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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Just now, BritManToo said:

    Critical Orange Punch was the best I've smoked.

    Very vivid dreams on the border between wake and sleep.


    Lemon Kush was about the least effective.

    Didn't do anything for my arthritis.


    Brick 69 or (R9) is as good as anything, at 3kbht/Kg (I paid 450bht for 100gm).

    Good on the first 2 but let's try to keep the cheap bud out of it..

    • Sad 1
  2. The "Cheapest bud" thread is great information  but as a topic it's only headed in one direction..


    ever cheaper as market forces bite.


    Let's talk about some of the premium strains we've sampled since Legalization. My list follows..


    Ice Cream Cake

    Golden Tiger


    White Widow

    Colt 45

    Purple Kush

    Gelato 45

    Skunk XL


    Something Sherbet


    Sugar Something Punch

    Poison Dream


    All good of course, but winners and losers. More details later, don't want to write a book.


    Winner   Biscotti


    Loser   Chronic


  3. 2 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I' pretty sure the OP is:

    Cannabis and hemp will become a top new tourism trend in Thailand and a positive soft power, Bhumjaithai MP says


    With the issues surrounding that.


    What is my kind by the way, it seems you know me and my views and even know how long I have apparently been asleep for.....

    I already described your kind in my post.


    Read and comprehend.


    And of course I know your views.. you won't shut up.


    There is no negative for tourism.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Gecko123 said:

    What tripe he is being spewed? Are you saying that pot smokers are known for being big spenders, that pot has no impact on cognitive functions, driving ability, productivity, etc?


    Look, guys, it's obvious that there's unbridled support on this forum for the legalization initiative, but please stop acting like it's all rainbows and butterflies, because it's not.


    I predict that there's going to be some serious blow back from law enforcement, educators, parents, the medical profession as well as people who might suffer from the behavior of someone who is intoxicated. My sense is that this has happened so quickly that there are a lot of people who are scared to be the first to stick their heads above the parapet out of fear of getting on the wrong side of the politically powerful.


    The FACTS are that Thailand's on-the-road traffic enforcement and legal infrastructure for detecting, apprehending, and punishing people for driving under the influence is very weak, and that it will be next to impossible to control the growing and consumption of marijuana in rural areas by young people. That isn't fabricated and uninformed hysteria. These are concerns that everyone should share. Certainly, Thailand's dangerous roads, which are constantly lamented on this forum, should be a major concern to us all.





    I have lived long enough to see the Canadian Minister of Justice present the case for Legalization of Cannabis to the Canadian Senate. One of his arguments was that Canada already had the highest percentage of adult use in the world.. That Government policy and public opinion were at odds.


    As regards to underage use, he pointed out that they were obtaining it easily as there were no constraints on the "black" market. As opposed to Federal oversight and regulation.. That still left the product easily available to of-age consumers..


    As regards your concerns for road safety, there was in Canada a companion Bill which sought to provide penalties for impaired driving due to use of Cannabis.


    That Bill did not pass. Government was unable to provide scientific proof that Cannabis caused impairment. That, and the scientific fact that there is at present no way to test for how impaired an individual might be at that moment.


    Bottom line, it's pretty hard to tell if someone is "impaired" by Cannabis. Unlike the real enemy of road safety, alcohol. Widely consumed with no social taboo. Unless you are a member of a religious faith that proscribes the use of alcohol. There are several of those..

  5. One thing that annoys me aesthetically  is seeing that someone has ripped the cover from a pack of rolling papers for 1 filter..


    Then left seeing the disfigured pack until the next butchery  a month or two later..




    Exceptions for emergency.



  6. 1 minute ago, Bert got kinky said:


    Back home I would go to the magazine racks in supermarkets and shake out all the loose post-card size advertising inserts. No worries about shoplifting.. nobody else wants those things..

    Class act. ????

    Mommy would be proud. :cheesy:



    Waste not want not..



    • Haha 2
  7. I buy white craft paper from the stationery store..  No ink. There are several thicknesses available.


    About .75m x.75m. Cut into strips and then cut filter size from the strip.


    Only have to go to the shop every 12-18 months to restock.


    Back home I would go to the magazine racks in supermarkets and shake out all the loose post-card size advertising inserts. No worries about shoplifting.. nobody else wants those things..

    • Haha 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    We can agree on trophy hunting is barbaric and should not exists in 2022, but with human invasion in the areas where there is wild life, regulations is unfortunate needed. 

    They claim there is "compelling evidence" that a ban on so-called trophy hunting will not help protect animals - and in fact will "negatively affect" conservation.


    A convenient argument for the countries presently hosting these animals..


    No different to pressing countries whose territories include bio-significant green areas to conserve them, and if necessary pay compensation arranged internationally.

  9. 23 minutes ago, KannikaP said:

    So is it 0.02 or 0.2 % which can be sold legally?

    (Please don't delete, I am not trolling)  555

    Only an "extract", something which is the result of a chemical process aimed at extracting THC, is currently prohibited. This is likely to change in the relatively near future. Canada also did the same..


    Probably based on the real possibility that cowboy producers would employ unsafe or unhealthy extraction methods. Modern industry is fully capable of safe extraction methods and should be left to them..


    And finally, most modern strains, without need of chemical intervention, are far in excess of those decimal numbers. These strains are currently being sold. Without push-back from the authorities. The current Justice Minister is on record, reported here, with saying he is pleased.

  10. Bought my first Thai Sticks in Bangkok...




    Coming from India, Pakistan and Afghanistan (when nobody not from there had ever heard of Afghanistan), and all the amazing "charas" there, I wasn't that impressed..


    Cheap though..


    Also possible to buy packets of "Marlboro" that had all the tobacco replaced with Thai weed. Cool.

    • Like 1
  11. 6 hours ago, wombat said:

    To answer your question...no I don't.

    For my own education I ask...

    If you can buy cartridges to vape...wouldn't that be hash oil in them?

    THC distillate


    So an "extract", and apparently still illegal...

  12. 17 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

    I'm surprised no one's considering the possibility that the weed has been adulterated to increase its potency or even sprayed with pesticide. It sounds like a lot of the production is going to be done cottage industry style. Quality control isn't a concern?


    There's a few serious nut jobs on these cannabis threads. OK, we get it. You love smoking marijuana. Stop talking down to people: I doubt there's anybody on this forum who hasn't smoked marijuana. Your downplaying of traffic safety concerns and the impact marijuana is going to have on the personal development of Thais, especially the youth is irresponsible, exceedingly selfish, and if I may be frank, rather stupid and shortsighted. All you seem to care about is your ability to light up a spliff. You don't seem to give a rat's ass for the impact this is likely to have on road safety, and educational standards in Thailand.


    Where are all the people who endlessly castigate Thais and the Thai police every time there's another horrific accident in the news? Where are all the critics of Thailand's educational system, who endlessly bash Thai teachers, lament the lack of critical thinking, and cluck their tongues at the latest report of Thai under performance in academic proficiency exams? It feels like there's a couldn't care less, not my 'plobrem' attitude, with zero concern, much less consideration about what impact this might be having on Thais. Just a hedonistic fixation on Thailand having become a place you can now light up a joint without fear of being arrested. It looks to me like some of you are just using Thailand.

    Now THAT is a rant..


    The sky isn't falling tomorrow Chicken Little!

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