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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. 12 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    To start with, I wouldn’t conclude that he’s an alcoholic and start advising him to seek help...


    The reality is that on this forum as soon as booze is mentioned some posters are tripping over themselves to accuse other posters of being alcoholics on the thinnest of information.... 


    I haven’t had a drink for a couple of weeks. 

    Yet, catch me at a different time and I may have had a drink every day for the past week, a few beers with dinner, perhaps followed by wine... then some Whisky.... Or playing football, then lots of beers afterwards with the guys....  or round a friends house and end up having as many as 2 or more bottles of wine each....   It just depends on the situation... 


    Of course, motion that and some poster will always comment - 2-3 bottles of wine in an evening... you must have a drinking problem !!!....   

    Or.. drinking every day for a week, you need help !! etc etc... 


    its predictable and boresome.

    You a binge alcoholic..




    And anybody engaging with the OP, thinking there is even a grain of truth to his posts, probably should consider becoming an alcoholic..

  2. 3 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

    The yaba is rampant out here in the moo bans. More are reporting young boys out all night up to mischief, stealing things from shops and front yards, then they sleep all day and don't go to school. It's become dirt cheap as it's been pouring across the borders, with certain people paid to look the other way.


    The yaba incidents on the news, with shirtless or naked guys trashing a shop then having to be dragged into the back of a pickup, have become a nightly routine. Would be far preferable for them to just smoke a little ganja, after which they'll peaceful and docile. But then certain people don't like that it can be grown on one's own or obtained locally, and they'd no longer get a cut from it coming in from somewhere.

    One can only hope that significant numbers of yaba users of all ages find that Ganja is a more pleasant "high" and yaba use declines..


    Ganja seems like a much better "fit' for the average Thai (and everyone that doesn't want to spend a few hours grinding their teeth..)

    • Like 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, philthebook said:

    Found a few new suppliers on Facebook, have ordered small quantities to test, this one looks promising if the photos are true:


    Mobydick Malibu pie

    Blue glue

    Original haze

    5g 300 Bath

    10g 550 Bath

    100g 4900 Bath

    1kg 35000 Bath






    307635975_617412053176601_4352061414880496709_n (1).jpg



    28 minutes ago, philthebook said:

    Found a few new suppliers on Facebook, have ordered small quantities to test, this one looks promising if the photos are true:


    Mobydick Malibu pie

    Blue glue

    Original haze

    5g 300 Bath

    10g 550 Bath

    100g 4900 Bath

    1kg 35000 Bath






    307635975_617412053176601_4352061414880496709_n (1).jpg


    The Blue Glue, Moby Dick, and Malibu Pie buds look good. Haze not so much.


    Price is good. I'll look forward to your report...

  4. 4 minutes ago, kingstonkid said:

    As we know in most countries the rules are not adhered to.  At least if you have rules on who can sell where they can sell and who they can sell to it is easier to control and make the tax dollars from.. Also right now there is nothing stopping kids from dealing at schools


    The fact that the police here do nothing is an issue but there again has to be some sort of law. There has to be some way of stopping Johnny from becoming a pt head.  There are enough drunk Thai teens we do not need drunk and stoned Thai teens


    There will be some regulation, and I hope also VAT revenue for the government. These are reasonable expectations...


    But why does there have to be a way to stop Johnny from becoming a pt(sic) head? We know well the problems of alcohol and teens are susceptible because they are beginning to shape their adult selves. Personally, I hope that many Thai teens discover that cannabis is a good alternative to alcohol. Difficult yes, because with the exception of the Islamic nations, alcohol use is rampant everywhere in the world.. often accompanied by known social problems that brings..


    Disclaimer: I realize that cannabis is/will be officially restricted to 20 years and older. But..

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, smedly said:

    the only thing I have seen recently from Pattaya police is shutting down bars for no good reason - but I think everyone on here knows the reason, all the bars that I have seen shut had all the correct papers and licences ............ go figure 

    You are one of the anti-cannabis posters yes?


    Yet you seem very familiar with "bars".. you know, the places where they sell that harmless "social lubricant" alcohol..


    Mmmm yeah...

  6. They are still out there, looking to engage at the slightest opening..


    When I meet "Deniers", both the ones reacting emotionally and the "scientific" one who have a whole catalogue of "facts" to back up their willful blindness, I have made a single point..


    Twenty years from now history will simply say "XX millions died in the Covid 19 pandemic. Nothing about "excess deaths" or the other "get outs" these types postulate..


    This is how the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-20 is dealt with in history. 50+ million deaths.


    Now we have a number...


    17.2 million people and counting..

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