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Posts posted by transam

  1. The military probably have more resources to put to use and coupled with a curfew, could get things sorted fairly quickly.

    The military are too busy making sure Karzai stays protected and able to line his pockets. The Taliban in the hills of Afghanistan are of little consequence, bring ALL the troops home to deal with these home grown terrorists.

    I think anyone caught rioting and looting, should have their council house taken away from them and all benefits ceased immediately and indefinitely......oh we could tattoo SCUM on their forehead, just so people know exactly what they are.

    Unfortunately the scum come before decent folk in the UK. ;).

  2. They resent anybody that has more than they do, despite the fact that those who have more go out and actually work for what they have. They feel as though they are entitled to the same as everybody else that works hard, for doing absolutely f*ckall.

    Everyone else feels like that too.

    The really clever aspire to getting much more than those who work, for doing much less.

    Working hard is a mugs game, and usually not very well paid either.

    You miss the point entirely

    These people do NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH. They deserve NOTHING. Benefits are supposed to help people in genuine need of assistance, they are not intended to support lazy tossers who want a free ride in life given to them by everybody else.

    And yeah, I want more but guess what....... I WORK for more.


  3. I grew up in chav-ville, I know what makes these people tick. I've experienced the benefit thing, single parent family, domestic violence and all that shizzle.

    They appreciate nothing. The fact that they are handed free money and housing for doing absolutely sweet FA doesn't seem to register. They just complain that they want more.

    They resent anybody that has more than they do, despite the fact that those who have more go out and actually work for what they have. They feel as though they are entitled to the same as everybody else that works hard, for doing absolutely f*ckall.

    You get big chav families in free chav housing. Collectively their benefits add up to a tidy sum so they have a better standard of living than many who do work for a living. Still though, of course, it isn't enough and they expect it for yet again doing absolutely f*ckall.

    Every now and then the government might have the temerity to suggest they should at least try to get jobs or do some kind of work in exchange for their benefits. These poor oppressed chavs then complain complain that their RIGHTS are being abused because they are expected to do something just like everybody else in the world. Try to give a chav a job, they'll run a fookin mile.

    They are sponging oxygen thieves, nothing more. And they were created largely by the welfare state and the namby pamby lefty politically correct idiots.

    +10 :)

  4. Here is one of the few Britons who has the balls to call it as it really is, if only he were prime minister. :annoyed:

    I'm in complete agreement.

    I actually listened to this nutter.

    He is almost totally wrong on all points.

    The last thing England needs is more police, what it needs is police who are trained to enforce the law of the land, and not allowed to enforce whatever laws that is favour of the day.

    The police I have encountered in England have seemed to me to be nothing but uneducated bullies, drunk with their own inflated importance, but quick to back down when confronted by the right person.

    The people who have really destroyed the country are those who make an obscene of money in the City, usually because of family connections and going to the right school, while in reality doing nothing useful at all.

    (I must admit to have been one of those people, my annual bonus rarely fell below 300,000UKP, often much much more, and I did nothing special at all)

    So it's the bankers fault that the chavs go thieving for TVs?

    What a load of bollarks

    For sure, (you can say <deleted> here just in case he doesn't understand)) :)

  5. I'm an American, and I'm not confused. It's just not a term that a mature adult would likely find himself using, IMHO.

    Well, maybe not by mature adults. But it's a fairly common word used when talking about going out in my experience

    nobody ever see TOP GUN, tom cruise needed a WINGMAN

    Any American posting that he has never heard of the term "wingman" is either not an American except or a social misfit.

    As far as the suggestions to use sidekick, best friend, etc., are you guys for real? Keep the PC crap in the bottle. You can play on the web and be anything you like kids, please grow a set If you are male, call them as you see them.

    Jeez the Op is just a gay guy looking for someone to watch his back. Now whether it is just gays that do that ... Let your minds wander.

    Sounds a bit kinky. :huh:

  6. One last thing………Stop using the word; 'Wingman'……Please!

    Suspect the OP watches too many bad American sitcoms...:whistling:

    And I suggest you have far too much time on your hands to make constant snidey comments.....

    Your right I do have a lot of idle time on my hands, but at least I get paid for my idle time and making snidey remarks, so it works fo me....:rolleyes:

    I could do with paying for my idle time. PLEASE PM me eh. :)

  7. Here is one of the few Britons who has the balls to call it as it really is, if only he were prime minister. :annoyed:

    I'm in complete agreement.

    I actually listened to this nutter.

    He is almost totally wrong on all points.

    The last thing England needs is more police, what it needs is police who are trained to enforce the law of the land, and not allowed to enforce whatever laws that is favour of the day.

    The police I have encountered in England have seemed to me to be nothing but uneducated bullies, drunk with their own inflated importance, but quick to back down when confronted by the right person.

    The people who have really destroyed the country are those who make an obscene of money in the City, usually because of family connections and going to the right school, while in reality doing nothing useful at all.

    (I must admit to have been one of those people, my annual bonus rarely fell below 300,000UKP, often much much more, and I did nothing special at all)

    What a load of <deleted>. :lol: You are one of those who has not been involved with the lowlifes, are you, I have. :rolleyes:

  8. NO excuses, the UK has a very good system of helping the poor or the brain dead. None of us are born equal but in the UK nobody starves, not even dodgy immigrants. NO EXCUSES. The do gooders have created the UK situation and now the tax payer, the insurance payer will pay again. Scum are scum, they have always been in the woodwork, a sad reality of the REAL UK..

    I haven't been here long.

    But it seems to me that nobody in Thailand starves either, if you are hungry the Temple will feed you, even a dodgy ex-pat.

    I would rather be a poor Thai person in Thailand, than a poor British person in a UK inner city housing estate.

    At least here it isn't so cold.

    But the problems in the UK are related to hope for the future, not hunger.

    You have not read between the lines of my post. NOT about eating. :)

  9. <deleted> is a wingman?

    This is a serious question, I live here and have never heard of the term.

    In this case the term is really taking it into disrepute.

    A wingman is a fighter pilot who covers his leaders ass. The leader does his stuff and the wingman covers his ass.

    OOOP's perhaps the OP requires someone to cover his ass. :huh:

  10. Interesting points.Dians Benz was Armored too.

    Really, wonder why it had a standard laminated windscreen in it ?

    Armoured by a Thai Company suppose. Airbags didnt help much did they.


    In other words your talking shit, you say it was armoured well tell me why in the BBC vids I watched today it clearly had a standard OEM laminated windscreen, as for airbags, did that model merc have them, I did not see any in the back seat area deployed.

    Your right. The car was standard. NOT a Royal ride, a Harrods ride. :huh:

  11. This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

    If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

    What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck . The people see all these lowlife politicians making fortunes from telling lies. The leaders of today are just lieing <deleted> so why would the young look up to them.

    That is the sad reality

    I suppose the likes of Alan Sugar, east end lad born in Hackney to a working class family should have just sat on their <deleted> injecting skag in the stairwells of their council estates, grubbing handouts and having an attitude that the world owes me.

    These scum don't know they are born, they should really have a cap put in their worthless sculls, but failing that I'm all for retroactive legislation given every one of them 5 years hard labour rebuilding the UK's crumbling infrastructure. You leftist quislings make me want to vomit.


  12. This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

    If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

    What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck . The people see all these lowlife politicians making fortunes from telling lies. The leaders of today are just lieing <deleted> so why would the young look up to them.

    That is the sad reality

    Not really. Rich or poor you should have respect for your neighbour, NOT set light to their business or home cos your a lowlife, as that is what they are.

    NO excuses, the UK has a very good system of helping the poor or the brain dead. None of us are born equal but in the UK nobody starves, not even dodgy immigrants. NO EXCUSES. The do gooders have created the UK situation and now the tax payer, the insurance payer will pay again. Scum are scum, they have always been in the woodwork, a sad reality of the REAL UK..

  13. Cop Presence In London 'Can't Be Maintained'

    7:31am UK, Friday August 12, 2011

    Catherine Jacob, Sky News correspondent

    A former Met commander has said the massive police presence in London to deal with possible unrest is "not sustainable" and officers are "exhausted".

    Kevin Hurley told Sky News many are surviving on "at best four or five hours" sleep each day and warned of a possible "over-use of force" by officers as a result.

    Since Monday night's widespread violence, police from other forces have boosted the numbers patrolling the capital from 6,000 to 16,000, and are also assisting elsewhere.

    Read more: http://news.sky.com/...rticle/16048558

    Whats wrong with bringing the army in,(whats left of it here in blighty that is).

    Of course the army should be brought in. When the fire brigade was on strike the army was used, this situation the police do not have the numbers and so the army should be brought in. The yob culture of today fears nothing cos nothing will happen to them. Crack heads and send a message to the brain dead, the only thing they will understand is a beating, talking will do nothing, period. :(

  14. This is how civilisations die. It can happen overnight as it did in Revolutionary France.

    If Britain of 1939 were composed of the current motley crew, the entirety of Europe would today be doing the 'Heil Hitler' salute and singing the 'Horst Wessel Song'.

    What a drama Queen . The way things are now couldn't be any worse . Lets face it capitalism is for the rich & the few that have abit of luck . The people see all these lowlife politicians making fortunes from telling lies. The leaders of today are just lieing <deleted> so why would the young look up to them.

    Capitalism has many negatives but it gives employment to the brain dead. My mum didn't have shoes on her feet to go to school BUT she didn't riot, it was the way it was, and she became an exec officer in the gov labour department. I will wager that all the asshol_e looters had mobile phones and all the trimmings at home probably supplied by the tax payer. B)

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