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Everything posted by transam

  1. They have nowhere else to go........😝 They are imagining Trumpy being a two-time-loser.......😱
  2. Try something else, you are beginning to look daft because you have got nothing else....🙄 Why not spend the afternoon reading up on his whole life, you may find something else that nobody except lost souls are interested in.....
  3. Ooooh, the Welsh Red bloke is back giving advice, whom, in 1940 would have been locked up or shot in his homeland for saying the same.... You should be ashamed of yourself, go join Putin's lines, he needs YOU......😒
  4. Is that all you've got.................?
  5. You will like this then.....🤭
  6. So you cannot answer my question.........🤨
  7. Oh, really, doing a Trump on me, eh......... 🤣 Go check your oil..........🤭
  8. That's strange, my Thai wife says all here siblings walked to school, that's how it is/was. 🤔 But, you are OK with underage kids getting killed on motorised vehicles to save them walking....? yes or no....🙄
  9. Yes, 10 years old now, still going strong....🤗
  10. Doesn't bother me if you are gay..Crack on, chum...😘
  11. What a silly reference, try catching up on real life...................🤣 You could start learning here.....🤭 https://nationalguard.com/guard-history
  12. I am not the confused one, you are on the ropes trying to protect your Trump hero digging up dirt when there is none, a man's service near 20 years back. Why don't you tell us about your hero and his recent convictions in COURT....😂 But you are of the same ilk, got nothing, floundering, looking stupid... Oh, you would be surprised at how many military men I have met in my own country, but that is none of your business. Now go away and find something else to help your numpty hero who took a bullet for you...🤣
  13. How do you know I have no military experience....? You are buried, The National Guard and Army Reserves are trained and the use of firearms...Now stand down, you are beginning to look stupid.... Try checking on the guys correct use of toilet paper, I'm sure you can do that...😬
  14. I have 2, one is the rat killer, the other spends most of its time in the house stalking for weee lizards. So, we are usually rat and lizard free...😋
  15. I think they are now Cornettes........
  16. Funny, you're full of laughs..... The west has had a very long time to prepaid for any eventuality. You should point your advice to those who are making a complete cock-up of their land grab campaign...
  17. Oh, the Red bloke is back.........🙄 Plus, you may not have noticed that after 2.5 years, your leader has not overrun Ukraine, after his initial show of force heading to the Capital... How much are you being paid, comrade....😂
  18. My gender, what a strange question, are you related to susanlea, by any chance....🤪
  19. I am not your mum.....🙄
  20. You don't have Google, wow..........
  21. 🤣.........I think you can stand down now, you are buried..........🤣 But, you will find something else tomorrow, how embarrassing......🤭
  22. susanlea will be along in a mo, with his expert advice on sheep, dogs, Sheila's and brush cutting....🤭
  23. Stupid argument, even for you, go look at Trumps rap sheet.......
  24. Then, why not hang out in a better class of bar........
  25. Haven't you found a girlfriend yet, your mum is worried about you....

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