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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. On 7/27/2022 at 9:36 AM, stoner said:

    who was the seller ? 

    Since I bought the Gorilla in the first week of de-regulation, I don't think it's fair or relevant who was the seller.. Rush to market.. It's on me. I didn't have to buy.


    But in the near future I don't think it's a major problem. It's not in the wholesalers' interest to buy when too wet. They are paying more for water content and exposing themselves and customers to potential loss of product due to mold. The producers also face this risk if they don't offload quickly.

  2. It's actually a very interesting question..


    I'm of the opinion that it it would not be illegal, as there is no "extraction" per se. But the "extraction" issue is only relevant to Thailand, as that is the present caveat in Thai law. I do believe that this caveat will be eliminated in the not to distant future. This is the approach Canada took, as extraction can involve processes that are dangerous, due to possibility of explosions and also unsophisticated producers.


    But with no extraction prohibitions in both Canada and the legal American states, why is there no traditional hash available? There are boutique products, bubble is one, but not the traditional hash...


    I think it might be that hash traditionally was made in countries with copious supplies of flower. It may well be that it doesn't make financial sense to use high value flower to produce it..

    • Like 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, anyone said:

    I just want to feel the effect of euphoria without any complicated devices (no smoking no injections lmao). 1 time is enough for me - just to try.

    I applaud your desire to experience the newly legalized ganja but your approach is not realistic.. It would be like licking the cap of a beer bottle to experience the effects of alcohol..


    Injections? I think you had better do more research..


    Edibles for you.. but they are still illegal.


    BTW.. I have a strong suspicion that your signature is racist.

    • Like 1

    So.. the Colt 45 has been the best and strongest flavour so far, out of the approximately 12 strains I've bought.. Wonderful. Unfortunately the hit didn't live up to the flavour blast. Perfectly acceptable but it seemed to promise more. I'd buy again..


    Biscotti was an excellent balance of flavour and a really good hit. Definitely buy again.


    As I noted above though, I intend to scope out the merchandise more closely from now on. Two purchases were too wet. Unfortunately, one of them, Gorilla, I bought 5 grams.

    • Like 1
  5. 29 minutes ago, SoilSpoil said:

    How would you know? Whether it's 10%, 18.99, 20% or whatever percentage, point is that for 1 kilogram of weed is just plain nuts and recipe for disaster. 

    Only if you lit the whole kilo on fire and pulled a blanket over your head and the burning pot!


    Why do they sell beer in 12 packs.. spirits in .75/26 oz.. etc.


    You either have a tenuous grasp on the concept of bulk purchasing, or you are being disingenuous.

  6. 1 minute ago, SoilSpoil said:

    As you can easily buy a kilogram of 19% THC Thai weed online, for less than 5000 baht mind you, it's pretty obvious that this whole Cannabis policy is a big farce. This can only go wrong. Smoking a joint is lovely, if legal, but having whole bricks to your possession will turn a lot of people in living zombies. It should have been regulated before opening up.

    What you can buy for 5000 Baht a kg is not 19%..

  7. 42 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    I must say that the endless putdowns and name calling on the part of the decriminalization partisans make for very tedious reading and do little to bolster the merits of your arguments.

    We are not making arguments for legalization or decriminalization ( a half-baked attempt to maintain the status-quo). That argument, in this country, has been resolved... In Cannabis' favour.


    What we are pushing back on are the attempts to keep regarding cannabis consumers as second-class citizens. The War on Drugs was/is essentially a Civil War.


    Some of your other points re infrastructure and marketing have merit.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    You asked the poster this "Please present your evidence that cannabis is addictive to the DEA in Washington. You will be well rewarded - or laughed at"


    I provided a credible link that informs you they probably already know so @smedly does not need to inform them. Got it?

    This one?




    You do realize that is not a Government website, but a lightly disguised advertisement for the for-profit services claiming to get "sufferers" back on the straight and narrow..




    • Like 2
    • Confused 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Pork Pie said:

    And this is the point of this entire thread:

    A cheap weed that works.

    But this thread is consuming a lot of the oxygen in the Cannabis forum. I'm all for value for money and it's true that I have had random purchases of Thai that equaled the exotics. But they were different from the brick. Not squashed flat by a hydraulic press but loose bud lightly compressed by bagging.


    I've started a thread to discuss the premium buds because I didn't wait 50+ years (20 in Thailand) to go gaga over "Squirrel Tail Thai". The exotic price will drop quickly and that's what I'll be buying. Unfortunately the current pricing is punishing for a regular consumer, so info exchange on the premiums is good.. in it's own thread.

  10. 57 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

    I think proper drying and curing processes are not being followed by a lot of sellers here. As you said rush to market.  


    I've seen quite a few reports of sellers using herb dryers and ovens as well as reports of poor trimming and packaging.


    It's Thailand so three wheels on my wagon as usual. 

    Yes.. in the first wave of (natural) euphoria post -legalization I just said "give me some of that..and that"


    Now, after a couple of the varieties being too wet, I intend to be more critical..


    A lot of talk about American imports. Some of which I have purchased. Colt 45, Biscotti. These are well-cured, dense buds.. From @WorldWideWeed in Pattaya. More shopping opportunities in Bangkok.

    • Like 1
  11. I haven't had a chance to sample Gorilla Glue. The Gorilla I bought was wetter than it should have been.. Rushing to market.. I had to dry the buds for 8 hours more because I detected a faint whiff of mould after 1 week.


    Not good for the smell and taste but still works well.


    I'm only continuing to smoke it because I caught it very early and I bought 5 grams of it!

  12. 2 hours ago, Gecko123 said:


    Such forum members, and I am proud to count myself as one, are thoughtful and socially conscious individuals who ought to be commended for their ability and willingness to focus on these social concerns, and for their unwillingness to turn a blind eye to them just because they might stand in the way of a desire to satisfy one's individual needs for gratification.

    You just made me throw up!  You are not so thoughtful..


    Whatever happened to "live and let live"? Or "not my cup of tea"


    No, you want to rain on the parade.


    We don't care about your hurt sensibilities. We are in the driver's seat now... Buckle up.


    This is absolutely a positive for Thailand's tourism business. There is no downside.


    "Darling, we must cross Thailand off our bucket list. They've just legalized marijuana.."   555

  13. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:

    There is also the added fact that a lot of employers are now random testing people for drink and drug use.

    Have a nice 'stoned' holiday, go back to work and lose your job.

    I think those employers will be having legal problems themselves.. so I'm calling BS on this scare tactic..


    Legal here. Legal/not Legal there depends on the country/state of residence..


    Google for many stories companies dropping cannabis testing..



    • Like 1
  14. To flesh out the topic beyond my shopping list..


    First I'm inhaling the bud aroma

    ( yeah, like those snobby wine guys)


    Next I'm checking out the bud density and moisture levels while I'm ripping it up..

    (Some on my list were wetter than they should have been..good for the producer, not so much for the consumer. Mould risk as well)


    Then I'm inhaling before applying fire. Good taste feedback.


    Then how well it burns.. related mostly to moisture levels.


    Finally, the Buzz. How hard does it hit?

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