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Everything posted by transam

  1. James Taylor, what's wrong with the singer........ https://cavehollywood.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/33R-JamesTaylor-TheFarm-Dec13_1969_2x3_300dpi-1.jpg You have forgotten that much Western stuff......Comrade........ https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSStS_6Oe8gZNhu-R0PPA8jyMOv-DKskmeguZ-sBZMJ6m2tOorO93Gebjg&s
  2. Oh dear, is it that cold over there, chap, never mind, a few more months, and you can be off to Scunthorpe, hankie on head, fish & chip's in newspaper in your deck chair on the beach.....
  3. Really, now I would have thought a bloke from the West supporting a murdering tyrant is the one with mental issues, eh chap............🤪
  4. Yes, as soon as possible, to save the USA from the new dictator embarrassments...😬
  5. Eh.....? Never mind, you crack on........🤕
  6. Probably looking at it because it's spelt wrong....😋
  7. Then don't call members on AN dinosaurs, who may have more automotive knowledge than you, cos you just call out the tow truck to fix any problem with your EV....😬. Bloody cheek..... So now EV's doubtful to get any problems........🙄 https://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/fossil-fuels/electric-vehicles-are-less-reliable-than-conventional-cars/
  8. Mr.DIY, about 50bht a pair.........😋
  9. So as you are not an old dinosaur member, , if you get a problem with your electric MG car, you will get your toolbox out and fix it....? 🤔 Or is it the case, if you do get a problem, it won't move, is it a transporter job...?
  10. Are you describing yourself there, sounds like it, you couldn't even keep the simplicity of an MGB on the road......................🤭 If you had a problem with your new Chinese MG, it would be the same......😉
  11. Wrong thread chap, or, try not to deviate, eh.....🤭
  12. You have the front to use the word, "wacko's...................
  13. No, I didn't watch it, pointless, I have watched months of his stuff, he is a liar and very odd..... The UK just voted in a Lefty government, so I will wait and see if the USA is happy with their new dictator in the making............😉
  14. BUT, the Dem's would NOT bring down the USA on the World stage, what you voted for, looks like will. You've got a wannabe dictator, now, you voters know it...........😱
  15. I don't take ANY notice of where you were a week ago, why would I......🤔 Those who pull out the dementia card, are the ones on a loser.....😝 Get a grip man..........
  16. Asking a simple question is ignorance, oh well, I suppose you have to write something, eh.........🤔
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