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Posts posted by transam

  1. Chiang Mai is one of the most westernized places in Thailand I know...

    Why a tip box at 7/11? Is satisfying service not a part of the job? Do you tip the som tam vendor? Do you tip the cashier at Tesco?

    For regular service in restaurants I try not to tip.

    When you're out all day and you have to tip every friendly face and gesture...well, it's very tiring...

    I have 2 organisations I donate to monthly and I like to give money to streetperformers, but I find a tip box at a mini-supermarket ridiculous.

    And LJW: I really don't want to feel responsable for the fact that they earn 25 baht per hour... let's not compare Thai standard with our homecountry standard.

    Maybe a bit crude, but just my 2 bahts...

    You are right, they are paid to take care, or take money from the customers, salary is of NO concern to the customer. :)

  2. I think it is a good idea. From my memories, 7-11 staff make about 25 baht per hour. ;)

    7-11 workers are among the best paid shop assistants in Thailand.

    But they do need to have completed high school education to get the job.

    And they do fulfill a valuable place in Thai society, namely forcing all the local 'Mom and Pop' stores out of business.


    tip a shop worker :lol:, do you do that in your own country ? NO, For <snip> sake OP, Learn to mix with Thai society, do they tip, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. :rolleyes: BUT, if you want folk to think your a film star then splash it about. :)

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  3. To do this properly you should use a single drum vibrating roller with a minimum weight of 20 tons. Fill should be spread at layers of 500mm, well watered and compacted by 10-15 passes of the roller. Ideally for landfill we would use a roller of 50-60 tons. Renting a tractor and driving it around will only succeed in the compaction of the top portion of your fill. I have never seen anybody in Thailand do this kind of work properly.........................

    If you want or intend to build on this land immediately you should consider constructing your foundations at the existing ground level and then progressing your land fill afterwards. No doubt some smart ass will tell you differently based upon what they have seen the locals do here, but as I said earlier have never seen this knd of work executed professionally here in Thailand. The alternative is to leave the fill to settle over a period of a couple of years and allow it to compact, which is fine if you have the time to wait. Most people here go with the tractor method for the fill and then dig the foundations, probably most have little or no future issues with settlement etc, but it is not the correct engineering solution.


    +1 :)

  4. Welcome to the forum, OP.

    You will see there there are jerks here, just as on the roads....

    Simple tips: plan/know your route, and then from then on pretty much follow the car in front of you without crashing into it during short quick stops and what not. Driving in Thailand isn't that hard, I think a monkey could probably do it. Watch out for motorcycles and pedestrians sneaking up on your left side when making a left turn. Curb height can be anywhere from a few inches to a foot+ so be aware of that when making corners in parking structures, etc.

    If you are out of BKK (I don't think you mentioned where you would be) then be aware of U-turns and cars/trucks/motorcycles/fruit wagons/lottery bicycles/etc. coming out of them, or people driving down the wrong side of the road. It's not as bad as people make it sound, just be aware - you've driven in large cities before, so you'll be fine).

    Use the truck for a week to get used to stuff then drive the Merc from then on. My dad is in his 70s and when he's in Bangkok he drives Like A Boss, so I don't see why anybody else cannot do it. Have fun and good luck.

    JERKS. :w00t: HERE. :o

  5. You don't pay any sin sod for a women with kids. Mum has already had it, your lady is second hand goods and mum should be happy she has someone to take care of her daughter and off spring. If they get the hump with you then in your thoughts tell them to get stuffed. If your lady dumps you over mums cash then you have had a result, you know where you actually stand/stood. ;)

  6. Treat every other road user as if they are an idiot, because invariably they are.

    Also make sure your mirrors are properly aligned and whenever you turn left use your left mirror to make sure a bike hasn't snuck up the inside ignoring your indicator.

    ... and, as you will know from Buriram, a roundabout is not what we know it to be.

    New one in Ubon near bridge to Warin, :lol:, went round it yesterday :lol:, could not believe that most feared turning the steering wheel so cutting people up. BiB on site checking paperwork but not the mayhem. :lol:

  7. If you have driven in the places you have mentioned, l have driven in some too so l think you will have no problem here if you are alert. There is virtually no common sense on the roads in Thailand so it's up to you to think FOR the natives, soon get used to it and be prepared for the impossible to happen.

    If your choice of rides are owned by your friend then l would assume they will have comprehensive class 1 insurance which is usually any driver, remember you MUST have class 1 to keep you out of klink if you have an accident. Be sure to have an international DL for you visit.:)

  8. Who passes the Conversion work to satisfy insurance Companies..?. Those Gas Tanks are very space consuming.In CUVs they take most of the Golf Bag room .Low Milage Folk should consider the Conversion costs before Gassing Themself.:jap:

    The Triton CNG is not a conversion - it's factory fitted.

    Rather Evasive,so is the Tata, and V8 Fords and Chevy in Ozz.....All the Taxis must be subject to Insurance Requirements .You cant just let anybody fit them can you ?..They must be iffy if some Kid in Nops Shed bolts em on.Ive also seen a Newish Car where a Rat had nibbled away at the Plastic Tube,Not even Copper or Steel.So there must be some Cowboys about.

    Plastic ''variant'' fuel lines have been used for many years from tank to engine bay from factory. :)

  9. As for your small plastic fittings and trims they are only gifts so don't expect to much no guarantee go spend a few bt on quality items. Even Toyota when they give free window tint inform you it will not last as long as good quality stuff.

    As it happens John I paid good dosh for the extras, the tight s*ds only included the bed liner, window deflectors & the alleged 1000 baht of fuel in the deal..I even had to pay to have the bed liner finished 'properly' plus the deflectors were not the colour agreed (the window tint alone cost me over 5k and on the day of delivery I had to go back to the misu supplier to get them to clean it!)

    But what the heck, the point of this thread was not to just let off steam (altho I've enjoyed sharing this with you all and am impressed by the knowledge out there) but was to inform / warn fellow TV members & guests of my experiences, fore-warned is fore-armed as the saying goes.

    Thanks again to TV and all who have contributed to this thread. Cheers, Ray.

    Well said, THAT is what the forum is for, to be fore warned IS to be fore armed. :)

  10. I find it surprising there are no,or very few Diesel Engined Vans/Trucks similar to the old Escort 1800 Vans and /P100 Ford Pik Ups. and Vauxhall Astra.Also those Fiats. Quite why one needs a 180 H.P. 3 litre Engine to go Shopping seems a bit silly to me.Plus they are so big for Ladies to park.A little Van is more than adequate.But their isnt any, is there.?.:o

    Then you must ask why do people buy big motored luxury cars. Plus in LOS a top of the range 4x4 Vigo to Thais is a pretty big status symbol, and my weeee wifey loves '' parking '' it up in town. When she goes for a nail job on her PCX they say '' WHERE is your 4x4 ''. :D

    This is NOT UK or USA. :D

  11. Just to confirm (and make anyone with too much spare cash think twice..)

    The RED drag car on the Bahtsold website is some kine of abomination of a later model fastback mustang.. its the kind of ugly abomination that is difficult to give away let alone sell.. clearly this thing has value in its racing chassis and driveline.

    The price on this car.. 3,000,000 baht... CLEARLY is an attempt to get some wealthy expat who doesnt know better to hand over money far in excess of the vehicles value, whether you haggle the price down a shipload or not!

    A vehicle like that can be purchased in the US for $15,000 USD or less.. its not a high horespower engine so the donk can be purchased cheaply as a crate motor anyhow. The issue for any person in Thailand is the cost of importation, which isnt so bad for someone with the correct visa, such as a marriage visa. SOoooooo.... would you pay 3,000,000 baht for a vehicle thats worth about 450,000 baht?? Hmmm me thinks not. Just for comparison, 30,000 USD will buy you a Camaro or Stang (classic muscle car with original bodywork) in SHOW condition and 1,000 + horsepower (capable of cracking the standing quarter mile in less than 10 seconds) - if I had money to spend on such a beast, id choose my own vehicle and import it myself (and never forget the opportunity to importa a muscle car from Australia, both Aussie or US muscle car that is).

    THE Cars for sale attachments - the old big dull red machine is just another uninteresting big american sedan, howevery the gold/bronze car IS an Aussie Ford Falcon, XW model (as per what a previous reply stated).

    Having been involved in motorsports including performance car shows and drag racing (including right up to Top Fuel) in Australia, this is a subject I know my stuff about ;)

    Dont be afraid to post any locations of motorsports facilities in Thailand, or motorsports events - im moving over soon!

    Cossie ;)

    You have to spend a lot of money and have a light car to run 9's. :)

    We ran 6.97 @ 203mph for less than $50,000 USD.

    To me :), thats a lot of money but l think the muzzy in question is a street car and a full weight street car running nines costs bundles. :huh:

  12. :D

    Older Range Rovers are a Buick V8.3.5 Litre.

    Yes, 130 hp if your lucky but the new generation have 500hp. Ford, Jag implants. :)

    Indeed, but if you trade off a "Bit Of Whack",, tweak em to under 200,those old thumpers go on for ever.Just remove any Brit Electrics .English only love Warm Beer thanks to Lucas making their first Fridge...:D

    REAL English ale is drunk warm. :)

  13. OK. We're all convinced that you're a laugh a minute, whilst the rest of us are just boring.

    Or then again it could just be that few topics lend themselves to humour, especially when posters take a position with which we may disagree.

    You are joking, aren't you?

    From time to time there are topics where it might be inappropriate to post any but the most saccharin yet tasteful cheer-up wit, but if you're not willing to put in the effort to drag a laugh out of the most asinine or morose posters on here, then really, you cannot blame the other posters for your laziness.

    To be honest, I feel guilty - inadequate, even, at being unable to draw more humour from your ongoing romance with Sarahsbloke, but your post above has given me the motivation I needed, and I realise, I should try harder.

    More trying, I think, is the correct turn of phrase


    +1, :)

  14. Just to confirm (and make anyone with too much spare cash think twice..)

    The RED drag car on the Bahtsold website is some kine of abomination of a later model fastback mustang.. its the kind of ugly abomination that is difficult to give away let alone sell.. clearly this thing has value in its racing chassis and driveline.

    The price on this car.. 3,000,000 baht... CLEARLY is an attempt to get some wealthy expat who doesnt know better to hand over money far in excess of the vehicles value, whether you haggle the price down a shipload or not!

    A vehicle like that can be purchased in the US for $15,000 USD or less.. its not a high horespower engine so the donk can be purchased cheaply as a crate motor anyhow. The issue for any person in Thailand is the cost of importation, which isnt so bad for someone with the correct visa, such as a marriage visa. SOoooooo.... would you pay 3,000,000 baht for a vehicle thats worth about 450,000 baht?? Hmmm me thinks not. Just for comparison, 30,000 USD will buy you a Camaro or Stang (classic muscle car with original bodywork) in SHOW condition and 1,000 + horsepower (capable of cracking the standing quarter mile in less than 10 seconds) - if I had money to spend on such a beast, id choose my own vehicle and import it myself (and never forget the opportunity to importa a muscle car from Australia, both Aussie or US muscle car that is).

    THE Cars for sale attachments - the old big dull red machine is just another uninteresting big american sedan, howevery the gold/bronze car IS an Aussie Ford Falcon, XW model (as per what a previous reply stated).

    Having been involved in motorsports including performance car shows and drag racing (including right up to Top Fuel) in Australia, this is a subject I know my stuff about ;)

    Dont be afraid to post any locations of motorsports facilities in Thailand, or motorsports events - im moving over soon!

    Cossie ;)

    You have to spend a lot of money and have a light car to run 9's. :)

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