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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. I still think its a codec/encoding incompatibility.

    Do you have GOM player installed on your PC? Firstly its is IMO the best media player secondly it gives a good report on the playing media.

    Have you tried updating the s/ware on your TV?

    Lately GOM is unable to play many MKV files. It offers to search for missing codecs but then advises against using any codec not bundled with GOM!

    Shame, as it's been my favorite media players for years now..

    VLC will play anything but I don't like the GUI as much.

  2. Come on guys.... Do you think your concerns are unique? MS anticipated all of your questions.

    Yes it's FREE. For the life of the device. Versions will be like for like. If you have Home Premium, that's what you get. Same for Pro.

    You WILL be able to roll back.

    This is the final version of Windows. There will be no Windows 11 or whatever. The OS will be updated as necessary, where necessary.

    Anybody really concerned could have found out all the above, as the details have been available for the last month.

  3. Yep, everything must be absolutely correct in your blue book. If it is two tone it must been shown as that, Carryboy must also be noted in the blue book.

    Strange how half the populous can drive totally illegal every day with noooooooooooooooo problems eh.....whistling.gif

    Agree transam,coming back from Koh chang,i saw a old pickup that looked like it had been in a demolition derby,it was a mass of dents and jagged metal,not one light was unbroken,and it was stacked to overflowing with sawn logs,in fact it was overflowing,as i had noted several lying in the road before i came up on it,how the hell could this be on the road,later i saw what appeared to be it's sister vehicle, broken down with a snapped rear axle,no wonder with the huge logs they had on it,the back wheels where like two donuts,on either side,almost horizontal on the road,my theory is the cops realise these people have no money,so just ignore them,after all it is not about enforcing the law,but lining there pockets,i was told recently that to get into the police you have too know someone,and pay around 200,000 baht to get accepted then,they have to buy the gun,motorbike,and not sure about the uniform,so this could take a few years to recoup,not sure if this is true,but if it is well of course they will be corrupt[receipt or not,i spose they have to give some out],the whole structure needs overhauling,from what i can see the general doing is no more than the usual hot air,and band aid solutions,sack the whole force,make them reapply for their jobs,give them a new Blue instead of that awful brown uniform,a decent salary and benefits,supply all Police equipment,like most of the rest of the world,at the moment they are like a Yoeman Police force,but of course this would cost billions so will never be done,but it would benefit the country much more than a high speed train link to China.

    I think that is the longest sentence I have ever seen....clap2.gif

  4. The "loud pipes save lives" argument is self-serving hogwash!

    Followed to it;s logical conclusion, every motor vehicle would be unbearably noisy. The obsession to upgrade exhaust systems is well-evidenced even on this forum, where every second poster is "upgrading" theirs. A "sweeter sound", more horsepower etc. Effects highly debatable, and really no different from the attitude of the Thai entrepreneurs who build an open-air karaoke in an obviously residential area.

    And the kicker is.... they are "drive-by noise polluters", since being in front of the noise, they rarely hear the full effect. They leave that experience to the unfortunate bystanders.

  5. I guess a stiff dick has neither a conscience or a political ideology..... tongue.png

    Given that most (not all) posters are living here in Thailand, (it is a Thailand focused forum) that means they are self-selected to be here....

    Yet there is a clear right/left divide.

    Anyway, it doesn't tale much cogitation to realize that there must be a reason to be here, held in common by both camps....


  6. Haha it was a simple invitation for Coffee where you would have the chance to insult me to my face and see if your accusation that to be a member of a 1% Club you have to be violent is true or just hot air but of course your not man enough (which I knew already) and instead continue to throw insults from the safety of behind your keyboard LOL

    Anyone that actually knows me would tell you that i am one of the nicest guys around not a criminal not into drugs, have an awesome family am a successful retiree from a legitimate business and retired at 42 and do a lot of good work with charities abut they would also tell you I love to ride my bike , drink beer party adn have a good time and as long as you show me respect just as I would do you then there would not be a problem or would never be a problem.

    Now that is not what people like you want to hear you just listen to the press and follow what you are fed by the goverments and judge everyone based on their appearance.


    Pretty much every long-timer in Thailand knows that many patch-wearing clubs in Thailand (one exception being the Bandidos) are more like social clubs than their equivalent clubs in USA. Canada, EU ,and Australia.

    All the above areas have had serious biker "wars".

    Here it's entirely possible, perhaps probable, to be a patched member and not be involved in criminal activities.

    In those other areas it's impossible....

  7. I rode by this accident very soon after the impact...

    As soon as I realized what I was looking at, I looked away, but not before realizing the victim was farang.

    Not 10 minutes earlier I had said to the lady riding pillion that "Sunday morning is a good time to ride. Not that many cars..."

    The Frenchman probably thought the same thing. sad.png

    It only takes one.

    An employee leaving Makro drunk?

  8. Bravo...

    With no zoning, the only alternative is to enforce whatever provincial or municipal regulations are applicable.

    Free-style is all very well until...some small-time entrepreneur rents an empty plot of land, spends 30,000 baht to build an open-air bamboo structure with a corrugated metal roof and proceeds to subject an entire neigbourhood to bad karaoke and live carabao-style rock and roll until 3-4 am. That's a very large area where sound travels far on a quiet night.

    Point being, that neighbourhood has collectively invested billions of baht in places to live and sleep. And Somchai and his SME has screwed them all.....

  9. Knowing Microsoft though, I'd say they are luring people in smile.png

    I haven't seen a press conference with Mr Gates in a while, but at every one of them someone will ask about piracy of MS products, and you could see that Alfred E. Newman smile fade quickly.

    So, here's how I see it playing out: hey everybody, Windows is now free! Get on board, no muss no fuss and the price is right! The biggest marketing campaign the world has every see for something that is free. KK grasps an installation DVD with her butt. The guy from Marooned 5 gets a tattoo of the logo. Maybe even mass-mailing of installation disks like AOL used to do. Also, the end of all previous Windows versions -- no updates no more.

    And after a year of fun times with Win10 it turns into a pumpkin, then it's either pay up or go away.

    I also think XP will live on in some way, with no further involvement from MS.

    That's just an anti-MS rant....

    As for the Alfred E. Newman remark, do you have any idea how much money Bill Gates has donated, and will continue to donate, to really worthy and important causes?

    Finally, MS is arguably the 2nd largest company in the world and is highly unlikely to follow the strategy you envision.....

    Buy some Windex for that crystal ball.

  10. I've owned 2 i-mobile phones. IQ 5.1 and IQ X3.

    I got firmware updates on both at i-mobile service centre in Pattaya.

    They don't do Android updates.

    Hi bobbin,

    Thank you for this info - I think there is an i-mobile service centre somewhere near me.

    What changes (if any) were apparent upon getting the firmware updates for your phones? Was it worthwhile?

    Was there a charge?


    There is no charge for the firmware updates.

    The 5.1 took about 20 minutes to update. The X3 a little longer.

    The 5.1 got a different camera interface, other than that I didn't see any differences. I assume the updates just smooth out any wrinkles that have become apparent after release. The X3 I don't know because I had it done right after I bought the phone. Tesco and the service centre were in the same mall.

    (I like to buy from Tesco and BigC because you have 7 days to exchange a problem phone. After that, it's off to the service centre for 2-3 weeks. The small shops send you directly to the service centre.)

  11. ^^

    Uh no. That's not my understanding.

    At first MS said that all registered owners of 7,8, and 8.1 would receive free upgrade to 10. Update to be done within 1 year of release of 10. That will pretty much ensure a good uptake of the new OS, unlike 8 and 8.1. Shortly after, MS stated that additionally they would be offering the free upgrade to all users of Windows, legitimate and copies....in China. Apparently the vast majority of installs there are pirate versions of XP, many of them in government offices. That is a vast pool of trouble, as XP is no longer updated with security patches.

    Well, what do you think will occur worldwide with all those free versions of legitimate Windows 10 floating around....

    It's a bold strategy but with over 50% of internet users accessing the net on mobile devices (no Windows), MS risked becoming a niche player.

  12. ^^

    I remember Big Al! Talked to him a few times..

    I also remember that interview Niels did with Oliver Stone. At one point Neils asked Oliver if he had "the virus", presumably meaning had he become a fan of Pattaya... shock1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Q3XOm0fuQscSXB5r

    The look on Stone's face was priceless!

    The interview went downhill from there....laugh.png

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Alternative solution guys. Anyone you find with drugs make them take the lot in one go. If they get over it then send them home. If they dont who cares

    You and Mr. Rogers up there (buddy,can you spare a cardigan?) have become The Problem...

    The tipping point was reached a few years ago and we're just waiting for more dominoes to fall.

    Five years from now, if you are lucky (and young) enough to be here, you will be crying in your beer (hypocrite!) about how the world has gone to pot!

    You sound like the dregs of humanity and I guess you are. Go home you useless piece of **** Thailand has no need for idiots like you

    Irrational expression of hostility. Yep.. you're a role model....for intolerance. You are not living on this planet alone....and your kind have had their kick at the can. Move over....

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