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Posts posted by transam

  1. I don't think there is anything wrong in proflling people for 'special' security screening. I think that is only natural and I'm happy for it to happen. However, what I don't think is right is that they were screened and then the pilot had them re screened then took off without them.

    That is not good form.

    Perhaps he wanted the X ray thing just to be sure eh. Better safe than sorry. How many passengers have carried drugs in their abdomen, perhaps the next stage for a guy that wants to be with his 40 ladies. ;)

  2. It's also sad that you actually consider that it's only 'radicals' that use Islam to justify their deeds. If you have read up on Islam you will extremely quickly see that Mohammed is the perfect man that all Muslims are to emulate. How can you insist that Islam is inherently non-violent when the founder was extremely violent?

    One of the problems is that the Quran is supposed to be the literal word of God, so to question anything written in it is blasphemy. Of course there is moderate thought within Islam. I read recently of one regular member of a UK mosque who gave a speech considering how Darwin's theories could be compatable with Islam. Naturally he received death threats and had to admit his 'mistake'. Those who threatened him were infact being true Muslims and submitting to the 7th century timewarp their Quran demands of them. Just because the truth is uncomfortable does not mean it should be sugar coated or hidden behind a cloak of silence.

    Any book, what ever it is called for any religion is written by a bloke or blokes. There is no proof what so ever that a religious book has come from any where but earth written by anyone other than an earth bloke.

  3. Yea, but sorry I'd have to nix this one too on the value of getting laid..

    What's '' nix '' ? :huh:

    The German word for nothing (Nichts) 555

    Actually it's Swedish for "no".

    So what is Warpy trying to say ? ;)

  4. Just did a speedtest.net Test:

    This is in Ubon with 3bb on a purchase 8 mb download: Down: 4.12 (was as low as 1.89 in the last two hours Up: .57

    And this is with Bangkok as the test site.

    With a US host (Los Angeles, CA) it is 3.86 and .15

    Don't think I am getting quite what I paid for!!!

    Think you need talk to head office. Mine went down a few days ago and they sorted it, speaking English. Strange l get 6 mb every day. Upload varies though. On the test for upload it wizzes up to 1 mb for a while then drops to 127kb, and shows that as upload speed. On Picasa l can send a dozen photos via email that takes a few seconds. :)

  5. If a friend wanted to loan money for something important.. ok. But for a prostitute. :bah: Anyway some people dont seem to be able to plan anything.

    Yea, but sorry I'd have to nix this one too on the value of getting laid..

    What's '' nix '' ? :huh:

  6. My 3bb was absolutely brilliant up until a few weeks back and my downloads are now down to a crawl this afternoon. everything else if fine except just getting hammered with slow downloads. I am beginning to think had too much of a good thing and now they are just throttling me and my mate in the same moobahn.

    Could be the density of users in your location. Just done a test for BKK and Singapore, both around 6mb. :)

  7. I get 6mb (tested) everyday for 590bht. :)

    That is in the ubon area with TOT?

    If so do you download a lot of media.

    3BB, Watch films, youtube vids etc with no problem. My chum has TOT supposedly 6mb but gets 2 mb ;). When his year is up he is switching to 3BB. But l suppose it's all down to the density of users in your location and the quality of the land line to deal with it.

  8. the thing is he has owed me money for a long time now, he owed me a lot before but got his Ex Girlfriend to pay it for him, now he owes me more money.

    He does not have a job, I have helped him get many jobs, but he either is late as he has been out the night before, or has something with the female students, and gets the sack.

    Last year he got a new passport as his old one had expired, and he had been on overstay for 3 years or more, he got the money from his Mum in the UK, who really could not afford it. He has been working doing work at a few language centres, but not helped him Mum, and now he is on overstay again.

    Think you should have posted this in your OP. Now it's different, be a prat to ''lend'' this guy money. ;)

  9. So your out with the lads and one of them says lend us 20 notes till I get the atm, you say no.


    Tend to agree, that's what friends are for, help when in need BUT not to be taken the piss of. So really depends on the exact facts of the situation. :)

  10. Google tells me that there are approx 27,000 flights, per day, in the US alone.

    To my knowledge, the last time a bomb was found on a plane was 31 Oct 2010, lets call it 210 days. So, since the last time a bomb was found on a plane approx 5.8 million flights have occurred without a bomb in the U.S. alone. If we want think worldwide, we are talking ridiculous numbers.

    And these people thought their plane was going to be bombed. What narrow minded idiots!

    Actually it was 2 Nov 2010 http://articles.lati...europe-20101102 and the latest one even though not a plane but in the airport

    24 January 2011 suicide bomber in Domodedovo International Airport http://en.wikipedia....Airport_bombing

    People aboard all the planes on 9/11 i guess were also idiots because back then there was even less of a chance.

    And i guess the ones working in Twin Towers, were even bigger idiots, since there never was an aeroplane crashing into a high-rise, day light, in the heart of the city.

    +1 , glad we see the obvious.

    Imagine NOW going to an airport and no security. They say, fuc_k you, get on with it. Would you have a pleasant flight OR would you be scared shit less cos they never checked for the bomber, cos for sure if that happened you would be attacked by the fundlementalist who wants his future with many virgins.

  11. Yeah but not as convenient.

    As far as I've seen all supplements are quite expensive here.

    The intake of nutritional supplements might be more reflective of an already imbalanced and poor diet. Along with the ever-present fashion of promoting a false sense of higher health......which will not always be the case.

    Athletes expend more energy and work harder than average Joe. They need more protein and resources. It's simple, and not an unbalanced diet. I doubt there are many Olympic athletes that get by on eating good meals only.

    Yep, can't eat enough food for the required calories used and then working out on a full stomach etc... Nope, need hi protein higher calorie shakes..

    You eat AFTER a workout to supply protein to the split muscle vessels to build muscle. :)

  12. The pilot should be fired and the airline sued.

    And USA should stop to be the world police....

    My sentiments exactly and I live in the USA. The USA has become so arrogant as well as violent in any recourse to "solve" problems. I am sick of it. Now, we are in three theaters: Iraq (from which we will never leave), Afghanistan (again, we won't leave) and Libya (too soon to tell but, as practice makes perfect, we will more than likely never leave there either!). The US is spending its money on war, making the riicher richer and the government wants to put the bill on the poor and, simultaneously, to destroy the middle class at the behest of the rich! Sad state the US is in. I see a bad moon rising and a twilight coming sooner for a nation that can't learn when to stop.

    Sounds like you need to re-locate. :huh:

    Ah! Get out if you don't like it !

    Good idea - leave American to the Muslims.

    THAT is their desire. :)

  13. The pilot should be fired and the airline sued.

    And USA should stop to be the world police....

    My sentiments exactly and I live in the USA. The USA has become so arrogant as well as violent in any recourse to "solve" problems. I am sick of it. Now, we are in three theaters: Iraq (from which we will never leave), Afghanistan (again, we won't leave) and Libya (too soon to tell but, as practice makes perfect, we will more than likely never leave there either!). The US is spending its money on war, making the riicher richer and the government wants to put the bill on the poor and, simultaneously, to destroy the middle class at the behest of the rich! Sad state the US is in. I see a bad moon rising and a twilight coming sooner for a nation that can't learn when to stop.

    Sounds like you need to re-locate. :huh:

  14. Not that, however, if the reports are accurate, I think the SEALS did a good job, regardless of orders.

    From the New York Times (in bold)

    "His once-large entourage of Arab bodyguards was down to one trusted Pakistani courier and the courier's brother, who also had the job of buying goats, sheep and Coca-Cola for the household."

    The head of the world's most feared terror organization has lost all of his bodyguards and is now protected by a courier and his brother who also tends to the goats and buys Coke. Uh-huh.

    Whoa, wait a minute! His goat/coke buyer and his courier were too much for an elite team of Navy SEALS to take OBL without having to kill him?

    What about flash-bangs, stun grenades or the really cool heat ray gun they deployed to Afghanistan a couple years ago. What about knock-out gas? What about spiking his Coca-Cola? What about all the Krav Maga and other cool stuff Bruce Willis, Navy SEAL, used in the movies?

    Hey, no choice but to kill the guy who was guarded by a delivery boy, a personal shopper, three wives and a couple of kids?

    Well, what else could a SEAL do?

    Shoot 'em.

    In the head.

    So we can't interrogate him.

    They should've sent Bruce.

    Just remember SH was living in a hole in the ground, no coke delivery eh.

  15. Sorry, but I can't agree with the pilots' actions if it all went down as reported in the article.

    If these men went through all the security checks, then they should have been allowed to fly. The US is a free country where freedom of religion is a basic right.

    The general public is generally afraid of young black men with lots of bling and young white men with shaved heads and tattoos. (This is backed up by several studies.) So do we start banning them from flights, too? None of them has recently tried to blow up a plane, true, but many men of this demographic do violence every day.

    If we continue to spiral into demonizing all things Islam, we will push many more Muslims into the camp where they believe Islam is under attack by the West and become soldiers against us.

    I agree 100% (if taking the report at face value).

    It reports as blatant discrimination and whilst it is not entirely clear what prompted the 'second screening' it sounds as though a few passengers were nervous in the presence of Muslim passengers.

    Muslims have understandably been demonised , especially after 9/11, and the Americans are more likely to react in this way. I have felt 'uneasy' on a flight from the UK to the Middle East until I realised that they were unlikely to bomb their own people - maybe I have watched too many movies etc but this is in instinctive reaction. I would have the same reaction if an Apache Indian was walking towards me with a Bowie knife !

    No one disputes the pilot's responsibility to take adequate precautions and no one doubts that he was within his legal rights to take the action he took. Whether it was 'right' to do this is another matter. What reason did he have to warrant a second screening? How many second screenings has he authorised prior to this? How many for caucasian passengers?

    I share the view that the plane could have been delayed whilst allowing the screening to take place. What happened smacks of a ploy to remove these Muslims to appease other racist passengers. That cannot be right.

    I in no way condone what Muslim (or other) extremists have done and I am slightly nervous of the rapid expansion of the Muslim world. However, I cannot see any justification (on the face of it) for the actions of this pilot.

    Muslim only planes? This makes apartheid look positively acceptable.

    Muslim extremists do kill their own people for their cause, noooooo problem, they think they are sending them to a better place :rolleyes:

  16. Generally Expensive cars are Leased or Financed,to a Company,most others a bought on Finance to a Private individuals.Ferangs generally are lead to believe a Red Plate means status by their Women,when in fact it so easy just to pop in the office. My friends Bar Girl Wife went Spare when his new truck came home registerd.Just a passing point.,it happens :whistling:

    :cheesy:, feel sorry for your pal, looks like another new ride (motor) for him to be ordered soon. :)

  17. Sorry, but I can't agree with the pilots' actions if it all went down as reported in the article.

    If these men went through all the security checks, then they should have been allowed to fly. The US is a free country where freedom of religion is a basic right.

    The general public is generally afraid of young black men with lots of bling and young white men with shaved heads and tattoos. (This is backed up by several studies.) So do we start banning them from flights, too? None of them has recently tried to blow up a plane, true, but many men of this demographic do violence every day.

    If we continue to spiral into demonizing all things Islam, we will push many more Muslims into the camp where they believe Islam is under attack by the West and become soldiers against us.

    Their freedom of religion was not affected.

    Why do you refuse his freedom to request a secondary scanning of the passengers of their choice?

    And would you opposed the freedom of a company to refuse to serve any customer of their choice?


    I have rarely seen a Captain of a plane looking at his passengers so for sure the cabin crew brought to the attention of he Captain perhaps an unusual occurance that they had not seen before. ;)

  18. Approximately 6 million flights have occurred in the US alone since a bomb was last found on a plane, yet still people find these actions justified.

    I'm not having this conversation, it's ridiculous.

    And why no bombs ? MEGA searches, sniffer dogs, X-ray machines. If this all disappeared many planes would be blown out of the skies, BUT for sure they are working to achieve their goal with something new. Remember the ink cartridge bomb in a printer, designed to bring down a plane. Hope it's not you chum. :)

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