have a family to take care of them & give them love. So much for the parental responsibilty of the child prostitues, the ones selling flowers around the bars at 2am & the ones pumping gas during the day when they should be a school. I never said that the Uk or anywhere else was better but I can see & accept that there are good & bad everywhere. You obviously can't see that in thailand though. Hence such a ridiculous post. So don't take this off topic just so you can stand on your soap box about how bad the west is in comparison to thailand as that isn't the topic.

    Well that indicates that you choose to ignore basic facts. The subject matter is about a Thai wife having a child with an older Father. The immaturity which is indicated from some of the responses only too well shows that many who gave posted messages are speaking from a platform of pomposity and idealisation portrayed by their comments. Lets face it, assuming on average a child is born to an adult of 20 years of age ( much higher in Europe and the West ) and assuming one can consider that that child becomes adult and fends for himself at 16 ( again much higher in the West ) that puts the combined ages at 36. Anybody younger than this are thus not fully experienced throughout that specified cycle and are hence inexperienced to be able to answer the posters question with any degree of mature and knowlegable facts. As I said it is only a postulation based on an imagined idealisation.

    I would suggest that that until, and only until you have experience of bringing up children in both scenarios do you have experiance to present a judgemental and practical answer to the posters question which appears not to have fitted into to your unknowledgable dreamworld. Until you have matured and had sufficient experience then you are just making assumptions, based most probably, on your own upbringing.

    My original post was, unlike yourself based upon fact, not fanciful ideology from those that have not experienced either. From your original post it appears that you are only 31, so it appears inorder to complete this pre-described cycle you would have had to have had a child at 15 which I suspect is not the case. Therefore as I said your comments appeared to be based on inexperienced ideology rather than sound experiance, wheras mine was based on fact and despite your prediliction for lnocking Thailand, I have spent more time than your own age working, living raising children in the West and similarly in the East.

  12. This is probably not the most balanced forum to to be preaching the benefits of christianity, as many of us come from countries where it is endemic.

    One of the many reasons we like Thailand is the different culture and attitude to life, this is steeped in dominant belief system. If it was just the weather I would move to tropical northern Australia, as there is far less aggravation from a new language, culture, and varying laws.

    Many of us who have had christianity of is various forms rammed down our throats from a young age have very strong opinions of the organised church. Trying to justify the existence your your belief system to me is a waste of energy, so please desist. Please get back to the original topic.

    How does this sect of christians justify the emotional blackmail they use to attract followers?

    If as has been stated, the way is obvious to any who reads the story the religion is based, then give them a book when they are old enough to have self consciousness. Why are they not in their own backyards trying to prevent the onslaught of a different religion that is making inroads on their own patch.

    Because they are mis-fits and failures in their own back yards

  13. the whole post above is high-larious. A severe case of thai fever IMO. Suggest you go out of country & get some reality checks sometimes. Children of divorce in the west don't know their fathers love them & thai children would. LOL what a load of drivel. Get a grip.

    Clearly this is from a voice of experience ! What is it like on planet Zob? Check the statistics and you will find children from broken homes ( and that means divorced parents not just single parents ) have an 84% higher crime conviction rate. So go ahead and pretend it is not true and knock Thailand's family standards, like many opinionated Brits there is always another bucket of sand to stick your head in somewhere to justify the lack of parental responsibility.

  14. I for one,still plan on retire in thailand. the baht to usd will not scare me off. 20 bht to the dollar, its not going to happen. :o

    this misplaced confidence by Americans never ceases to amaze me ! :D many of them are completely oblivious

    to the financial mess their country is in ??? :D

    Or, more likely, since they actually LIVE there, they know how great things really are in the USA, as opposed to the ridiculously slanted drivel masquerading as news coverage that is peddled worldwide.

    Yeah, I would say that people who live in the USA are far more likely to be well acquainted with how things are in the USA, as they do, actually, live there, work there, and have first-hand experience.

    In fact, I have never lived in any country, anywhere where I have seen such unbelievable prosperity. If there has been a time on Earth, or a country or region that is richer than the USA is now, I don't recall seeing it in my studies of history. I'm not talking about a few golden elite amassing great fortunes. I am talking about the average guy on the street. It's a great place to live, and great time to be living.

    It is so good that they should all return tomorrow. By the way, were there any school shoot-outs this week in the States or is it vacation time? certainly are richer than most - in b*ll*Hit

  15. Go ahead mate and tell your pal to do the same whether he is 60 or 70. Who can tell whether he will live to a spritely 90 or pop his clogs tomorrow? All this fairness crap and hypocracy that permantly flows on the down side of having children late in live is sickening. How many young people have a medical before they start a family to check whether they have any physical dis-orders ? Very few so really it's the luck of the draw. Given the West's proclivity to divorce, what care do they show about raising children ? Except cheque book care ? At least if he is brought up here in Thailand and for some reason or other your friend only makes another few years, the family will help his wife or son out and the child will always grow up knowing his or her Father loved him rather than growing up like so many in the West now do, thinking why did my Mother/Father have me if they left the home? Is it any wonder there are so many psychos?

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