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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. 2 hours ago, heybuz said:

    I agree,I smoked weed when younger and it just didn't agree with me, every body has a different reaction to different drugs ,if I may use that term ,for me it was acute paranoia.

    Did it ever occur to you that, when you are using a substance making you liable to arrest and possible incarceration, paranoia is a perfectly understandable reaction..


    You know the old saying.. "It's not paranoia if they really are after you!"



  2. It's not the Big Bikes they should be targeting.. They are the big shiny obvious targets but they are far out-numbered by the little bikes.


    Almost every M-Slaz has a "modified" i.e. LOUD exhaust fitted. even the little Waves are getting in on the act.


    I live in a high-floor condo and especially at night I can "track" one of these for at least one or two kilometers..

    • Like 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, zyphodb said:

    Of course it should be fully legalized but never will be as big pharma will lose too much money if everyone can grow their own

    Never will be legalized?


    Time to update your database... Uruguay and Canada, sovereign nations, have already legalized recreational use. Plus nine American states. All of these political entities allow growing your own at home, while also maintaining the medical use structures.

    • Like 2
  4. Could it have something to do with scooter design vs, regular motorcycle set-up?


    I have a Sym 400i maxi-scooter and a Honda CBR300R. On a normal road around Pattaya and on the highway the Sym has a very comfortable ride. On other roads, the "bumpy" ones, it's almost bone-jarring. Mostly from the front end. But the front forks are, I think, ok. Checked at dealership.


    The CBR handles these bumpy roads much better.

  5. Same with the Sym 400i... led lights can't be replaced. I also thought i was being misinformed at the dealership so i emailed the factory service department in Taiwan. Entire dash including speedo, tach and odometer 7000 baht. Shocking.


    It's only the lights in the gas gauge and the odometer/clock etc. The gauges themselves still work just dark at night. I can live with that but it's certainly not good for the end-user.

  6. 17 minutes ago, KneeDeep said:


    No my friend. That is not 'Parmesan'. Much less "real Parmesan".

    Even ignoring that it was made in the USA, real 'Parmesan' is matured for a minimum of twelve months. That thing is matured for ten months. Closer to a Grana Padano.

    Then likely there are very many other regulations that are likely flouted in making this cheese.


    It's just a travesty that they are allowed to call it Parmesan.

    But if you are used to eating low quality products, how would be expected to know better?


    We don't allow those crappy products to be sold.

    A rose by any other name is still a rose..


    You better be Italian, otherwise it's you that's being pedantic and argumentative. You have "appellation controlee" or whatever the cheese version is, as a sop to the Italians and French.


    Producers outside the EU have every right to call their cheese parmesan.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, KneeDeep said:


    No. It absolutely is not.





    ok..you want to throw down on this?


    Tell every producer outside of that small area that they aren't making parmesan.


    And do it without resorting to that EU  regional trademark bs.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, KittenKong said:

    As far as I know that rule is the same in the EU also. In fact the Thai label seems to go a step further by indicating that the largest ingredient accounts for 63.7% of the whole.

    I actually think that is a fairly low percentage (63.7%) of parmesan cheese but way more than 1%. 555


    I bought another American brand of grated parmesan at Makro and noted the inclusion of powdered cellulose to prevent clumping, as they say. I would expect a product like this to be greater than 90% cheese.


    Currently, I have been grating  blocks of Grand Padano Parmesan, but for ease of use I have no problem using pre-grated.

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  9. 3 minutes ago, vinegarbase said:

    While I don't agree 100% of all of what Alex Jones says I would say if he is getting banned by Facebook, Apple etc. then he must be doing something right. He is at least trying to wake up the average cucked Western man to stop letting the whole world walk all over him by telling him who he is supposed to be, what he is supposed to say, and what he is supposed to believe. 

    oops..I think you outed yourself.


    Here's a tip to maintaining credibility... never, ever..use the word cucked. Reason being that it exposes the user as a "certain demographic", shall we say...

    • Haha 1
  10. 8 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    Trudeau, after dropping out of school Spent his time as a pampered socialite until he went into politics and then it was all ideology all the time.

    You have had a couple of knuckle raps already but you want to double down?


    Take your Trumpista-style political BS and find another place for it.. my suggestion as to where shall remain unmentioned..


    When you are having an adult moment, consider the fact that first his party and then the electorate (by unexpected majority) rejected these ad hominum attacks.

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