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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. 18 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    Decriminalization is not the same as legalization, nor is it a condoning its use.

    The fact of the matter is that the inhalation of smoke damages the lungs and interferes with the pulmonary and cardiovascular system.  Smoking any product, whether tobacco, tea or cannabis is an unhealthy endeavor.


  2. I had an English girlfriend who was friends with him and mentioned him often. That's how I recognized the name. I don't think I have ever heard the song in question until I played the you-tube linked above. That is a very sparse version(acoustical). I'm assuming the studio version was different. As to the quality.. well, it fit the era.

  3. Well.. I voted for Morch for POTY..  He is biased but he still attempts to add depth and insight into these "discussions". He is not, at least to my eyes, a simple cheerleader for Israel, like several posters here with whom we are well familiar.


    But..he says impulse is simply trying to hold Israel to higher standards and I ask "why not?". Is Israel not regarded as the most evolved country in the region? Isn't that why we are supposed to protect them at all costs lest we lose the only democracy in the ME? If both sides are holding human remains as bargaining chips, and the bargain is not getting done, Israel has nothing to lose, and perhaps some good will to be gained, by returning the bodies to their families.


    And geriactickid asks impulse why he has no condemnation of Hamas. Again, is Israel not regarded, probably rightly so, as the more civilized (by many measurements) entity, and should be expected to take the high road? Cue Mrs. Obama.."When they go low, we go high"...


    This is not a contest of equals. Never has been. The vast majority of Israelis, either themselves or their very recent ancestors came to the area from outside and joined a long list of colonizers who out-muscle the current inhabitants in order to claim something as theirs. My country, and all countries of the New World being prime examples. But this exercise is happening now, not hundreds of years ago, and we are watching.



  4. On 12/24/2016 at 8:05 AM, craigt3365 said:

    The US budget is much higher than Russia's, but it is being reduced.  While Russia and China's are being increased dramatically.





    That was from 2011-2014. No date on the previous graph but if it is relatively current and the figure for Russia was after a 30 per cent increase then both those countries, Russia and China, are being seriously out-spent!

  5. 30 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

    "Drivers urged to turn on headlights during daytime for safety"


    Welcome to the 1980's


    canauckamuck refers to the fact that Canada has required daytime running lights since the 1980's. there is no question in my mind that the practice improves vehicle visibility. Our neighbours to the South never picked up on this..


    I notice that now many vehicle manufacturers are incorporating daytime running lights from the factory, as the motorcycle manufacturers have been doing for more than a decade here in Thailand. They are mostly using LED lights now. So the manufacturers realize the benefit and save governments the task of regulating their use.



  6. I've always considered George Michael and Mick Hucknall two of the best male vocalists in modern popular music.


    Because of this unfortunate news, I've just listened to the two live albums George released. What a talent.. Then I got curious to directly compare the two voices, so I listened to Mick's 2012 studio album American Soul. Mick has a very good voice but George is/was in a different class, IMO.



  7. Many of the bigger lock shops can do this now. It's a complex/simple procedure to clone a remote. Mazda wanted Bt.7000. I had it done for Bt.3000. The two remotes are identical in form and function.


    I'm now looking at a card from Bigkey on Thepprasit that does it. I didn't get mine done there though. My guy came in from Chonburi, no travel charge!


    If you have no key at all that could be a problem, but I wouldn't be surprised if they know how to start with fresh keys..

  8. 15 hours ago, Richard-BKK said:

    Amazing Kawasaki has copied the Zongshen RX3, the Zongshen RX3 is available for the last 2 years....



    What is the price of the Zongshen RX3? And where do you find them? I'm guessing , based on the price of  the Lifan 200, that it might be around 79-85,000 baht..


    That would be a sweet deal compared to 200,000 for the Kawasaki and only giving up 50cc.


    Put some decent tires on it and you are good to go, as a second bike.

  9. Whoa.. While it's good plan to reclaim that area,  redirecting all launches to the middle of Jomtien Beach is just crazy! Just launching all the boats and reclaiming them every day will aesthetically destroy the beach road..


    Not to mention all the vehicles and their boat trailers with non-existent brake lights coming and going back to "home port"...  Traffic meltdown twice a day for a considerable length of time.


    Well done.

  10. 12 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


    In Australia, the tax collected on tobacco products doesn't even go close to meeting the costs of treating smoking related disease, much less be used for anti smoking campaigns.  That money, once again, comes from the taxpayers.


    The largest users of tobacco products are the lower/est socio economic strata, also, coincidentally, the lowest contributors to the tax revenue, so once again, we have the intelligent supporting the unintelligent.


    Whilst using the tax revenue from tobacco products for advertising campaigns to reduce the number of smokers would be a very desirable aim, there are only so many $$ to go round.


    Unfortunately, we are a far too civilized society to allow people to just die without treatment because they led a life of stupidity and self harm.


    People are just not capable of self regulation, so governments have to step in and tell them how to run their lives, not always, or even often, very successfully, but somewhat better than a large percentage of the population are capable of doing so for themselves.


    This is an offensive post on so many levels...


    If you are even half as fat as your avatar you could talk about the heavy costs incurred by medical complications of obesity but I'm sure intelligent people don't let themselves become fat..

    "Unfortunately" we will just have to keep paying the costs that all those weak-willed

    "fatties" impose on our finely tuned economies.


    People are such failures at living healthy productive lives that the only solution is for government to step in and run their life for them? Does that sound good to you? It seems that it does.

    We are just waking up from the nightmare that is and was the "Drug War" but you are lining up for the latest cool-aid!


    And your financial argument is open to debate as well. Tax intake is substantial in all of these countries that have enacted back-door prohibition by heavily taxing, past the point of reasonableness, tobacco. Are you ok with a bottle of spirits costing 5 times it's current price? Same concept.


    I have gone with the obesity and alcohol arguments to make a simple point. Personally, I care not if people want to drink and eat to whatever amount pleases them..

  11. 2 hours ago, Just1Voice said:

    I take long trips on my CB300f and Forza 300cc. The FIRST thing I do before starting the engine us to check tire pressure. If it's at the correct setting, I DEFLATE it by 2 psi. I might drive for 4 to 8 hours at a time, and the last thing I want is a blow out from over inflated tires at 120kph on the Forza, or 140-150kph on the CB300f. 


    Of course I could be wrong but I believe that what you are doing is not necessary. If the cold pressure is correct the manufacturer is certainly expecting you to do more than drive to 7 for milk.


    2 psi is not much so little harm done, if any.

  12. Since there seem to be some knowledgeable people commenting on this thread (especially Naam, the AC guru) I would appreciate your thoughts on a system I saw on television.



    This fellow runs a small eco-resort in Cambodia. What he did was install piping underground with an intake above ground (fan assisted) and an outlet into each small bungalow (also fan assisted). These were quite small fans btw. There was a constant flow of cooled air coming into the bungalows for only the cost of running the small fans.


    Coming from Canada, I remember talk of geo-thermal heating (the reverse process of using warmer temps in the earth to heat).


    I remember thinking what an ingenious low cost cooling option!


    He also was treating his waste water by running it through a system of pools with water plants filtering the water.

  13. 3 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Imagine that...young girls and ladyboys more interested in their social media lives with their peers than the sexual desires of men old enough to be their grandfathers...it boggles the mind.


    The girls used to know why they had come here from all over Issan (primarily)....


    Now it's Issan by the sea and the girls are just having fun!


    And trying to make in 3 or 4 "encounters" the same money their older sisters made in 10+ outings..


    Jokes on them though. The number snagging themselves full-time sponsors -read husbands- has fallen dramatically because of the current business model..


    The shorter the time the better.

  14. I almost can't believe I'm writing this but....  :shock1:


    As a long-time skeptic of the current "administration", I'm surprised to find myself warming to them...


    Yes, this proposal is over the top but even if it only operated for a while before being ruled unconstitutional ( I know.. whatever system they have in place) it would really put the cat among the pigeons. Matters of face and seniority would suffer as passengers expressed their extreme desire not to be arrested and left with a criminal record. Seizing licenses, getting tough with suspended drivers who continue driving, etc.


    Next up.. a significant investment (and maintenance) in red-light cameras. It's important.


    Down here in Pattaya, the military are cleaning up the Bali Hai pier area, which has been heavily encroached upon by speedboat owners. And turned into an absolute eyesore in the process. Clearing vendors encroaching on public sidewalks. Same in Bangkok..


    Could it be that this is a type of "benevolent dictatorship", often held up as the ideal compromise between actually getting things done without intruding too much into the lives of the populace?


    The country could benefit from the discipline.

  15. On 10/1/2016 at 10:02 AM, Ulysses G. said:


    No, because they are anti-Semitic hypocrites and Roger Waters is one too.



    U G, you are such a knee-jerk apologist for Israel that you really should declare your bias..


    For example, JT is Jewish and does not conceal that fact. We know this and it forms a basis to assess his statements on Israel.


    You seem to fall into the "My country, right or wrong" camp, except Israel is not your country. You are American... Shades of Sean Hannity re Trump.


    At least we agree on the drug war issue. Maybe we should get high together and talk geo-politics. :shock1:

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