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Everything posted by transam

  1. No, you are taking it down your EV infatuation route together with insults. Perhaps you don't know you're doing it..
  2. So, my new type engine thread has turned into an EV bloke, turning it around to yet another EV thread where sales are dropping. 🥴 Now can we now talk about these new power developments....🙄 Thank you......
  3. Great, glad you're having fun........
  4. The new ICE engines, you are on the wrong thread.......🙄
  5. The thread is about the new ICE engines, not about your early EV purchase...🤔
  6. "Their", where did you get that from...? 🤔
  7. 🤣..........Daft post of the day...........🤣 No links, nufink.................🤣
  8. So it was probably more nonsense from you, if it wasn't, you would rush to tell me your riveting response..Oh, well........
  9. I gave you a laugh................😉
  10. You did, I must have missed it along the line, can you post a link to it, or post it again. Thanks......... As I am itching to respond to what ever it was....😉 Oh, and what is a "dicwad", nothing on Google, is it Russian term..?
  11. Your EV uses electric motors, when were electric motors introduced........😂 Yes, 100 year old tech, all you have that is new, is the battery pack......😉 They've been around a while, too....😂
  12. Don't be silly, and why did Finland join NATO......?
  13. You totally miss the point of the engine design economy, power and emissions, but expected from a person with a one-way street EV mindset......
  14. I watched this vid last night, will be interesting to see the outcome, I knew Toyota was not convinced 'at this time' about EV's, and it seems others have been having their own thoughts too.....🤔.
  15. Or, he will be thinking along those lines........
  16. Most sane people would endorse Harris over a nutter, no matter what Party they belong too....Just listen to this..............😂 https://uk.yahoo.com/news/trump-tells-christians-won-t-034613098.html
  17. Talking about looking foolish, for the third time, WHY did Finland join NATO...........? I am waiting........
  18. It is made from ingredients that most countries use to create......🤭
  19. In other words, you are saying Putin should not pay for his carnage on a country that was no problem............🥴 Well, at least you are a loyal fanboy to your aggressor, leader hero......😬
  20. Not sure, but probably I.K.Brunel........😊
  21. Trump is a tool, I am sorry you don't like my opinion on your criminal......😌 Now, why don't you wait till they have a head to head before you start slagging off the new Presidential contender, it may make you look less daft...🤕
  22. I thought your hero had failed at every step, recently, perhaps time for you to rethink, eh..........😉
  23. Stupid post........🤔
  24. What a load, Trump just cannot control himself, look at the warnings for contempt in his court cases, slagging off anybody, judges, witnesses, and their families, digging up the dirt on them even. Your man is a creep, a car salesman, who only tries to get anywhere by lambasting, threatening, the bloke is crackers, and you people, with your ball cap on back-to- front, can't see it........

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