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Everything posted by transam

  1. Odd-balls should be pointed out......... You know, western blokes who support Putin in his blitzkrieg on a sovereign nation, neighbour ... You are one.....😬
  2. Think yourself lucky, I never named you....😉
  3. 😂...That's typical of a Trumpette, can't understand an educated lady's verbal presentation...😂 Try wearing your ball cap how it is meant to be worn, it might work...🤭
  4. 😆.............Amazing .....................................
  5. 100% correct... It is amazing how stupid some are on here, and profess to have been in the military too......😱
  6. Oh, thank you..........
  7. Exactly, but I don't think he/they will understand the facts........🤕
  8. Is your Trump thinking about concentration camps.......? 🤔 Just asking you Trump experts, as I read/saw he wants the infirm to die....😕
  9. Yes, they are embarrassed enough as it is.............😱
  10. Yeh, but, you think Putin is a great aggressor................. Your man should spend more time taking lessons in caddying.......🤭
  11. Don't worry, I will never forget you..........🤕
  12. Guessing again, must be a Red trait.........
  13. Read the Ukraine threads, they stick out a mile.....
  14. Yes, I have been to the town many times, but not for food or hang around for 3 days.....😬
  15. Police can delve into the lad's computer (PC/LT) to see if he has been reading any naughty folks stuff.................🤗
  16. Oh dear, the Red bloke is rattled, a few days in the Ukraine trenches would sort you out.....
  17. So what would YOU call Kamila's race........Take your time........🤭 Oh, and I never said "Coloureds", you did.....😂
  18. The 60 day visa exempt, followed by extension........... Plus, who wants to spend 3 days there...............😰
  19. We have plenty to talk about regarding your hero, when's his next court case, let Ukraine be over run, wants invalid folk dead. Yeh, plenty to talk about regarding your convicted creep felon nutter.........🤕
  20. But, you can buy any part for any car or probably bike, it is all out there............. My chum restores vintage bikes, you will be surprised how we sourced stuff.. Can even create a complete MGB or E-Type Jag from parts...😋
  21. Weeeeell, some are, but they wear ball-caps back-to-front......
  22. We can't agree on everything, ask Mrs.Trans...😁

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