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Everything posted by transam

  1. You tell me/us, you know everything about your Red hero, whilst sitting faaaaar away in safety.........😂
  2. The blind will never see, or use capital letters........😂
  3. You would say something like that, as you are thick.........🤔 So thick, that you forget, zillions of OAP's are ex. decorated military. But you carry on, making yourself look silly daily is amusing...🤗
  4. Elected by fear and murder........... Gawd 'elp us.............🥴
  5. Didn't you mean."Putin".........
  6. Wife.........🤭
  7. I thought you might come up with something like that, sadly...... Hitler would have been proud of you...........
  8. At least I can start a sentence with a capital letter. ...🙄 Plus, regarding your connection to IQ and emojis and me, could you point out what it is, as they are provided by every forum I have ever used.............😉
  9. Perhaps he has a cosmetologist on a retainer.........😳
  10. Indeed, the number of members on here supporting the bloke is a good pointer to their IQ, quite worrying....... Though worth taking a note of their username for future reference, some support Putin's Ukraine blitzkrieg as well...........🥴.........
  11. I don't think you pay attention to anything, that's how you can and do support Putin......
  12. Has Yemen been invaded ..?.......🤔
  13. Did you not know that Hunter Biden has nothing to do with the Prezzy elections......? Have you not kept in touch with the continuous dodgy sh_t Trump is involved in.......?
  14. Thanks, I thought I would join you.........................
  15. I did say, near anything.....😉
  16. Oh dear, are you having a "stomping" tantrum...... Try not taking things too seriously on a Thai based forum, otherwise you may need someone to give you resuscitation, though definitely not from me........😱
  17. You obviously don't watch vids of Trump voters being buried when interviewed, but as you are a Putin supporter, I expect posts like yours.........🤭
  18. Then, who would you run too...?
  19. That's the envy thing, it will wear off over time, just crack on.......
  20. You can get near any food delivered to your door from Lazada..... https://www.lazada.co.th/tag/heinz-soup/?spm=a2o4m.login_signup_h5.search.5.769275a4exqbaW&q=heinz soup&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=abId--378451__textId--3980363717321200949__score--0.00308943__pvid--bc0860bc-61cb-4d7e-a954-a7a81aedcac2__matchType--1__matchList--1-2__listNo--3__inputQuery--heinz__srcQuery--heinz soup__spellQuery--heinz soup__ctrScore--0.10108358__cvrScore--0.0030008254&from=suggest_normal&sugg=heinz soup_3_1&catalog_redirect_tag=true
  21. And Trump hasn't done the same..........? 🤭 Now, cats and dogs on the menu was something he read............😂

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