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Posts posted by transam

  1. More shock you'd see that as another good point.....Not an accident in more then 35 years of driving including across Europe too and 8 years here and only 2 serious accidents (meaning equipment retiring incidents) due to equipment failure on the track and less then a handful of even minor incidents at speed in competition there's few street drivers that can match that sort of record even in just daily driving..

    Reminds me of that old lady that has never had an accident in 60 yrs of driving but she sees an accident behind her every time she looked in her rear view mirror :)

    Boy are we seriously confused now... You're projecting here BKK.. But you got a buddy in T/A as long as you keep posting these witty quips and flames directed at me the likes of which fall right in line with his level of intellectual maturity and understanding..

    All in jest mate. Just "poot len"

    Warpy returned to his car to find it had been ransacked, burger wrappers on the floor and they had even stole his steering wheel, Get's on his mobile and called the police,

    " OK sir, we will be right with you".

    Police arrive to find he was sitting on the back seat. :lol:

  2. Ut oh! Well you got me there guy :whistling: , I've no come back so witty so I'll have to concede victory to you :rolleyes: ...Now you're the Champ..

    Didn't realise there was a competition. I will happily concede that you're the faster (track) driver if you concede that I'm the better (road) driver :)

    Another good point. :)

    More shock you'd see that as another good point.....Not an accident in more then 35 years of driving including across Europe too and 8 years here and only 2 serious accidents (meaning equipment retiring incidents) due to equipment failure on the track and less then a handful of even minor incidents at speed in competition there's few street drivers that can match that sort of record even in just daily driving..

    Reminds me of that old lady that has never had an accident in 60 yrs of driving but she sees an accident behind her every time she looked in her rear view mirror :)

    Or the two old ladies driving along when the old lady driver went through a red light, hmm the other thought , then she went through another red light,

    " do you know you just drove through 2 red lights", " Oh, l thought you were driving" :lol:

  3. pmsl @ the cyber warriors this thread has created :cheesy: only on :Thaiflag:

    Only one cyber warrior so far and a lot off truth. :)


    SB was a bit over the top but for those who have been around a bit, have known some who have been dispatched by stuff that they dished out. I ''knew'' one such guy, when released from a 14 year stretch was dispatched after having his first pint in a pub. :huh:

    Am I having some sort of hallucinogenic dream here?:ermm: Is it a full moon? Am I going mental?:blink:

    Could be. Let us know how you get on. :lol:

  4. pmsl @ the cyber warriors this thread has created :cheesy: only on :Thaiflag:

    Only one cyber warrior so far and a lot off truth. :)


    SB was a bit over the top but for those who have been around a bit, have known some who have been dispatched by stuff that they dished out. I ''knew'' one such guy, when released from a 14 year stretch was dispatched after having his first pint in a pub. :huh:

  5. Ut oh! Well you got me there guy :whistling: , I've no come back so witty so I'll have to concede victory to you :rolleyes: ...Now you're the Champ..

    Didn't realise there was a competition. I will happily concede that you're the faster (track) driver if you concede that I'm the better (road) driver :)

    Not on your life buddy!!! Not on any surface be it paved or otherwise..

    :rolleyes:, Now how did l guess that that would be your reply. :rolleyes:

  6. Joke all you want as you are in the relative safety of an anonymous internet forum, but heed this advice. There are those on this planet who would "do you" for looking at them cross-eyed. Some would do you just to watch you die for little or no reason. So you might be careful whom you slam, both online and IRL.

    I will joke all I want, thank you but I don't need your permission :bah:

    And in this case I am not joking; I have no time for scumbags who attempt to intimidate people. People like that are truly losers and will get what is coming to them in the end :D


    '' He Who Lives By The Sword, Die's By The Sword "


  7. wow, I'm impressed, you sound just like a tough guy.......not

    No kidding....sounds like someone with very little in the downstairs, and trying to compensate for it by coming across as a scumbag criminal loser :lol:

    Joke all you want as you are in the relative safety of an anonymous internet forum, but heed this advice. There are those on this planet who would "do you" for looking at them cross-eyed. Some would do you just to watch you die for little or no reason. So you might be careful whom you slam, both online and IRL.

    OH. :huh:

    Does this mean l must dig out my old Red Beret and wear it on a daily basis. :D.

  8. >Every day when I am out and about I see Thai family's also some Falang family's riding their motorbikes with either no crash helmets or just one parent wearing one, have these people no thought for their children's safety?... so what is the reason these people do this??

    Money I'd say and no thought to safety. One helmet is cheaper than two and it wasn't so long ago, maybe still is, that one helmet didn't get you stopped by the police with a hefty fine.

    When l was a kid in the UK l didn't wear a helmet until the law enforced it, if they hadn't l probably wouldn't have worn one on my Lambetta but would on my Honda race bike.. :huh:

  9. Today I tried to put my new helmet in the box under the seat of my Yamaha Elegance.

    It DOESN'T fit. It's simply too big both width and lengthwise with the chin bar in place. It looks like I'll now be looking for a top box.

    Or a PCX.:D

    Does the PCX really have a bigger box? If it does and the rumors are correct about making the combi brake and auto start/stop optional, I may consider one.

    The storage under the seat is cavernous. The stop/start has an on/off switch on the handle bars, l must say that the start/stop thing is great once you get used to it. Noooooooooooo lag at all. You cannot even hear the thing start up from cold. Very clever engineering. :)

  10. I know a couple of guys that live in the sticks and they hate it. If they had their time again they would set up home in Ubon town vicinity. ;)

    Must add, a near 80 year old farang l know lives out the way but he loves it. Sits in a chair all day looking at the horizon. :huh:

  11. Wonder what would happen if you had an accident with that stuff on the windscreen regarding insurance. :huh:


    Nothing at all when I had a accident.

    Yeah...I hit a kid who ran out in the road one nite and neither the police or my insurance adjuster said anything about my window tints.

    Hmmmmmm, l am surprised. :unsure: But then again, perhaps not.

  12. Yes, I stand corrected, I got Saab and Volvo confused. Which explains why Volvos always looked like a brick but still caught the eye :D ..

    Hope you don't get confused shifting those gears pumping iron eh. :lol:

    You always have some childish, piss take come back, can never be big enough to let go, shows what kind of person you really are.. Try admitting sometime when you're wrong instead of moving the goal posts all over to suit your argument :rolleyes:


    Me wrong, god forbid. :lol:

    As you well know, you tell us all from time to time how intelligent you were born and what a superb race car champ you are/were. That's OK with me BUT after stating these facts you should be very careful what you write as you leave yourself wide open eh. :)

    Yes even the most intelligent people make mistakes but likewise it takes an equally intelligent person to admit it, what's your excuse?.. Like I said or maybe it wasn't clear, like so many other things you read, you have, 0, zip, nada, class..


    In my case you are probably right, and l admit it if you say so, cos l wasn't born intelligent, far from it BUT l have other qualities. :)

  13. Yes, I stand corrected, I got Saab and Volvo confused. Which explains why Volvos always looked like a brick but still caught the eye :D ..

    Hope you don't get confused shifting those gears pumping iron eh. :lol:

    You always have some childish, piss take come back, can never be big enough to let go, shows what kind of person you really are.. Try admitting sometime when you're wrong instead of moving the goal posts all over to suit your argument :rolleyes: ..

    Me wrong, god forbid. :lol:

    As you well know, you tell us all from time to time how intelligent you were born and what a superb race car champ you are/were. That's OK with me BUT after stating these facts you should be very careful what you write as you leave yourself wide open eh. :)

  14. Yes !!! IMO the entire range of Volvo's I've had were great looking cars.

    The Volvo Amazon was a stunner and elderly American gentlemen may remember it as the 122s it had a 3 speed auto model.

    144 auto was a good looking comfortable car.

    244 was also a great car and came with a 4 speed auto.

    740 estate was a great work horse and looked good.

    The 850 Turbo T5-R estate was the best car ever for me a limited-edition version, ungoverned it clocked over 160 mph ( 260 kph ) and 'G ' force acceleration.

    I agree Kawasaki there's a certain look about Volvos that I can appreciate too, that boxy look of the past like the Golfs used to have for instance too has it's grip on me.

    There are several new Volvos that also have very nice lines.. Like this one:http://feedmesportsc...volvo090925.JPG

    Yeah !! and they were also quite aerodynamic.

    That's a beaut, looks a bit like a C70.


    I take it he driver is wearing a seat belt and has airbags.:)

    It's an S60 actually and definitely several seat belts and sadly he needed them back in May when he stalled on the start and got rear ended, he was ok though and touted the Volvos crash worthiness of course. He's struggling this year but last year he won the Championship in this same car. Volvos were ahead of their time where aero is concerned because Volvo began as an airplane manufacturer and still is.. And this car as well as all the cars in this series and most in the US are stock based chassis, suspension and engines, not purpose built tube frames with a faux skin for racing, a fact often overlooked by those who don't comprehend the cross connection with daily drivers and these cars..

    I knew Volvo made airplane- engines but didn't know they made airplanes. Saab do.

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