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Posts posted by bobbin

  1. Well, I did ask if there was any reason not to eradicate them... :o

    It's not like I'm unaware of the natural world but....

    If we have a complete list of the diseases they inflict on both humans and other animals, I still think there is a good case to be made for a death sentence for the entire species...

    Hmm.. why do I feel like an honorary member of the "death for every drug dealer" squad here on TV?

  2. Irish gentleman if my ear is correct.

    Think you should be apologising to all the Geordies them...as believe in your first post you referred to this gentleman as a Geordie...

    As a North American it would appear you dont have a clue about UK accents.. :D ...Georgie and Irish accents are not even close...

    Top of the list for me who have the most grating hard to understand accents are persons from Glasgow and broad scousers (for our colonial cousins, thats someone from Liverpool)

    Actually, it was a reference to that thread and the consensus that some accents are unsuitable for public consumption! :o

    One of my friends here in Pat ta ya is a Geordie. He claims he has to modify his speech or no-one will understand him!

  3. And that accent..... :D

    With so many native English speakers here from so many different countries, it might be fun to start a poll about which country produces the most unpleasant accent. Judged by the ears of other native speakers. :o

    Probably the Americans/Canadians, so don't be so smug! :D

    Predictable response UG, but thought it would come from someone from the other side of the pond! :D

  4. An update to my rant.... :D

    Having now seen the beginning of the program, I can answer my own question. "Who is that <deleted>?"

    He is Mr Arthur Archer, an Irish gentleman if my ear is correct.

    He is also one of those people who believes he is living in a city called Pa TAY ya, like so many English/Irish here in Pat ta ya. How can you mix a long "a" and a short "a" in the same word? Despite hearing it said correctly all around them every day? This issue, of course, has been brought up many times here on TV.

    More to the initial point, the particular episode I forced myself to watch for research purposes has him interviewing (?) a lovely young woman named Yuki. Unfortunately, someone forgot to "mic" her. So we are left listening to a one-sided conversation! Now, tech screw-ups happen, but you re-shoot when you realize this. You don't let the program go to air, so that all and sundry laugh themselves silly at your ineptness and un- professionalism. :D

    And that accent..... :D

    With so many native English speakers here from so many different countries, it might be fun to start a poll about which country produces the most unpleasant accent. Judged by the ears of other native speakers. :o

  5. In the spirit of the posts a couple of years ago regarding the Geordie news announcer on Pattaya People, I have to ask how much beer was involved in choosing the presenter on the new High Vision program.

    This fellow dresses like a garbage collector. And that accent! Grating doesn't begin to describe the effect.

    "Hey, I've been watching television my entire life. I'm sure I could be a presenter!" seems to describe the thought process. :D

    As a North American (Canadian), where someone who does not have a pleasant neutral voice would ever get a chance to be in front of a camera, I feel like throwing a brick at the television every time I see this <deleted>.

    It doesn't matter where you were born, but if you have had the misfortune to come from the backwoods of the British Isles and have the accent to prove it, perhaps television presenting should not be at the top of your career wish-list.

    It's bad enough out in public here trying to figure out what language some people are speaking, only to realize that it's some approximation of English but of a dialect that is only understood by someone from the same village, but please keep it off my television! :o

  6. For the nightmare scenario, look at Mexico today. More deaths this year than in Iraq. A cashed-up, exceedingly well-armed revolt against the State. On America's southern border. No level of law-enforcement or political office is safe.

    The American government has to be concerned that this "hot war" will cross the border. There is no question that law-enforcement in Mexico has been all but neutralized by the fact that they find themselves in a shooting war. The same would/will happen in America.

    Meanwhile, over the northern border in Canada, marijuana cultivation is the largest economic contributor in at least one major Canadian province. And the 2nd or 3rd largest cash crop in a few others. That was before the World-Wide Financial Crash.

    They have been calling it a Drug War. It is becoming one. And like all wars, it must end one day.

    Legalize. To take the financial reward out of the conflict.

    Tax. To add to the governments bottom line.

    Educate. To provide information untainted by ideology. And backed by believable scientific data.

  7. The "hang'em high brigade" revels in every opportunity to display their ignorance.

    Exactly the mindset we have endured for the last 30+ years, courtesy of the USA.

    Prohibition does not work, has never worked, and will never work. Human nature and ingenuity will see to that.

    Sickening but not surprising to see the sadistic nature of some on display when they think their fantasies will receive support.

  8. [quote name='HorseDoctor' date='2008-12-14 12:23:22' post='2403999

    Well , personal slave is probably a factor. It Cooks It Cleans It Services. The all in one Thai Woman. Buy one now at your nearest bar or local village.

    While Supplies Last


    A couple of months ago I indirectly defended you by calling Bendix on a sarcastic reply he made to one of your posts.

    Subsequently, I see you have a one-track agenda..well maybe a 1.5 track if you include the horses....

    You state we look for female slaves etc., while displaying contempt for Thai women (at least the ones not born to some wealth) in many of your posts.

    Perhaps it's time to make arrangements for sex-reassignment, then you could join the fun. Just think...you could get your own slave.

    Really though, your obsession with this is ......(fill in blank with own psych. assesment)

  9. my tgf is from middle class thai family. she was finalist for miss thai recently. she is apprentice for thai space program with access to top level nasa officials, she wont tell me what she does there as i could be a security risk she says. finishing up her law degree but doesnt want to use it. she wants to help the underprivileged.

    i am an english teacher for low income thais.

    to my face ma and pa seem ok with me. but my girl says i should get a better job, english teachers are held in low esteem. i would be a disgrace to their family.


  10. I guess I am odd man out on this as I prefer IE7. :o Does tabs better than Ff.

    I have Firefox as a backup browser but months seem to go by without using it.

    Opera, which gets a lot of press for being the innovator, is a non-starter for me. The way it handles bookmarks drives me crazy. Constantly sliding from one box to the next. Argh!

    Chrome? Don't want to use a beta. Come back to it when there is a final.

  11. Judging by the very few responses on this thread, my view is more leaning to that many under 50 year old Farangs staying in Thailand are iffy and prefer to keep a low profile.

    Does that make you feel "better" about yourself? :o

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