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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. 9 minutes ago, redwood1 said:

    And never forget to wear a mask...



    Sheeple - Facemask - Mask | TeePublic


    Ah.. a sheeple meme.


    Remember.. You can ignore reality but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality!


    Even the most ardent "live free or die" folks must deal with the consequences of their refusal to participate in the social contract. I'm looking at you USA.

    • Like 2
  2. My rim tape came with the tool included. Bought at the Kawasaki Big Bike shop in Pattaya. Installation included for no cost.


    Just checked. Still have the tool..


    If you can't find at bike shops, send me a PM.

  3. argh..


    Full disclosure.. as a Canadian I will not be voting this fall.


    My view of Potus is that he is an embarrassment to his nation and an indictment of the people who voted for him and continue to support him despite his incompetence..


    But as everyone in the world watches the current convulsions over race, too little attention is being paid to Biden's central role in this situation. As the "Architect" of the 1994 Crime bill  that put so many minorities( and plenty of white people) in jail for ridiculously long sentences that the USA has an incarceration rate that many hard-core dictators would envy. His bill incentivized police forces to actually profit from a hard-line approach, with civil asset forfeiture (before conviction) that remained in their jurisdiction rather than being forwarded to the Federal Government. Police were lauded and benefited financially for high arrest numbers. This is Biden's legacy.


    25 years later we see communities that just can't take anymore. I believe he still holds the core beliefs that have led to this place. He is an outlier in his own party and the American public in refusing to countenance Federal legalization of marijuana and decriminalization of other drugs which bankroll organized criminal groups.

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  4. Why are our respective Embassies not intervening on our behalf?


    I'm not affected personally by this measure as I am on the 1 year extension to stay, not a tourist visa per se, but requiring foreign nationals to congregate en mass is very bad PR at the very least.

    Not to mention the obvious threat to our health!


    Failing to proceed with suspension of the 90 day reporting (same address for 15 years) means that I am just going to ignore this requirement..

    • Like 1
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