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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. 19 hours ago, connda said:

    Honestly.  The Thai masses aren't staggering around in a cannibis induced stupor.  The effect of this legislation is moderate.  People who have smoked will smoke (or people like me who used to, simply have gotten older and prefer a good beer over a joint).  People who don't smoke won't.

    The benefits outweigh the Bhumjaithai 'democratic' parties perception that Thailand will descend into Reefer Madness.  It hasn't yet.

    They should concentrate on the Methamphetamine problem instead.
    Thailand is being flooded with low cost meth and little is being done. According to my wife, a pill of meth cost about 200 THB years ago but the price is about 10 THB per pill now.  It's a major problem in villages where nihalistic Thai youth don't see any future other than a meth-infused existence.  It's amazing how many people in our village only have been jail on meth charges.  Yet?  Bhumjaithai wants to go after cannabis that isn't a problem at all.  It tell me that Bhumjaithai party members embrace Machiavellian control of the population. Not a good look for "democrats" who are suppose to embrace liberalism.

    "The Bhumjaithai party’s flagship piece of legislation"..


    I think you have gotten confused over who's who..



  2. Still on the first of 30 pages but I took a time out to read his speech..


    No question he was espousing a racist ideology.


    As a Canadian, I come from an "immigrant" country.. all of us are immigrants. The only difference among us is how many generations we have been Canadians.


    Lots of Brits here lamenting the increased immigrant populations. But here is a question for you..


    How much money did the UK extract from only one (India) colonial possession?


    The answer is thought to be US$46 Trillion. Didn't do the currency

    conversion, but more than 30T+ Pounds..


    Multiply by the other colonial possessions. Britain become rich and globally significant because of this...


    Now you complain about having to share your first-world lifestyle.

    • Haha 1
  3. 19 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

    So because you smoke weed, you join a cheap weed thread to complain about other people's choices ????

    No one is forcing you to buy the cheap stuff. I can direct you to retailers who sell Green Crack for more than 500 baht per gram if you like. Just not here, as this thread is for under 350 only.

    Do you have anything to contribute? With 55 years of experience, you must have some great links to the best stuff around. Post them here if under 350 or start your own thread and educate those poor people who seem quite satisfied with their purchases @ 14 baht per gram(100 gr) and 21.9 baht per gram(10 grams).

    You tell them what they are doing wrong, Mr 55. ???? 

    You are trying to run me off..ain't gonna happen..


    Take a look at our respective join dates.. yeah.. 12 more years than you..


    15 years plus 7 more before joining..all 24/7 in Thailand. I know cheap Thai pot. If you wanna go all ga-ga for it up to you..


    And how about you participate in this thread without getting argumentative..


    • Like 1
    • Confused 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:

    Why are you even posting here? Does the thread title request the most beautiful looking buds? The are many other threads for you to post your beautiful finds. 

    Have you examples of more beautiful Green Crack? Post them, along with the price you paid.

    It's the most popular thread for good reason. 

    Go create a thread of your own that creates a race to the top. ????



    Uh.. because I smoke weed. I've smoked weed for 55 years.


    Because this is the cannabis forum.


    Because I'm entitled to my opinion..etc etc


    Don't be going all weedier than thou on me Bruno..

    • Confused 2
    • Thanks 1
  5. A poster I can't recall mentioned using Boveda.. I finally got around to Googling and these (Boveda, Integra Boost, available on Lazada) products are quite interesting..


    They regulate the relative humidity (RH) in a sealed container, either removing or adding moisture as required to maintain the desired RH. There are 2 choices for humidity level. 58% and 62% for slightly moister or drier bud according to user preference..


    I'm wondering, since I now have all these bags of different bud, if I should be using the model suited to a lager container.


    So is anyone using these products to maintain optimum freshness?

  6. www.theguardian.com/society/2022/sep/01/cannabis-researchers-say-its-high-time-to-drop-lazy-stoner-stereotype


     We are experiencing an unprecedented social experience. For more than 6 decades marijuana has been that "devil weed" that politicians and law enforcement love to hate. Literally millions of people have been sanctioned by almost all nations, losing peace of mind and in many cases their liberty as well.


    However, over those 60 years, law enforcement has realized that it is a waste of time and resources to persecute users. Meanwhile politicians have finally woken up to the fact that the people they represent actually want the right to consume cannabis.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, DezLez said:

    So if you expected some "sh*tty local waste" why did you order it?


    I am amazed that anyone in their right mind (oops I forgot I am in the weed forum :partytime2:) would buy drugs of any type online unless they fully trusted the source!

    It's mass hysteria, I tell you..


    All those years practicing online security? Out the window...


    I'm 1 for 2 so far..

    • Like 1
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  8. 53 minutes ago, stoner said:

    try and get BHO. its best. 

    That's a new N. America version of hash? Butane something something?


    I'm keen to try these new variations but have never seen or heard of availability..


    But for guys like myself, smoking the same stuff being mentioned here, in Goa in the early, I mean early, '70's (1970) it"s always going to be old-school as far as hash is concerned..


    But I'm always open to science. Feel free to educate me..

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, wombat said:

    No mention of him being a white round eye so you can scrub him off the list of suspects.

    I haven't heard that phrase for decades..


    But a quick check shows you are OG.. joined 2004. And a lot of guys in Thailand  referred to themselves as the above in the 20th century. I know because I was first time in Thailand 1971..


    Now, we're all farang..

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