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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Relationships.. Everybody should be able to figure this one out.


    The Thai cops went for the low-hanging fruit..


    19 year old woman.  33 year old man. Just hanging on a tropical island. Does anyone believe he discussed business with her? What insight/expertise could she offer?


    Her attitude obviously was to leave her BF to his business. Anybody with any experience of the business understands she was not a "partner"

    • Thanks 1
  2. 31 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:


    Check his content. Easy when he's only made twenty posts...


    You'll find the LINE details there.

    That was a good suggestion.. unfortunately his content doesn't show all his posts. Only the last week or so..


    No joy, so I'll have to wait for a response..


    But i got a big surprise.. Siamkid is an OG! Joined in 2004! 


    Only 29 posts, so I guess he finally found a topic interesting enough to engage..



    • Haha 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Siamkid said:

    I just tried 2 tokes off of my squeaky clean bong of the Unicorn Poop as was referred to on page 31 of this topic.  All I can say is that it's Excellent !!! Looks and Smells Great and Works Even Better !!!  For me, 330 per gram is well worth it and holds up easily against other high quality sources at twice the price !!!   Happy Camper Here ???? 

    I went back several pages looking for the vendor of this Unicorn Poop. Couldn't find it..


    Can you share vendor?

  4. 9 minutes ago, nightbird said:

    Then how did I get stoned on it?

    Good question...


    I also bought the same as Siam Buds and my opinion unfortunately is the same.. Its' weak.


    I might have achieved a very slight alteration of consciousness but that's it.


    Big time not a fan. I did complain to the vendor and was offered a free gram next order. That order will require reassurances.



    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Lacessit said:

    I don't know what my post count has to do with not disclosing someone else's details, but thanks for keeping count. I don't bother.

    Well.. if the "manufacturer" is a commercial enterprise then you are just being uncooperative and if you are "protecting the identity" of a home baker then you have no idea how much THC is is in your cookie.


    That level of quality/potency is well beyond a home baker...


    Sometimes a "snarky" reply requires an equally "snarky" response.

  6. 1 hour ago, Photoguy21 said:

    Cant even get a hair cut without the barber wondering if they will be stabbed and people say free use of weed wont have any effect. Really?

    This sums up your problem...


    You did not understand from the OP and numerous responses that it was the barber/hair stylist who did the stabbing, not the customer/s.


    Then you throw in a wild theory that legal cannabis will lead to many more incidents like this..


    Ill-thought out agenda much?

    • Like 2
  7. 21 hours ago, wombat said:

    curious asks...what do you base these findings on?
    Gorilla Glue @ 350 baht per gram (about $14,00 per gram Oz money) from the Blissful Pharaoh mob does the job nicely...glues up the scissors nicely enough to scrape off the resin and have a quick little hash ball.
    deconstructing the head by hand to roll a thin one papery gives a good stone with nice legs to it...if you go back a bit in this thread ive posted a pic of what was sent.

    Just ordered the Gorilla Glue from these guys..


    Fast delivery. Within 30 minutes!


    It looks good.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, redwood1 said:

    Well its funny how on day #1 of weed legalization there were already 100s of sellers....


    So I guess there will soon be loads of mushroom growers ....


    And you can be sure all the weed seller will be more than happy to sell mushrooms and many I bet long before its legal.. 

    Already happening...


    Saw with my own eyes.

  9. If someone with a FB account could upload her letter I would be obliged..


    I was able to view it but could not copy.


    In her letter she begs American and Canadian producers to cut her and Thailand some slack and refrain from "dumping" cheap pot from established production areas. She asks for a couple of years of non-competition to allow Thai producers to get up to speed in quality. Then she goes on to ask for more border interdiction in Thailand..


    Kitty is a long-time activist in the Thai scene, but legalization was dropped in her and all other producer's lap. Top down by government decree, not bottom up.


    So, does she have a point or is she crying in the wilderness? My thought is that the Thai producers will up their game quickly.. within 2 years. Then the home-field price advantage coupled with better quality bud will eliminate this "competition".


    This competition is not directed by primary producers. It's free-enterprise action but seems like on the Thai end things aren't particularly difficult for the importers..

  10. Yesterday I bought hash from 2 different vendors here in Pattaya. In one place, La Choza, I paid 500/gr. In the other place, Helter Skelter in Jomtien, i paid 600/gr.


    I can confirm that both are Nepali hash.

    • Thanks 2
  11. 22 hours ago, hackjam said:

    I do love the spicy salami pizza from Frankies.

    I ordered this spicy salami pizza at Frankies last week..


    I was not impressed. The salami was practically carbonized making for an unappetizing pizza, not particularly improved by the pizza crust.


    I specifically went to Frankies for a good pizza, after 4 fails from other "Italian" restaurants. Their pizzas are about 50% more expensive than others.


    I was reminded why it's been more than 2 years since the last time i had one of their pizzas...

    • Thanks 1
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