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Posts posted by transam

  1. TH400 for ever after. :D

    I am a slush-box fan now too - altho' I lean toward 4L80E, a 4-speed electronically-controlled TH400 with extra low first gear.

    You can get a stand-alone computer to run the trans, program whatever you want it to do. The low first rids you of the need to use deep rear gears.

    Plus you can use a trans brake - no more need for a Line Loc

    Yep, thats the way to go, l had a line lock for burnouts but found for staging l didn't have enough time to use it before the lights did their thing ;) so it was the left foot brake and right foot for launch RPM. If my ride was purely a race car l would have gone the trans brake route for sure. :D B&M holeshot converter is the nuts on the street.

  2. [/quote

    You're telling people to grow up when you use "DUDE"..............lol


    Dude is OK. Imagine you booked business flight and some rock star has booked all his kids in business all around you. :bah: Yes, not good but, pay the money, take the chance. The RESTAURANT should KNOW kids are a pain and should sit families accordingly. :)

  3. post-64834-0-28991400-1305458183_thumb.j

    TV Feedback Dept.

    In LOS l read lots of stuff from all over the world, noooooooooo problem but when l load Tv loads of hassle. Today no page load on something l want to read :o, why, I am no PC guru but surely loads of extra crap and ads are slowing or making a problem. ;)

  4. Posts removed commenting on methods to block ads and their replies. As has been mentioned, this is only a trial and member feedback will be taken into account.

    Glad to here that members feedback is noted. :)

  5. On what basis are you claiming that President gave an order to kill OBL? When confronted with a threat when entering a hostile fire zone, the military or police officals will err on the side of caution and discharge their firearms. The Navy Seals were not entering the local bingo hall. They had taken fire intended to kill them and were acting appropriately in the circumstances.

    Are you angry at President Obama because he chose the option that would minimize civilian casualties and ensure that the right man was dealt with? The President's decision was high risk and the Navy Seals were in significant peril. Had the mission failed, President Obama would have been vilified. The US could have fired a cruise missile into the location and pulverized everyone, but no one would have known it was OBL since the bodies would most likely been incinerated. Instead the USA put its own service members' lives at risk to protect the lives of non combatants. If the mission was as clearcut in terms of killing OBL, then the wives and kids would have been shot dead and the Seals would not have risked their lives to get the kids out of the line of fire.


    Only thing wrong with that is, Seals were sent in to take out Bin with PROOF that he was no more. Every other US encounter with stuff is to use air munitions to save US personnel. Remember the start of the Iraq thing, mass bombing of Iraq military personnel hierarchy. infrastructure.

  6. Sounds like the ET would have been about 13.5 on the 1/4 mile.

    A little better than that - never had it on the strip, lived over 1000 miles from the closest one.

    At a guess - low 12's

    Car only weighed 2200 lbs - best as I could figure.

    No such thing as too much Horsepower.

    Check out Sonny's Racing Engines !!!

    Easy 12's, light car and 4.88 rear, if the clutch was happy :). Had an alloy T10 in my ride, blew it to pieces :o, TH400 for ever after. :D

  7. why are people complaining about the country.

    if you would like everything the same as in the UK or australia or what ever country, then stay there and not go to thailand.

    thailand is thailand and thai people are thai people and the thai way is the thai way.

    that is why you all like the cuontry, the life there, the people and more.

    if you change it all to your previous country, it will not be thai anymore and you go start complaining about that it is not thai anymore.

    look in bkk, the smiles are already going away.

    it looks more and more on a big western city in stead of a nice asian city.

    just my 5 cents.

    Hey... Pssst. Know one is complaining about the Country. As a matter of fact, I think that you will find that most of us love it.

    What most are complaining about is the driving skills, the lack of that is of the vast majority of Thais. I would agree that it is not entirely their fault. As they have never had to learn to drive properly. In most cases.


    I would dare to say that on average Thai drivers are more skilled than those in Western countries. NOT that they are better drivers but more skilled at least in the metro areas. One only need to look at the number of cars on the roads, the lack of traffic law enforcement, the lack of signs and traffic signals, lack of turn lanes, width of side streets, number of motorbikes.... and then consider having similar conditions in the west and how many accidents you would have.

    I can't even fathom the police announcing a day off from tickets, as they did in BKK last year, in any major city in the west.

    Drivers in Thailand tend to be considerably more alert and skilled than western drivers in my opinion. Not sure how many western drivers would do if they encountered another driver heading straight at them in the wrong lane as they come around a curve or over a hill .. or how they would fair if they had motorbikes on all sides over taking them as they try to make a turn. ... or dealing with all the u-turns/ entering traffic without traffic signals or stop signs .. or simply changing lanes with what only appears to be mental telepathy signals happening between drivers.

    By no means is driving in this developing nations at the safety levels of first world nations but I would venture to guess that most western drivers don't have the skills needed to drive daily in and around a city like BKK.

    :cheesy:, That has got to be the funniest post l have read in a long time, l can only assume your observations are whilst high on something. :cheesy:

  8. In respect to the alleged pornography collection, I believe the court systems in the west have relied on the "community defintion" of pornography, I suppose some cultures might consider exposed arms on a woman pornoraphic. It's all relative. The report is a canard and not relevant. The mention of pornography was inappropriate and will be readily dismissed by OBL's followers because of the manner in which the news was leaked. The man had 3 wives with him. Why would he specifically need such material. There is a chance the material belonged to one of the henchmen. Who knows.

    Doubt it. Would any aid RISK that sort of stuff being linked to their leader, noooooooooooo, have their own PC for that. Remember it is a death penalty offence in their world. Let's see what pan's out in the future.

    WE ALL know these holier than thou guys take trips for sex and booze outside their own country, it's what they want but can't get for fear of head removal. :)

  9. Why against ? :huh:

    Well perfect storms have never been known to be beneficial, on the contrary quite powerful and damaging..Thus the perfect storm against the Jap brands "quite damaging" to their Thai market share...

    But why are you against their stuff. UK and USA have preferred their stuff for decades, that's why UK and USA motor manufacturing is in a shit state, cos the UK and USA prefer them, and other markets. ;)

  10. On the subject of resale value, how much out-of-pocket would you be if you sold a Fiesta after 2 years compared to a Jazz? The Fiesta hardly seems to be taking the Thai market by storm.

    Actually if you read on in this thread and others similar all indications are that it IS taking the Thai market by storm and as such could likely raise the resale value of all Fords and begin a new trend of resale values for the brand..


    In Q1 2011, Mazda2 sold 5,963 units vs. Fiesta's 3,934 units, but the 2 has been on the market a full 7 months longer, and history tells us the full sales volume doesn't start to hit until a model's been out for at least 12 months.

    In the past quarter, Fiesta sales have been growing by ~13% month-on-month - if that stays on course the Fiesta will start equalling Mazda2 sales and outselling the Jazz by around the middle of this year. Once the new Ranger launches the Ford brand will get another big boost, and Fiesta sales will also benefit from that. Then next year there's the new Everest, Escape and Focus models which will also draw more people into dealerships..

    So, resale prospects are looking reasonably good - there's no reason to suspect they'll do any worse than other tier-2 brands.

    Also in Fords favour and unfortunately compounding the issue for the Jap brands is the wide open door too as Toyota feels the pinch from both the recent recalls and the earth quake impairing timely sales and parts deliveries, it's the perfect storm against the Jap brands..

    Why against ? :huh:

  11. Certainly seems a bit out of order for 7by7 who usually gives comprehensive and accurate visa advice when he/she isn't moderating. I can see where the writing style and some of the OP's comments could be taken as if he was 'looking down his nose' at some of us but bugger me, that's just an opinion on an internet forum. Can't see why one needs to get their panties in a turmoil and would have expected a thicker skin.

    PS. Ballantyne's is cack whiskey IMHO.

    Perhaps you are in the same bracket as the OP and read stuff different to us mere average folk eh. ;)

  12. Bodies build up immunities to germs. When things are too sterile it makes a human body weak. Thais can stomp around in sewer outflows that would probably infect any westerner who tried it.

    And use kitchen washing-up areas like this : Black mould AND green slime, together with residue of seafood.

    Your right, l really must paint that wall. :)

  13. What do guys expect if you marry peasant women from a third world country? No offence.

    There are many ''peasant'' women back home but they know how to use soap and clean cloths. :)

  14. Yes, it is an education thing, even the sticking hands in water after ''eating'' with hands, really has been a job to convince that it does nothing and that's the reason for soap dispensers everywhere in my place. The mrs is OK but some outlaws, sorry inlaws is another story, as well as preferring to piss up the wall outside the garden instead of using one of three toilets. :huh:

  15. Dont be fooled by a High Rider,they are less safe than the base truck they are welded to..They tumble over like toddlers. some owners :blink: are so dumb the post proud picture of them here.

    But, but, but, :huh: my 4x4 truck hasn't tumbled ''yet'', you must remember that the driver does come into the equation, me. :D

  16. I'm pretty handy with a spanner so a rough one would do because I could fix anything that goes wrong with one myself.

    Yes I'm sure you are. But you will not get one with the green book for 5000. ;)

    Or wheels. :lol:

  17. It seems useless to me. I sure wish it had a spellcheck though as I can not download ie-spell for some reason. :annoyed:

    Firefox can work in a spell check within Google Toolbar,thats easy.try it

    Yep, works a treat. :)

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