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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Does this look like it was written by the PR dept f a real estate company or developer? :D

    I don't agree. :o

    It's a news article informing people what is happening here in Pattaya.

    If you live here you will know it is accurate information.

  2. Can I join in? :o

    My 1981 Turbo Trans Am was painted from bare metal after a factory-authorized re-spray due to a really horrible paint job from afore-said factory.

    They allowed me to choose Sikkens paint.

    That was 26 years ago and it looks as good now as it did then!

    Great auto paint.

  3. HI

    Here in Phuket it's not a good idea to drive without a book, and there is so many doggie books around, i found a nice bike the other day, but a doggie book, been in contact with people on TV, and when i ask about green book, well no more mails.

    You can check the frame number, take the number and look it up on the net, that way you can see if it belong to a Honda 400 or Kawa 400 or or, it will not tell you if it's the same bike you have on hand, but it's a step in the right direction.

    Have also heard that police in Phuket have confiscated 3 bikes with false or bad green book, and that's within a few months.

    doggie book? :o

    Btw HDRider

    Did you see the story about a chopper rider getting shot off his bike by an annoyed "citizen" in Pattaya? Seems his pipes were too loud, :D

    Time to get some steel wool to stuff up those pipes.

  4. Anyone have a CBR-150 shop manual in English or know where to buy one? Local dealer is the usual mai mee

    What is the fork oil capacity and standard viscosity

    I am thinking of a 25mm spacer and heavier oil as a start.

    Send me a PM with your e-mail address and I will send you a PDF copy of the English version which another member was kind enough to send me.

  5. KerryD

    Glad to see that you have a sensible Canadian attitude to this question of whether to noise-pollute or not. :D

    Your bike looks good to me with the stock pipes. So does The Vulcan's bike.

    The factory puts some fair effort into creating good-looking pipes that stay within reasonable sound limits. Why so many owners second-guess them at considerable costs to themselves seems to come down to the noise issue. "More is better" is the mantra. Don't go there. Just say no! :o

    Another point is that the owner only hears the machine at idle and a bit of throttle twisting. While actually riding, he is trailing his sound-print behind him. And, while accelerating hard, only the people he passes (in a 2km radius) are left to deal with the noise. It's like throwing your garbage out the car window.

  6. HI

    Your right they look stock, that's why, nobody said anything about louder, you can get very nice looking pipes there don't sound louder then stock.

    Kerryd, be prepared to hear all this bullsh.t about Harleys and the driver.

    That might be true but I would put money on the fact that 9 out of 10 after-market exhaust systems available here in Thailand would be louder than the stock exhausts.

    As a young man I owned a HD Sportster 883 for 2 years. No electric start. I've earned my Harley chops. Sold it to finance my first trip to Thailand 37 years ago. :o

  7. Still here. Only know him through a mutual friend who told me he has been here a long time. 33 years? Wow.

    Believe he is a member of TV. Think I saw a post from him a few weeks back.

    Check members for Jeep Holt.

    Be great to sit and have a drink with him when he is in a story-telling mood. :o

  8. Thanks Taxexile - your article was more detailed than any I managed to find. It's an upper molar.

    So I guess the 11,000B crown will fit better, and possibly last longer?

    Good prices, Bobbin, compared to the Bangkok standard advertised prices. Did you get a discount because you had 4 done?

    There was no volume discount. :D

    Actually did even better than posted prices on the first crown. My dentist did one crown the first visit. When it was time to fit the crown, she told me there had been a mix-up at the technician and they had made an 85% crown. She gave it to me for the 55% price. I asked if they could make the same mistake for the same price on the other 3 but no luck. :o

  9. Three months ago in Pattaya I had four crowns done.

    I shopped around. Not difficult as it seems there is a dental clinic around every corner.

    Base metal/porcelain Bt. 4000/each

    55% gold/porcelain Bt. 7000/each

    85% gold/porcelain Bt. 11,000/each.

    I opted for the 55% gold.

  10. Another strange story from the Land of Smiles.

    Perhaps the "problem" stemmed from the fact he was not an OB/GYN. I don't know how aware the general population is that the abortion laws have been relaxed. Prior to this I would think that a patient would have been happy to have anyone with medical qualifications undertake the procedure. And be able to have an alternative to the retired nurse in the back of the beauty shop. And I am not necessarily saying that the retired nurse is a bad person. Just under-qualified and having to work in less than optimum conditions.

    Also, one would think that the Civil Service would be difficult to be expelled from in less than 24 hours since being arrested. Not yet convicted. And he would have been a senior level with those qualifications and that rank.

  11. Seems that people with a retirement extensions are in an enviable position in that apparently they can now get a WP. Initially, there was a proviso that you were not allowed to work on a retirement extension so it was a situation where you could come here to work(with all the regs about WP and visa etc.) or you could come to retire but not able to work(and earn money).

    Now apparently, we can do both. And in between jobs and Work Permits we can just fall back on our retirement status. i.e., we never have to leave as long as our retirement criteria are met.

    To many under 50 this would be the ideal situation.

    So are we retirees the new "Gold Standard" in the visa category? :D

    As an old man who came here to teach at age 60, I disagree that I have been in an enviable condition. All 3 schools did not give me a WP or help me with visa runs, which averaged about 75,000 baht per year. I was turned down in one place because I had a long pony tail, and this week because I am too old. As Sunbelt Asia said, this policy of issuing WP to people on retirement visas is an on-off again item year by year, province by province, and subject to the usual vagaries and unverified rumors by the less-informed.

    Whether a retiree can actually get a WP on a retirement visa, and whether he can easily quit one job and easily fall back to his prior status without leaving the country, is not clear to me.

    I think the paunched, drunken, back-packing Romanian skinheads have a more enviable position than I have. :D


    You mention visa runs while teaching(and no WP :o ). Teaching while holding a retirement extension would eliminate that. So no need to deduct that expense from a salary that is not that generous.

    Yes, without a few trailblazers to point the way, it is a bit unclear. But it seemed like Chiang Mai immigration, while not saying so explicitly, was telling you it could be done in this manner. Perhaps another visit is in order and tell them you want to resume teaching but retain your retirement extension. Let them respond to this specific request.

    Sunbelt is saying that if on the r/e, you would not have to leave. That implies you have the WP and the r/e at the same time.

    There is also another aspect to this. What if after working for a year or so and paying taxes, you wanted to apply for Permanent Residency? As of now(apparently) the r/e is not a pathway to PR status(which requires 3 years uninterupted extensions) Also they want a certain figure paid in every year...Bt80,000? Admittedly, unlikely to pay that much on a teavher's salary but better than no taxes at all. I wonder what the powers that be would make of that? Sort of a combination of tax paid in and the special circumstance of making a contribution to Thai society. Teaching their children to be able to take their place more easily in the global economy of the future would seem to be an argument with some potential.

    PeaceBlondie, you could be one of the trailblazers for some to follow. :D

  12. So.....

    What are the practical ramifications of obtaining a work permit(and the job that goes with it) while on 1 year retirement extensions?

    The only real benefit of the retirement extension is not having to do visa runs. I'm in my 6th year of extension based on retirement.

    I've been reading for years on TV questions from people regarding their work permits and have vaguely ab sorbed the info while knowing it did not apply to me. But I seem to recall questions about having to leave the Kingdom within 7 days of the WP no longer being valid. And the answer was that that was the case. This is one example of a possible conflict.

    Would this situation be particularly desireable? The ability to work without having to worrry that when the WP expires that you have to leave. Or will you have to leave? Would you just carry on with the retirement extension and get another WP when you got another job?

    Having to Leave in 7 days does not apply in this case if his extension of stay is based on retirement. Even if he had a work permit.

    Only if he had a extension of stay based on business would the work permit be linked to that permit of stay and he would have to leave.


    I think I could have phrased some of my questions differently to better make my point.

    There is a current thread here regarding the 7 day WP rule and it reiterates that many non-immigrant B visa holders have to leave when their employment ends and return with a new visa.

    Seems that people with a retirement extensions are in an enviable position in that apparently they can now get a WP. Initially, there was a proviso that you were not allowed to work on a retirement extension so it was a situation where you could come here to work(with all the regs about WP and visa etc.) or you could come to retire but not able to work(and earn money).

    Now apparently, we can do both. And in between jobs and Work Permits we can just fall back on our retirement status. i.e., we never have to leave as long as our retirement criteria are met.

    To many under 50 this would be the ideal situation.

    So are we retirees the new "Gold Standard" in the visa category? :o

  13. So.....

    What are the practical ramifications of obtaining a work permit(and the job that goes with it) while on 1 year retirement extensions?

    The only real benefit of the retirement extension is not having to do visa runs. I'm in my 6th year of extension based on retirement.

    I've been reading for years on TV questions from people regarding their work permits and have vaguely ab sorbed the info while knowing it did not apply to me. But I seem to recall questions about having to leave the Kingdom within 7 days of the WP no longer being valid. And the answer was that that was the case. This is one example of a possible conflict.

    Would this situation be particularly desireable? The ability to work without having to worrry that when the WP expires that you have to leave. Or will you have to leave? Would you just carry on with the retirement extension and get another WP when you got another job?

  14. About 12 hours a day on average, sometimes put the units on timer but most nights left running.

    I would be interested in what temperature others set their aircon to.

    Currently with 35 degrees outside during the day i'm happy with 28 when I get home, but either of us might click down to 26/27 degrees when sleeping.

    house 26-27ºC, bedroom cooling down to 18ºC (with 2 ACs) before retiring and then set one AC at 25ºC for the night, other one off.


    Now you have confused me. I thought from previous posts that you were an a/c "expert".

    Why are you cooling to 18C? (and where on the keyboard do you find that little "degree" character?)

    That is COLD!

    If you want 25C, why not set it there? That a/c probably doesn't kick in for hours until the temp gets back to 25C. But in terms of energy use I would think it takes way more to get down to 18C than just to go for 25C in the first place.

    Also, why not use the "sleep" function to do something similar. Set it to start at 23C for example then it will adjust to 25C over the next few hours.

  15. stopvt7

    Geez man, please have your posts translated into English before posting.

    I bet there's a lot of things you are not so good at.

    stopvt7 gets his message across and that's what communication is about.

    But who IS Amnat?

    Who are you? His big "sister"? :o

    He does NOT communicate effectively. Hence my post.

  16. [quote name='siampaulibuyasia' date='2008-04-02 20:23:00' post='1905528'

    hey smarty pants i hate 2 disappoint u but it turned out 2 b the farangs builders thai wife was at it, so bang gos ur silly theory that only farangs cheat

    Argh! The SMS generation. :o

    You have saved yourself the effort of typing a grand total of 6 letters in the above post. At the cost of appearing semi-literate.

  17. Followed a link in the Motor Show thread over to GT-Rider and started poking around there.

    There was a thread on Y.S.S. Shocks Thailand that fairly sang their praises. Apparently, since the arrival of some outside expertise, they are now world-class manufacturers.

    My Cbr150r is a 2002, owned since new with 20K km. That is the first year of production.

    Comparing to my friend's, which is 1 or 2 years newer, there are only 2 visible differences. The mirrors on the newer machine have an extra hinge for adjustment and the mono shock. Mine is non-adjustable, while the newer version has the more familiar adjustment for solo and 2up/sustained high-speed riding.

    Funnily enough, while we have had these machines for several years now, we have never gotton around to swapping rides for comparison. Since he also swapped rear sprockets -he went smaller for better high-speed cruising and claims it was a good swap- we probably should have done that by now. :D Point is, I've not ridden his machine to see the difference in the 2 settings for the mono shock.

    There are 4 versions available from Y.S.S. for the Cbr150r but 2 are for racing. The other 2 are a choice of internal bladder and external gas reservoir models. The non-reservoir model is apparently (according to the Australia website) more expensive and obviously looks more like the stock shock. I would worry abit about the reservoir taking up more space but they must have designed it to fit.

    So...what thoughts on this swap? I don't imagine the shock will be that expensive here so no major money risk in going for the swap. Though in Aus. the shocks sell for A$300. :o

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