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Posts posted by transam

  1. 11 August 2011 Last updated at 12:08 GMT

    Nottingham district judge hits out at riot sentences

    A district judge dealing with cases relating to disorder in Nottingham has said people should speak to the government if sentences seemed lenient.

    Tim Devas, district judge at Nottingham Magistrates Court, also told Craig Cave, 26, of Burrows Avenue, Beeston, to "sort his life out".

    Cave was found guilty of obstructing the police and was fined £60.

    Read more: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-14491187

    60 quid, are they having a laugh, well the scum are. UK has gone mad. :huh:

  2. Speaking from experience? The point is I think that individuals dumb as rocks can be re-educated given the right resources.

    And my point is that I don't think it's the job of the Armed Forces to act as a sort of alternative Prison Service. If these individuals can be re-educated then let's set up some sort of system to do so and leave the Armed Forces to do what they're designed to do.

    Fair point, however that will take time to do, meanwhile, use the resources available.

    I recall a UK story where a UK young asshol_e that they couldn't do much with was given ever chance and help to get straightened out, the culmination was a holiday in, l think, the Bahama's or somewhere similar, at great expense to the tax payer. Came back and got knicked straight away. :rolleyes:

  3. Funny how many people here are knocking these rioters but supported the red shirts while they were burning down Bangkok and looting here.

    Personally I can better understand this one. At least this one was the organic result of years of bigotry and injustice, just like we saw in Watts here in the States. Unlike the red shirts being paid off to revolt.

    Heh, I bet a bunch of British are wishing they didn't let their govt take their guns away now!

    Explain how ' Bigotry and Injustice ' relates to UK <deleted> acting like a pack of dogs to steal and destroy property. ? .

  4. Devatsar hit the nail on the head, the justice system does not punish those found guilty of such crime severely enough. Even when punished with a sentance, I somewhat feel that justice is not being done. There is a lot to be said for the many countries that dish out the punishment equivalent to that of the nature of the crime.

    An eye for eye is the only way, The UK lost the plot decades ago.

    UK has nowhere to lock them up, that's why so many suspended sentences are given out. The jails are full of E. Europeans, Nigerians etc let alone our own natives.

    Few years back my mate had a bunch of yobs, juveniles, ransacked his shop with him in it, we new who they were, and they were rounded up. They all appeared in court and were fined 5 pounds. :angry:

  5. We, let's see, some are here because their companies told them to come here.

    Some are here because they are businessmen/women and have financial interests here.

    Some are here because they teach young people a new language.

    Some are here because they truly love their wives/husbands and unselfishly wish for them to be happy and near family.

    Some are here because, contrary to what to you unsupportedly presume and contend are the majority, most like it here, even if they are sometimes a bit put off or dismayed by the customs.

    Some are here to get away from fellows like you in their home countries and here you are stalking them.

    What makes your judging them different from their judging Thais? Hmmm?

    If you don't like the few who exercise their right to voice their opinion, why don't you go home? Nobdy is asking you to stay.

    Wait three more years then try to post something original and intelligent.

    Well said

    +1, and another +1. :)

  6. I sympathize with the OP and had trouble finding friends to go to Thai clubs with me at first too. A foreigner going alone to a Thai club where he is the only white person, just standing at a table all alone with a bottle of whiskey, looks a bit of a loser and somewhat creepy. You stand out and it can be uncomfortable for some people. Everyone else there is in a group with friends and you're just there all alone. Going with a friend makes everything much easier and more fun.

    Noooooooooooo, if you've got balls (excuse the pun) you can do anything. Just go for it. :)

    It's better to have a friend though. But if not it's better to go alone, than to stay home alone.

    Absolutely :)

  7. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, OP, total twoddle. Many come here for different reasons, Me, two reasons BUT dealing with day to day stuff is a nightmare cos nothing works, sooooooooooo you get some negative stuff here and it's noooo problem.

    In my own house hold l don't understand a lot of stuff and could rip my hair out, except l have none so really l don't know where your coming from. ;)

  8. I sympathize with the OP and had trouble finding friends to go to Thai clubs with me at first too. A foreigner going alone to a Thai club where he is the only white person, just standing at a table all alone with a bottle of whiskey, looks a bit of a loser and somewhat creepy. You stand out and it can be uncomfortable for some people. Everyone else there is in a group with friends and you're just there all alone. Going with a friend makes everything much easier and more fun.

    Noooooooooooo, if you've got balls (excuse the pun) you can do anything. Just go for it. :)

  9. UK riots: More than 1,000 being hauled before courts

    London quieter overnight but looting and fires in Birmingham, Manchester and elsewhere as police tackle marauding gangs

    James Meikle and Sam Jones, guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 10 August 2011 11.32 BST

    Extra courts are being set up to deal with criminal charges from four nights of looting and rioting in English cities.

    More than 1,000 people have been arrested in centres including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Bristol and Leicester.

    Read more (with video): www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/aug/10/london-riots-spark-copycat-birmingham

    Are the police allowed to confiscate their mobile phones and check for any photos or videos that could provide evidence? Or would that somehow violate civil or human rights?:rolleyes:

    In the UK, YES

  10. Frankly I can't accept this "bleak future" crap.

    The future of most generations since WWII has been "bleak".

    From the post war 50's with rationing still in place, the UK heavily in debt and losing out on industry hand over foot, to the Thatcher years where the Tories sold the country to the highest bidder, through to the Blair years and all of the promised "New Labour, New deals" which never came to pass.

    I'm afraid it's been the same old story for every generation.

    If you want to be a "have" you have to get off your arse and make it happen.

    Stealing and destroying the property of others just because you feel you have "no future" simply isn't an excuse.

    Spot on,

    and thats the problem with the street thugs and Anarchists,they think that everybody has had it easy,except them. they don't choose to understand,that to be a have, takes many years of hard work and paying into the system,so that you can have a Pension,and a comfortable retirement,for them it's easier to thieve and take the benefits,and constantly winge and whine about their poor hard done by Generation.

    Again, I agree with this! Fortunately I did have the benefit of a UK government assisted polytechnic education. However, I also had various jobs from the age of 10, setting and clearing lunch/ dinner tables at the local football/ cricket club every Saturday & Sunday, paper rounds, stocking the bar etc, worked as the cloakroom attendant in the student union, drove the 'get home safe' minibus for female students, and worked every school/poly holiday and as a graduate engineer, I still delivered pizzas in the evening as well as my full time job. I've never claimed a penny in benefits and have paid taxes on every penny I earned (well not when I was 10 obviously!)

    I never had kids in the UK, so apart from the odd visit to the doctors, have never taken anything out! They now want me to work til I'm 70 (I'm 44 now), sod them - I'm taking my chances elsewhere. Unfortunately, I'll probably never see a penny of the money I've paid in, but I'm not prepared to throw good money after bad!

    Ooops, apologies for wandering off topic and 'ranting', but the bottom line is, I'm not prepared to financially support a country whose current/previous few governments have made so many mistakes and certainly not one that has managed to breed a load of mindless thugs.

    On the plus side, there are still plenty of hard working, community minded people in the UK, as proved by the 'clean-up' volunteers in the affected areas. Though it did cross my mind as to why these people weren't at work on a Tuesday, but I asssume that these were people who work shifts, are on holiday anyway, as their kids are off school, (or requested a day off to help out) or are the local business people who can't run their businesses, so may as well grab a broom.

    This rampaging scum are the ones that UK taxes are paying dole money too to live and eat, put money on it's the unemployable yob.

    Unfortunately all those identified on film will get there hand slapped cos the UK prisons are over crowded and there is nowhere to lock them up. An emergency should be called and go in and crack heads.;)

    BUT, we all know the UK system, cops fear taking control with force cos they probably fear UK law against them in the aftermath,

    SAD ol' UK.

  11. Are you a yank by any chance ? :D

    Excuse me?


    You say your sick of seeing Honda's on the road, in my visits to the States the roads were full of Honda's :huh:, yes Honda rules in the USA, but l can agree with you if......


    you want more of these eh. :D

    Cant be a Yank, they aint strapped for Cash, most likely a Wingin Pom

    Wingin Pom, hmmmmmmmmmm, sounds like me. :lol:

  12. Are you a yank by any chance ? :D

    Excuse me?


    You say your sick of seeing Honda's on the road, in my visits to the States the roads were full of Honda's :huh:, yes Honda rules in the USA, but l can agree with you if......


    you want more of these eh. :D

  13. I'm sorry I usually don't do this because anyone can have typo's or occasional mis-spells but it's been repeated numerous times indicating it's not a typo and it's driving me bonkers. The word is "brakes" as in stopping, not "breaks" as in failing or shattering or breaking :) ...

    You should check your own spelling errors. A guy that tells us how intelligent you were at birth still doesn't have a spell check. Come on Warpy, get your own house in order first eh. :)

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