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Posts posted by transam

  1. I hate to sound so stupid, but where is the battery on my airblade? I have a dead battery, but can't find it.

    The battery is behind the black plastic moulding between the front lights. Take out 2 screws on the back under the handle bars and then the plastic thingy slides upwards to remove.

    Lights are on day and night so not your problem. Thought Airblades had a carb, must be new, the injection that is. Our Airblade is a sod to start if left for a long time, fuel evaporation l suppose with the carb.

    If it is injected then the battery could be the problem but try a new plug as well :).

  2. Mr. Average here,

    so those who don't pay £ 100,000 in taxes a year like yourself are in some sort of different lower category, ?

    Tut, tut. l wonder what you do for a living. :rolleyes:

    Dear Sir,

    He already told us... he has an advertising business in England and a farm in Thailand, both which seem to manage without his presence for 50% of the time and STILL pays £100,000 per annum in UK taxes. I wonder what his Thai tax bill is like.

    PS. The sprog should soon wipe the smile of his globetrotting face.

    Dear Sir,

    My point was l wonder what he ''actually '' does for a living. :lol::sorry::offtopic2:

  3. Dear Sir,

    I shall choose not to be drawn by your slightly unpleasant barbed final comments. The indignity that I refer to is having to be held captive in the UK for the best part of 2 years. That to me is an affront to my dignity.

    If you've woken up on the wrong side of bed this morning that is a shame.

    I have never claimed any monies from the Government and never will. Just for the record I pay just under £100,000 p/annum in taxes and rates to the government so I suggest that you think again.

    Perhaps an apology is in order from your good self?

    Apart from this I do appreciate your help.

    The solicitor you spoke to in Bangkok is wrong. Unmarried partners can qualify for ILE.

    If for some reason she wasn't granted ILE subject to KOL, then whilst qualifying for ILR you would be able to make trips to Thailand; she would just have to show that she is a UK resident to obtain ILR.

    She wont get a work permit just to work in an advertising firm.

    However, you say would find living in the UK an indignity. One can only assume that your only reason for suffering this indignity is to take advantage of the NHS, paid for out of my taxes, to have your child for free.

    So I suggest that you save yourselves the indignity and stay where you are!.

    Mr. Average here,

    so those who don't pay £ 100,000 in taxes a year like yourself are in some sort of different lower category, ?

    Tut, tut. l wonder what you do for a living. :rolleyes:

  4. Curious to understand how a leaky 240v system could find it's way back to the pickups (mic) in an electric guitar. (don't know how the electric guitar is wired but the pick ups are just that and I would not have thought that they have any physical metallic contact with the strings?)The amplifier would have a transformer which effectively would isolate from the domestic supply yes? Similarly the laptop power supply. This being the case maybe static should not be ruled out?

    .. the dielectric "shield" ground on the mic cable could well be the culprit, but that would probably cause a ground hum in the phones?

    Before l put earth wire to 3 pin plug and chassis on stuff with 2 pin plugs, used to get belts, even the karaoke microphone :o.

  5. Dunno 7000 maybe ?

    This reminds me of the Rolls Royce salemans when asked by someone in the showroom, how many miles does it do to the gallon, he replied " If you have to ask something like that you can't afford it ". :D

    I have the car, just needed to send money to my employee's bank. Actually its about 3700. And please, refrain from "smart comments" in the future. Silence is golden.

    If you know, why are you asking :blink:, Upsetting our Kwackers :D.

  6. Dunno 7000 maybe ?

    This reminds me of the Rolls Royce salemans when asked by someone in the showroom, how many miles does it do to the gallon, he replied " If you have to ask something like that you can't afford it ". :D

    I have the car, just needed to send money to my employee's bank. Actually its about 3700. And please, refrain from "smart comments" in the future. Silence is golden.

    :cheesy: Hmmmmm, OP has no sense of humour eh. :rolleyes:

  7. Perhaps buy a cheap volt meter. Test live to neutral and live to earth, should get a similar volt reading IF earth is present. Open your three pin plugs to see if an earth wire is actually present, if not just run a wire from the metal chassis of your amp to the earth pin in the plug or buy a 3 pin plug to do this. ;)

  8. Bin Laden sons wonder why their father didn't get a trial

    Omar bin Laden issued a statement Tuesday on behalf of the bin Laden family questioning why his father didn't receive a court trial like Saddam Hussein or Slobodan Milošević.

    Assertions from Osama bin Laden's family that the killing of the Al Qaeda leader was illegal have been dismissed by the White House.

    "Are you kidding?" said Vice President Joe Biden when asked Tuesday about the family's calls for international bodies to investigate the legality of the assassination.

    In fact, the family is serious.

    International law has been "blatantly violated" and the US has set a very different example than "innocent until proven guilty" – a right upon which "western society is built," wrote Omar bin Laden, one of the 9/11 mastermind's 19 children, in a statement provided to the New York Times. He cited the trials for former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and former Serbian President Slobodan Milošević and asked why his father was not given the same opportunity to defend himself.



    Considering Al-Qaeda sought to bring down western civilisation and replace it with a global caliphate I think it only fitting that Bin Laden was not given a trial, that's a western construct and thus inapplicable to what he tried to destroy. I wonder whether the legal beagle pinkos have considered whether any of Al-Qaeda's civilian victims ever received a trial of any sort, nope thought not. :angry:

    Those innocent farangs who had their heads removed on television might ask why they didn't get a trial too, if they could. ;)

  9. Transam...I know how you feel about expat bars, but I mentioned that as a meet-up spot because they're generally easy to find. But, if you'd like to have me over, that's fine too...I'm housebroken. 555

    Hi Shipwreck. You made a good point about the waiting period, however I would prefer to sell my 2008 Jeep Wrangler first. It's back in the States and I'll put it up for sale when I'm there in September. Once that's sold, I'll then purchase a vehicle in Thailand.

    Hi Ignis. Wow...that's an insane amount of money for a used truck...guess I'm used to U.S. prices where people are hurting for money and will sell their own grandmother if you pay in cash. I'll shop around and see what sort of deals can be had. If nothing used can be found for a decent amount, then I'll just purchase a new vehicle.

    Here there are NO descent amounts for a used ride.

    If you can, buy new, waaaaaaaaaaaaaay different to the states, or the UK for that matter.

    Only to happy to have a beer or if you have a problem or want to source something then PM. That goes for all you guys in our area. :)

  10. Obviously Kuffki is one of those who enjoys the cheap life in Thailand and is worried that if wages were increased, he wouldn't be able to buy his daily beer chang because production costs have increased.

    Same people who spit and curse at taxi drivers because of a difference of 2 baht change.

    Yeah, we all know that lot.

    Ah, your a hi-so farang eh. :rolleyes:

  11. Thanks for the in depth answer. I'll be sure to keep in mind I'm to bargain if I buy a new vehicle. Depending on costs, I may end up buying a reliable used vehicle though (primarily because I won't be driving all that much anyway and there are probably good deals to be had on used SUV/trucks).

    I'm sure I'll have Ubon-related questions as the time to move there approaches (good hospital, where to rent a nice 2-bedroom place, etc), but I'll post those in the Issan section when the time comes. We'll have to meet up at one of the expat bars once I get settled in and my wife gives me a kitchen pass. 555!

    Done the expat bar thing :bah:, but yeh, can come my place for a beer and game of pool. :)

  12. Hi Transam. Could you elaborate on the "free insurance" comment? Also, is the 6/700 baht compulsory insurance a one-time payment? Is that waived if you purchase a new truck, hence the "free insurance" comment?

    I'll be in Thailand 2 weeks from now for a 3 week vacation, but am really looking forward to October when I'll move there. I'll be busy once I first get to town with finding a place to live and getting settled in, but I don't think it will be too long before I can kick back and enjoy new surroundings.

    When you buy a new motor you must bargain for freebies, it's expected. The free insurance for the first year is normally a selling point and you must insist on that. Government insurance is manditory and paid every year what ever other insurance you have, but is useless. We all agree here that class 1 insurance is a must for a farang to avoiding trouble :huh:.

    Any probs in Ubon you can contact me by PM, glad to help. :)

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