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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. 33 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


    Yes, can't wait for all the liberal snowflakes getting arrested at the Swampy arrival gates because they have weed in their system.


    Is it possible that you are just "stirring the pot"   555


    Because it's hard to imagine anyone so obtuse as to suggest that there is any possibility of an immigration officer in Swampy either detecting or giving a second thought to the bloodstreams of arriving visitors.

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  2. 46 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


    Ok, just read about it, and what happened was that in the 1990's when they legalised hemp they did so in a way that allowed any cannabis to be grown, but not sold as cannabis, and this led to people finding a way around the law by selling products that were made with low grade cannabis and marketed as other things, such as potpourri.  They passed a law in 1999 allowing products made from cannabis as long as they were of low enough THC content, until 2004 when they stopped that altogether and then instead allowed people to grow a few plants for personal consumption. 


    You are confusing hemp with "marijuana". Easy to make the mistake, as they are the same plant. Some few cantonments allow for growing hemp.


    The difference is in the selective breeding for either low or high THC content. Hemp is processed but never consumed.



  3. ^^ Actually, long before 1962..


    King Rama VI passed the Surname Act in 1913 . The act required all permanent residents to adopt Thai surnames.

    Chinese families chose long surnames so as to ensure that there new surnames were unique.

    Ethnic Thais (people indigenous to the land and not married to a person of Chinese descent or related to the monarchy) actually have shorter surnames (one or two syllable) as they didn't need the long surnames to distinguish themselves nor were they bestowed a royalty-assigned name.


    A little bit of copy/paste..

  4. On 5/7/2018 at 8:36 AM, stud858 said:

    That's all taken care of.  Condo is an old one with a mish mash of window faces on outside. There is no real building management as they went bankrupt just after completing so the residents get together every year for a fighting session. No real management. Just a token juristic assigned. following whatever dreams of the day .  Condo Act sits in a dusty draw ignored.

    Today is Monday. They should arrive in an hour. I'll let you guys know how it went. 


    I'm sure the prices in your building reflect this reality.. That's why it's forbidden to alter the outside appearance in a condominium.

  5. 4 pages in.. and time for the real answer to the multiple syllable surname.  :smile:


    Many years ago, the Thai Government of the day decided that from that point onward all Chinese immigrants would have to adopt a Thai surname. This was accomplished with the help of various sources, primarily the local Wat.


    Thailand is, to my knowledge, the only country where Chinese immigrants do not retain their original Chinese surname. Their original surnames have not been forgotten, and there are many associations exclusive to those original surnames.


    Ethnic Thai surnames are usually only 2 or 3 syllables long. a handy tip for sorting out who is who. Thai people are fully aware of this...

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