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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Having used the the i-Mobile IQ II for seven weeks now I agree that it's GPS function is close to useless.

    Unfortunately that's a common trait of many cheap Mediatek-based devices.

    The Mediatek chip isn't the brightest kid on the block when it comes to GPS, and lousy build quality, poor GPS antenna and/or poor connection to said antenna on the motherboard does the rest.

    No software "fix" does miracles.

    Sometimes, pushing on the right spot (usually one of the top corners) at the back of the phone does wonders because this, at least, helps the poor connection.

    The IQII uses a Qualcomm Snapdragon 64 bit 410. Well regarded. I have none of the described problems.

  2. Agree there are many living here and they give us all a bad name. One of numerous reasons i avoid the tourist slums and the majority of foreigners visiting, hiding and living here. you can tell the quality of foreigner they are by the quality of other foreigners they hang with and the Thai women they are with. Perhaps (rent) is a better word. No decent Thai woman would tend to hang with questionable looking foreigners.

    Negerians look angels comparatively to these hideous farangs criminals, killers, pedophiles and all sort of trash living here.

    Gee Zuss H PM....

    You come off sounding like a country preacher!

    Maybe time to change your avatar (carefully chosen?), fine upstanding gentleman that he is... whistling.gif

  3. ^^

    I just got this Android update as well this morning. It was the 2nd system upgrade I've had, although an earlier poster mentioned having two upgrades on his phone a month or so ago.

    I did notice some changes on the first one but nothing so far this time. It said it was a security, stability and bug fix. Note the date though. June 29, so a little slow being distributed...

    But it wasn't Marshmallow!! sad.png

  4. All this chat on here about Benelli and how great they are, but no one ever buys one.

    I think that most guys on this forum own bigger bikes. Not many own one of the 250/300 bikes out there.

    There is one poster who owns a Benelli 300 and sings its praises. There is one guy who owns a CB300 and the engine blew up within a 5000km(?)

    Couldn't help yourself, could you......laugh.pngfacepalm.gif

    oops..thought you were Ktmjeff...

    carry on...tongue.png

  5. The original Cbr250 w/o abs was 95,000 baht, so 90,000 for the Benelli is in the ballpark....

    As an aside, I was with a friend from Bangkok who was looking for the Ducati dealership, and he mistook the signage for the Benelli dealership as it also uses Italian colours. The Benellis look a bit clunky but ok. We did find the Ducati shop, where the sales guy was most unimpressed that my friend sat on the Monster without asking permission. facepalm.gif There was also a Suzuki Big Bike shop nearby. Choices continue to increase...

  6. Google is releasing Marshmallow to Nexus phones next week....

    The article talked about how Google sees Nexus products as bought mainly by techies looking for the purest and newest version of Android. No mention of Google's Android One phones, as they aren't marketed in N.America or Europe. Also mentioned how slow manufacturers and providers are at rolling out updates to Android.

    Might be a few folks a little upset if a Bt.4444 phone is sporting the latest Android OS in a few weeks, while they wait...and wait..for their expensive devices to get the update..if ever.

    This is 2nd generation Android One. Next generation is supposed to be even better, as people are still buying more "powerful" phones in the same price bracket.

  7. I'm looking now also..

    I had been thinking to buy an older (2002-2006) BMW or Audi. Getting old I know, but I have found several on the internet sites with 50,000-110,000 km in the Bt 300K+. Now that I am about to buy, I've become nervous about buying a German car of this vintage.

    My reasoning is/was that these were expensive here, although good quality. The owners had the means to maintain them and that sort of mileage indicate they were doing less than 10K a year on average.

    So I began to think that a 2-3 year old Fiesta Sport or Suzuki Swift around Bt.350K+ would be more practical...Well, here is the problem. These cars were not expensive, so many many of them were bought by young men who live for their new car and the mileage is very high for their age. A few are out there with less than 20K but a lot are 50-90K!

  8. Indeed it is amazing!!

    Thailand has very large concrete companies. You'd think it would be a no-brainer for them to develop and market their version...

    But then again it could have a severe financial impact on the economy. All those repairs done and money spent after every severe rain would be a thing of the past....

  9. Time to move on to greener pastures of female submission? coffee1.gif

    Saudi Arabia?

    Bit of a cheap shot coming from you JT......

    You know how you like dogs and then get bitten by one? You don't look at them the same way and you don't turn your back on them...

    Stickman interviewed 5 Thai female university graduates for last Sunday's post. Very interesting, their take on women's role in Thai society. "We are expected to obey our man" quotes one , to the agreement of her peers....

    And not that long ago that most Western marriage vows contained the phrase to "love,honour and obey", spoken only by the woman...

    We older men are not cavemen but products of our culture and social conditioning. Although, if Thailand still had slave markets (abolished around 1905 I believe), I think I'd buy a couple of ladies and trade them in every 3 years... whistling.gif

    (ducking for cover now...)

  10. Sat on the N Max at the dealers yesterday. It felt better than the PCX for static riding position. More room for my 6'. I was told 67,000 in Chiang Rai. 117 k/hr tested on U tube, stock. Anti-lock works well according to most reports. I would vote for N Max no question. Off the track a little, I would pull off the silly little windscreen and put a modified small basket in front, like I did with my Yamaha Spark 135, which is still going great after 50,000 + km.

    Well that would be an excellent way to ruin the looks of the bike...not to mention the fact those front baskets are so 20th Century. Unsafe as well, since you lose your lighting at night if there is anything of size in the basket.

  11. Similar problem with AMD/ATI graphics chip and W10. They are disappointing a lot of people. I have an HP with dual graphic chips. One will not be updated. One was. Still bad performance vs. W7.

    This is my 2nd install of W10 and my 30 days runs out tomorrow. Legit copy of W7 Home Premium, so I guess I'm going back again. Or not. I could give it a couple of months more hoping it will get sorted or move to W7 Ultimate (Thai style rolleyes.gif)

    I like W10 but my computer is not so happy so far....

  12. Just another thought on helmets. My quality full face with proper vents feels cooler then my old half helmet with no vents. I love having a visor to keep the dust bugs and debris off my face. I just keep it cracked for city riding.

    Also has a drop down sun visor which is fantastic! Once you try one there's no going back.

    So if I have to choose between a half helmet with visor or a full face, why not get the added chin protection? It's not that much hotter. Also handy if you need to box it out with some thugs on the street corner. ?

    Also, those flip up helmets are so goofy. Choose one or the other.

    A half-helmet? You really do want to stir things up! laugh.png

    Plenty of Police riders in N.America use them. Not so much the European cousins. They seem to go for the Combi-style.

  13. I have been following this thread but not avidly...

    Maybe I have something to contribute.

    I have been wearing a Real open face for the past couple of years. No removable liner, but not too sweaty since I much prefer riding early morning or after dark. Another open face before that and a couple of full-face before that. Here in Thailand.

    Yesterday I went out highway riding with a friend who's just got a new bike. Sort of to show what a responsible rider I am, I wore my Shoei full-face helmet, Taichi mesh jacket and gloves, army-issue hot weather trousers, and boots. Well I just about melted! There was no way i wanted to stop anywhere for more than 10 seconds.

    But it did get me thinking, not for the first time, about lower face protection. That part of my body that does all the sweet-talking and ass-kissing. So I purchased a Bilmola moto-cross full-face. Great ventilation as it's a sweaty sport. Very light, using carbon fibre and abs plastic. With the peak a factor for a sportbike riding position, the Bilmola was better than the Real version. I checked both out seated on the bike.

    I just now returned from the first real world ride. I am so pleased! smile.png I feel safer. It's light on my head. Easier to get on and off than a regular full face. The Shoei wanted to rip my ears off as I adjusted it yesterday...

    I know the two styles aren't supposed to go together, but I think I'm onto a winner.

  14. I owned a 150cbr for years... Carrying capacity is limited but I often used to hang shopping bags from the mirrors. 2lt. jug of milk no problem. Those mesh cargo nets work well on the pillion seat. Do both and it's a fair bit. Wouldn't put a top box on one but if you don't particularly care (you do) about looks, it ups the load capacity. No comparison vs. the twist and go bikes for performance!

    You can also use a tank bag. I did.

  15. OK. So you really don't like it. Takes all kinds!

    Jeez, you do go on.....

    Coulda just said " highly unlikely those Scandis could do a Mexican buffet that could pass my taste test, but anyone interested or daring enough to try could report back.."

    Reading your posts for years now, but sometimes you've got me shaking my head. Not that you'll care.... tongue.png

  16. For temporary export you need to present a green book on YOUR name at the border crossing. For permanent export I'm not sure but will probably be the same requirement. In fact you can export on temporary permit and just not come back if that's what you want. But then again, what are the Cambodian laws regarding import? Is a bill of sale enough for them to register your bike there or will they want to see it registered in your name? Are there any other issues to go through?

    Take a look at this man: http://www.phnompenh.com/index.php?gcm=5411&gctix=5019

    You can get a few years old 1000+ Superbike for around 100,000 THB! I wish we had these prices here. Not sure what you bought and how much you paid but honestly what you're trying to do doesn't make sense

    What's the catch?

    I can;t believe these prices..literally!

    US$4k for a Harley. Or any of those other prices... US$20k for a Lexus suv..

    Time to move

  17. Thanks Bobbin. Saw your post only now. Not sure what to make out of it.. do you get one day of use out of the battery then? Or more/less?

    I'm not a power user. In fact my phone is plugged in often while at home. My feelings about battery life are subjective, comparing it to the i-mobile X3. For example, I'll unplug it (100%), carry to a comfortable chair to do a text or two, and see that it's at 95%. After the GPS adjustment mentioned before I'm expecting better. It does have a 2500ma battery vs. X3's 2300ma, and Lollipop is supposed to have lower power consumption than Jelly Bean (or KitKat). Marshmallow is said to be better yet and phone owners will get it as soon as available, along with certain Nexus models.

  18. Another point...

    I haven't been that impressed with battery life. GPS is enabled by default and the manual states that in areas of poor reception, battery life will be adversely affected as the constant checking for signal will consume power. As I'm inside a concrete building more than I am outside, I thought I would go to settings and turn it off. Oops. Now my Yahoo weather widget doesn't work, unlike my other phones with GPS turned off. But....

    You-Tube tells me to go to Location and long press to bring up menu that allows "battery saving" option, using cell phone and provider info. Yahoo weather widget now working without GPS. Just have to remember how to turn it back on. biggrin.png

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