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Posts posted by transam

  1. It doesn't surprise me in the least. There was a time, possibly 50 years ago or more, that the British Bobbies were some of the finest in the world. That is no longer the case. They are mostly as bad as the thugs they are dealing with and feel everyone is a criminal. My Canadian sister has lived in London for the past 30 years and has many tales to back up what I just said. She saw a potential murder going down in front of her Islington flat and she phoned the police well before the murder happened. But, the police didn't arrive until 25 minutes after her phone call... and well after the poor blioke was killed by thugs. The police station is right around the corner from my sister's flat.

    Another time my sisters husband was being beaten up by some skin heads. My sister ran to the police station, one block away, and asked for some assistence. She was denied because the 3 officers there said they were too busy. My angry sister stormed out ot the cop shop and threw a brick through their window. That woke the cops up and my sister was charged. She had to pay a fine, but the skin heads went off scott free.

    It's no better in Canada. Our once proud RCMP is now a bunch of bully boys who like to show their muscle. They've killed at least 4 innocent people that I knew personally, and at least a half dozen more innocent people where I knew the details of the case.

    And, it's even worse in the USA, and especially Seattle where the police shoot fiirst and ask questions later.

    I was raised to respect the law and the police. I no longer have any trust in any of them. And, I DO have friends and sons of friends in the RCMP. They will back up what I just said.

    Lots of reasons, my brother inlaw is a UK bobby, tells me sometimes have 2 cars, 4 cops to take care of a huge area in S.E. London, policing cannot be done as the public would like or he would like cos of cut backs.Imagine both cars make an arrest, must go back to base and fill out loads of forms, NOBODY on the streets for THAT call.

  2. I'm from the us,there are around 20 states where there aren't motorcycle laws for adults.Statistics show where there are helmet laws there are more motorcycle accidents.Helmets give A false sense of security.

    If there isn't A helmet law where I ride I don't use one.It blocks my perefial vision and my hearing.I've never had an accident and been riding motorcycles for over 44 years.I've been coming to thailand for over 40 years.There are many places in thailand where I won't ride .For people that do it's only A matter of time before ya do have an accident.Some of ya think i'm lucky.Your wrong,I'm good

    Good? You sound more like God.


    Perhaps thrilled can answer this, the UK, me, a professional driver, not on a bike but in a car, driving down a straight road, 30mph, minding my own business when my car was written off, destroyed, l survived.

    Bloke turned in front of me with no distance between us. Turned out it was an old Pakistani guy, he said he forgot to look :lol:. If l was on a bike l would be under ground now.

    thrilled, you have been '' Lucky '' so far.

    I write the above and what happens today, yep a bike did the same thing. If l was a Thai driver he would be dead and l would be in deep shit. Used the hooter as he escaped away and he looked round as if l made a mistake. ABS saved the day and him. :rolleyes:

  3. I usually like to arrive early too - avoiding peak hours, etc. Varying experiences for me. The ones that won't allow you to check in immediately will at least let you stow your bags and will often allow you to use a shower. I've had refusals and acceptances at everything from small family run pensions/guesthouses (although only where availability is a problem) to large hotels. A smile and courteous explanation can work wonders. Some large hotels are run like a bureaucracy and provide very little flexibility.

    Yeh, and if you book on line so you print off your stay voucher then they won't really argue or be picky, thats what l do. :)

  4. Hard to get decent mustard here and it goes off very easily for some reason.

    I tried the Keanes English in powder form, you mix it yourself as needed, but that goes off as well.

    I couldn't be bothered with the wishywashy varieties, French, American, German... they're definitely not for real men. :)

    I bought English Mustard in a jar, made by Oaklane in Tesco's, they just started stocking it. :)

  5. I'm from the us,there are around 20 states where there aren't motorcycle laws for adults.Statistics show where there are helmet laws there are more motorcycle accidents.Helmets give A false sense of security.

    If there isn't A helmet law where I ride I don't use one.It blocks my perefial vision and my hearing.I've never had an accident and been riding motorcycles for over 44 years.I've been coming to thailand for over 40 years.There are many places in thailand where I won't ride .For people that do it's only A matter of time before ya do have an accident.Some of ya think i'm lucky.Your wrong,I'm good

    Good? You sound more like God.


    Perhaps thrilled can answer this, the UK, me, a professional driver, not on a bike but in a car, driving down a straight road, 30mph, minding my own business when my car was written off, destroyed, l survived.

    Bloke turned in front of me with no distance between us. Turned out it was an old Pakistani guy, he said he forgot to look :lol:. If l was on a bike l would be under ground now.

    thrilled, you have been '' Lucky '' so far.

  6. About the dumbest thing I see are the people (both farang and Thai) who wear the helmet (presumably to avoid a fine) but don't do it up. Worst of both words: brain damage and messed up hair.

    My wife reports that she just saw a sign announcing that the fine for not wearing one is to be doubled to 400 baht next month. Now, if they took a giant and imaginative leap forward and busted people whenever they saw them, rather than just on planned operations, they'd get close to 100% compliance in a pretty short time.

    Maybe a check to see if the lights are working while you've got the perp by the roadside would save a few lives. No, that's way too simple........

    Yep, l have posted before here your thoughts. What the officers in control of policing are doing is a crime. Sitting in restaurants talking <deleted>, getting pissed all day but doing nothing. :huh:

  7. I did it last night, my first try of SK patties.

    No buns, just toasted sliced bread, bacon, plenty of cooked onions, cheddar cheese, a little chilli sauce and lots of lettuce.


    And.........................................???? NO MUSTARD :bah:

  8. I have just driven behind a 4 year old on a miniature motor bike, on the road, no helmet, following his dad who is waving traffic past :huh:, imagine if the toddler lost control and l hit him. :rolleyes:

    Just imagine how much money it would cost you if you did hit him because remember you are a farang and it's always your fault !

    I know, my wife laughed, thought it fun :huh:, beggars belief. :rolleyes:

  9. My mrs buys stuff at the '' Oriental Princess '' outlets, they sell roll on anti-perspirant deodorant in many '' flavours '', l tried it and it works great, wet for a few minutes but OK, think 95bht and lasts a long time so if your walking behind a guy that smells of cherry blossom, its me. :D

    PS. My gran told me she tried one of these new fangled modern deodorants, she said the instructions were'

    '' Unscrew the top and push up the bottom'', she said '' it was very painful but awsome when she farted '' :lol:

    trasam. I thought cherry blossom was a boot polish. :whistling:


    Old leather eh. :lol:

  10. I'm sorry but " it messes up my hair " has to be the most pathetic excuse for not wearing a helmet there is. Especially coming from a bloke. :shock1:

    It isn't a matter of choice as some tend to think, it is the law. You have to be a complete idiot not to wear one in my honest opinion ! :sorry:

    ....it was kinda a joke about the hair...I mean really a couple of you come across as a prick having zero sense of humor...

    opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one...you seemed to be blessed with 2...congrats on that....

    You post, expect a response. :)

  11. All the "British" nationals had good British names I see, thats what happens when you give assylum to almost everyone that turns up you end up with evryone that no one else wants. They milk the benefits and cry racialism and discrimination if anyone says anything. Well done the border agency,but, there is alot more to catch yet.


    BUT, will be a never ending story, they catch a few but imagine the numbers that get through. :ermm:

  12. Why not just make it TV members of any number of posts and even newbies, but no guests, that'll free up the numbers for the seating available and i'm sure the partners will only sit with a long face, on there phones wishing they where somewhere else. Oh i forgot many of yous can't function without the tethered lady, try it it's liberating. 1zgarz5.gif, PS i'm 3 away from the milestone of 20 posts, can my nerves take it

    So you just joined for the party eh. :lol:

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