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Posts posted by transam

  1. You don't have to lie, but you don't need to tell the truth either, if the farang in question asks you a direct question, just answer that you don't know.

    OR, tell him he must do his ''homework.'' Which in English terms means, you are not getting involved but he must/should look deeper. :)

  2. 'Histavia' disagree trucks are safer than many cars and there are guys on here who have survived to prove it.

    There other threads on this kind safety thing and the main point is still being missed.

    Histavia disagrees with himself

    "What is important is how the car protects its passenegers....."

    Any Thai sold pickup/suv with 2 airbags has better passenger protection, due to large deformation sones and strong passenger case, than any car less than 3 million baht sold in Thailand. In addition any highrised/4x4 pickup/suv has the advantage of carrying passengers higher over road surface, reducing impact on passengers in side crash.

    In barrier crashes at 55 kmh most cars do well, and 4-5 stars is almost the norm. In Thailand more than 70% of the vehicles on highways are 2-3 tons pickups or larger, and most cars are crushed to nothing in an impact with vehicle weighing more than double cars weight.

    The chances of a Truck not crashing because they were not build to go over 70

    are very slim, im not against Pik Ups, if used for what they were built for.Im pissed of seeing a Fortuna upside down every month.

    at 160 kmh, my 2010 Vigo on stock 17 inchers handles much better than my 2007 Camry did, both loaded with 500kg.

    Fortuna upside down every month says a lot about its drivers and sales volume. Not much about its capabilities

    Wonder why Audi Quattros are involved in so many accidents, and Audi 2 wd is not. Could it be the drivers?


  3. You generally get a decent airflow even under the hood when you are moving that will keep the temp down and remember that most vehicles spend the mojority of their lives parked up. It's the higher average temperature here that does the damage.

    Yep for sure but we have talked lots here about battery life and the norm is 2 years so what is Varta offering that is better, with a basic 18 month guarantee, nothing. :)

  4. Wow if it was possable to give a higher score out of ten then i would. thats awesome piece of engineering. A real boy toy

    10 out of 10 from me. :D

    Mildly interesting, I grant you.

    And the relevance of this to Chiang Mai, Thailand, is.......................??????????????

    FUN, chill out. :D

  5. As above bleach says Haiter (there are others but this one is easy)

    Softener says Comfort, again there are others, I'm pretty sure the Tesco own brand says 'Fabric Softener' in English.

    For washing powder, we use Breeze (the label says 'USa' :) ), look for the picture of handwash or a front loader depending upon what you're using.

    Actually, thinking about it 90% of these things (except seemingly the washing powder) are actually labelled in English.

    This is handwash / top loader Breeze


    The front loader version is in a different colour (gold?) pack with a picture of a front loader on it.

    Go for the liquid version wash machine soap ''powder''. :)

  6. The spouse may have really withdrawn the funds from a Thai bank ATM that looked similar to an AEON ATM causing the 10,000 baht plus 150 baht foriegn card fee to hit his home country bank account. Or, it's his home country bank charging a 1.5% foreign transaction fee (possibly a new fee) since if you take the 10,000 baht withdrawn and take 1.5% of that, it equals 150 baht. Either way the total charge hitting his home country account would have been 10,150 baht, which is the amount that hit his account.

    BUT, any ATM will ask to agree with the 150bht charge, EXCEPT Aeon, OP, sort your mrs out. :rolleyes:

  7. Thai women are never happy cos they have to listen and try to fix the extended families problems. EVERYBODY is in everybody else's family pocket and there are those that bleed the family. Seen it, put up with it and dealt with it.

    ONLY when we get away, holiday or something is my mrs happy, sad to say. ;)

  8. The smile on her face every day when we finish making love means she must be happy :rolleyes:

    Happy because it's over? :)

    (Sorry, that was too easy. ;) )

    Don't be sorry, it's true. :lol:

    Actually she thought ''thank god that's over ''

  9. Regarding to your response , we have no place to charge access fee to foreign card holder.

    Customer Service Department

    AEON Thana Sinsap (Thailand) PCL

    699 Modernform Tower 21 floor. Srinakarin Rd.

    Suanluang Suanluang Bangkok 10250 Thailand


    Nice to hear, even if it's from an AEON CSR...

    Hope it puts to rest the repeated rumoring from posters who say things like: they've heard from someone who's heard from someone who talked to someone who knew someone who used to work at AEON that they're planning to charge an ATM fee at some point in the future... :whistling:

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, why was the OP charged ? ;) Aeon machines are NOT set up for withdrawal charges so perhaps HE can explain. :)

  10. Just get rid of it. I keep it minimized all the time and wish it wasn't there. Don't overdo it with toolbars, ads, icons, pictures, etc., on so much of the ThaiVisa screens; leave plenty of room for posts without having to navigate around toolbars, ads, icons, pictures, etc..

    Perhaps there is more to this tool bar than meets the (our) eye. :huh:

  11. Very few parents appear aware that other diners in the same restaurant are not enchanted by their children...

    They should teach their brats some manners... or not bringing them at all in a restaurant! :annoyed:

    This is true, and as a parent I find it very offensive and an imposition myself that they think their little darlings are so much more special then everyone else's and you should just love them in spite of how much they misbehave or impose or whether or not you even like children at all. But obviously based on what the OP posted these parents were not in that category.

    Children should be locked in the basement at home until they turn 18 and in some places 21. :P

    Hi dad. :)

  12. I store my cars for 3-4 months at a time here in Thailand but I've never done anything special.

    My question is about the waxing/polishing as I'm considering this now and I'm going home soon for the summer - should I wax/polish them before I leave, or after I come back? I've always done it after I've come back but does doing it before storing it offer more protection?

    Also regarding spraying the engine compartment with WD-40. Is there a difference between WD-40 and Sonax spray? And do you just spray everything in sight?

    I cover my cars when I'm here but when I leave I take the covers off because I find that moisture tends to build up under the cover if it's not used regularly - agree/disagree?

    Yep, all OK. Wax will oxidise a bit so yes. Paint loves wax protection. WD40. Again, do what you want, will not harm anything. I use sonax, acts the same as WD40 but the scientists out there might disagree :D. Think your right about the cover as it is plastic, cannot breath.. :)

    Just been round my pals place to check things out, truck tyres are flat after only two months, a good ad for axle stands.

  13. agreed get rid of the tool bar, it is causing my computer to close windows as it thinks it is a virus and as i did not request or approve a tool bar it is a virus. :angry:

    Yep, l have had unexplained probs lately. ;)

  14. My then future son-inlaw is a Captain in the Thai Navy, l stayed at a Thai Navy hotel in Sattahip using his authority. Took me to have a look around a fighting ship, they saw me and said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. My Captain said why ?, they said it's the rules, no foreigners to look at their military stuff. Hmmmm, but l was alloyed to use a military firing range with a weapon of my choice. ;)

  15. Wee bit of tech as to why we put oil in the plug holes for storage for those who might like to know.

    As you can imagine loads of oil in the bores below the piston rings but very little above, so no fear of corrosion below the rings. But when you finally store the car the valves are in different positions, a cylinder with the valves closed for combustion, no probs but the cylinders with an intake or exhaust open ''can possibly'' take in moisture (water ) from the air, condensation etc through the open ports, so the oil or WD40 you put in protects the upper bores against rust from the moisture. Also the anti rust stuff in WD40 does help valve and seat from corrosion.

    I have pulled engines apart from scrap cars where this has happened resulting in a re-bore, even tried turning an engine over to find it won't budge, rust in the bores above the rings. :huh:

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