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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. In a currently running thread someone has noted that one poster has been using an avatar of Josef Stalin, one of the most heinous Dictators of the previous century. :o

    Another is using a banjo-playing Hitler to represent his forum persona. :D

    Another is using Aleister Crowley, the "sex and magick" occultist whose motto was "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law!"

    With the myriad of possibilities available, there is no question that the avatar one selects offers an insight into the poster's personality.

    Me, I am a Siamese Fighting Fish! :D

    Bendix...send Joe to Siberia!!

  2. bendix

    Your avatar IS in poor taste for such an educated(Political History no less!!) man.

    Along with Hitler(and someone here is using a banjo-playing Hitler as an avatar!!), those two men are responsible for the death of millions of people. Some historians rank Stalin ahead of Hitler on the Top 10 Dictator list.

    Since you have now been "called" on your use of this avatar, now might be a good time to retire it.

  3. <br />
    <font color="#000080"><b>Dear prospero<br />Your question "the history of Thai courts in removing illegal portions of builds?" When I asked our Bangkok attorneys a seemlier question they sight three samples. </b></font><font color="#000080"><b>Since t</b></font><font color="#000080"><b>heir been one example talked about in the news paper. I had a meeting with one of are Bangkok Thai advisors who was involved in removing a illegal building in Bangkok. <br /></b></font>
    <br /><br />So which buildings are you referring to?<br />Surely not the New World Department store? (after partial collapse of illegal extension).<br />It doesn't offer much encouragement for those hoping VT7 will be removed. see below<br /><br /><a href="http://nationmultimedia.com/2004/10/22/national/index.php?news=national_15147916.html" target="_blank">BMA compromises on New World demolition order</a> - <i>The Nation</i>, October 22, 2003<br /> [Even after the decades of stalling and the death of a tenant, the city still could not make the New World Department store comply with demolition orders.] <br /> <i>The demolition of the New World building, which partially collapsed in June, has been delayed due to a dispute between the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and Kaewfa Shopping Arcade Co Ltd over who should do the work, a Civil Court source said yesterday.<br /> But, the BMA in court compromised by asking the company to demolish the building in Bang Lumphu themselves with the agency in a supervisory role to ensure safety, the source said...</i><br /><br />It would be a great help to us all if you could give the exact details of when, where and why they were deemed illegal and exactly what was removed.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

    Property Plus was ordered by the court to remove floors from eleven buildings that breached height limits. The deconstruction is taking place.


    Could you please change whatever is causing all the extra characters in your posts? They are for all intents and purposes unreadable. :o

  4. <br />
    <font color="#000080"><b>Dear prospero<br />Your question "the history of Thai courts in removing illegal portions of builds?" When I asked our Bangkok attorneys a seemlier question they sight three samples. </b></font><font color="#000080"><b>Since t</b></font><font color="#000080"><b>heir been one example talked about in the news paper. I had a meeting with one of are Bangkok Thai advisors who was involved in removing a illegal building in Bangkok. <br /></b></font>
    <br /><br />So which buildings are you referring to?<br />Surely not the New World Department store? (after partial collapse of illegal extension).<br />It doesn't offer much encouragement for those hoping VT7 will be removed. see below<br /><br /><a href="http://nationmultimedia.com/2004/10/22/national/index.php?news=national_15147916.html" target="_blank">BMA compromises on New World demolition order</a> - <i>The Nation</i>, October 22, 2003<br /> [Even after the decades of stalling and the death of a tenant, the city still could not make the New World Department store comply with demolition orders.] <br /> <i>The demolition of the New World building, which partially collapsed in June, has been delayed due to a dispute between the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and Kaewfa Shopping Arcade Co Ltd over who should do the work, a Civil Court source said yesterday.<br /> But, the BMA in court compromised by asking the company to demolish the building in Bang Lumphu themselves with the agency in a supervisory role to ensure safety, the source said...</i><br /><br />It would be a great help to us all if you could give the exact details of when, where and why they were deemed illegal and exactly what was removed.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

    Property Plus was ordered by the court to remove floors from eleven buildings that breached height limits. The deconstruction is taking place.


    Could you please change whatever is causing all the extra characters in your posts? They are for all intents and purposes unreadable. :o

  5. <br />
    <font color="#000080"><b>Dear prospero<br />Your question "the history of Thai courts in removing illegal portions of builds?" When I asked our Bangkok attorneys a seemlier question they sight three samples. </b></font><font color="#000080"><b>Since t</b></font><font color="#000080"><b>heir been one example talked about in the news paper. I had a meeting with one of are Bangkok Thai advisors who was involved in removing a illegal building in Bangkok. <br /></b></font>
    <br /><br />So which buildings are you referring to?<br />Surely not the New World Department store? (after partial collapse of illegal extension).<br />It doesn't offer much encouragement for those hoping VT7 will be removed. see below<br /><br /><a href="http://nationmultimedia.com/2004/10/22/national/index.php?news=national_15147916.html" target="_blank">BMA compromises on New World demolition order</a> - <i>The Nation</i>, October 22, 2003<br /> [Even after the decades of stalling and the death of a tenant, the city still could not make the New World Department store comply with demolition orders.] <br /> <i>The demolition of the New World building, which partially collapsed in June, has been delayed due to a dispute between the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration and Kaewfa Shopping Arcade Co Ltd over who should do the work, a Civil Court source said yesterday.<br /> But, the BMA in court compromised by asking the company to demolish the building in Bang Lumphu themselves with the agency in a supervisory role to ensure safety, the source said...</i><br /><br />It would be a great help to us all if you could give the exact details of when, where and why they were deemed illegal and exactly what was removed.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

    Property Plus was ordered by the court to remove floors from eleven buildings that breached height limits. The deconstruction is taking place.


    Could you please change whatever is causing all the extra characters in your posts? They are for all intents and purposes unreadable. :o

  6. Yes. My Maxnet Indy service has been acting up the last several days.

    Slow much of the time with frequent disconnects. Was/am thinking it's a problem on my end but this morning it is much better.

    Last week I was downloading torrents at 250Kbs+. :o

    On Indy.

    Hoping it will settle down soon if it is their problem. Happened last upgrade the same.

  7. New concept or not, your reply was not much of an answer.

    Would appreciate a brief explanation of the benefits of using as a monitor.

    Connecting your PC to your TV means you have an all in one Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, MP3 and music, DVD, AVI and hundreds of other formats player in a single box, its networked into your home net, streams over the net to each room, scales your TV to a hidef output (I hold the dscaler domains for open source de-interlacing) etc etc etc etc. The PC scaling is some of the best upscaling you can get on correctly flagged DVD content. they are also configurable to do many tasks that theres no other elegant solution to in advanced home theater applications (non linear scaling, blanking, etc etc etc).

    Read up on HTPC's.. AVS forum is a good place to start. I was the moderator of the nets largest home theater forum for years. So am a bit biased about using them in home theater setups.

    Thanks for that.

    I was an early-adopter of HT technology back in the early 90's. Using all Luxman equipment including badged Luxman stand-alone decoder(actually Lexicon).

    When I moved to Thailand, a friend quipped "no more Luxman for you. Maybe Discman!"

    After several years the novelty wore off. Seems most common surround effects were rain and gunfire. For dialogue(most important part of a movie) it's overkill. Could not be bothered with it now.

    As for Blu-ray tech etc., I would have to buy a new computer. When it is time to replace this laptop I will use it in a similar manner to what you describe for mp3 and avi files.

  8. I bought one as did 3 of my friends. Got tired of waiting for name brands to come down to the BT. 10,000 price range.

    When the Sony and Samsung sets are available at that price I will buy one and replace the 29 inch CRT that has become a second set.

    Serious question.

    Why would I want to use it with my laptop? As a second monitor? If that is the case, and the resolution is as good as a regular LCD monitor, then this is a fantastic deal. There are no 32 inch montors for sale at less than Bt. 10,000.

    But unless I am using wifi connection ( I am not. Using a wired router) it does not seem convenient to use with a computer.

  9. No problem installing Validation Tool on XP copy.

    Windows Automatic Update can also be turned on without problem.

    Seems MS decided that it was better that all machines running Windows are better off with all security and software updates installed. They are in it for the long haul and even if many are running bootleg copies, they are still using Windows. Sooner or later they will be buying a MS operating system.

  10. ThaiVisa is definately in the slow season now, so I thought a post like this might be fun. (at least for me :o )

    There was a time not so long ago when the ability to use a computer showed you had at least a reasonable level of intelligence. Unfortunately, that time has past. This forum, and others, is rife with people posting who show themselves to be a few cards short of a full deck.

    You have the mysoginists who have no use for Thai (or any other) women, who come on and reveal their ignorance in any one of a number of ways.

    You have the old curmudgeons, relics of a bygone era, who routinely bring out the noose in order to"hang 'em high" with every reported crime, be the "perps" farang or Thai.

    The wind-up artists (myself excepted :D ), whose only joy it seems, is make posts that have you sputtering in disbelief.

    These people, and the other types whom I have failed to list, make me wish that forums were more of a meritocracy than a democracy. i.e. you get banned for being an idiot.

    i know the odds are good that I will have to take a few shots from some for the temerity to make a post like this, but sometimes you have to just tell the way it is. :D

  11. It does sound like OCD to me as well. If so, it presents an interesting situation. If considered to have a medical problem, is it still alright to "push his buttons"?

    I say yes it is. We've all got a bit of the kid in us and this kind of thing is good fun for those of us not afflicted.

    But since the OP has taken the time to write about it here, why not write a note to the offender and leave it with the staff to give to him.

    In not unfriendly manner, point out the illogic of his actions and give him the link here so he can read for himself how his actions are perceived. :o

    God give us the gift to see ourselves as others see us.

  12. Where are the gurus? :o

    Would like some input before updating the firmware.

    Answering my own question..pretty sure Maxnet is NOT adsl2 since that is apparently a higher speed protocol and we all know we are not getting what we pay for already. But perhaps there are bug fixes, etc in this firmware update besides stepping up to adsl2. As well, I read a another post in the forum from someone with an adsl2 router regarding wireless, so obviosly they can be used. Probably all the new models of routers have the capability.

    I still want some guru input tho. :D

  13. This morning I was reading the thread on static IP and bit torrent. Some of it a bit too technical for me. Previously I have set up port-forwarding on this router but every time I lost power I would lose the rule. The router would not permanently save the rule. Current version of u-torrent has random port setting which works for me but depends on the particular torrent as noted in that thread.

    i followed some of the links in that thread about open source firmware etc. and started wondering about the firmware in my router.

    I went to the D-Link Thailand site and found there is a newer version than the one I am using.

    However... it says it upgrades the router to ADSL2/2+ and cannot be undone (back to ADSL1). But it also says it is "compatible with ADSL1 connectivity". There is a further note tho that says "do not upgrade if you do not have ADSL2/2+ account"

    Hmmm. can someone enlighten me further? :o

  14. The amount of extreme violence towards foreigners on Phuket is mind-boggling...where tourists/expats are stabbed, shot, mugged, killed weekly.

    I don't suppose the "quality" of those tourists and expats has anything to do with it? IMO, those sexpats and over-sexed tourists and the low-life Thai hoodlums deserve each other :D

    So what have YOU been doing here since 2003, jonniepattaya late of Bangkok? :o

  15. Three pages so far on one of my favorite foods but no-one has quoted that famous saying regarding sausages yet...

    "lovers of the law and sausages should never see either being made" :o

    BTW, they are very expensive given the inexpensive pork available in Thailand. Seems like a very high profit margin for those that can be bothered to make them.

  16. Let me throw my 2 baht in. :D

    distortedlink, unless I'm completely missing his point, is guilty of either distorted information or distorted logic. :o

    I have heard there are leasehold condos in Bangkok but am not aware of any here in Pattaya where I own a condo as do many friends. Your original question was regarding the 49% rule and has been accurately answered.

    Why distorted replied in a detailed response about something completely different I don't know but suspect he belongs to the "never buy in Thailand" camp.

    Ownership in freehold is ownership, not a "lease". Subject to the fact we are talking about condominiums, so only percentage ownership of common areas. You own your own unit.

  17. USB 2 normally has enough power for an external drive but USB 1.1 needs to parallel the ports for the required power. Just tape the 2nd lead back if you don't need it or really lash out and but a single lead about 100 Baht

    I've been using one of these with my old laptop which is usb 1.1. It works fine using only one of the plugs. Do you mean it would work better (faster) if I plugged both in?

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