James Taylor, what's wrong with the singer........
You have forgotten that much Western stuff......Comrade........
Oh dear, is it that cold over there, chap, never mind, a few more months, and you can be off to Scunthorpe, hankie on head, fish & chip's in newspaper in your deck chair on the beach.....
Then don't call members on AN dinosaurs, who may have more automotive knowledge than you, cos you just call out the tow truck to fix any problem with your EV....😬.
Bloody cheek.....
So now EV's doubtful to get any problems........🙄
So as you are not an old dinosaur member, , if you get a problem with your electric MG car, you will get your toolbox out and fix it....? 🤔
Or is it the case, if you do get a problem, it won't move, is it a transporter job...?
Are you describing yourself there, sounds like it, you couldn't even keep the simplicity of an MGB on the road......................🤭
If you had a problem with your new Chinese MG, it would be the same......😉
No, I didn't watch it, pointless, I have watched months of his stuff, he is a liar and very odd.....
The UK just voted in a Lefty government, so I will wait and see if the USA is happy with their new dictator in the making............😉
BUT, the Dem's would NOT bring down the USA on the World stage, what you voted for, looks like will. You've got a wannabe dictator, now, you voters know it...........😱
I don't take ANY notice of where you were a week ago, why would I......🤔
Those who pull out the dementia card, are the ones on a loser.....😝
Get a grip man..........